Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jun 1949, p. 5

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THB Iil.ESHSRTON ADVANCE >»»»»»»»*»»»»»*»#*<»*o*»»o*»^ Wednesday, June 29, 1949 I Cream J â- â- ^ Since we are aj^proacring the peak o/ cream production ^^ the warm weather, v/e advise our patroals to deliver their cream at least twice a weelj^d eccive the highest returns. We are P<i!fshg 2 cents above truck prices for delivered -•'cream, so why not deliver your cream to the Flesherton Creameijy, where you are gfuaran- teed service and highest 'market prices for your prodcct. Now trat the Egg production is falling off, we advise you to cull your flock and market those hens that are not laying, and cut down your feed expenses. We are paying top mai-ket prices for fowl, either alive or dressed. TRY FLESHERTON CREAMERY; THE PLACE OF SATISFACTION AND SERVICE. l Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario Now Available Imperial "Esso" OIL BURNERS with Guaranteed Oil Supply Budget Terms if desired Wilson Sales & Service HEATING CONTRACTORS COLLINGWOOD Box 84 Telephone 484R Girls Wanted for • Power Sewing Machines Good Working Conditions Music While You Work .Two Rest Periods Daily Five-Day Week Superior Converters Limited Telephone 137 Mount Forest i ♦ ♦ t ^^<»^<,^><Hj«x«<«<><><"K«<KKKWK~x«<">*x~K«<KKK'-;~KKK~XKK~x~:~c«<":~:~> General Insurance AUTO FIRE LIABILITIES Special low rates for most private cars D. G. MacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON 21 -DAY SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES To EASTERN QUEBEC AND THE MARITIMES Enjoy that holiday "Down East" or a risit home or away with Iriends. Low summer fares . . . nturn limit 21 days, with stop- 0f*n permitted. Effectire JUNE 20th to SEPTEMBER 5th InclusiTe GmubU any Canadian Pacific a^ent OaHdi^inH &a^i{fic FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mis. Han-y Sammons and children visited the past -.veelt with his father. Mr. Levi Sammons and Sadie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Easdck and daiigrhter of Hamilton spent tho past week with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard McKee. Mr. and Jhs. W. Casey and child- ren of Detroit visited over the week end with their cousins. Mr. aiul Mrs. John McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and Shar- on, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robertso.i and sons visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long. The Ladies' Aid. hiirh sehojl and public school picnic at Sunset Point was well attended on Friday. Mrs. Minnie McLean of CoUing- wood is visiting with her son, Mr. John McLean, and family. Miss Joan Crawtfoi-d has passed her second year honor Arts course at Utiiversity of Toronto and re- ceived third class honors. She is specializing in modern languages and literature. EVGEMIA Mrs. Fred Partridge and little sen have returned home from the Btark- dale hospital. Mrs. W. G. Hay of Owen Sound is holid»yinc: with her husband at their cottage on the 8th line. Mr. and Mra. Jos. Williams, Jr., and the former's brother. Clarence, of Toronto spent the week end with their parents. Mrs. Gordon Breadner and babe have gone north to join her huAamd who is employed there. Misses Mlary and Isabelle McKee. Patsy Taylor and Mr. F. W. McCar- thy of Toronto were week end visi- tors at the McKee home. Miss Shirley Cairns spent a few days with Mr. and Mns. D. Cairns, near Ceylon. Mr. Court Smith has purchased a bam on the range near Meaford. He has torn it down- and is drawing it home to erect a new bam. Mr. Dennis Campbell of Toronto was at his home on the week end. in Oiwen Sound. A number from this eommunity attended the music festival in SUy- n«r on Saturday. PRICEVILLE BUCKINGHAM Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Roswell, Mr. snd Mrs. Wm. Banks and Betty and Dennis of Brantford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Udell and also called on relatives in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Jame.s Heitman and Lee visited recently with Mir. and Mrs. John Tupling, Gibraltar. Miss Viva Roberts of Toronto spent the week end with her sister Mrs. George Langtree and Mr. Langtree. Mr. Sheldon Mills -brought his wife and infant son home from hos- pital last week. iMr. Allan Tupling has returned to Toronto after having spent a few days at his home here due to hav- ing several ribs broken. (Intended for Last Week) Large crowds attended the two services at Maple Grove Baptist Church on Sunday following the week of evangelistic services at which Rev. Marritt was the special speaker, assisted by the vocal trio from St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt and sons of Toronto spent the week end with the Essland and Parker families. The Bleakley family and other friends of Brampton spent the week end at their farm here. Mrs. Wilfred Hawton and infant son arrived home from Collingwood hospital a week ago Mr. and Mrs. Harry Udell snent a dav last week Miases Emma Meade and Betty Tucker have been enga«:ed to teach school in Normani>y, Joyce Tucker at Riverview. Mrs. H. B. Mct«aa has been re-engaged for her fourth year at Priceville and Betty Hincka for another year a* Lisle. Mesdames Wm. Meads, Thos. Cur- rie, Malcolm MJcLean, Jim Sturro.'k, Joe McKee, Wm. Moody, Neil Aid- corn and Misses Anna Shortreed end Beatrice Watters, attended the Dia trict annual meeting of the W. F. at Owen Sound Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Jack McMeekin and diuphier, Marlene, of Mt. Forest spent a few days with his sister, Mr.s. Bradey Irs in Mrs. Jim Sturrock and son, Gor- don and sister, Mrs. Christie, who has just arrived from the West, and Mrs. Margaret Essex visited recent- Ij- with Mrs. Stui-rock's sister, Mrs.l Bob Lane, at (Jeorgetown. Mr. Clarence McArthur has gone. to Toronto for awhile. 