Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1949, p. 8

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Wednesday, April 20, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Purebred Hereford buU, serviceable age., â€" D. W. Adams, phone l02w4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Qunatity of No-barb barley, certified seed. â€" G. Boyce, phone FlciJhertoti 9aJ4. 47c2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of mixed hay. â€" Ken TeeUr, phone 73 J 1 Flesherton. 47p2 h'Oli SXLK â€" Rud clover seed.â€" W . â€"J. McFadden, phone ;i;{J2 Mark- dale. 47p2 â€" » â€" â€" I'OR SALEâ€" Good hay, in the mow. • Herb lietts, phone Fle^ihertoll 42J4. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Reg-. Hereford bull, 8 month.s old, Domino bree<liiig. Bi-uci" McCutcheon, phone i78w2 Dundalk. 47pJ Local and Personal MAHIZD â€" AjmowU sitttablc foi mink and fox f««d.â€" Bert idclntow. fluceiw*. ^h»n« Fe»«r*h» i 6f25 FOR S^VLE â€" .Massey-Harris seed drill. 10-hoe, in »food skape. â€" Wallace Ha.niilton, Flesherton. 1 1>UNU â€" License plate No. N740*J Owner can havt same at The Ad- vance ollice. 45pa FOR SALF>--\VeU cured alfalfa and timothy at my bam at Vandelcur. also real quality potatoes. â€" How- ard M'-Xioo, |>hone XitlX Flesherton FOR SA;LE â€" 2-burner hot plate. aii(i Handi-chaf with oven, both >r<«)d a.s new.â€" W. .J. MlcMastcr. Ithone 4J Flesherton. 46c2 NOTICE i OR SALE â€" Erban oats and Vel- ve* barley for seed.â€" G. .Mc.Mullen, i«hone Thorivbury (J12r5. 40p2 lUR S.ALK â€" 2UU bu. ifoose wheat. â€" Dick Carson, Ceylon, phone Fleahei-ton 22M3. 45c2 FOR S^VLE â€" 2Shorthorn bulls of servicc-able afre. â€" Wm. Cairns. p'honc Flesherton 44w3. 46p2 Hunting, trapping or trespassing on my property strictly prohibited. -John MacDonald, Eugenia. 44p3 i- OR SALE â€" Colony house 12x12, and double hen pen 25x14, -boih nearly new. â€" Fred Taylor, Eujjen- a. phone llHuMl. 4Gp2 F(,)R SALE â€" Timothy and alfalfa â-  ay, also 2 horse collars, 20 aad 12 in.- Ed. Ferris, phone Flesher- lon 45\v4. 4Tp2 i R SALE â€" 1',- story frame house '.:ix24, could be moved or torn • IcfWRâ€"C. riodg-kinson, Heathcote, ..'hone 'I'liornbury 02br2]. 4t)p2 1- R SALEâ€" alack Perchcroii mare, ^ yesn-: 11-plate disc; M.-H. fert- ::izer Ur il; 5 weaning- pigs, four Hee>ks old. â€" Lawson Whitehoad, ihone â- â- fi4v.-2 Flc-^hcrton. -I7j)2 i !R SAL : â€" Set of .M.-H. 14-pl^te luthrovv di.-e harrows v'i*> fove- .'arriage unJ a^2-lU'.>rbw Cockshuti Wd plow. â€" i:,verette Blackburn, phone Flesherton 42 J 1. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" R\iW>er-tire Wagron, XTunmoCh and Red Clover seed, cleaned. â€" Leslie Seeley, Flesh- erton, R.R. 1, phone llr32 Fever- itmxa. 45p2 Monday. Tuesday, AVednesday \]iril 25. 2(\ 27 "GREAT WALTZ" f.oiiise KaJiuT Mililza Korju.s ThurMla.v, Friday, Saturday April 2H. 29, M) THREE GODFATHERS John Wayne in I'echnicolor BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR SALE â€" 70 sheets aluminum rooAng, mostly 3x8 size. â€" G. L. llkgann Co., Ltd., Priceville, or pbo&e Mr. Woodro^v-, Paik Hotel, Fleeherton. 45p YOR SALE â€" Airto-Trac with (>- cylinder Nash ensrino, in good me^anical comdition. â€" Nt>rman Jackson Maxwell, phone Flesher- ton 121wl. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" Hor-se, 6 years old; 2 Sbortfaom oows, 4 and 5 year.s, with eakrva; sap pan; buckets, rubber- tlrt buffgy, steel barrel.^. -- Mrs. Vfm. Sm-eU, R. R. 2, Flesherton. I'OR SAIiE^-room house and ham vdlage of Priceville. For further information aip^jly to Mrs. H. B. RJeihardson, 226 Caledonia Road, Toronto, or Mrs. A. B. McDonald, 380 Piacific Ave., Toronto. 