Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1949, p. 4

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-♦'>-'»;«.^i^^^ ^, Wednesday, March 30, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE fiesherton Advance i'40iiib«d 00 OoUinffwood St, FleUttrton, WednestUy of aaeh week. Circulation 1,100. Prie« ^iM a x«ar in CbdmU, paid in «iv«ne«; |2.60 per year in tk« United Stftt«i. F. J. THURSTON. Editor CEYLON VANDELEUR Tiie final meeting of the l!>48-49 Farm Fonim. series was held in the Communuity Hall Monday evening, Mat«h 28th, with Wil iUtcliffe pre- siding and Mrs. Stan Harvey as host- ess, rhe P^orum filled in the ques- ionaire and expressed their opinion •II the broadcasts, the Fanii Forum guide, etc., and made suggestions for â- ext year's proffram. A committee WRs appointed to supeivise the refor* eeUttion project, which the Poi-um is ii'>'>j^ri.-'i.'ntf a<fair; 'lu. ye:ii', and it was decided to have tke zone fores- ter, Wr. John Jackson, of Owen Sound give an Uhiirtvated lecture in the hall c« April 12th, and also have Mr. T. S. Cooper speak on calfhood vaccin- ation and other important topics. It waa announced that the Federa- Moti of Agiiculturj would hold a piC tiire show on April 25, and all mem- bers were urged to treat their cattle J»r the Bre/pintion of warble fly. It was decided to have a social in Hie hall Friday, April 8th. Mr^ Harvey conducted a con ♦est, â- wrhich was won by Mrs. Cargoe and Mrs. Fawcett. Pi"ogiT«siv? crok- inola and cards followed and the winners were: crokinole, 1st Howard Graham and Mrs. Cargoe, with And>- Pawvett and Mrs. Reid a close 2ivl; w.'.ri. VfW. ab'xliiT..- and Leon.i Hav- â-¼ey. The winners received hanisime prizes. Lunch was served l)y ^ho ladiAS. Th.- series ha? been very succs^fiil ar>! not a meeting wa - missed dur- iri«f the s«ason. Incidentally the ser- rpt« "^.treasiurer, Howard Graham. ^s »!>t missed a meeting since the F<>ri* was organized eigiit yearn The March meeting of the Ceylon Ladies' Aid was held at the home of .Mrs. Doug. Reid, Fiesherton. Mrs. (jco. Jayiies presided in the absence of till' president, Mrs. (Juo Snell. .Mr.. Robt. RiJitled){e had oharg'iJ~'4>f the piojjrii). and gave two in'.'!io.-1 - â- tig readings and conducted a contest, Mrs. L. W. Mould being the .dinner. The hostess^ .<)ervcd a daintv luncli at the close of the meeting. A veiy enjojiable time was spent in the school Thursday, when tliere were 13 taues of euchtc The 'adieS' pznze was \Aon by Mrs. Vergus of Pricevillo and the men's by Mr. Frank Teeter of Fiesherton. The next euchre is Tliursday, March 31. Guefcs on the week end with Wv. and Mrs. Jas. W. McMuUea were: .Miss Jean McMiil.'en of Torouvo and Miss Janet ^eilson of ©wen Sound. Surday vi:-itor3 with Mr and Mrs. Ivan Copoland and family of Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Copeland and fiuiiily of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. KId.iii Ihii'lerson and Dunna of Porbetton. Miss Dorothy Snell of was a week e^d guest ^vith her bro- ! her, Mr. Isaac Snell. Miss Ena .\dams of Owen Sound .spent the we<'k end with her pavpiits, Mr. and Mrs. Da;-.> Adams. I"' nniavi BOWL Hello Homemakers! Food stored in tihe freezing locker gives one a LADY BANK March 28th, and very spring-like vveather, with the snow going fast. Mr, Geo. McOonnell of Kimberley is spending a few days with his dauighter, Mrs. Percy Semple. , Making maple syrup and wood bees are the order of the day. Many attended the funeraJ of the late Wm. Hambley at Providence ChiirA en Sa'-'iVday. The sincere .sympathy goes out to the brother and sisters of the late Mr. Hambley, who passed away so suddenly on Thursday of last week. Illinois police found a man living in one house with two wives. Im- aginp-I No place for him to hang hi- clothes. Great success is a doubtful prize. To tref H you either work too much or *'>o many. Teacher: "Yes, John, what i,s it?" .John: "I don't want to scare you, Misi .Tones, but my father says if I don't get better grades, someone is due for a licking!" Annual Convention of South-Grey ressive-Conservative Assoc. Prog will be held in the TOWN HALL, DUNDALK Monday, April 4, 1949 at 8 o'clock p.m. SPEAKER: Rev. A. W. Downer, M.P.P. of Duti'erin-Simcoe LADJKS vSPECJ.VLLY INVITED This is .'in t'i)en meeting \i. A. McCAULi:V, ('resident. F. D. SAWYER, Secretary Here, Nov^ McClary Del.uxc .Streiinilint' 7 cu. ft. R«fri|;erator, with large freezer ciiinpartment. V.'