Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1949, p. 1

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« # t *» t « * r VOL. 68; NO. 47 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1949 F. J. Thurston. Publisher I I f « i Si ♦ •« m t *â-  » * Having Official Opening The O. &. A. Co-operative is mak- iug. plans for the grand official opening of the newly changed store, to be held on Saturday, April 30th. No matter how small some jaz2 orchestras are,- they usually sound like tin pieces. Future Events TAG DAY FOR BLIND A tag day for the Canadiun Insti- tute for the Blind will be held this Saturday in Flesheiton, with Mrs. Hickling and Mrs. C- McKeehnie in charge of the taggers. Help the blind with your donation. PLAY IN FLESH ERTON "She's My Daisy" will be present- ed in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Tliiirsday, -A.prn 28th. at 8:30 p.m., by Kimberley young people, under auspices of the CGIT. Admission: 35c and 25c. i Motoring To The West SL Columba United Church St. John's United Church W.M-S. And Ladies' Aid Filled At Easter Service i I iiessi-s. iyib Long ami Bruce Thur- The W. M. S. and Ladies Aid of St. Ail diree sei-vices on Flesfcerton h***^ 1^*' Monday morning for the Columba Caiurch. PrioevUle, met in UniteU Cnui-ch Pastorai (jhai-ge ^^ '^^â- ^' "^^•^'''"^^'^i',"^'*"*'" ^^^f^^' ^";l the church basement lor their April I were well actemiea. At St John 6, meci-i*^-. iili-i,. b . R. Oliver prasidcu chairs had Uo be brougtic in to ac- for the Ladies' Aid, which opened comodate the crowd. The choir with the usual exercises. Miss E. sang "The Holy City'' with Mr. >lei. Mather read a portion of Scripture Buchanan as soluist, also "Hallelu- and Mrs. Oliver led in prayer. Mrs. i jah to the King." Mrs. J. E. Milne Elmer Harrison, Mrs. P. Hunt, Mt; Mould and Mrs. Donald Reilley were a conojiiittee appointed to make ar- i\^ngeTnents for the bazaar next month. Mrs. E. Harrison was ap- pointed to secure flowers for the -huitrh for Easter Sunday. Mrs. R. MtConkey was in charge of the M.W.S. meeting which fol- lowed. Mr?. J. C. Hiirrison gave an interesting chapter from the study book on Christian Citizenship ir China, and Mrs. McConkey read ;â-  poem "John Doe at the Cross." The nieetins' closed with a hymn and the bene<Kction. The May meeting is to be held in the church basement. PLAY IN FLESHERTON MAY 16 "Bashful Bertie," a :3-act play, will', be presented in the Town Hall. Flesherton, on Monday. May 16th. at 8 p.m.. by Westside Church Choir of Owen Sound, under auspices of St. John's Y. P. U. Admission: 40 anil 25c. Daylight Saving Starts Next Sunday, April 24th DANCE AT SINGHAMPTON Dance in Hanvm ill's Hall, Sing- hampton, on Friday niiz'ht. .^pril 29. to music »by Dermott's Orchestra. Dancing to 1. Admiss-ion: 50c. AUCTION SALE Of 31 Cattle. incKidina S cows, some implements, etc., Monday, .April 25, at Lot 2S, Con. 5, Osprey, one mile west of MslFtyre. â€" -Xnne MV-Tntyre, Prop., Geo. Dninean, Auctioneer. OPTICAL D. Campbell, the Optometrist, will be at the Pai'k House next Jlondiay, April 25th. from \:W to 4:30 n.m. Byes tested and glasses supplied. Daylight will be obsfived 'n !- 1 sherton this summer, comaienciiv i. Saiiauy, U4ti!. and <â- '•<â- .â-  t-nuing until the end of Saptem'oer. So be sore and be on time for the (.•'nurch services Sunday morning, !n turning your clock ahead one h- iu when you o^o to betl Saturday night. going through the States. Tliey will Ukt.!-- have a cool trip, as snaw was falling when they left and a wind blowing. They e.xpecced to take a week for the trip, finishiag up a; .A-iida, Sask. TUOIT AND PIKE SEASONS WILL OPEN E.VRLIER Anglers in Ontario get a break in earlier opening of the seasons for specked trout, pike and pickerel fish- ing, announced last week by HaroUl S<ott, provincial lai!d>- minister. The trout season, originally scheduled to start May 1. will open .A.pril 30. The pike and pickerel season, previously slated for Sunday. May 15, will open on Mav 14. presided at the organ, ani, among other selections, played "Come unto -Me", and 'The Hallelujali Chorus" froTii '"The Messiah." At Inistioge