Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Aug 1949, p. 4

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?» !>?S!S!!m JC^fn BSS mm !jy.n-i /'i&^itSMiaMiiuu 3\^e(lnesday, Aup^ust 3. 1949 t' â€" J ! THB FLESHERTON ADVANCE ♦»»»<•♦♦<♦♦♦♦»»«»»»»»<'»»»»»»♦»»»»»»»»»»♦»»»<»♦»»»♦»♦♦♦' Implements I Manure Spreaders, Plows, Disc Harrows, Norsemaii Tractors < ; \ Scafflers, Rubber Tir« Wagons > Rope HAYING EQUIPMENT Pnlleys Tra«k Hay Cars Hay Forks _ One Used Frost & Wood (Mower \ Used iMower I'sed Hay Rake Long and Short Slings Ladders Barn Door Track TriTek for Overhead Doors RENFREW CREAM SEPARATORS We still have some good Used Separators ROOFING, SIDING AND INSULATION Roofs examined and estimates given free EDGAR BETTS ! Phone 46J FLESHERTON â- :-X><-;-X'»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»<'»»»^»»»»»»»»»»»»»> ii THE Flesherton Advance ^ri>lished on Collioirwood St., Flosberton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1,100. Price ffJM a year in Canada, paid in tcee; $2.60 per year in tha United States. F. J. THURSTON, Editor If 49 Fall Fair Dates Alliston S€(pt. 14, 15 Arthur Sept. 27, 28 Barrie Sept. 26, 27 Bolton Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Both-well's Corners Sept. 16 Chatsworth Oct. 6, 7 CheaJey Sept- 9, 10 Clarksburg Sept. 20, 21 Collingwood Sept. 22-24 Dundalk Sept. 14, 15 Durham Sept. 13, 14 Erin Oct. 8 ami 10 FEVERSHAM Sept. 28, 29 (iiand Valley Oct. 7, 8 Hanover Sept. 14, 15 Holstein Sept. 27, 28 Kenible Sept. 20, 21 London (Western) Sept. 12-17 Markdale Oct. 3, 4 Meaford Oct. 7, 8 Mildmay Sept. 19, 20 Mt. Forest Sept. 19, 20 Owen Sound Sept. 29,-Oct. 1 Paisley 'Sept. 12, 13 Rocklyn Octi 6, 6 .Shelburne Sept. 13, 14 Tara Sept. 28, 20 Teeswater Oct. 4, 5 Toronto (C.N.E.) .. Aug. 26-Sept.lO Roval Winter Fair Nov. 15-23 Co-Op Mill Closes for Holidays The Flesherton Co-Op Planing and Chopping Mill will be closed from AUGUST 1ST TO AUGUST lOTH when the members of the staff wilTbe taking their annual holiday VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Jack McKechnie of Durham is enjoying somfe summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- mo Stevens. Recent guests at the home of Mr. Luther Love were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin and littl/e daughter of Badjeros, Messrs. Murray and Gor- (ion Blackburn of Collingiwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bacon and daug<hter Hnd their son, Frank, and wife, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gamible and Clco .of Sudbury were visitors with Mrs. Albert Stevens and other rel- ativies the past week. On_ their re- turn home they were accompanied S)y Mrs. Klwood Stevens and daugh- ter, Donelda. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholls, Mary and Dorisi, visited on Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith at Ventry. Congratxilations to Jim Patterson, one of our Inistiogie young people, who won for himself the 'seniority of the Dundalk h\gh school cadets and the opportunity (rf a period of training at Camp Borden, and on Thursday left for Banff, Alta., for a month's training. Friday evening a large crowd Kuthered in the Dundalk town hall to honoi- a recent groom and brido, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson (Bei'- tha) Hunking). They were the re- cipient.s of a substantial sum of money. The ladies of Proton Station W.l. held their July meeting in the home of Mrs. Clayton Betts on Thursday afternoon. Mr. A. E. Walkar was again act- in}? commander of the Flesherton Legion in the Legion parade and sei-vice at Markdain Centenn'il Ci Sunday afternoon, July 31. W'any from here are attending Centennial doings at Markdale these days. Mr. Ja.s. Walker and Miss Wanda Mills of Hamilton arc on vacation in the home of A. E. Walker. Mr. Jas. Gal laugher drove to To- ronto on Friday to get his brother, wife and little son, Brian, who >. ill enjoy two weeks' vacation he"e. Miss Joyce Genoe, Gravenhurst, was a week end and holiday guest ip the Bannon home. HONEY I NATURE'S DELICIOUS SWEET | t Get your supjjly early and .save disappoint- X ment. Ontario'.s white honey crop is only | 30% normal. "" x For your convenience, the jilant will be open each day, except Sunday, from X a.m. until 9 o'clock p.m. Parkview Apiary I'. R. HOWELL & SON, Proprietors f , Phone 94J FLESHERTON | FEVERSHAM KIMBERLEY The week end had many visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. N«ff and children, Singihampton, with Mi-, and Mrs. C. Graham; D. Ferg>uson„ Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor and Mrs. Verda Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sproule, Mr. Mer- vin Ellis with the H.E.PX;., with his lovely calbin trailer, Mr. and Mrs. Bah Aibercrpmibie, and others. Sunday night at the Baptist serv- ice, Mr, Cairns had a numiber of ladies from Toronto to assist in tho the singing, and they were gi^atly appreoiated. We also were pleased to see Mr. Clive Dolan, a former t'riend who worked in the bank here sefveral years ago, now of Toronto. He was accompanied by his daugh- ter, Mary, and Mr. Lawsom. iMr. Fred Stuart of Brajoetoridge spent a few days with friends here. IMV. Robt. Chard has bought the former Plewis h»me from Mr. Jolly and will move there in the n^ear fu- ture, as the store building has-been sold to a Mr. McDonald. From one to four trucks have been working on the pavement through the village for several days. We now have a splendid road. . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carruthers and family of Stayner and Mrs. B. A. Carruthers are visiting friends hert. A wedding of interest took place Saturday afternoon, when Miss lone Smart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Smart, was married to Mr. Ian Wil- son, son of Mr. J. Wilson. They are spending a week in the north. Mr. Leslie Lawrence oif Barrie and Mr. Laurie Lawrence of Gait visited over the holiday with their mother, -Mrs. Jas. Lawrence. SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Osbor:ie of Hamilton visited with her uncle, Mr. Chris Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tate and Lee, .Mr. and .Mr.s. Frank Hendry of To- ronto visited with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Mr. and Mrs, John Razin visited with her sister, Mrs. Dick Hallam. IMV. and Mrs. Chapman of .Toron- to visited with her .lister, Mrs. Frank Hannah. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, How- ard McKee were: Mrs. Albert Stew- art and Sandra Pisher of' Flesher- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bolb Foster of IngersoU. Rev. Mr. Bell, a former minister called on friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fadden of To- ronto visited with her sifter, Mrs. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Weldrick and ifivmily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottetwejl on Sunday. Callers at the Fred Knox home over the week end were: Mrs. Jean McMurdo, Mr, and M'rs, Lome Mc- Murdo. and family of Owen Sound, Mr, and Mrs. Wni, Sackett of Ware- ham. Mr., and Mrs. Borden Bleitch of Singharapton. We are glad to see Mr. Knox able to be around after his recent heart attack. Mr. Wm. Christie of -Mberta has arrived. His wife has been here for some time. A number from our vicinity took in the celeibration at Priceville on Monday. " BOWL HYPRO ^ > NEW Low Prices Firestone Tires 'â-  (FULLY GUARANTEED) 4.50x21 4 Ply $10.85 *:* 4.75x1,9. 4 Ply 11.40 \ 5.50x17 4 Ply 14.50 X* 6.00x16 4 Ply 14.70 I Boyd Bros. I FLESHERTON 2 tbsps. pickle relish 1 tap. chopped parsley Combine ingredients and chill well. Serves six. Strange Allies intg 3 tbsps. sweet pickle relis.h 8 slices bread 1 egg ** % cup milk 2 tbsps. butter or margarine Combine sialmon, celery, pepper, mayonnaise or salad dressing and relis.h. Spread on 4 bread slices; cover with remaining slices. Beat egg; add milk. Pour 1 tbsp. over each side of each sandwich. Brown on both sides in margarine. Serve hot. BROILED TROUT OR WHITEFISH Use whole fish weighing 2 lbs. j the powerful interests which wanted H.ave head and tail removed and the home market protects from out- fis-h split and cleaned. Place, skin side competition. There may be a Canadians used so go to the polls to vote about high tariffs or low thr- iffs, but they got tired of that game. No matter how they voted, tariffs usually increased. Farmers thought that low tariffs were in their inter- ests, but they finally decided, appar- ently, that it was hopeless to fight side down, on greased broiler with top of food 2 inches below broiler licit. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; brush with melted fat or salad oil. Broil 10 min. or until brown. Care- fully turn; sprinkle with salt and pepper; brush with melted fat or s.alad oil. Broil 5 min. or until skin is crisp and brown. If desired,, serve with Lemon Butter. Serves 4. TARTAR SAUCE 1 cup mayonnaise ':; ts,p. scraped onion change in that situation, for there are today some Canadian manufactirrers who would like to share in the U.S. market in a way that they cannot do over tariff hedges. With such power- ful allies, farmers might have more success in knocking down tlie tariff barriers, between Canada and the U. S., Britain and other , countries. â€" Rural Co-operator, Send in your renewal now. High School Bus Routes to Artemesia - Flesherton High School Students wishing' transportation to the school must inform the i)rin(?iiKil by .