'â- X â- \ Don Mlistr ond His Orchestra at Flesherton Tuesd^^night^ July 5th; Fbor Show; Dance on %w Polished Floor FJ.ESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publist'^ Celebrate Dominion Day in Flesherton A^pWfNIE WAUCHOPE HAD ^prSANUT ON HIS" LUNG 'j[ Donnie, the f«ur-year-old son of f^ Mr. and Mra^ Lloyd Wauchope of V Shelburne had the misfortune to J have four pieces of a peanut lodge ^ on his lung last week. He was then '^ rushed to the Hospital for Sick ^ Children in Toronto, where he . re- .^ mained for five days and had ehe 7 pieces removed by specialists there. ^ Donnie is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. m John Thistlewaite of town. Mbths are among the least ag- gressive of all insects â€" and aftcT looking at our last year's bathing suit we're convinced theyll be will- ing to take a .back seat. KIMBERLEY BAPTIST CHURCH Come to 'our old-fashioned Revival Services, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thifrsday. Friday and Sunday, at 8:15 p.m. Evanfireliat: J. E. Plant, Meaford. Thursday night is Flesh- erton Night; Friday night is Yount' People's Night. Come and bring your friends. Died BEST â€" At his residence in Fle- sherton -on Wednesday, June 29th, 194<^4&hfirles Best, in his 67th year. Renting at his late residence, wihere service will .be held on Friday, July 1st, 1949, at 2 o'clock p.m. Inter- ment in Flesherton Cemetery. Marion^s Dress Shop OWEN SOUND will show DRESSES SALE PRICE $4.95 UP in COTTONS CHAMBRAYS SHANTUNGS SILK PRINTS at CRANE'S GIFT SHOP ' EACH WEDNESDAY from 2 imu. to 10 p.m. Please feel welcome to come in and look around The Home of | Tasty Baking t Specials This Week :| FRESH ORANGE MAPLE WALNUT | GOLDEN COCOANUT | PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frcwsen) COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c Raisin Date ,^,i»*^ CREAM PUFFS CREAM BUNS | JELLY ROLLS | Flesherton Bakery ' j I m Our Chapel is at the dispoMl of our cHent«l« without txtra chugt. It contains w«ll-*ppoint«d family rtception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and MaddoEKS l?4Avpniii' Rcl Ki.4344 HARRIS MAJORITY 4566 IN GREY-BRUCE MISS GENEVIEVE K. MILNE Recent graduate of the University of Toronto in occupational therapy, and is interning at the Ontario Hos- pital in Toronto. Feversham Church Held Picnic At CoUingwood Burns Presibyterian Church, Fev- ersham, held a very successful pic- nic at Sunset Point, OollingAvood, on Saturday, June 2-ith. An enjoy- able time of ball games and races topped with a sumptuous supper was exiperienced by all. The win- ners of the various races were: Girls & Boys 4-6 â€" ^Diane McQuay, David Stewart, Mary Stephens. Girls and Boys 7-10 â€" Evelyn Ped- lar, Cheryl Light, Heather Anderson. Girls and Boys lil-l'3 â€" Owen Law- lor, Stephen E3by, Gerald Lamlor. Girls and Boys 14-16 â€" Joan Dav- idson, Steven Kfey. Yyonne DavijkQu. Single Men ^ Raceâ€" Ron Davidson Bert Hale, Harry Bewell. , Single Ladies Race â€" Joan David- son, Yvonne Davidson, Norma Heit- man. Married Men's Race â€" Walter Law- lf>r, Fred Hale, Laurie iSewell. rOhildren 3-Legged Rate â€" Steven Eby and Gerald Lawlor, Gwen Law- lor and Anne Parsonage, Marilyn Lawlor and Phyllis Parsonage. Young People's 3-Legged Race â€" Bert Hale and Joan Davidson, Ron Davidson and Yvonne Davidson. Children's Piggy-Back â€" Phyllis Parsonage and Marion Lawler. Gwen Lawlor and Anne Parsonage, Gerald Lawlor and Steven Eby. Young People's Piggy-Back Race â€" Ron Davidson and Gerald Lawlor, Marilyn Lawlor and Mary Stephens, Joan Davidson and Ruth McLean. (Married Ladies' Kick-the-sliipiperâ€" Mrs. Madige EJby, Mrs. Fred Hale, Mrs. Frank Hannah, iGirls' Kick-Ahe-sliiptper â€" Matfilyn Lawlor, Joan Davidson, Yfvonne Da- vidson. Colin E. Bennett Defea'^s Conservative by 2309 A landslide to the side of the Lib- oral party was the result of the el- ection on Monday, when they cap- tured 193 seats out of a possible 262, with the Progressive Consei-vatives securing only 42. The CCF lost out heavily and only won 12 seats from coast to coast. Walter E. Harris of M'arkdale won Grey-Bruce with a greater majority than ever, being 4666 votes ahead of his fellow-townsman, Frank D. Saw- year, who had 6146. Mr. Harris has been the memiber for Grey-Bruce since 1940. In