Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jun 1949, p. 4

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I Wednlsday, June 29, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE "-H Implements Mmure Spreaders, Plows, l>i«c Harrows, Norseman Traetyra Scafflers, Rubber Tire Wagons HAYING EQUIPMENT Rope TnKk Hay Cars Hay Forks Pallera One Used Frost & Wood IMower Uaed iKIower Used Hay Rake Long and Short SUnga Ladders Barn Door Track Track for Overhead Doon RENFREW CREAM SEPARATORS We still have some good Used Separators R0OPE»IG, SIDING AfJD INSULATION Roofs examined and estimates sriven free EDGAR BETTS I I 5: Phone 46J FLESHERTON VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Verna Allen, Toronto, was a week end guest of her friend Miss Florence Batchelor and accompanied her to the Acheson reunion. Two hundred and four persons were rcpistered at the reunion, held »^in in the Memorial Park, Dun- dalk, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Stanley Acheson was named Presi- dent for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid, Toronto â- were Sunday guests of Mt. and Mrs. Geoxj^ Ludlow. Another recent gTii'st was Mr. Maurice Russel, Var.- deleur district. Ma.ster Keith Gallagher, War'jham spent the week end with his grand- l>arents, Mr. and ^rs. Wilfred Gal- lagher. Leslie EVuncan, Aubrey Gott md â- Wllma Stevens leave on Wediesdav for ten days at Camp Presqu'Ile near Owen Sound as delegates from the iTiistioge Y.P.U. Mra. Ed. Brooks, Gorbetton, Mrs. C Bassett and Miss Jessie Knight, Chatsworth, and Miss Doris Bannon, Toronto, wece wetk end visitor-; in the Milton Bannon home. A visitor in ihe Vome of Walter Ajlifron at th>; iv.'ek end wis Mrs. Acheson's sister. Miss Marie Cook, '>f Toronto. Heartiest congratulations and best •wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nicholls, who celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary on June 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Fibroid Jick.son of Toronto, newly m^iTiM voro week end guests .v^th Mr. and Mrs. Art Jack^^on. Wedding bells are chiming. dale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. Messrs Chas Newell and Ned Croft visited on Saturday with Mr. Sam Black of Orangeville. Mr. Black and family lived here a few years ago and are very well known. Mr. Black is in very poor health at present, having suffered a stroke a few months ago. St. John's United Church RcT. A. G. MacphersoB . Minister SUNDAY, JULY 3 10:15 a.m.â€" Church School. 11 a.m. â€" St. John's sei-vice of wor- ship. Guest soloist: Mr. Jas. Milne of Owen Sound. 3 p.m. â€" Drumhead Service in Mem- orial Park (The Proton and Eugenia services withdrawn.) After a person has done only as he pleased he isn't always pleased with what he has done. Future Events KIMBERLEY Mr. an<t Mrs. Everette McLean, Miss Jane McLean and girl friend of Madison, Ohio, are visiting with Mr. and Mts. D. L. Weiber. We are glad to know that Mrs. Wayne Weber is progressing favor- ably after her recent operation in Collingwood hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sproule visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence. Service in the Baptist Church was withdrawn Sunday nigiht and joined with Maple Grove at the evangelis- tic service, led by Rev. Plant of Providence, where all heard an out- standing goe(pel message, also the singing of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kettyle of Brownaburg, Que. Rev. West preached his farewell sermon Sunday morning at Kimber- Iry. We are very sorry to have Mr. and Mrs. West leave us. They will be residing at Heathcote, but up to the present we do not know who will be taking the work here. Brenda Joan, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham, received the rite of baptism on Sunday. ♦ ' ' . ' ' THEY'RE HERE New Beatty Washer Models for Long Service - lacked ky leatty^ Reasonably Priced (Intended for Last Week) The baptism of Carla Patricia, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jenkins, was made in the church by Rev. West on Sunday. Evangelistic sei-vices are planned by the pastor of the Baptinst church to be held in Kimberley June 28th to July 3rd. An interesiting event took place Sunday night at the Baptist church, when Mr. John Wilson and Mr. Cairns turned on and dedicated the new electric lighting system. Mr. Wilson gave a short talk and Mr. Cairns followed with the dedication prayer. Mr. Wilson turned on the main lights and Mr. Cairns the desk light, a gift to the church by a friend in Toronto. The subject of Mr. Cairns' sermon was "Jesus thu Light of the World." Our baseball team journeyed to Thornlbury to play tiheir third game on June 18th, and won 12-4. Several from here attended the decoration day at Thornbury Ceme- tery on Sunday. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. S. Burshlen of Wes- ton and the latter's sister, Mrs. Haines of I>ondonEngland were visi- tors last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. WiK-ion. M!r. Bob Buyer.s of Detroit and Hi-, and Mrs. Thos. Tucker of Dur- ham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrave and Mr John Hargrave. Mr. Koy Helmkay of Montreal holidayed last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant HelmTcay. Mr. Hen Wilson of Windsor is holidaying with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. School closes this week for the .summer vacation. Mr. Ned Croft received word on Monday that his undo, Mr., Thos Croft of Mlarkdale had suffered a severe stroke on Sunday. lie visited with him Monday evening in Mark- dale. Mrs. Dick Clark is spending a few Boys this week in Owen Sound. ATr. Mannie Dol).son and Miss Margaret Park wero in Toronto one 'lay last week. Mr. Bryce Ben.wn of Shelburne \va« home over the week end Vx. and Mrs. H. Page of Mark- PRICEVILLE GARDEN PARTY A garden party will be held in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church base- ment on Thursday, June 30th. Sup- per 6 to 8:30, followed by a play "Mr. Beane From Lima," by Knox, Normanby, Y.P.S. Admission: ad- ults 75c, children 35c. Anniversary services Sunday, July 3rd, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. MA.XWKLL GARDEN PARTY At Maxwell United Church, Friday .Tilly Bth; Supper from G to S. t'lay "Kyes of Love" presented by Salem talent. Ball game. Admission; 76c and 3'5c. DANCE IN MAXWBIL In Orange Hall, Thursday, June goth, under auspices of Hall Cora, Music by Shaiipe'i Orchestra, Dur- ham. Admission; 40c. MAXWELL CHURCH SERVICE Next Sunday, July 3rd, unveiling of pulpit and the communion table drapes and memorial Bible in the Maxwell United (Tliurch. A welcome awaits you at Maxwell United Church at 3 o'clock. PIANO RECITAL A piano recital by the pupils, of Mrs. J. E. Milne, A.T.CjM., assisted by the Junior Choir will be held in St. John's United Church, Flesher- ton, on Friday, July 8th, at 8:30 pjm. Admission: Adults ''Oc, child- ren 25c., proceeds for the United Church organ fund. AUCTION SALE Auction sale of household effects will be held by Jos. Duncan at his vcHidciice in Flcshorton on Saturday, July 9th, at 2 p.m. â€" Geo. E. Duncan .Auctioneer. SPRINGHILL SCHOOL PUPJLS PRESENT TEACHER WITH GIFT The pupils of Springhill school, at their picnic at the school on Friday last, presented their teacher. Mrs. Lilyan Goheen, with a lovely china cup and saucer, as a token of es- teem. The gift was presented by Lorene Fothergill and Norma Eagles, and E<lwin Gowanlock prepared the address. Mrs. Goheen has taught at Springhill school for the past three years. Next term she will be teach- ing at Proton Statioi.. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES Minister: Rev. A. J. Fletcher Fleshorton â€" Sunday School lO a.m. Services 11, and 7:30 p.m. Rock Millsâ€" Sunday School 2 p.m. Sei'vice 3 p.m. No Young People's meeting this week. Sunday School picnic for both churches on Thursday, at Akitt's bush. Come in time for 1 o'clock meal. All are welcome. r* Electors of Grey-Bruce: My sincere thanks for the splendid support on Monday. Walter E. Harris The morning and evening services in the Cedarside Church were well attended with the pastor in the pul- pit. In the morning the sermon was based on Ecclesiastes 10:8, "Whoso breakebh an hedge a serpent shall bite him"; in the evening the pastor ineached on "The Keys of the King- dom". At Rock Mills special music was given by Mr. A. English in the Sun- day School, and Mr. .\. Bayford, of England, sang a .-^olo for the worship service. .'