47c2 TOR SALE â€" Red, ind Mammoth clover seed, earfi f2i per bu.; al- falfa seed; 101 M.-H. Tnu-toi (*iper), starter, lights, rubber, real good condition. â€" Alcox Bros., 2% miles north of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway, phone Markdale .".3v^. 47ipl For SALEâ€" I>ot 2«, Oon. , N.D.R., Artemesia, 46 acres more or less, s'ome rotfo reflation, balance grass, creek across; quantity Ihardwood tops, Cockfthutt lO-ft. hay rake, nearly new; M.-H. iSeed Drill 11- hoe; M.-H. Tractor lover-harrow, 3 sections, nearly new. â€" 3. F. ColKnaon, €eylon. 47pl aui;tiu.\ m HOI SKHoLn EFFECTS, ETC. The umlersigned has been insti'uc ted by the F'ublic Trustee to sell by Public Auction, the following chat- tels, owned by HARRY G. HAZARD PRICEVILLE on SATURDAY. APRIL 23, 194» at 2 p.m. irrcludinj? buggy, cutter, harness, el(-ctric washing machine and house- hold effects. Tcnns: Cash. â€"J. O'NEIL, Auctioneer FOR SAIiE â€" Hardwood slah-s «2B per track load; .softwood slabs $18, approximately 7V2 to 8 cords per load. Delivered free -within 10 TOil««. â€" Walter Playter, phone 143J Mbrkdale. 45pl8 CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK iMBcr of Marriafc LiceaaM CONVBYANCBR Wfll» Mortgage*, etc. Ptcrtn AtntmofU A MawitMlafMr ftr UUnc Offtea, Tor«it« BtrMt. FlMkcrtmi FARM and HOME GAS and OIL SERVICE B. A. OIL COMPANY PRODUCTS For prompt delivery of ganoline, kerosene, stove oil, finest quality diefiol fuels and nil grades of Penn- zoil, peertctss "and Autjlene Motor Oils. We alfo hai i'',> nil types of gica.<es. solvent' and ilghting: naphtha. It cotsttt no more to nse the beat Storai e tanks <.nd pu nps are available free -of char^. ELDOK A. /ISHTR Telephone 5»w PIJ5SHKItTON f'n name of Sfi's. Eva Fisher) We pay all telephone chai"«res Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Crt N â€" Pep, Â¥lw , Wff SM* » UvUli B*v ttBbi la out: aglit koMM* n up: nwk ao WniM Mraw: M«7 loHa kut> MmeH. (MtlT "bMB-pota" look. "nioiiMiMl* ot â- irii. waoxa, ma. who amr muM ula boten, an wiw proud ot thapaly. haalUiT-kiouai bodlta, Tber iiiiuik tbo ipooUlTliar-Dulldliw, a«h%uUma( Kiir rtatrti. lu toaloik Mloitilaots, larifOfMon. D. vitamin Bi, aalolum. aDrlgh blood. lBPi*Ta appftilte and dJtcMtloa ao food ilvia roa mora Miaiivth aad BourWiment; pot flm oe bare boiua. Daa't tear taitlDf im tai. Stop when joa'n (alneil tba 6. U>, 16 or UO ItM. you B««d tor normal »atfbt. Ogau liwia. New "ft* aooualulad" ilit aaiir Ma. Tn laaoua Oatrti Tonla TaMau lor aaw vlaor aa# aMwi naunH*. ihM Tty dar. Al all draa«<«<- .Ml. lieverley Hutchinson of Gran(i Forks, B.C., visited with his cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKcchnie. -.Miss Beati'ice Thistlethwaitu of iirigiliton is spending this week at I'er home here. Mr. and Mi-s. Russell Fawtett oi lUulington visited on the week end with his brother, Harold, and family. .Mr.s. .Alines Petty and Marion of Toroiitd called on Mi-s. .1. J. Brown on Tuesday. .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Akins of To- ronto and Miss Anne Akins spent i\r..-i^f wiih their parents. -Mr. C. W. Henry of Cowans/iili;, Que., spent Easter with his dautrh- tci, -Vl'rs. 'i;ed MacTavish. .Ml-;. Hussell .Andrews and thre;' children are visitinic with her mother at -Alton this week. .Mrs. John McDonald attended the riiiicnil of her .•.â- â- ister, M!rs. Love in 'i (ii'onto, the first of the week. .Mr. and Mr.s. W. A. Hawken were visiting with friends, at I.slingt'.)