3Irs. Percy Sims spent Saturday ar the home of her daughter at Fer- gus attended the Beatty picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Verg-oz spent Saturday at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macfarlane of Toronto spent the week end with her father and Sunday visited at the Neil Macfarlane and A. L. Hincks homes. Mr. Colin MacLean accom- panied thepi to Toronto for a few days' visit. Mrs. Findlay MacCuaig and Don- ald of Mulock visited Saturday at the home of Henry Tucker. Mr. Gordon Nichol and friend ot London spent the week end at his parental home. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. Edgar Patterson were: Mrs. Sandy Robertson of London, Miss Lavina Stevens and friend of Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson, Gail and Marilyn, and Mr. Oswald Potter of Mono Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Mr. Jimmie Patterson and Mrs. Aubrey Foster of Markdale attended the Riawn reunion at Collingwood on Saturday. Mr. Emerson Beaton entertaine.t the B.Y.P.U. from Flesherton and Rock Mills at his home on Friday night. Crokinole and music were en- joyed and a social time spent. Mr. and Mrs. Don Meads and son, Donnie, and Mrs. Laurie Hutchinson and Marjorie Arme of Toronto, Mr. ; Welding Electric Arc and Oxy-AcctyUnt NEW PORTABLE WELDING EQUIPMENT Will do welding any place at anytime. Special- izing in all kinds of metals. Government approved operator When your madiinery breaks down g^ve us a call and let us repair it at once Ik- Trailers built for your Car, Tractor or to sleep in TED McCRACKEN Phone I24^v^ FLESHERTON ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•»»»<»»«<>»<><>»>»x»<«<~:«-x^»»»<''»-><»<";~;'»-;«»»->^»» »»»»<» and Mrs. Gilbert McCannell and Mrs. Bella McC-annell and .\lex. of Proton Station visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Meads on the week end. Mts. Arthur Leith was hostess on Tuesday afternoon to the WJI.S. and W. H., with 21 ladies present. Plans were made for the garden party on June 30th, and the follow- ing committees were appointed: table, Mesdames Aldcorn, E. Kins- man, Jack Whyte, P. Sims and Ed. Vergoz; tea, Mrs. Malcolm McLean and Mrs. Aldcorn. It was decided to purchase a mirror for the piano and an electric fan for the choir. Mrs. Archie MacCuaig conducted a na- tion contest with Miss Kathleen Mc- Lean and Ifrs. Aldcorn winning the prize. Mrs. Aldcorn spoke a few words to the bride, Mrs. John Short reed, a valued meniber of our So.:- iety and preseated her -with a Icvely corn flower fruit bowl. Mrs. Short- reed thanked the ladies for the gift. Mrs. D. L. MaaArthur presided for the W.M.S., and donations werj brought in for the bale. Roll eail was answered by a verse from the Bible with the word Peace. M.*. John Shortreed gave the topic "A'n- ong the Chinese in Canada." The president welcomed Mr. and Mrs. W. F. lIcRe>-nolds to the meeting. A bountiful lunch was served by the hostess and assistants. NOTICE , 1949 TAXES OF THE VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON .\ first instalment of 50 per cent 7f :he total amount is due and payable on or before July 1st, 13-49, and the balance on or before De. Ist, 1949. If the first instalment is un^id after July Ist, 1949, the whoI« of the amount of taxes becomes due and payable without penalty on or before Sept. 15th, 1949. The usual penalty will be added when T?ai<i after Sept. 15th, 1949. â€" F. H. W. HICKLIXG. Treasttrer SPRAY^PAINTING Specializing in Steel Bam Roofs Barns Houses Brick Work and Stucco ALL KINDS OF DECOR_\TIXG Estimates furnislied R.J. HUTCHINSON Phone Flesherton 48 J 1 KIMBERLEY HANDS IN TRAINING ... FOR OMARIO Learning Business Practice Girls prefer expensive scenta â€" advertisement. Anyway, in prefer- ence to million-dwllar airs. Student: "I hear the Board of Trustess is trying to s'.^p nocking." Co-ed: -That so? Next thing they'll be trying to' mad; the stud- ents ?to4> too." IN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every sinitle one of us. Our lathe?, dynamos, drill presses, farm omnbiueii. tractors, business machines, etc. are producing gooils and services whicli earn dollars. These dollars urovide ft)od, clothing, medical care and other necessities which contribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us. therefore, has a verv personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to iutiustrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of "[overament, industry and labour in the field t)f employee training. In sctiools and in factories our workers, young and old. arc given, the opiK)rtunity to develop new and specific skills in every lieUt of business and iutiustrial activity. For instance, every effort on the part of office workers to become pro- ficient in typing, tiling, shorthand and secretarial work, will mean greater business efficiency â€" will help to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and work. Our Wnv of Lif«> lt«>«var«ls» Trnined IIkikIm Ontario Hi»rkers kii«\> tliev cau earn more, have exeoutivo resjwnsibilitv and eiijov a hlgbor^taiulard of living in direct ratio to tin- skills tlicv ac- quire autl the way thev make use of tbem. That's alwavs true ill a free economv â€" that's whv our ci»m- petitive system will continue to make Canada great and a great place iu which to live. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) ^^B

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