the last House of Coimmons he was parlianientavy sec retary to the Prime Minister. North Grey turned over from t'l Conservative side to that of Liberal when they elected Colin E. Bennett Meaford lawyer, with a majority of 2o'09 over Garfield Case, the member in the last House. Osprey TowntShip was one of the few municipalities to give the Progressive Conservative candidate a majority, while Dundalk grave the Progressive Conservative candidate, Mr. Sawyer, a majority. The Porfclaw poll in Artemesia was the only one in the township to givf Sawyer a majority. Following is the recajpitulation of the vote in Grey-Bruce and No-th Grey: THE GREY-BRUCE VOTE Baltruweit Artemesia 50 Bentinck 65 Br'^nt 41 esfrick "-.vi?^;-.-.-. 130 Chatsworth .... 9 Ohesley 97 Dundalk 21 Durham 22 Egremont 97 Elderslie 27 Flesherton .... 2 Glenelg 26 Hanover ' 26S Markdale 24! Mildmay li Neustadt 42 Niormanby 116 Pais'Iey 7 Proton 2H Sullivan 88 Walkerton .... 57 Harris 530 540 739 1280 110 587 214 329 510 361 128 4E8 1171 280 822" 166 536 259 500 532 1154 Sawyer 323 420 472 2138 102 314 246 476 409 289 119 223 448 242 70 26 407 176 318 334 6<44 FACTURED LEFT ARM Mrs. Fred Brackelibury had the misfortune recently to fall in the woodshed at her home and fracture both bones in her left arm. She is improving nicely and we hope that the armi will be as good as ever. PASSED NORMAL EXAMS Four graduates of Flegihertcn High School secured their interim first class teacher's cerificates from the Toronto Normal School: Gwen White Betty Tucker, Emma Meads and! IVannhe Walker. The latter will I teach in her home school of Eugenia. Born GORDON â€" .A.t the Nuhn Nurs- irtg Home, Flesherton, on Saturday, June 26th, 1G49, to Mr. and Mrs., Allan Gordon of Maxwell, a daugh- ter, Betty Jean. HARRISON â€" At the Nuhn Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, on Tuesday, June 2»bh, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Royden Hwrriaon of Dronlore, a dauighter, Bonnie Jean. MiBRiEDITH â€" At the Noihn Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, on Monday, June 27th, 1949, to Mi-, and Mrs. Jas. Meredith of Coi'betton, a son. STORES OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY, JUNE 80TH Due to a holiday ,on Friday, July 1st, the retail stores and otiher bus- iness places in Flesherton wil e- main open all day Thursday, June 30th, for the convenience of -heir district patrons. 1148 10712 6il46 ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP 1 7 5B 56 2 4 58 29 3 31 40 28 4 6 66 47 5 18 lllR' 43 6 8 aa 19 7 6 lOa 55 8 3 29 46 50 530 323 GLENELG TOWNSHIP Baltruweit Harris Sawyer 1 12 98 76 2 7 80 16. 3 ']. 1 97 62 4 2 78 39 5 4 t® 31 26 ASS, 223 PROTON TOWNSHIP Baltruweit Harris Sawyer 1 57 56 ., 10 104 48 3 ." -4 96 57 4 1 46 24 5 7 42 63 6 60 16 7 2 68 26 8 42 28 24 NORTH GREY Bennett Owen Sound .... 4260 Colling^vood .. 610 Dei^by 406 Euphrasia '*25 Holland l'?9 Keppel 425 Mteaford 1218 Osprey '("i Sarawak 182 Shallow Lake 87 Sv.lenham .. 690 Thornibury .... 300 500 318 VOTE Case MciNab 3221 7fl4 521. r428 42* .^39 Hi 518 405 163 f«0 4t4 5-3 74 33 39 67 r.p (10 23 (i 9:< 37 9892 7583 1344 EUPHRASIA TOWNSHIP Bennett Case McNab 1 26 2© 1 2 64 46 2 Osprey Sunday School Conv<:ntion At Maple ^al-sy THE PRIME MINISTER Riuat Hon. Louis St. Laurent, who was leturned as Prime Minister of Canada with a big majority. COLIN E. BENNETT Meaford lawyer, who returned the North Grey riding to the Libei-als. GREY COUNTY SETS RATE AT W/^ MILLS .4Lt its wind-up meetinig of the J^lne session at Owen Sound on Sat- urday, Grey County Council struck a 10'»;-mill tax rate, tthe same as last year. This year's rate will raise $303^309 in taxes, approxim- ately $3,500 more than was secured last year, due to the county's ass- essment being increased by $300,000. The Council granted $] 2,500- to the erection of a nurses' residence and five community centres, follow- ing the recommendation of the fi- nance comimitttee. Durham Hospi- talwill receive S7,500 toward a nurs- es; residence, while the townships of Euphrasia, CoUingwood, Normanby and Sullivan and the Village o± Fle.sihrton will each be granted $1.- 000 toward their comnnunity centres. Andrew Beattie, Sydenham Town- .