-trol Baby Refrigerator GiLson 10 cu. ft'. Refrigeraloi for those who require plenty of room at no extra cost Keatty and l^asj Washers. Wo hiivc a good stock of Ranges, Raiigelti-.s. Hot I'hilcs. Irons, 'I' and ICIectric Clocks. aWMWR-'W*,' Coal and Wood Ranges .Mct'tary. Clart- ISros., l-inipir â- , Hani. Inn and f;<»ul Chcor. deliver. W«> nt-od (he spare and are i>(T«'ring these (|ualilv stoves al reiisonahle prices. 'Tifl Wo Massey- Harris Machinery '( rjictor <'ulli\ali>r 2-furro« and ;i-fiirrii« Tractor Phiws «)iu'-»ay IHse 2K-plal,, and l!l-p'ate I'laeloi^jisos Springloolli 'I'raeldr Harrow I'ony Tractor with Kquipment ()-f<K»t l'o«er (akt'-off Mower on rubber FARMERS I'Ked Allls-Chalmers Tractor Used Rubber (ire Wagon Wj- also have YlaNsey-Harris f'yelone Hammer Mills, Grain (JrlnderK and Champion 7 inch Heavy Duly Grinders. IT WILI, I'AY Vor TO SKK THKM J. M. staffor!d Hardware Hoofing Cement Feed Farm Machinery FEVERSHAM, Ontario great feeling of security. About this time of year you have probably used iTMjst of your frozen fruits and veg- etable? and conse«jueBitly find your- self paying for empty space. Since meat is a good buy at this season, it would be wise to buy a quarter of beef, a rack of Jamb or a side of pork for your locker space. The meat should be cut by experienced meat cutters at the locker plant or the op- erator could direct you to one. Bon- ing meat has become popular during the last few years because less stor- age .space is required and the danger of bones puncturing the wrapping \i eliminated. The quality of frozen meat is de- termined by. the selection of wrap- ping for meat and the method of wrapping. It is not wise 6o attempt t(i economize or wrapping paper Regular butcher paper, ordinary WHxed paper or grocery store type paper bagsr will not do a satisfactory job as meat will dry out and "freezer bum" results. We suggest that you â- wrap meat in heavy coUophane, seal it; then wrap with aluminum^ foil or heavy oil butcher paper and seal it with strong sized tape. Tape should be strong to re ist handling and moisture, also capable of receiving china pencil marks for labeling â€" and enexpective. Acetate locker tape is the best, if avaiable. One piece of laminated paper or a piece of aluminum foil placed be- twci'n I hopd, ste"iv.-> Or paulies to be vviappeu togKiher, will permit separ- ation wild ready to use without thawr.g the entire package. In genti i-.I, each bundle should con- tain only enough for one meal, but if the portiuns are separated a> de- scribe d. one or more chojjs can be re- moved and tiie package resealed and placed back in the freezer. Groun* meat must be cooked im- mediately after thawing. Thawed meat should never be refrozen, therefore ground meat for meat loaf .s^hould be packaged in the !ight aniouiil needed for the recipe if waste is lo be avoided. Be sure to label the package according to the rwipo I'oi- which meat was prepared; for example :Favou rite stew, Ma-y'.- r.icat loaf, Joe's haniburgs, etc. 1 I. The paper niu.-3t be pulled tighUy | arouml the meat and smo<»thed to drive out all possible air and elim- inate air pocketw. Tlii; package - should be .vmooth and firmly pack- ed to conserve storage .-ipace. -' Do not twis-t or fold ends of tape. String is not adequate for pack- aging unle.s» waxed. .1. Place the meat in a large basket and stoi-e in a cool place until it is trantiiported to locker plant. Be .sure packages ai-g taken to freez- er within 2l hours. 1. Poultry is one of the base frozen Ijods if it is prepared r-^adv for the pan- with or wi'Miout dressing. If tl.ey are stvtTod the the dres.