! on Good Friday. Mrs. Frank Teeter and IJobby spent Easter with the fnrmer'.s daughter at Whitby. .Mr. and Mis. Rck. Boden, Donna and tleoine, spent several days last week at Hamilton and Hagersviile. Mrs. Bun Bellamy and daughter of Owen Sound are viisting this w.jck with .Ml', and Mrs. C- J. Bellan^y. - Dr. J. (;. and .Mrs. Coleridpe of Kingsville spent the week end with Mr. and .Mrs.. .John Xuhn. Teddy Stoddait and .Albert Genoe are visiting- at Owen Sound this week. Miss Joanne Wuor] of Hamilton Is is visiting this week with her grand- mother, Mrs. R. Benthmni. ,Mr. and Mr.s. An^us .Avis and Joan spent the Easier hi)iUliiV at Port Elgin. Mrs. O.sear .lacolis and three sons of BufTalo, \.Y., are visiting this week with .Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. Jack Milne and Barry Thurston spent the week end in Toronto and attended the hcK'key games Saliiid.... afterno<u) and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Delbeil Perigoe and two cliildren of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. -Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pallett of Dixie, Miss Evelyn MacTavish of Toronto were with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. A. MbcTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar, Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fawcett and son of Burlington were holiday ROiests of Mr. and Mi-s. L. Pedlar. iMr. and Mrs. Orvil iMc'W'harter and Douglas of Red Wing, Mr. and Mrs. .Stan Menzies, Arthur and Lindii, of Chatsworth were week end gaiests of Mr. and .MVs. W. Knitting. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McDonald and Stewart of Toronto spent Easter with Mr. and -Mrs. John Stewart. The latter two remained tb spend a few days with her parents. Ml-, and Mh'.s. J. G. Moore and Denny of Toi-onto spent Easter with her p;iren'ts, Mn and Mrs. J. O. Dargavcl. Bobby Moore returned with them after visiting with his grandimronts for a month. Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee were: .Mr. and Mrs. Ken MtKee, Ruth and June, of Toronto, Mrs. E. Egan of King, Mrs. Mable Eoklin of Thornhill, besides neariby relatives. Easter and holiday visitors witn Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald were: Mr. and Mrs. William Patton and two .wns Gary and Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Riley, all of Tronto; Mr. Mi's. J. D. McDonald and Danny of Oiarenhurat. Last week visitors at Mr. and .Mrs. John McDonald's were: Miss iSTay McDonald; Mrs. Alex I>oyle of Toronto; Miss Nellie Fisher of Silver Creek; Mr. R. B. Neilson and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neilson and daughter of Owen Sound; and Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Neilson and Murry of Weston. FEVERSHAM (M'l-.s. Fred Tyler visited for a feiw days with her daugfhtcr, .Mis. Tor- rance Williams, Flesihertoii. Mr. Eldridige Mills spent a few days with his parents. Mr. and -Mrs. Lutiher MiU«. Miss Sheila Armstrong of Bar;it. is spendinj? the holidays with he: uncle and aunt, Mr. and Ivlrs. H. Kt>> Miss lima Smith, Reg.N., and Mr. Stanley Smith speijt the week en with Miss Maud Smith. Mh'. Bruce Plummer spent the week end vvith his wife and son. Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn of T. ronto spent a few days with .Mr and Mrs. Jim Hudson. Little f'/ia â- â€¢â-  Conn i.': spending iho holiil'i.vs v , his grandparents, Mr. and Mr*. Mil- ton Roberts. Douglas Davidson and Jack Mc- Kee of Hamilton .spent the week 1 nd at their parental homes. Mr. Levi Sammons, Miss. Sadie Sanimons and Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson aittended the funeral of the former's niece at Dundalk iSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sniythe, Dur- ham, visited over the week end with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Davidson, Jr. Mr. and Mirs. Thos. Scott and .Miss Lnuisa Black of Toronto spent the week eml with their brother, Mr. .T(din Blaek, and .Mi-s. Black. Mr. .Stewart McMiillen of Hamil- ton visited his brother, Jim, and family on Easter. Ml. and Mrs. Ross Long of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mont- «:oinery and (laughters of Dundalk spent Easter Sunday with their par- ents. .