^hip's leeve, chairman of the pro- perty committee, declared that a memorial cairn to the war dead of the County may be erected on the fronf lawn of the court house In Owen Sound. The pro'ject will be dis- cussed at a later date. The annual convention of the (Os- prey Sunday School A.ssociation Wfas held in Maiple Valley Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, June 2l8t, with the president, Rev. H. L. Shantz. presiding. Due to other conflicting meetings, the attendance this year was small. Following the opening of the con- vention, Rev. Shantz gave a review of the year's work, and the minutes and financial reports were reai by the secretary, Mrs. Leslie Smith. Statistical reports from seven Sun- day School* were read. The guest speaker, Rev. J. A. C. Kell, gave a .short address on *he subject "Where to From Here," and also gave a Tew pointers on teaching older boys and ffirls, stlressing the fact that the teacher must love the pupils with a Christ-like love to be really eifect- ive. A discussion on Sunday Sciiool prnbjcms followed and the after- noon session was closed by sing'.ng the hymn "O Master,* Let Me Walk With Thee." The evening session was opened by singing and Mr. Dean Smith, student minister of Maple Valley church and Rev. Mill en of Maxwell led in prayer. During the eveniiig. .he convention was favored with an accordian solo "Onward, Christian Soldiers,'' by Mr. Smith, and a vocal solo "Does Jesus Care?" by Mrs, .Alvin Stewart. ^ The main feature of the eveniii^ was an inspiring address by Ra^^ Kell on the subject "Are you mga* than a sign post?" He stressed tBf fact that as sign nests are impOVt- a;it in directing the motorist on hjr way, so is the Sunday School teiuik a sign post, pointing boys and glr? • along life's way and warning tfet >' of the dangers on the road, iigi : ; teachers, we must He more thaii ^ i posts and. not only point, but} If ! the way. .K service of dedication wa-i IB :. conducted by Rev. Kell, whi ;i t -^ following officers vere installed #i'.- 1049: Hon. Pres.: E. C Pedlar, Kev.* sham; President: Rev. H. L. Sliani;2r, Singhampton; Vice-President: Mr. Oi-va Ellis, Dumbroon; Sec-Tr^-as.: Mrs. Mfeiwin Kendall, Singhampton; Temiperance Convener: Mr. Dougald Stevens, Fevershann; Missionary Convener: Mrs. Harvey Pedlar, Fe- versham; Teacher Training: Rev. A. E. Millen, Miaxiwell ; Home Depart- ment: Mr. Wilfred Inkster, Proton: Adult Department, Mrs. Percy Win- ters, Singhampton. Bert Best Dies in West ATTENTION, LEGIONAIRES .All Legionaires will meet at the Legion Home on Sunday, July 3rd. at 1:30 p.m. Dress for parade: white shirts, black ties, berets. 3 23 23 Oi. 4 71 40 11 5 62 72 6 (5 â- 10 30 6 7 .50 54 4 8 4S 9^ 2 9 4il • 22 1 425 424 33 OSPREY TOWNSHIP Bennett Case McNab 1 11 49' 10 2 55 74 4 3 76 79 .'5 4 8* 57 8 5 4)1 41 8 6 .39 26 , 10 7 68 55 4 8 28 14 1 9 28 17 10 366 405 60 Many friends in this district will regret to hear of the death of Mr. Bert Best, which r<'curred at Daw- son Creek, B.C., on Wednesday of last week, June 22nd, in his 63rd year, following an operation for ap- pendicitis two weeks previou.'sly. He had been a sufferer from heart trouble for some time. The late Bert Best was the young- est son of the late Mr. anJ Mrs. Robert Best and was born on the farm at Springhill, now owned by Frank Eagles. He was married to Miss Reta Fisher, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pi:her, and they moved to the West 30 years ago, residing at Grand Prairie. They were on a visit to their sons at Daw- son Creek when he was stri::ken with appendicits. Deceased is survived by hi;-- sor- rowing wife, two sons and one daughter, Mei-vyn and Tom at Daw- son Creek, B.C., and Lavern°, Ma-s. Larry Keelan of Sterling, 0"t. He also leaves one brother, Charles, 'of Flesherton, and three sisters, Rachel (Mrs. Simmons) of Toronto, Maggie (Mrs. L. Talbot) of Artemesia and Rhoda (Mrs. Geo. Udell) of Toronto. Last fall Mr. Best and his wife paid a visit to old scenes in this district and called on many friends, spending a couple of montJiB in the East. It was a pleaswre to see them again. He was highly regarded by n wide circle of friends for his kindly disiposition and friendly per- sonality. Mrs. Best and otiher mem- bers of the famiily have the sincere sympathy of their friends here. Britain's war with France in 1696 was partly paid for by a tax on bachelors.