^ing should bo H.'hlU- seasoned with herbs. Freezing seems to create a stronger ffavor of the henbs. 5. Fish .which has 'been cleaned and wa.s'hed in salty water may be left whole or in fillets. Thesa, too, must be wrapped securely. h. Eggs, especially fresh ones, are convenient to store if broken intt simall glass jars, sealed and finz- en. In fact we have quite a niim- iber of cracke<i ones from the farm and find it useful to store a small jar of ten egg whites in one container â€" the yolks in another. I These are then taken out for cus- tards or an angel cake. PRICEVILLE The postponed St. Patrick's snip- per was held Friday night in St. '.'olumba Church, -ponsored by the W. A. The taibles were laden with good things to eat, aijter which a program was enjoyed in the audi- torium. Rev. Mould showed moving pictures and also rendered solo8,"&r- companied by iMIrs. C. Harrison at the piano. M|r, and Mrs, Alex. Hen- derson of Fiesherton contributed two ducts with harp accompaniment andi were much enjoyed. Irish coi|fests were also enjoyed. Mr. Frank Reiley of Toronto spent the week end in the village. Misses Betty Tucker and Elnuna Meads of Toronto Normal School spent the week end at their homes. Aleasrs. AJlf. Hincks and Mervyn Parker of Toronto spent the week end here. â-  Mr. Angus MacAi-thur underwent a serious operation in Toronto on Saturday. Him many friends wish for him a couiplete recovery. A large crowd attended the dance Friday night in the W. I. hall, when good mu:-ic was supplied by the Shai'pe Orchestra. Mr. Emerson Meads of Guelpk was home on the week end. Mr. Jinunie McArthur id home from Toronto for awhile. Mr. aid Mrs. Ed. Vergus moved last wepk to the Harry Hazard pro- perty, which he purchased. Mr. Braden, Toronto, occupie.. \. pulpit in St. Andrew's Ohurch Sun- day, while Mt. MoReynolds took the sei-vice at Holland Centre, Mir. and Mrs. Riolbt. Mclntyre ent- ertained their neighbors on Friday night to a euchre party, when there were six tables in play, with Archie McEachera and Mrs. Jack MacMiUan holding the .highest score cards. John Woollard and Mrs. Robt. Mclntyre received consolation prizes. Mis;; Dorothy Eagles of Meaford visited la.-t week at the home of Elmer Harrison. Mr. and Mrs, .Art Idle, Mr. an! Mrs, Wm. Meads, with M!r. and' Mrs. Klmer Harrison, motored to Ildei-ton. near London, Saturday and visited with Rev. and Mrs. Cox. The latter was in hospital at Strathroy with incumonia. Her many friends he- hope for a quick recovery. Mlrs. Geo. Hargrave of Egremont vi-itcd last week with Mrs. Joe Harrison. , PAINTING & PAPERING d^no liy .1. TOML15JSON Phone 5r42 Feversham. Eugenia FARM and HOMlv GAS and OIL SERVICE B. A. OIL COMPANY PRODUCTS For prompt delivery of ga^olini.', kerosene, stove oil, finest quality diesel fuels and all grades of Penn- zoilj peerless and -A-utjlene M^'tor Oils. We also hai«''.' all types ul greases, solvent.'^ and lightin;,^ naphtha. It costs nu more to use the best Storai.e tanks <.nd puiips are available free of charge. ELDON A. .i'lSHlilll Telephone 56w FLESHERTON (in name of Mrs. Bva lusher) We pay all telephone charges HOG MARKETING Hog marketing during Janui.iy and Feliruary of this year declined I y jiist under 40 per cent con. paved vwili the same twa months ot lyiS. The actual lig-uros are (>3(),38i) hogs in 1114',) and l,0'f),l«)S in 11148. Mark- etings in Western Canu'l.i declined 511.45 per cent and in ICasteru Can- iida 4U.0 per cent. MarUflings in the fir. I '.v, > uioii'h. ot lil4'.i (ieclined in all pi-ovi;ii.'eis. hi Saskatchewan by 6!t.ft per cent; in Alberta by ,')1.H per eeni and in M-iti- iloba by I'.i per cent. Tlio iir>>vine.' of Ontario showuil the rate (it doeline â€" only 2(;.;i per ecu',. an>i marketings from Qiieliee pinviiu-i were down 36.2 per cent. Of the total nuuUeting.s durin- the first two months of lii4'.l of (5:<0,- ;i78 hogs, -ti^.l per eeni came fi oni ea-stern Canada, and only 3'7.i> pci cent originated in western Canadi. Are You Building This Spring? .