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long. Mr. and Mi-s. John Ottewell of Fleshciton and Mr. and Mh-s. Glen Crnft iif Ceylon vi.'Mtcd with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O'ttcwell on Sunday. .Miss Velnia farter and lady friend of Kitehener visited her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Hell over the week end. Mr. and Mis. Bill Reed and Shar- on of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim I^vbei-tson and sons of Guelph spent the week and with their father, and visited their mother in the Mark- (hile hospital. .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colquette of Owen Sound visited with Mrs. H. .Alexander and Mi-s. .McKee. Mrs. Ern. Hawhm and Carl of Toronto spent the week end with M'l-. and Mrs. Geo. Sled and family. Miss Doreen Weldrick of Owen Sound spent the holidays with hei parents, Mr. and MVs. J. Weldrick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannah and Warren spent the Easter vacation in Toronto. Mr. and Mi-s. Joe Tate, and Lee of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Teeter eel- elirated their silver wedding anni- versary on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Weldrick and Mrs. Wm. Tyler attended the funer- al of their cou in, Mrs. Thos. Gra- ham, of Banks. Ml-, and Mrs. John McLean and Ruth visited the former's mother MVs. .Allan McLean, Collingwood. 5. i Implements - Repairs Fleury-Bissell Tractor Harrowg Tractor Plows Walking Plows Rubber Tire Wagon,Tiinken bearing Smoothing Harrows O T A C Manure Spreaders Tractor Spreader Tractor Disc Harrow, automatic control Steel' wheels for rubber, for your own wagon BEATTY Deep and Shallow Well Electric Pumps Electric Pump Jacks Hand Pumps I'ump Rod and Fittings Cylinders Steel Water Tank Extension Ladder ~ Repairs for all barn equipment CEMENT GRAVEL, SAND DBLIVER'ED OR IXkADED LV YOUR OWN TRXK3K H. A. McCaaley Phone 24J FLESHERTON SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS Now is the time to order a new Spirella Foundation Garment for Spring. Made from individual mea- .surements. A wide ranjfe of tfhe be-t materials available fi-om whi'-b to choose. MRS. A. E. BELLAMY Phone 29M Flesherton iot*» fi^^ HARRIS A DUNLOP BARRISTERg, SOLICITORS. Ete- Phone S8 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office «very Sat- urday from 6 to 8:S0 p.m. ^kap?^ s^v** ^MO v\ci .o.i.tff;oio.» o« lAtlt^^ Are You Building This Spring? We can supply all necess- ay rough and finished mat- erial ,also Sash, Doors Trim,, etc. If you are contemplating modernizing your kitchen or building cupboards, we have in stock a good range of Plywoods, Kenti'e, Arborite, etc. We weaM be fUd to qiMte prices Telephone Skelbarne; 2M Frrenkaa: 14 Shelburne Planing Mill J. W. ROBINSON. Prop. William St. Shelburne RENFREW Electric Cream Separators We have a good variety of over- hauled Separators, which we offer at reasonable prices to clear Wringers and Stoves * â-  STKEL ROOFINt; Some steel .still on hand ASPHALT 210 lbs. 2-in-l SJiingles 125 lbs. Winlock and Arrowlock 3fi in. Rock Face Rolls 90 lbs. 18 in. Rock Face RolU 95 lbs. Smooth Face Rolls