Mrs. Russel Acheson Sang "He Lives. Eleven new mem- bers joined tlie church by profession of faith. The Sacrivmont of tlic Lord's Supper was observed. -At Eugenia in the evening, the special music included a solo, "The Holy City" sung by Mr. Boettger. Rev. A. G. Macpheison's sei-mon was a reminder that the real mean- in-r of Easter lies in the renewal of Faith. Hope and Love in the heart these, he claimed, was love for the of the Christian. The greatest of Christ which alone could open the eyes of His followers to His ever- living presence. Only a Love which shared the Master's sufferinir could appreciate the true joy of Hi^- resurrection. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be iibsei-ved on Sunday. .^?r. 24th. at Flesherton. Pmton and Evi- ,' irenia. Reception Service for new members. The Adult Class will be res-ume;l 'n St. John's Sunday School on Apr. :Mth. Cordial invitation to atteiv- Eugenia Wiwnen's .Association meets on Thursday., -April 21st at the hi^nie of Mrs. Ernest Proctor. Veiirhbor'' are people who cook faMMges with the window open when you are going to have compnay. I I The Home of Tasty Bakins Specials This Week DATE & ORANGE CAKE CPICE CAKE MAPLE WALNUT CAKE I PIES Mincemeat I Qierry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM PUFFS COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 3Sc CREAM BUNS Jelly rolls . 1 e.A Flesherton Bakery ; i^„^<,<HXHXM^<.^<i♦<K•♦♦^^♦<•♦<♦♦♦<•*«•^•^^<â- <'*^<•<*<•<••>*^<'<"^^<^^^ I i â- * I I I I t I I I * 9 m f Our Chapel is at tht disposal of our clienttlt without sxtra cbstgc. .It contains well-appointed family reception roont, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd KI.4344 Mailing List Corrected The -Advance niaUiag i;st has bee:, corrected, and all payments made Sat. night should have been credit- e:. Tf such :« not the case, kindly let us krtow at .mce. jo the mistake cao be rectified. If your subscription is now corainn due or is in arrears, kindly renew a soon as possible. Prompt renewal-- of subscriptions are necessary s that we can pay our accounts wher they come in each month, and als'' keep ourselves in the everyday nec- essities of life. Don't let is ride, but send in the S2.00 per year for your sent in the 12.00 per year for your renewal now. We would iippreciati vour early consideration. Mabel Ross Heads The Maxwsll Wornen's Institute Mrs. Jas. Allan President Rock Mills Mission Circle The annual meeting of Rack Mills Baptist Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs.. Wes. Plantt .April 12th with 14 ladies present. Programme leader. Mis. L. Fisher, chose Eiaster hjiuns to be sung, also the scripture lesson was read fol- 1 lowed by prayer. For devotional period. Mrs. H. Patton took as her subject "Springt^ime and Resurrect- ion". The topic on Baptist Missions in Western -Canada was gtveti by Mi-s. J. .Allen. -A hjTim "Blest Be The Tie That Binds" was sung: in memory of a valued member, the late Mlrs. Ned Croft. Minutes were read and adopted as read. Several letters of interest were read. It was deciiTed to pur- chase study books foj the" year. Officers elected were as follows; Pres. â€" Mrs. J. Allen Secretary â€" Mrs. H. Patton VKre-Pres. â€" Mrs. L. Fisher Miss.-Tieas. Current E.\ Piaher Link and Visitor Agent â€" Wes. Pbatt Treat and Flower Conun- â€" Mrs. E. Croft and Mrs. W. Fi.^her Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Wes. 'i'oung after which re- freshments were served by hastess and helpers. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harn,- Patton were: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cix>ft, C-ey!on; Mr. and .\Pi's. Chas. Sensahaugh and three daughters, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Patton and three children, London: Mr. and Mi-s. Chas Howard and Clifford, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russel and Baby. Evelyn Sensabaugh is remaining with her .grandpia rents for Ea-tei- holidays. The annual meeting of Ma.xwe:' women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross on .April 14. V. irh a good attendance, when the roll call was answered by a house- cleaning hint. The treasurer gave a fine report of the year's activities and the financial report showed :; very profitable year. The W. L. ineinbers ;are hopdng to have the village street lights turned on this The officers were all re- elected for next year, as follows: President â€" Miss Mabel Ross. Vice President â€" Jh's. VVni. Seeley Sec.