\ certain wife and mother was eenunentin« upon her ne\v skunk fur coat, given by her hu»band fni thristmas: "I don't see," she expos- tiilati-<l, "huw such a nico coat cai' iMuio from such a sneaking', fonl- snudling varmint. ' "WTny, Mother!" the small daiigh lei- protested. "What a terrible thin.e to say tihout Daddy," /f^PURITSI • • • Is o wonderful dessert You'll mtke it again and again and, of course with Poriqr nour. So lorampdoua, such a tanKy swectncM •top â-  fcatbciT caka . . , and per serring so economicaL PURITY^^(WCAKE 3 tofaWspoons bvllsr )& cup brovvn sugar 3 or 4 medium ilzed opplas I red (v graen chwrlM 14 cup shorfening K leespoon vanilla exlrad )ft cup grantflalMl tvgar 1 sga K taaip«*n salt 4 toaspoens baking powder 1 cups siffcti Putity Flour 1 cup mtHc Fint-.M«H butter In 7 or 8 tnch square baking dtih, add sugar and iprcad the mlxtM-s ovenly over the bottom of Ifc* dish. Pars and core applet and cut each one fai sections hngll^ . wise. 5«t in rows in the buHeriugor mlxturv. Ploce o dtefry li •och comsr and one In the middle. Now â€" Cream thortening, add vanilla. GroduoRy a^d blud well together. Add well-beaten egg. Mix PurHy RbnTc ba'ng powder and salt and sift together 3 or 4 Itinet, then odd oitematoly with rhe milk. Pour this batter over the apples In boUhg dfwT end bake h» a modercte oven (350'F.J for 10-45 mbiufat. Invert to serve, Remove from the dish as soon as baked,, Stfvo hot OS b or with o sweet sauce, or serve cold wIHi whipped creaio. Best for all your baking . . . that's Purity Flour. Women ^vho bake and bake depend on Purity for uniform results. It's the Hour that's milled from Canada's fine hard wheat and sold everywhere. TOU NEED ONtY ONE flOU* vpuRiiy J^FCOUR ^'"•"/VVo. 3rand lo, ^^^^ ONI â- ESUlT-PCirECTION 849.F4 ] S I b«yi you (he famous PURfTY COOK BOOK I with iti 875 racipes d.v«lopad in His Purity . I flour Kitchens. Send to yo«r nearest Purity I Hour Mills' office â€" SI. John, N.B, Montreal,, I Ql4ff.i Ottawa, Ont.. Toronto, Ont., Winnipea* I Man., Colgary, Alia.. Vancouver. B.C. I Nome J. I Street „ I I City...... _ Prov â€" „. j ROCK MILLS Mc. Lovnc Atkinson visited for a vvefek wUi relatives in Toronto. ilfa-. Sryce Benson of Shelburnu spent tJtti week end at his home. Doreen Adlam and uroUer, Doug., of Fiesherton spent the week end wrtJi Mr. and Mrs Tea Cr">. Prayer meeting was heW at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome .Atkin- son on Friday night, condaicted by ReY. Bell of Feversham. Mr, and Mrs. John .L. Scdlb^ and two children, John and Ann, of Lett-" don were guests over the week edid ; with Mr. and Mr«. Earl Rv^^seU, Mr. Ed. WbHe uf Toronto spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilto| •f Fiesherton visited on Suniay -wit her brother, Mr. Earl Russall and Mrs. Russell. It's wise sot to cash a check for* a peision who lacks balance. Wc can supply all necess- ay rtnij^ii and finished nial- crial ,also Sash, Doors Trim,, etc. Jf you are contemplatin*^- mcdeniizing your kitclien or l)uildiii}>' cupboards, we have in stock a ^ood ran^c oi Plywoods, Kenti^e, .Vrhorite, etc. We would be glad to quqte prices Tclephnne Shelburne: 2.1ft Fevershuni: VI Sheiburne Planing Mid J. W. ROHINSON. Prop. \\'illi;uii St. Sheiburne Tip Top Tailors Ordered Clothing Pick your style from the New Seasom's Style Books and select your patterns from the New Spring Cloth Samples while tlie assortment is at Us best. Ladies' Suits $46.50 Men's Suits $46.50 Smart Easter Neckwear TAILORED TO VOL^R INDIVIDUAL MEASURE Leave your order to-day for early deliver. . "A*"row" and "Curie" Ties for Men in new 19^9* designs - . - . -$L00, $1.50, $2.00 NEW ARRIVALS IN Baggage at Lower Prizes AT 1,(AVER PRFCES Aeropaks. Dressing Cases, Suit Cases. Prices on all l'>aggaj;e are ha.sed ^on thd recent h udget reductions.. New Styles in Ladies' and Girls' Footwear. Men's Reliable Work Boots ^ Rubber Footwear for Spi'ing Use a* 'Pioneer" Piuiltry Feeds Laying Mash Chick Starter â- ^i Laying PeUets F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON

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