aSlbs. Buildine: Papers S I D IN G Insulbric Siding, red and Jaspjer with white mortar line Roolbrick Siding Insul Board Insulation in the loose or batts EDGAR BETTS I I % Phone 46J FLESHERTON •^%^<-<~:-><«»*^>4-»<"8><»<»>«<«*<~>***^'><K^'K~K^~:~>«>>X'«'*«X~>*^ Winter Came F''iday The dyinjj thi-oes of the winter season came in with a ban;? on Good Friday and Saturday moining the ground was well covered with a couple inches of snow. Sunday was bright and sun.shine g-reeted the Bas- tei- festivities and most of the snow disappeared. Another hea%'y snow stoi-ni came Monday afternoon, we hope the last of the season. Tlie fine warm weather of the past couplt of weeks had lulled us into a position where we thought all ba^l weather wa." finished for the year, but we have been set back on our heels. No doubt we will survive the present winter weather. ADDITIONAL LOCALS SAVK YOCR WASTE PATKR Don't throw away our old papers, nuu'azines or books. Just notify Russ. -Andrews or Rev. k. G. Mac- pherson and collection wilj be made. TIME TABLE CHANGES etTective SUNDAY. APRIL 24, 1949 Full infonnation fronr Agents m PAINT SALE Ijiiy your Paint now and Save at thc.>ic low prices Gallons $2.95 Quarts 75c many other barirains SURPLUS STORE Dundalk .Among Easter visitors in town were: Miss Jeanette Cargoe; Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and Brian of Toronto with MIjs. R. Bentham; Roy Best of Islington, at his home; Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Johnson and daugihter of Pickering, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson; Lynn Turney of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Turney; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thistlsth-waite of To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park; Mr. Jas. McLachlan of South River, with Mr. Mark Wilson; Miss Sadie Young and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard of Toronto, with Mrs. Ed. Fisher; David .Aberdein of Burling- ton, at his parental home; Miss Gen- evieve Milne, Toronto, at her home. Mrs. Zella Wolfe, Laverne Wood and Miss Marpuerit Marnamara of Ham- ilton, with Mrs. R. Bentham. U(e The Advance Small Advts. in baying or flelling. WOOL <WOIip$ ORGANIUnON «Ti, Our. Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston. Ontario RELIABLE GRADING PROCMPT SETTLEMENT Shippeis may obtain sacks and twine without chargre from WF^ YOUNG. MAXWELL CECIL YOUNG, MAXWELL VIC YOUNG. MAXWELL W. J. McMASTBR, FLESHERTON or by writinii- direct to CANADIAN CO-OPFJR.ATIVE WOOL GROWERS UMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto. Canada 04ie ^lim a^ ^^ ^towiHA^ especially in tke last four years We've passed another milestone in telephone history â€" in Ontario and Quebec >ve now have 1^2 nxillion telephones. Of these, 500,000 were added in the last four years. Thatli more telephones than we iristalled in our first 40 yearsi And as we have grown, service has grown better. Your calls go through quickly, » learly. You can always count on your telephone. Yet up to now, despite rising costs on all sides, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. Few things give you so much real value at such low cost as your telephone. We've broken all records â€" but there are still order* we haven't been able to fill. We will keep right on working and building to make your telephone service a bigger baigain than ever â€" to continue to provide more and better service at the lowest possible cost. *uf THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Oi CANADA A-. . â- *• â- A- f â- f I J* * A. •

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