-Treas. â€" Mrs. Telford Ferris Mrs. Monaghan had charge of the program for the afternoon. Lunch was sen'ed at the close by the host- e^^s. assisted by Mrs. BTaTcey anc; Mrs. Fenis. Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends and neighbors fot the many cards, treats and enquiries i-eceived by tue. and also to the Ced- arside Sunday School. -^Mrs. Roht. McMullen. It is ditficult to attempt to express i 1 words the appreciation which Mrs. Boden and myself fee! towarv! the people td" Flesherton and sur- rounding district, and to those from Owen Sound. Toronto, Hamilton St. Thohias, Hagersvllle. Delhi aiui other towns, who have overwhelme'' - Mrs. Wes. Young "^'^ ^^'''^ 'generosity and kind words Tieas. â€" Mrs. W HIGH school report FOK WLMEU TElOl Names are listed by grades in or- der of merit, the peix-entage mai=k inuicatiag chat of tsudeni standing tivst. In Gi-ade 1:1, the flgui-es m brackets indicate the number of sub- jects written by Che student. GR.ADE l3 Deiores Johnston (S) 60.3, Erij Campbell (a), Marjorie Burastead ('J(, Jack Milne (,(J'> Eleanor Sparks (V), Blarry Thursiton (.91, Eieanor Proctor («>). David McGee (7), Mar- ion Baker (7), Evelyn -Acheson (Si. Harold N'ichol (8)- GRADE 12 Kaye Peebles (SL.'-t. Laiwrence Dob- ;on, Ruth Smith. Erma .Aberdein, Irene Porteous, loan Betts, Joyce Tucker, Bob Falconer, Maurice Rus- i-:i. Don Smith. GR-ADE 11 Beth Courvoisier (S4.0' ; ), Muriel Sparks, Gladys Love. Ruth Chard. A ! argot -Ann Goessel and lona Hodg- ins equal, Charles Pedlar. Glenora Mx:Gee, John Milltgan. Pat Stauifer. Eleanor Mc>Iul!en. Gwen Park, En;- i!y .Acheson. Joan -.Akins. Beth Faw- <•; rt. Russeli Harvrrave. Mai-y Jane MacTavish. Mary Hinks. Dorothy Cumtpbell, Gordon Morrison, Phyllis Rutledere, Ivan Younjr. " GRADE 10 Marilyn Lawler <>>-A2.' '< K Marie Vl"hite, Joan -Avis, Clayton Porteous. Mae Russell. Elaine Cook, Doreen Buckton. Sheila Forbes and Jane Faweett equal, Eldon Fawcett. Betty Weatherall and Robert Betts equal. Milford Loucks, Ruth Phillips, Leo-^ H"ll. Evelyn. Weatherall. Isabel Croft. Gordon White. Redce Dobson. Shir- ley Cairns, Lorna Bowles. Georgt j Proctor. i GR.ADE 9 M. Macpherson (!i.i.2'r). Ivan Mc- William. K. Inkster. B. MacMillan. B. Xicholls. M. Richardson. W. Stev- ens, J. Cargoe. J. Betts. R. Fawcef i Ronald Johnston. B. .Aberdein. J. Banks, M. -Acheson. M. Stewart. D. -A.ilam. G. WTiite. B. Cook. D. Peeble- P. Hodder. D. Fisher and T. McGe. equal. E. Gallaugher. S. Weber, G.!and, R. P;deonev and G. Th»mip- son eoual, C. Younsr. Ian McWi'liaii: C. Richaidon. R. Wright. G. Fergu- son. M. O'gulivan. R. Grummett and Royden -Johnson equal. G. McMaster V. Fothei-gill, S. Partridge. A. Bakf Loreen Shier. J. .Adams. Eleano) Shier. B. Teeter (aeq.l Noble • Graham A quiet wetiding took place at the United Church Pai-soaage, Ester- hazy Sask., by Rev. Howlett on Sat.„ April !>th, when Ruth Eileen Gra- hiim, elder daughter of ilr. and Mrs. Jack Graham oa Eugenia, ibecame the bride of Alfred .N'oble, son oC Ml-, and Mrs. Noble, Fairholme. Sask. The bride wore a charming "Belle- fair" gown of blue crepe with white gloves and shoes to match. She c;irried a bouquet of white carna- tions and maiden hair fern. The >r;ly attendants were Mrs. Reeves, assisted by Mr. John Gray. .After the ceremony a dainty dim- ner was sr/ed by the bride's girl friemis. the centre (rf artractio* being a three-tier wedding cake mad« by tiie bride's mother of Eugenia. The diningroom was pretiUy deoor- atett with pink and white streamers. The bride was happily surprised when she received a long distance telephone call o-f congratulations a few ni<lhiems prior to dinner, from her parents, sister and brothers. The young couple will reside ia Zaneta, Sask., where the groom is employed as manager of a store. vandeleur Mr«. -A Tenno-ssee mother