'i' .!«BJ«P •f^^^^W" -sr--^ >.«^'':^iippwiip?r-ii :>' "Elije /ljesl)erlM ^jrwmc^ VOL. 69; NO 10 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3, 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher Family Together First Time In Nme :Yc * 4 4. .4 « I A very enJoy*Me picnic was held at Eugenia Tkuraday afternoon, When, for the first time in nine yesrs, all mevnfaers of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton'3 family were present. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Artbor Hutton-, Aylm«r; Mr. and Mra. G. B. Phillips and bttbe, Ham- iltoit; Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and two cliildren and Mr. and Mrs. Leo I^tton and three children, London; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sensabaug'h and three children, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Russell and bal>e, Bock MSUe. St John's United Church â- tr. A. G. HacpkcrwMi Miaiater Services of worship on Sunday, A-ugust 7, at Inistioge and Eugenia are in charge of the Woman's As- sociations. E^reryone is urged to co- of)erate in making these services a eiKcess. Service will be withdrawn in St. John's, Fesherton, this Sunday, Aug. 7, but will be^ held August 14th, •when notice will be griven next week. The services on the other Pastoral Charges will be cancelled Aug. 14. Work has begun on the pipe organ at St. John's. It is expected that it â- will be ready for use on A-ugust 21. Su'bseriptio'ns to the fund will still be gratefully received. NOTICE CUTTING OF WEEDS IN THE VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON All noxious weeds on private pro- perty in the Village of Plesherton must be out by Wednesday, .A.ug, 10, 19*9, under Section 4 of the Weed Control Act of 1937, Chapter 344, and amendments. â€" W. KAimNG, Constable Fred Sullivan Dies In West Word waa received last week of the death at Winnipeg, Man., of ad old Flesherton boy in the person oi Frederick Porter Sullivan of 523 Union Ave., Winnipeg, which oc- curred on Sunday, July 24th, in his 6Bth year. Deceased suffered a stroke about three years ago and since th&a. fcis health gradually failed. A son o<f the late Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan, Fred was bom in Flesherto*!, attended school here and when a youn^ man left hoime to make his way in the world. He settled in Winnipeg about 18 years ago and was employed at the LaSalle Hotel until bis health failed. He visited his old home town four years ago and his old frfeijds here gave him a hearty welcome. The late Mr. Sullivan is survived by his widow, .\nna; three daug-h- ters, Mrs. John Mazepa, Mrs. Al Wynant and Joyce, all of Winnipeg; four sisters, Mrs. J. H. Mills, Glen- dale, Calif.; Mrs. W. Davies, Van- couver, BX;.: Mrs. H. Exlay ana Miss Carrie Sullivan, both of Mon tieal; two brothers. Herb, Brnssells, Ont., and F'^nk of Kamliops, B.C. The funeral was held Wednesd.iy, July 27th. at the Clark I>;atherdale F^nei-al Home, Winnipeg, with in- terment in Brookside Cemetery. Car Took Fire From Ray. Of The Sun A peculiar fire damaged the top cloth on the inside of I. B. Whitta- ker's car, as it was parked on tho. street in town Thursday afternoon last. .Apparently a kmking glass was on the ledge at the rear of the car and the rays from the curved glass hitting the looking glass and pin-pointing to the ceiling- set fire to the cloth. The fire was found in time by Mise Florence Wekon and axtinguished, but not before several square feet of the ceiling cioth had been desliroyed. Harness iDrivers In Accident at Dundalk Races AT MIRA^UCHI CA-MP Ranald MacMillan, Roy Park and Alex. Henderson Jr. are attending the Miramichi boys' camp this week, under the direction of camp leader Rev. A. G. Macpherson. Barry Thurston is also at the camp as junior counsellor. NOTICE Gordo'i Ager of Owen Sound wds taken to Owen Sound hospital Wed- nesday evening of last week with a fractured vertebrae in his back, caused by a spill at the Dundalk races in the first heat run in the first race. A second driver, Clar- ence Lockhart, was knocked uncon- scious when one horse faltered, a second tripped over and a third fetl on top of the heap. The accident was blamed on dust raised by the starting gate. Lockhart was able tc race his good horse, Make Be- lieve, at the .