Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1949, p. 5

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:> TH£ FLESHERTON ADSTANCE Wednesday, Augrust 10, 1949 STfS^B" *. * A 1 â-  New Honey PURE FROM THE FLOWERS Bring in your cans; lower prices this year K ILLER'S STORE Open evening's for your convenience Phone 38J4 CEYLON, Ont. Cejlopihane was first made in Germany and France. Razor blades are sold in some rest- aurants. Oh, have they stopped u.s- ing them to slice roast beef? 8TH LINE OSPREY EUGENIA For Sale at THE ADVANCE OFFICE Mrs. J. Buckingham, CoUingwood, Mrs. Rolling of Ravenna and Miss Bessie Dirismore visited last Monda^ with their sister, Mrs. Mervin Dav- idson, and family. The latter re^ mained for a week's visit. Mr. and IPrs. ' H. Brown, Colling - wood, and daughter, Mrs. Robinson, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fenwick. Mr. Fenwick", from near Guelph, spent the we°k c-nd at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong of Thornbury and Mr. Cecil Armstrong of Edmonton, Altij,, \yere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Otte- weU. Mr. and Mrs. John Haley* and family, accompanied by Miss Lizzie Murphy, attended Mary's reception at Notre Dame convent, Waterdowii, . n Monday. Recent visitors with the Murphy family and other friends on the line were: Misses Bessie and Joyce Marigrold of Ft. William, Mr. and* Mrs. Jack McC-olIough, Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. Somers, Toronto. M5ss .A.deline Murphy and John Murphy visited ^vith their sister, Mr5. Brown, in Collingwood recently. Mr. and MVs. Wm. Fadden of To- i-onto spent Tuesday with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson I'.nd family of Badjeros spent Sun- day last with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens and family. PORTLAW One of the most expensive things in the world is having a lot of close friends. ♦<M^.:~x~:"^<K~:K"XK-:~:~:~>♦♦<~>:~X":~:"K•<~x~:~:-:~:~^•M~:~x~M^^ Cream â- â™¦ ^ Since ^we are approacring the peak of cream production and the warm weather, we advise our patrons to deliver their cream at least twi^^e a week and eceive the highest returns. We are paying 2 cents above truck prices for delivered cream, so why not deliver your cream to the Flesherton Creameijy, where yo« are guaran- teed service and highest market prices for your prodcct. Now trat the ^gg production is falling off. we advise you to cull your flock and market those hens that are not laying, and cut down your feed expenses. We are 'paying top market prices for fowl, either alive or dressed. .TRY FLESHERTON CREAMERY: THE PLACE OF SATISFACTION AND SERVICE. , Flesherton Creamery ♦ I X I Mr. and Mrs. Ctordon Manchip and little daguhters, Barbara and Yvonne also Mr. Manchip's parents of To- ronto, who are holidaying at Wa- saga "Beach, spent Monday wit* Mlrs. Manchip's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams Sr. Little Victor Breadner, e-months- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Breadner, who as been ill for the past five weeks or so, is in a hos- pital in Toronto. There is no im- provement at time of writing. We sincerely hope that he is soon on the road to recovery. Billfe M,^illan spent a week's holidays with his cousin, Mrs. Jack Patterson, at Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams Jr. and dai^hter, Mrs. Brian Drew, also Mr. Eddie Crane, of Toronto wer-j week end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wiliams, and with Mr. and Mrs. F. Partridge. Mr. and Mrs. Howard MacDonald .'nd children are holdaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Breadner. Miss Marge Martin was home from Toronto Normal School for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park of Flesherton and Miss Marge Park of* Toronto called in the village Sunday. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Gordon Acheson and family and other relatives in their recent sad bereavement. His wife, who was the former Sylvia .A.cheson, taught in our school some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry of Lex- ington and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boettger and son. Billy, of Kitchen- er spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Hai'vey Boettger. Mrs. Stewart Elkins and children â-  of Niagara Falls, -^ho are holiday- i;;g with Mrs.. J. Cairns and Shii-ley, spent a few days with her brother, Mr. Doug. Cairns and wife, near Ceylon. Bruce Boettger has returned home from his vacation at Wasagra. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson ana Bobby of Meaford spent the weeA end with Mrs. F. Jamieson. Delbert Magee of Hamiltpn an 1 friend. Ken Brimicomb of Pine Port- age, are holidaying with the form- er's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ganj.-t Masree. Miss .A.nn Beynon of Collingrwood is spending this week with her cou- sin, Bruce Boettger. Mr. Cook of Flesherton • occupied the pulpit in the United Church en Sunday evening and brought an in- spiring message. Mrs. .T. .\, Cairns rendered a solo. ST. COLUMB.V I NITED CHIRCH W. A. AM) W.M.S. Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario 1I<m>.mmck-x.-:«^4»:~><'<*<«<''X><~xkk'«x«*'>'X'<«<"><k~:~:~>>«X":">*:~:~x^ f â- ^ 4. $-^ J. * i Now Available Imperial "Esso" OIL BURNRES with Guaranteed Oil Supply Budget Terms if desired Wilson Sales & Service HEATING CONTRACTORS COLLINGWOOD B0X 84 Telephone 484R The Women's Misisonary Society and Woman's .\ssociation of St. Col- umba United Church, Priceville, met recently at the home of Mrs. John Meads, Mrs. F. R. Oliver presided for the W.A.. Mrs, Wm. Meads read the story of the Good Samaritan, after which Mrs. Oliver led in pray- er. Miss .\nna Shorti'eed acted as :>ecretary in the aibsence of the reg- ular secretary. .\ discussion was held on the work to be done at the Manse. It was decided to purchase a new stove for the church kitchen. Other business was discussed and the meeting turned over to the W. M. S. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Cecil Hunter presided. A let ter of appreciation for gifts receiv- ed was read from Miss Kate Ruth- erford. Mrs. .â- \. S. Miiiv .s;>oke on chapter from the study book "Lit erature for the New Literates." Mrs. J. Harrison closed the meet- ing with prayer, after which the hostess served lunch. Tho next meeting: i* to be heM t the homp cf Mrs. Wm. Meads. Guests wiOh Mr. and Mrs. Proud for a week were: Mr. ahd Mrs. Wat- son of Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Snider "and Bobby of Hespeier. Patricia Proad retudned to Heapeler with her sister, Mrs. Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Desjardine and baby son of Ottawa and friends were week end visitors with Mrs. Dtsjardine's aunt, Mrs. Laurie Ped- lar. Other visitors in the same home chi-ough the week were Mr. and Mrs. Barkley and grandchildren of Lim- erick, Sask. The Wilkinson family held their reunion on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson on J-uly .'iOth. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn af Hamilton visited with friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grum- mett and Dianne spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher, ac- companied by Mr. and Mi-s. Joc- Porteous, enjoyed a visit with a for- mer pastor of Maxwell church. Rev. 0. W. Holmes, and Mrs. Holmes at Kemble. We are sorry to report of a num- ber of folk ii! this comraurity SA'k '.'ith la grippe. Little Pamela and Lynda Fisher "f Ow..-n Sound spe': a w-f-.-i re.'^^nt- !y with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher have treated themselves to a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Boo â- \llison of To- ronto have been visiting friends. We are sorry to hear of June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken M';- Kce, being in a ho^D.iu m Torjito Jun^ was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Vonr.'n Jackson, wnon she dsvelop- I ed polio. We all are wishing for Jin-L a complete r'j'ov.'rj. Mr Robt. Meldrum of Toronto was hcric on the week end. Jlrs. Meld- rum is assisting to care for her mother. Mrs. Angns .Vlorrison, at MaX'vel!, who suff.ivd a lecently. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie PeJlar and aunt, Mrs. Alice G^-aliam of Torin- to, spent Sunday w'th Mr. an 1 Mis. Ed. Cooke at Shelbur'ip. Mrs. Ed. Broo' s of Flesherton and two sisters of Chatsworth spent Sunday with Mr. Brooks, at the home of Luther Love. Portlaw store and other neighbors are enjoying the "'bright lights" these days. We are sorry to report the death of .A,lex. Moore of Creemore, his- band of Ethel Winters, a former resident here. iMr. and Mrsr. Ev. Blackburn and family visited with Mr. an-d Mrs, Hartley Blackburn: Port Credit, and also with Mrs. Grace Blackburn. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mr^. Ev. Blaokbui-n were: Mr. Martin McLeod and Mrs. E. Cameron,- Til- bury: Md. and Mrs. .â- \llan Cameron and children. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. John Mc.\i-thur and sons, Durham. Mr. and Mi-s. S. Fisher, Mr. :md Mrs. Murray Fisher and dausrhtor spent a week with the Lyons families. Hello Homemakers. Peaches and cream â€" whether we are talking ot camplexions oP the hiscious fruit, are wonderful. We cannot be too choosey about peaches this year. We'll take what we get and make good use of them while they last. They are delicious to serve at the beginning of a meal, to top off a meal, or snack between meals. Fully ripened peaches make a speedy and a scrumptious dish â€" skin, slice and serve with a sprinkle of fine suigar aaid cream. Nowa- daya we are prepared since we keep a can of 16''' cream on the shelf. Without refrigeration the can can (>e chilled in a short time by placing it in cold water. We slice peaches on pastry dough for an open face pie, or put them in a cake pan then cover with batter, ar between slices of fresh short- cake and serve with a raelba sauce. I paper The sauce can be prepared ahead of, sei-ve. utes longer. Serve with cream or vanilla ice cream. TAKE A TIP 1. Cut honeydew melon in sectioiu, scoop out seeds and then sUksb across sections. Squeeze a little lime juice over melon; chill, then senre. 2 Cut a head of lettuce in quartara or eighths, wash careifully and drain. Carefully lift leaves and inesert daubs of sandwich ftlUtts. Serve with tomato wedges. 3. Moilberrys are best when they are eaten in a deep pie dish. 4. Meringues are an inexpenaive addition to a fresh bowl of sweet- ened berries. Drop spoonfuls of meringue in a greased baking sheet, bake in a slow over for 30 minutes, then cool. Make one for each serving of berries. 5. Salt brings out the juice of fresh fruit. Sprinkle salt on chilled melons and peaches, th^i serre â€" no need for sugar. THE LETTER BOX Mrs. S. T. asks: How can I make chisp shoestring potatoes ? Answer: Cut raw potatoes into very fine stivers and soak them in ice water awhile. Drain tiem thor- oughly on towel; drop quickly into very hot fat. Cook with cover off. Remove when brovn, drain on soft Salt only when ready to time using crushed berries. Crush j Mrs. J. M. su-gests: Insert Short and strain stewed red currants or' s<'Ctions of drinking straws into the raspberries and thickened with a paste of cornstarch (1 tbsp. in H cup cold-water). Cook until clear. Honeyed peaches are an extra special treat. Wash and ritb six peaches well with a clean cloth, but Family allowance payments dur- ing 1?40 will total S2T« million â€" a total which amounts to payments cf $525 every minute. slits of a fruit pie befor,e you put in the oven to bake. Tlie .^.lice rises in tahe straws instead >yf running over. MVs. H. D. says: Ever buy hick- ory salt from the butcher. J'Jat a do not peel. Place in baking pan and I pinch of smoked salt in haniburgs add I'i; cups of water. % cups of i^- a good seasoning. brown sugar and i tbsp. butter. On top of eaelu peach put a teaspoon of honey and sprinkel with a little nutmeg. Bake in electric oven 400 dogs, for about 25 minutes. Baked peach halves are very irotKl baked in :noderate heat with only butter to grease the casserole and glaze the top of each halt. Serve with cheese and a marschino cherry in each cavity. PEACH ROLL 1 cup sifted hour I'j teaspoons, baking powder •â- '* teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening 2 to 4 tablespoons ice water 2 cups sliced peaches ^â- 2 to h cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons butter Dash of nutmeg Mix aiff sift flour, baking powdi- and salt. Cut in shortening and add enough ice water to make a stiff dough. Chill and roll into oblong sheet. Spread peaches over dough .•»!