of eight boys' was struck by lightning. Needless to say, she will recover. i*t this time. Only those who have experience i: c"an fully understand the terrible feeling to realise that all the things di'ar to one's niemorv are g-one for- , ..,,., ^ â-  . . ever, but we are very thankful that i i''»^-\'l'^'' -'^'h. when it is hoped c the Lord saAv tit to spare us all. To those who have w^3I•ked so hard IToO trees, pine, spruce and ceuai from Midhurst Nurseries, arrived ii» the comiurunity last week and were ueeied in by your scribe, in reaviiuess for planting^ in the Community Kc- foresation Plot and Windbreak. M-. J. C. Jackson of Owen Sound, Zo -c Forester for Grey and Bruce, wh^> will supervise the planting has sug- gested that the job be done Tut-s- \\\ the collecting of funds, clothing, bedding, household utensils, etc., and to the people who gave so magnifi- cently, we say a humble ""thank-you" and hope, with the help of the t pany who owned the property, to i ifturn to the spot we had enjoyed! as our first home in many years, an to t-.irry on where we left off, help- ; iriy; to make Fles-heitpn worthy o*' ' have the assistance of the teao'iici : and pupils, as well as every able- bodied person in the section. The Municipality has purchased the lar'l and will supply the wire and stec~. posts, on the understanding that th.. community will plant the trees ai,d erect the fence, and it will take a refill community effort to put the project across. In his illustrated '.ectuie in the Coni-niunity Hall on Tuesday evening of last week, >i; the good people who live there. â€" Elijabeth and Reg, Bodei' Motorists: If you are in a hurry. start sooner. Drive as though youi artra. child were walking on the roa' ahead. Little children are carefree noit careless. Watch c^ut for the>tv and give them a breaJi. Farm Machinery IN STOCK K(>R IM.MRIMATE DKJ.lVEKY Pony Tractors, uith or without equipment IK inch M hi«e Grain Separator 6 foot < Upper Combin.' 4 foot One-Way Disc 2-Fmrow Tractor Plow Rubber Tire 'W^agon Steel Water Tanks Frost Steel Co. Wire Fence and Barb Wire Goodyear Tires a.R<l Batt*rir8. and Eadles-s BeH.«j Pedlar LHtcr Carriers A Barn EqaipoMnt Creaa SefMrAttirs MiVtiRx jMa«hl»«« Water Pressure $.T«(eai» Ekctrk Crindera %nl HaaiMer Mills A GOOD STOCK OF REPAIRS ALWAYS a\ HAND WM. SUTTON M.\SSEY-HARRIS SALES and SERVICE Phone 28w MARKDALE Jackson stated that he had that day inspected the windbreak planted last spring soutl* of the school aud said he was delighted with what he saw. He further stated that tii .- was the first Com n unity proi-'ct of its kind in the Counties of G ey anu Bruce, as far as he knew, and he i)aid high tribute to the coi'i'Vunity , .siiirit displayed on that occasion. He said that he had never seen a group of people work with greater enthus- ia.-=m or a more co-i>perative spiri" on any community project. He stated that he didn't think that this spirit came by accident, but thought that it was a tradition In Vande'eur f>ecause , ho added., ".As I ra^ic down into the school grounds I -s:iw a monumiertt to the pioneers of the set-tion bearing a suitable inscript- ion, erivted by their descendents. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Lundy Johnston. -A good program of moving pic- tures will be held in the Commun- ity Hall on Mionday evening, Apdil v'.'ith. by the Fieldwar for the Fed- eration of .Agriculture Everybody wetcome. ORAVGE PEGRKE TEAM The Centra! York Oranee Lecture Si-hool members will exenml'^v the < •,,!, Opo-vee in '""le-shetton Ornnee T o<hre riKvnv?- •.â- >n Pridnv. Aiir-I 22nd. n-b.-.!> nM mewbcrs ,-f the I. O.L. are in%nted to be present. on the Highways 1925 GRAY kOACH Down through the years, Gray Coach Lines passen- gers have enjoyed a full measure of "new model" comfort as better and better buses have been built. This record is your ossurance that you will continue to enjoy aii the advantages of progressive public travel service on the highways. St Louis - Halifax - Owen Sound Los Asgeles ROUND TRIP Ta.x iztchided (Soi^ject to change f ,^^ $26.65 57.70 1.75 87.60 $»VfCf

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