•>* « * -^ » â- « r -A * * • -* « X -I ^ w > • * t « K t «. A <*i A « ^ -f ♦• â- »â- 9 k -r » »â- ♦ » « r ! tk. *, * >! "** w T * ♦ -» â- » •* * â- A \ » .» ' « A » * « -« > A i » « -* * • ♦ » * 3« > < 4. â- 4- » 4 * 4 -* ' * 6 * s 4 > 2. 4 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 20, 1949 BUCKINGHAM EUGENIA (Intended lor Liast Week) Mr. and. Mrs. Alf. Hawtou enler- tained th^ euchre club at their hoiuo last Tuesday evening, the last of the season, prizes for the ladies going to Mrs. Randall Taylor an-J Mrs. A. Mul'lin, and for the men to Ale.K. ioillin and Arnold Ralph. Spscial rizes for highest scores for the season were won by Mrs. Arnold Ralph and Mr. E. Miullin. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wagner and two children spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs.. T. Hou<j;h. Friends in the eomanunity are glaii to know that Mrs. Margaret Skelto , is progressing favorably in Mark- dale hospital, where she was taken a week ago suffering with pneu- monia attack. Mr. and' Mrs. Jim Tian and small daughter, Sheila, of Stayner were recenit visitors with Mr. Tran's sis- ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. .-Arnold Ralph, June and TeiTy •iMr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hawton moved the first of last week to their new hoane on the tenth line. â- •>,; â- â€"el".:;', oj â- GO''i:v'"- ity ClaUb was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hough Thursday of last week, when 19 memheis and visitors were present, with the president, .Mts. A. Hawton. in chargx-. After current erports were heard, yreiioral discussion followed. A layette, pur- chased by the Club, was sent to a •home in a neighboring community. An ewhange of seeds, plants and bulb.* in the form of "truvellinj;' baskets" was panned for the May meeting, which will be held at the home of MIrs. Bert Hockley. The afternoon was quilting on a "dahlia" top made by the members on which tickets will be sold later. All en- joyed a delicious lunch served by tlie â- hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. Freethy. Mr. and Mrs. J. E." English and son, J. C. of Detroit, spent Sunday â- with Mr. and Mrs.. Alex. Mullin. Other visito -s were: Mr.- Frank E. Werson and Miss Marjorie Lockhart of Toronto and Miss Helen Ferguson of Glen Huron. Mr. and Mrs. H. Udell were in Owen Sound on Saturday. MAXWELL Mr. and Mis. Ray Genoe and fam- ily of Bracebridge visited friends liere during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Molson and son, Bobby, of Waterloo spent sev- eral days with Mt. and Mrs. Harvey Boettger. Mr. W. A. Martin of OakviUe and Misses Winneta and Carmelle Mar- tin of Toroiiito spent from Friday to Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. Miss. Marge Mar- tin is home from her school near SinK-ihampton. They also visited their Mrandnwither, MIrs. Thos. Laver, who i.^ quite ill, and their uncle, Harold, at Flesherton. Mr. W. A. Martin and his fathei- visited Sunday in Owen Sound with the hitter's brother, Will, who is ill at his homo, followinir an operation at the Owen Sound hospital. iM'rs. Stanley Caniipbell, accompan- ied by her sister, Mrs. Laurie Betts, Yvonne, Beverley and Sandra, spent till; week end witii Mrs. Brock John- son, dau/ghter of Mrs. Betts, at Lindsay. â- "â- â- -in! ^^>," i;.-, chiluren, Bruce and Linda, visited with Mr. and .^a-s. D. H. Boettger at Waterloo. Mr. and Mr.s. Clayton Baetz and Rob of Elnrwood and Miss Vera l-'rana of Clie.-'ley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boettger. Mr. and Mrs. Timathy Eaton of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burton. Mr. Cecil Magee of the HEPC at Islington was home over the week end with his family. Mrs. F. Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson and Bobby movetl from the 8th line to their new home in apartments in the fonner Gilli- land residence in the village. We welcome themi. Misses- Mary and Isabel McKee, Miss Patsy Taylor and Mr. F. W. McCarthy of Toronto were week end â- •â- -irirs -it th.' M.'f'ee home. Miss Annie Tudor of Clarksburg w&s. home over the week end. Messrs. Dennis Caimpbel! and R. C. Thomas of T^i-onto spent Good Friday with the former's parents, Mr. ,nnd Mrs. S. CannptoeH. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mrs. Josiah Crawford of Markdale and Mr. Bill Crawford of Preston are holidaying at their farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wright of Leaside and Mr. and Mrs. J. Beatty. Franklin and Beth, of Chven Sound were Sunday .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Feiiwick and family. Miss Loreen Tempest and Mr. Roy Weir of ColliiiKWOod visited Wed- nesday f^voii'iiL;- with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens. Mr. Francis Haley aiul M'r. Wil- fred Haley were holiday visitors at their pai-ental home. Mrs. Arthur White, Jim, Ruth and Ruby, of jCoUingwood were Sunday g-uests of MV. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. Miss Florence Wilkinson of Rock Mills is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Stephens. Miss .\deline Murphy of Toronto spent the weelc end and holiday with her mother, Mrs. M. Murphy. Mrs. Jas. Ottewell spent a couple oi 'days the paist week with her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Jos. Armstrong, and Mr. Amistrongr at Thornbury. Messrs. Wilfred, Mil-, and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens, Mary and Jimmie spent Thui-sday with Barrie friends. Mrs. P. J. Somers and family of Brantford are holidaying' at their ho'me here. IMr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens, Helen and Jean, and Mr. D. Stephens â- vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Deering at Allandalo. Mr. and Mr. Robt. Clark and childi-en of Toronto spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Mor- rison, and Mr. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Meldrum of Ntw Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- giis Moi'rison. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holdswortii and Air. and Mrs. Doug. Johnson of To- ronto and Mrs. Mary Priestley of Owen Sounti spent the week end with Mr. and Mr.;. C^hester Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty and children of Owen Sound spent Sun- day with his mother, Mi-s. Thos. Beatty. Mrs. M. Hawton of Toronto spent the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Wright, who is returning to" the city on Wednesday with her mother. Mrs. Wiight is gviing into the hospital for treatment. Mil', and Mlrs. Milmine and three cliildren of Pembroke visited Mon- day and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Long. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seeley and Is. i-lHtiSvii \\ -^a: -i. .11, a u<»,, in Toronto last week. The W^ A. held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Laurie Pedlar on Tuesday of last week, with a large attendance. Mrs. L. Brownridge had charge of the devo- tional period and roll call was ans- wered by an Elaster verse. It was decided to have a play about the lasit week in May or the first of June, if possible. The hostess serv- ed a lovely lunch. Mr. Xlbert Gi-ummett of Ottawa visited the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gruimnett. ROCK MILLS The weather turned very cold over the week end and several inches of snow fell, which made he East*^' holi- day somewhat disagreeable. Mr. and Mrs. Bliw\ood Partridge and Shirley, and Joan and Wayne .McMasiter motored to (Jalt on Sat- urday and spent Easter â- with mem- bers of their family, returning home Monday forenoon. Miss Ruby Dcbson of Owen Sound was a holiday visitor at ner home. Mr. Kenneth Whitmore of Dui-ham wa.i a caller on Easter at the home of his uncle, Chas. Newell. Mrs. Henry Martin has not been enjoying very good health for a few weei<s, and was taken wor.se Sunday night and removed to the Markdale liospital early Mtonday morning. "*â- â- •' â€" ("â- â- • I Orangeville hospital, where he nn- dei'went an operation Tuesday niorn- I ing. We ti-ust he will have a com- I plcte recovery. Mis.s Helen Betts returned home for the summer on Saturday, havin.g spent the past few months in Owen Sound. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. is presentinj^ Free Moving Pictures at 8:80 p.m., D.S.T. Robinson^s Hall, Feversham Tues., April 26 AND Summer Store Hour r§ STARTING MONDAY, APRIL 18 we will dose All Mondsy V % Town Hall, Dundalk at 8:30 p.m.,- D.S.T. Mon., April 25 H. M. SAYERS, Dundalk Farmers, tlieir Families and Friends are cordially invited Character i.s indicated by the oars, j Witli .sprintr sales in full swing snys a psychologist. Oh. for the life j what this countrv needs is a 98-cent of a donkey. I bill. SWINTON PARK Mrs. Archie Ferguson has returned to the Park, after spending the â- win- ter with her family. We welcome her back. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Leod spent the week end with her. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bendzuck and daughter s.pent Sunday at the home of Howard Watson. I Mr. ana Mrs. i<'red Fell spent the ' week end w'th Toronto friends. i Miss Jcssie .VIcCa-u-iuicK. g.peiit a- wliile with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. MfcCorniick. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cameron and son spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'ohn Porter. Miss Shirley Hardy is spending the Easter holidays witli friends in Toronto. Jliss Agnes Heard of Toronto, Miss .\udery Heard of Dundalk high school and Mr. Richard Heard of Guelph are spending Easter with Mr. and Mrs.. Ed. Heard. Open WednesJ^y lll^'..., c" day ThtirfOty aiir? .^ Saturday Night as usual > P T W^l & To b ^ Phone 7 MARKDALE NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY ^9 HIGH V? t'O.nO FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS cording to size and condition â€" Small animals renMved tnt. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER •^y,ii^y^^^^^^y:''yi''i'^y'><»'yi'»'><»<f<f^^^^ .?**7**t*«I**2* During a flood in Beatrice, Neb., a goat was left stranded on a front perch. Maylbe they're not allowed to carrj' billies tehre. KIMBERLEY Mr. ^nd Mrs. Andy Wallace are visiting with Mrs. Proctor. Mis. F. J. Weber has arrived back at her home, with Mrs. Ross Kills accompanying her. The Easter week end was ctold â- with plenty of snow. W^eek end and holiday visitors were: Mr. D. Ferguson, L.A.C. Stan Hutchinson, Mr, G. Kirkpatriok and Miss Leona Kirkpatdick of Toronto, Misses Eleanor and Joan Ellis. The main difference between morning and noon: eat and run, and run and eat. , ♦♦<"><"><^K":'«><*<"X'<"><«<'<~:'<^:«<>«MK>*<^'^>«>«>«><«<>**^^ I Keep Cream Cool It appears as though margarine is here to stay. We have a good market for first" grade butter, but there is no market for second grade butter. Therefore take j^ood care of your cieani, because second grade cream is to be returned to the farm. It would be wise to start and cool each separating by placing it in a pail of cold water immediatelv after separating. EGGS Bring your Eggs in with your cream, as we are paying top market prices for Eggs and Poultry. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario •;••;••;••.••, •â- :•vv^•♦•^•^•^•x••^*^vv^•v^••x••^â- ^'•"X••^'^♦•^•;•^•v^"•^•^•^•^•^•:•t i i X X I I t y. Experience and Dependability GO HAND IN HAND The Superior Quality of RELIANCE Products Is a Direct Result of 30 Years Successful Experience Low in Cost â€" For motors not requiring a High octane fuel RELIANCE VITALUBE MOROR OIL RELIANCE STANDARD' d Highest Quality Superior Performance Tops for Your Dollar You Can Rely on Reliance GEORGE SLED, FEVERSHAM MEL. SLED, MAXWELL TAYLOR'S SERVICE STATION. EUGENIA