-d add etiou>gh brown sugar to sweeten to tas-te. Sprinkle with a dash of nutmeg; roll up like jelly roll ami bake in a well greased bak- ing dish in an electric oven at 350 deg. F. for ^ hour. Baste with '^ cup sugar and 1 tablespoon melted butter and continue bakinsr 20 min- •Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday .\i'.i:-r.<r l.^. lo. 17 "SCOTT OF THE ANTARCTIC" in Technicolor John Mills Thursday. Friday, Saturday .\n-u-t IS. V\ 31 "RELENTLESS" in Technicolor Robert Young Mar«r Chapman Shows 7:30 and 9:30 ROCK MILLS Reduced Fares ojn Railways Reduced rail tares for persons travelling to the Canadian N'ationjil Rxhibition, to ho held at Toronto .-^ugust 26th vo Sopt. 10. inciusivo havij been annatin:'."d by J. .\ l'ra.->, chairman of the C.inadian Passenger .V«sociation. Reduced fare tickets may be pur- chased from stations in the Province . f Ontario, except those west of Giant. Jellicoe and White River. Round trip tickets will be sold for the normal one-way fare, plus one l.alf foi both first class a' d cofi.h diss trave. Tickets will be honored going from Thursday, Aug. 25th, to Saturday, Sept. lOth. inclusive. On the return trip, tickets will be ac- cepted up to midnight of Wednesday Septeniiber I4th. When you are on a diet, good things are aKvays those that you are not supposed to eat. The aquatic program at the C.N.E. this year will embrace prA^ticaiiy •-very kind of water sport includin,« .^ diving . aquaplaning, row- ri)-. scoiUing. canoeing, yachting, i motorboating, etc., e*c. The very hot dry weather is ' arl or. the gardens. Rain is badly need- ed in this area. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Legge of St Catharines, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Burslen at Sunset Lodge, Victoria Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nurcomhe of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Patton at the week end. They visic- ed Mrs. Patton's uncle. Mr. Jos. â- Armstrong, and visited with frieiuls in Collingwood. Mrs. Robt. Mc'Mullen is at present with her dauirhter. Mrs. .-V. Fawcott. ;ii Vandeleur. We are sory to re)» that she has not been very well lately, but trust she will soon be tr.uch improved. Many of the farmers here aro stook threshing- this week and the <rrain is turning out very g»iod. Mr. Manny Pobson and chiUiren and Miss Margaret Park visited .m Sunday with Mr. and MVs. Mel. Ham- mond in Owen Sound. Miss Eunict^ I\vbson returned with them to spend her holidays. Mr. .-'nd Mrs. Robt. Cole, of Dun- dalk, ;imi Mr. and Mrs. Wos Mc- ("'â- acken of Flesherton visited on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W-U Russell. Visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson were: Mr. Ed. McLean and MV. ,Ioe-RM' of St. Catharines and Mrs Be- Cheesman and daughter, Eveline, of Stayner. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin. .\rchie and .-Vngeline. spent the week jpd at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Crordon Phillips and -»on, Robert, have returned to Ham- ilton, after a week's holiday witn Mr. and Mrs. H. Patton. •:-<~j.><":k-<~;~><~:":":"K^~>':"Kkk-:k~>^<~M">*>^<^*<~m*<*^<~><~^>*^'**'-"' The New Brady Cooling System Cleaner X ♦ t i I t •> -> Us Bfa4y Wtiy STOP fKOUBLEâ€" Clean the CanOtii^ SynAwn of your car. G«t tH •/ *>Mtt - Scale • Gtmm and nn> Saf* • Do it to^ay. Cam* hi and let ut show you htm Im M> I* 4en« THE BRAOY WAY. Be fere hrady cieani?.': HIS IS THE WAV *â- " :oolbg passagat 'i «ng!ne look ofta.- ^ c r of dfivifiQ â€" i'tWf ; «. ruit, ical« ond i.^'-\ Uvdg*. th« radior.;r t in tt)« fam« condition. Haal Cannot aasjly â- map: Som« pouog^i may b« pluag«d tiglHt 0««d>«ofing m*oni •nein* trovbl* â€" rapid, wndiM w«or â€" co»Hy r«poirt. After BRADY CLEANING THIS IS THE WAY fh« •noln* l»oka AFTER ciaonlng th« Brady Way. Evary pauoff* U •p«B and walls arm itmaamd of Ifm* • icola, nmi and ilud9«> H*al »t<B|m frtftly o/oMid cyH*4«r w«lb« «alv«» «*dlhr«woli Hm 1I» («oth|; lyitaM can •^«rat« wiNwv< I at c>iiy %oâ€"d oa o^ Mtl HEOieCI OF THE COOIINO STSTBM con lood to s«riaw «•» â€" Pkiy Soft â€" lacraaM Hm •ffldaoer W yov m MUCv WAV Ben.iamiii Franklin introduced th« ^i-oom to .\merica. < > D. Mc lavish & Sons | Chevrolet and Oldsmobile -> Phone 9 FLESHERTON |

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