\rthur races Monday. Rock MiUs Mission Circle KAY'S BE.AUTY PARLOR will be closed from Augfust 15th to .August 22nd. â€" ^Kathleen Hawkius ♦>^♦<•<^<^<•<KK•<^♦<-^♦<•«><K«<•♦<•<^~MK»<~w•<K>♦<^^ The Home of Tasty Baking Specials This Week MAPLE WALNUT CAKE7 SPICE CAKE FRESH BLUEBERRY PIE PIES Mincemeat 'â- ^~' (Serry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date A ♦'^ COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c SLICED BREAD ^ CREAM PUFFS CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS Flesherton Bakery ♦ I I I I ! t t ♦ I I 5 The July meeting of Rock Mills Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Earl Croft with 15 ladies present. Mrs. Lewis Fisher pre- sided in the absence of the presi- dent. Mrs. Wes Young read the scripture lesson from Gen. 30, also giving a reading "Our Missionaries' Needs," and Mrs. J. J. Boyce gave a reading •'It's never too late to come home." Mrs. A. A. Smith of Mt. Forest was the guest speaker and ^ave a fine messagre on the need of extra care in our work, and to be success- ful we should aspire hig-hly. inspire deeply and perspire freely or we would e.xpire quickly. The business part of the meeting was then con- ducted, when, several items were taken care of, after which the host- ess and helpers sei-ved lunch. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. Roy Fenwick and family of Maxwell wish to express sincere thanks to neighbors, friends and firemen for assistance given whon fire destroyed their home. I wish to thank my many friends and neigrhbors for cards, treats and gifts while ill in the Markdale hos- pital in June. â€" Mrs. Fred Partridge In Memoriam ^8K>«*«<H^<«><k^M^<,*«<N^<M^.^^^<-^.^.^♦♦<H^.^♦*«««♦♦»^ t Our Chapel ii at th« ditpoMi of our cHsnttls without sxtrs chargt. It contain* w«ll-appoint«d family roceptlon rooms, including orgaa and organist. ^^_^ Bates and Maddocks i:'^ AvnuiL Rd Kl 4^44 FIELD â€" In loving memory of s dear wife, Katie Leitch, who passed away .\ugust 4th, UM4. Fi\v years have passed since that Siid day The one I loved was passed away. God tuok her Hooie, it was His will. But in niy heart she Uveth still. â€" Sadly missed by her husband. â€"J. H. Field P.^RKEIR â€" In memory of "ur ! dear mother, Elizabeth Parker, wife I I'f Wm. Parker, who departed ihis I life July aast, l'J-»7. i Just a thought of sweet remem- bran«.'e. Just a memory sad and true, Jljst the love of sweet devution Of those who think of you. Some day we hopc to meet yiu. Some day. we Ifnow not when. To I'la.^p your ham.1 in the beittr land Never to 'part iigain, â€"Sadly missed by Husband and l-amily. TURVEY â€" In loving memory of a dear * hvislbaiKl and father, Lorno Turvey, wh€> lost his life accident- ally one year ago. .\ugust 5, IS'IS. We cJknnot say, and we will not say That he is dead, he is just away! ^Vith a cheery smile and a wave of the hand. He has wandered into an unkiwwn land. And left us dreaming how very fair If needs nkust be, since he lingers there. â€" Always remembered by his Wife and Family. 150 Attended Kimfaerley Public School Reunion About 150 former teachers and pupils of Kimiberley school gathered ai the school on Saturday. July 30. tor their second reunion. At 9:.30 school was called by Mr. Geo. E. Pentland, former Inspector in South Grey, who was a former teacher in the Kimberley school. He read the lujmes of many of his former pup- ils and one minute of silence w,is observed in memory of those who have passed away. In a short ad- dress he stated that he had travelled in almost e^ery couatry of the world but had seen nothing to e<?ual the scenery of the Kimiberley valley. Mr. Pentland called on former teachers of the school for a few words, ^no&g them being Mrs. Mac- latt (Gertrude Chaser) (^ Vancou- ver, B.C., who brought greetings from British Columlna to Ontario: Mr. Chas. Stuart of Kingston, who told of beii^ principal of the school in 1905, when Elvie Bishop, daugh- ter of Mrs. Bishop and the late Wallace Bishop of Aurora, passed the High School Entrance with honors at the age oif nine, which was a record for the province. Others in the class were two ^irL aged 10, another 11 and another 12 years old: Mrs. S. S. BuiTitt told of being th« first assistant teacher in the school and had a picture nf the school taken in 1S88. Other teach- ers who spoke were Mrs. B. A. Car- luthers, who read the list of all ol her pupils, having taught before her marriage and again after the death of her husband, Mrs. Guil Smith of Toronto, Mi-s. Ellis Webei of Kimiberley. Mrs. K. G. Betts of Flesherton