\ftor some discussion in both Sunday Schools it was decided to nu'ot at Akitt's bush for the picnic ill time to have the mid-day meal together, and have the sports after- wards. A booth will be set up to sell ice cream, soft drinks, and candy l)ars. Organized sports and races are arrange<l for all ages. An in- vitation is extended to all of our two congregations to join us. SWINTON PARK OTHER HARDWARE LINES- Screen and Combination Doors Lawn, Mowers Garden Hose, Frbst Fence, Barb Wire, Bicycles, Coaster Wagons. Electria Ranges DUNCAN'S HARDWARE GIFTS FOR JUNE BRIDES- Dinnerware Crystal Silver Table Lamps Irons Toasters Enamel and Aluminum Utensils Pressure Cookers Pyrex Rangette* Hot Plates Coal - Cement - Lime - Plaster FLESHERTON, Ont â- >♦♦♦»♦•?♦<> ♦♦»0»0»»»»»'»»» APPOINTED TO STAFF OF UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Jane Karstedt of Priceville has com/pleted her 4-year honor course in Household Economics at the Uni- versity of Toronto, and has received her B. A. degree, with first class honors. Jane has received an ap- pointment to the staff of the Univer- sity, and will continue her studies in Textile Chemistry in preparation for her Master of Arts degree. Use The Advance Snail Adrvta. in buying or selling. Mrs. Wm. Christie of Alberta is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Fer- guson. Mrs. Howard Watson attended the Lyons â€" iLepard wedding Saturday at the Wareham church. A social time waa held in the .school in honor of our toacher. Miss Kva Hill. A presentation was made and n compact was presented to her. An address was read by Janice Richardson and the presentation nvade by Marie Hay. A lovely lunch was served to the gathering. Mr. Jas. Campbell from the West spent a week at Ae home of Neil Camipbell. Not all of llw fonikt of address- ing a golf ball are foimd in (he rule hooka. ON GEORGIAN BAY Oh boy! Is it ever fun here in the nice sand and with lots of water to play in. And dad and mum can have lots of fun too, 'cause they don't have to worry. This beach is sure swell for kids. YOU'LL ENJOY GOING BY BUS FARES ARE LOW Parry Sound - $11.30 Wasaga Beach 4.85 Collingwood - 4.10 Penetang - 6.25 ROUND TRIP (Subject to change) -â- â- â- â- â-  •â- â- Â» %». STi â- ^ CENTRE GREY BASEBAiLL LEAGUE SCHEDULE June 2* â€" 'Mlarkdale at Rocklyn June 27 â€" ^Rocklyn at Kimberley Joine 27 â€" ^Thornlbury at Markdale June 30â€" Kimberley at Markdale July 5 â€" ^Thornbury at Rocklyn July 7 â€" Markdale at Kimberley July 7 â€" Rocklyn at Markdale July 11 â€" •Kimberley at Thornbury July 11 â€" Markdale at Rocklyn Jojly 14 â€" ^Thornbury at Markdale July 20 â€" ^Rocklyn at Thornbury July ..3 â€" Markdale at Kimberley July 27â€" Markdale at Thornbury July 27 â€" ^Kimberley at Rocklyn LBAjGUE STANDING (as at June 25) Won Lost Rocklyn 3 Kimtoerley 2 1 Thornlbury 3 Markdale I "If you ask me," complained a visKor "this isn't much of a World's Fair.' "Oh, well," sighed the philosophi- cal cynic, "it isn't much of a world." Can anyone give me an example^ of the word 'untouchab'e?' " "The guest towel in the bathroom." NOTICE Commencing July 1, 19*9, we are "Jy going on a cash basis. We would apipreciate all outstanding accounts paid before that date â€" ^passed by re- solution of the Board. ELECTRIC SANDill We have purchased the electric Sander from S. Stauffer, and will try And keep up his good reputation ol perfection of sanding and finishing floors. If you need a sanding job phone 24w or 70. We will gfive yon prices on all jobs. We carry a good supply of Ce- menit. Lumber, Ashphalt Shingles, Insul Brick Siding, Arborite and all Cupboard supplies. Washing Machines, Hot Plates and Toasters. Groceries and Green Vegetables. O. & A. CO-OPERATIVE ^^i Men Wanted Immediately for HARVEST WORK ON ONTARIO FARMS This message is addressed particularly to men but some women also can be used. Crops are ripening earlier than usual all over Ontario. Able-ix)died men, willing to do Farm Harvest work, are urgently needed at once. Wages and working conditions arc good. # WAGES: ^75.00 monthly with room and board free. # TRANSPORTATION: Paid to place of employment anywhere in Ontario. # FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Please check with the nearest Oflfice of the National Employment Service Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister ^^^<»^^<if^^^<^'^'^''y>'>^^'»:'>^^^^^^^fi^^.^^,^^^^,f,^^,^^,^,^,^^^^^^yy We Hove on Hond I a VA Case Tractors VAC Case Tractor <S A6 Combine, equipped with air cooled motor f.f 3-Furrow Tractor Plow, 10 in. bottoms ,^*|Nf^ Several sets of Fleury-Bissel Disc Harrows ^^ 1945 Z^/z ton Dodge Truck, 152 in. W.B. j^ NATHAN HAW & SONSi Dodg-e-DeSoto Sales & Service J. I. Case Farm Machinery Phone 111 1. DUNDALK A

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