\uj,'-ust 31st in writing', stating Lot and Concession number. Township and Rural Route. Bus routes are made up after this date and cannot be changed. â€" K. G. GOHEEN, Principal Flesherton, Ont. Hello Homemakers! We certaiiily hope that the drought has not affected the fish and that they are thriving better than our vegetaWes. cannot take the place of veget- ables but it can frequently be served in place of our expensive meats. There is a surprising variety of fish available. Considering the many restaurants which have specialized in fish dishes, it is amazing that the honiemaker has not copied more Oif tlheir methods of cooking, serving and garnisihing. Perhaips it is be- cause fish is not very pleasant to handle and often leaves a strong odour . After handling fish, wash hands in strong salt wut^, rinse and then vvash with 'soap. Also, there are air-deodorizers available which help to keep the air sweet throughout the coo^king period. Do not be dismayed by the thouight of having to serve fish left- overs for there are so many appetiz- ing ways in which they can be served. Flake the cooked fish and j store in a cavered jar i'n the refrig- . ^___ I erator ready to use in fish loaves. The fir.-t dectrir -Mlway line in i scouffles, cream sauce or salad mix- strvice in Canada ran between Wind-' lure. lii^SO Ontario Plates To Be White-onBlack Ontario's 1%0 automobile license plates are now in production at the Ontario Reformatory in Guelph where they have been made since 19- 31. Those for next year will be white fig-ures on black. Due to the growth in the province's automobile popu- lation, more than 2,000,000 sets will be made. ^fF ^j^^^^^^^jMwp^iJWWWj^Mfci^^H^^WMWM^^ um^^f4^p^^f#^MuMk^^9f^|#4^|9^^p^^P sor and Walkei-ville, Ont, It was es- tiiblished in July of 1886. • SOlllKGHtVS WOSI MODIRN THEATRl Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ,\ugust S, fJ. 10 "LITTLE WOMEN" June .Allyson Peter Lawford Margaret O'Brien .Thurnday, Friday, Saturday .Vugust 11. 12. 13 "BARKLEYS OF BROADWAY" in Technicolor Fred Astnire ^ Ginger Rogers • Shows 7:30 and 9:30 NUTRI-THRIFT MENUS Chilled Tomato Juice Bilked Haddock with Dressing Tartar Sauce Whole Potatoes in Parsley Oven Steamed Carrots I.inie .lelly with Watermelon Slice Cookies â€" Tea l!AKi:i) STUFFED HADDOCK 2 pounds haddock fillets 2 tbsp.s, lemon juice salt and pepper paprika DresH'nK; 4 tbsps. fat; Vi cup chopped onion, 1 cup chopped cel- ery; 2 tbaps. chopped par.sley; 1 tsp. poultry dressing; 3 cupa dry bread crumbs; salt ami pepper; hot water to moisten. Simmer the onion and celery in melted fat for 10 mins. Add sea- sonings, bread crumib.s and enoug\ hot water to moisten. Mix lightly. Spread dress,ing over fish (placed on baking foil in casserole) and sprinkle with paprika. Bake in electric oven at 37fi degs. for 30 minutes. HOT H.M.MON SANDWICHES 1 cup flaked, cooked or canned salmon If rup chopped celery Fow prains pepper ' 1 I'up mayonnaise or salad dress- X I I X 7. \ 5! Massey- Harris SALES - SERVICE Stock on Hand 2 New Hay Loaders 1 Us^ Hay Loader New 10 in. Dump Rake New Side Rake on Rubber New Semi-mounted Power Mower ;g 2 New Binders, 7 ft. cut New 6 ft. Mower No. H Spreader Good used International Oil >Bath Mower New Roadmaster Wagon on Rubber Tractors and Equipment New No. 30 R. C. Tractor * ft. One-way Disc Good used Allis Chalmers Tractor New 28-Plate Disc New No. 30 Std. Model Tractor 2 Fertilizer Drills. 13-run New 3-furrow and 2 new 2-furrow Tractor Plows Fertilizer Drill 15-run New John Deere 19-tooth Cultivator MILKING MACHINES CREAM SEPARATORS ELECTRIC MOTORS HAMMER MILLS GRINDERS BEATTY WATER SYSTEMS and STABLE EQUIPMENT FROST WIRE FENCE PENCE and POSTS Hardware and Applianoes For The Home Screen and Combination Doors Electric Fans Ranges Rangettes Hot Plates Toasters and Irons (Leading makes for better value and service) Easy Vacuum Cleaners 69.50 â€" A high quality cleaner that will save you dollars REFRIGERATORS, large and small. .22 Rifles' and lots of Ammunition THE STORE WITH A LARGE STOCK. WHERE YOUR YOUR DOLLAR BUYS THE MOST J. M. STAFFORD MASSEY-H ARRIS SALES & SERVICE Hardware & Builders', Supplies Elecrical & Home Appliances \ ^ • â- m ^h{««^^<h^^4^^h^^<m»^j^^h$»^^h$h$^^^^m$h$h$m$M$»

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