and Rae Stuart, Guelph, after which several former pupils ^ave reminiscenses. Dinner was sered in the Community Hall. .At two o'clock a photographer took pictures of the group, followed by a sing-song at the school and a basetoall game between the oldsters i»nd the youngsters, won by the latter. It was decided to hold the reun- ion every two years, with the next cne in 1961, the Saturday prior to civic holiday. The otficers of last year were re- I turneti for another term: President. ' Ernest Proctor; Vice-Presrdent. Rus- i sell Ellis; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. ' -Arnold Lawrence. Supper in the ' hall. foUoweti fay a dance brought a ; lieligrhtful day to a successful con- ,' elusion. -Among those present from a dis- tance included: Mr. and -Mrs. Stew- art White, Windsor: Laurie Law- renre, Gait; Christina Knott, To ronto: Mv. and Mrs. C. Johnston, Shelburne; Mr. atui M\-s. Jack Taylor and daughter, Oshawa; .Mrs. E. Gootichlid and Mrs. Wm. Sproule, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cam- ack, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Camack, and Mrs. R. Hasenpflug, Minessinsr: Mr. and Mrs. R. .Abercivmbie an-i Mr. Leslie LawTenoe, Barrie; Robt. Lawrence, Powassan: Fred Stuart. Bracetridge; Chas. Stuart. Kings- ton, and son, Ray of Guelph; M*-. and Mrs. Breen (6. McGowan) ci Durhanu besides others from Mea- ford, Colling\vood. Thornl>ury, Fle- sherton, Clarksl>urg:, Markdale, Dtm- nialk. Hanover. Rocklyn, Hamilton. Siayner. Durham and Ravenna. Child Hit Front Of Car Running After Bubbles / â€" y Master Jimmie Banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Banks of town, had a narrow escape from serious injury, and poasibli; death, when he ran frcnn behind a soap adivertising truck and into the front of a car driven by Mr. Harry Patton. .As >S/r. Partton was approaching th" ti-uck he slowed up and when he saw the juwng lad coming, stopiped the car before contact was made, l)ut the boy hit the car and was thrown to the pavement. If be had been driving the ear faster the result might have been diflferent, as Jimimie waked away from the ac- cident, apparently none the worse. This advertising truck is a menace to young children, as they will run after the outfit trying to catch the bubbles as they emerged from the apparatus and float through the air. Mr. Patton is to be commended for watching the Jraific and having his ctr stopped so uickly. If more drivers did the same the fatal acci- dents to young children would be srreatly reduced. WEEDS -ARE PROUiFIC Wee<ls are one of the greatest problems in siK-cessful farniing, and varticularly in pr'ducing a morv' a- bundant supply of clean forage, grain and other seed. To get the best re- turns from the land and pn.)duoc a high class of clean seed, fai-n\ers hav^ to rt-ajie * ceaseles^s war keepinij weeds in check and preventing the spread of ne^v kinds. One of tho principle reasons why wveds are not bi»usht under wtter control is bo- c«use such large num^bers of we^>d seeds are put into the so\l throush lack of care in orttinary farm oper- ation^. Itivestigations have shown thai while many farmers are e-xtremelv careful in the selection and cleaninsi of the seed they use, they do not give this important step in farmin< the attention it rightly de»erv»"s. Clean seed is of vital im^torUnce be- cause some weeds arc so pr\>Ufic in seed production that relatively clean fielitei may become badly contaminat- e*l in two or three years if the weeds are allowed to go to seed. Good Crowds Attended The Markdale Centennial Perfect weather has greeted the Markdal-e Centennial celebrations this week, and the result has been SLOd crowds at all the events. The Neighborly Xews broadcast was held in the Markdale .Arena Sunday morning and the editor of The -Ad- vance was the guest of the Mark- dale Council at breakfast prior to the broadcast, at wh'ch the .tnnoun- cers. Reid Forsey and Don Fair- bairn, were guests of honor. Other district editors were Frank Macin- tyre of Dundalk. Frank Irwin of Durham, Bert Scarborough of Har.- over and Gordon Craig of Markda'.e. We were pleased to have the oppor- tunity of attending. Each day's program was run cff with despatch to large crowds and t.horoughly enjoyed. Many hund dreds of old boys and girls w?re present for the big event and many enjoyable meetings took pl-ic; be- tween old friends, which was the main thought behind the Cen''enn'.:.l celebration. Durham Couple Are Married 25 Years Monday of this week, July a5th. Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur W\-vil!e (the termer Sarah Wyatt. Flesherton) cel- ebrated their silver wedding annivcr- s;iry at their home on Countess Street A wedding supper was on the lawn to relatives and close friend's at 6:30. Later the friends of the Ba.ptist Church, with their pastor and wife and the near neighbours, assennbled. .A program, planned t>y Mrs. Les. Ad- ams, with bagpipe and violin musi'*, singing, ami a wedding skit, was pre- sente<i. Greetings were brought from the church by .Anthony Holmes, and frow the I'.eighbours by Doyle Braithwaite. -An address was read by Mrs. Wil- ton, and a presentation was maiie of a siiver sugar and cream set on a silver ttay, and also two lawn chairs. The bride opened a tutnvber of beau- tiful gifts fivm their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wyville replied. Gifts from Mrs. Wyville's brothers in Saskatchewan were received anil »!so a telegram of g\>od wishes t'l'oni Stanley. Wesley and Norma from Winnipeg. Friends were present from Owen Simul, Markdale, Mfevwell, Proton Station, Meaford and Walkerton. Siitging of "They -Are Jolly G<.h\1 Fel- lows", followed by lunch closed a very pleasant evening. â€" Durham Chronicle. The Late Leonard Latimer (By Eugenia Rep>rter) A sad gloom was cast over - ur locality when it was known that Mr. Jaones Leonard Latimer, one of our , v^ oldest citizens, had passed away zn.J^^ Jifonday. J-uly 2&th. The late Mr. Latimer was bom on June 22nd, iA years ago, on she farm on the Sth I'ne, .Arteme-ia. oa which Mr. Wrr. Magee now resuM*. He was one -f a .^smily of nine, fotir urirls and five boys: Mary, Mr*. Plantt; Lizzie, Mrs. Danlop and Ettie. Mrs. J. .A. Jamieson, all de- ceased, and ^ftpah, Mrs. Slack, ra- siding in Toronto: Jonathan. Wesley and .Albert, all deceased, and- Will, Residing in Minnesota, US-A. He was married in St. Vincent Townsiiip to Miss Mary Johnston ii» V^l. his wife predeceasing him by a tew years, and is survived by one daughter. Esther. Mrs. Ernie Pto«» tor, and four grandchildren. Jean, Arthur. George and Eleanor Proctor The late Mr. Latimer had been ii» robust health until tiwo years agO> when he l»egan to fail, and about two weeks ago suffered a slight stroke, from which he failed to re- cover. He was a good neigtibor and had many friends, and w-as a mem- ber of the Methodist Church and later the L'nited Church, being Sup- erintendent of the Simday School for many years. He was also aa Elder of the church. .After his marriage, the late Mr. Latimer farmed for many years on the farm now owaed by Mr jDhn Campbell, and about T. years a^ro moved to the village and whe-e he resided until his death. The funeral \vas held on Thurs- day afternoon. Following a short service at rl\e home, a public serv- ice was held in the L'nited Churcn. where many friends and neighbors gathered to pay their tribute of respect. Rev. A. J. Fletcher deliv- ered a very comforting message to the bereaived. Mrs. J. Cairns and Mrs. E. Breadner sweetly rendered the hymn "Saved By Graie.'' The palUbearers were Messrs. Joe Porteous. Will Walker. Russeil Park. Wesley and Fred Plantt and Dave Genoe. The bower bearers were: Messrs. Fred Pedlar. Ted Burton. Elward Campbell and W. Frizzell. Interment was made in the family plot in Flesherton Cemetery. We extend our sympathy to those left in sad bereavement. "Gone with the light that shines so far. Gone from the earth of sor-.^w and care. Resting those lambs that did the i- best, Gone is their father, gone to rest." Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Q. J. Hardy of Fort Erie, Ont., wish to announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Jeune Oliva Gertrude, to Robert (Roil) Ha.xton Banks, son of Mr. urd Mrs. Geo. E. Banks of Flesher- ton, the marriage to take place on Satui-day, -August pth, at Fort Eric. The bathing gal of to-^fey doesn't look anything like she did five year* ajjo, â€" but the men are looking just the same. Future Events PLAY AT W.VREHAM Hear the comedy ".Auralia Bri^l^ From HemU^ck Ridse" to be pre- sented by Keldon Dramatic Club at Wareham on Friday evening, .Aug. 5th. under ausrpices of the W". .A. .Admission: ;?5c and -t>c- Announcing THE PARK HOTEL DINING ROOM will be closed until September 1st, except for registered guests. . L. MoLEAN, Prop. â-º-":i>^J