Wednesday, January 19, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOK SALK â€" Cow to freshen May Istâ€" J. Brackenbury, Flesherton. ..ANTED â€" AliunaiM wniUble foi mmk and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntofct Eu«eru«., ^»n« FeT«nh»'-i 5r2£ FOR SALE â€" liroo<l sow, second litttr, due March 10 â€" Jack Smith piione 3i-J2 Fcvoisham. ;54c2 FOR SALE â€" Pair of lady's white ii<ati»g:cutfitc csize 7. Phone Fle- .shcrUin vw. yOcl WANTED â€" Highest cash prices paid fur beef and horse hides. â€" Frank Eaplcs, R.R. 3, Proton Sta., phone 41ja Flesherton. :Up2 FOR SAIuE â€" 50 cords 14-in. body- wood, dry, also quantity 14 inch stove wood. â€" Alex. Duncan, Cey- lon, phone 4OJ4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" (i-tube Westinghous-j radio, consol model, in good work- ing order.â€" Wiir. Best, phone 23M Flesherton. 33p2 FOK SALE â€" Skate and boot oufit, tube ikates, size 5, g^od as new, 1 for boy or girl. Apply at The .A.d- vanc»' office. 34c2 FOR SALE â€" Lady's black skating ouuit, size 7, in good condition. May be seen at E. J. Fisher's st'ire, Flesherton. ,'!2c2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of wood, elm and maple mixed, 4-foot lengths, cut any length desired. â€" Wallace. Hamilton, phone 7y Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Ski outtit,, 7 fool ski-is, pole.s, lady's ski boots, size 5, .-ell cheap, hardly used. â€" Mrs. J- 0. Dargavcl, phone 75J3. 5t John's United Church Her. A. U. .Macpherson Minister â- 'Im,T»ges or Symbols '.'" The sec- cikI in the .series on the Ten Com- nuuidments will be discussed at the stivice.s of worship on Sunday, Jan. 2:.'rd, at Etigcnia 11 a.)n., Inistioge ;j p.m., Flesherton 7:."{(i p.m. Bible study classes for all ages iks follows; Fie.-^Jurton at 1] a.m., Eugenia 1- noon, Inistioge and Proton 2 p.m. St. John's W..M.S. meets at S p.m. Friday, Jan. 2I, in the cbui'ch school mom. All the ladies of the com- munity aru invited to attend. Th" piiigram is always interesting, and the work of great importance. Weekly activities of interest to young people: .Mondays 7 p.m., Cj(i. LT.; Tuesdays 7:.'50 p.m.. Young Peoiple's Union;- Fridiays 7 p.m., Trail Rangers. Judge: "Will you tell the court what passed between you and your (Turing the (iua)-rel '!" Defendant; "A flatiron, a rolling pin, six plates, and a tea kettle." FOR SALE â€" 1935 Chevrolet ',2-ton truck ;n good condition, radio and heater. Prestone in radiator. â€" .1 <â- ;.<. Johnston, phone 12R Plesheiton. SKATES â€" Several pairs of good skating and boot outfits, sizes 4, 5, 7, 8 and a new pair eof size 11. See them at The Advance office. NOTICE â€" Now is the time to or- der your Tractor Disc Harrows for Spring, Fleury-Bis.sell, on the way now. Sec your dealer â€" W. E. Betts, phone 4fiJ Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE â€" 170 acres in Artemesia, lots l.'U-133, 2nd range W.T.&S.R. About 100 acres lear- ed; 30 acres good bush, 20 acres swamp; balance pasture. Running trout stream. ;i-]ooni brick house small barn. Applv Id W, L. Doug- las, Babcaygeon. Ifk-'J FARM FOR SALE â€" lOO acre farm Lots 1 60-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway,â€" L. R. Thistlelhwaite 3« Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. 5t.f. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Jhe matter <if the Estate of Frederick Jamiesiin of the Township of .\rtemesia, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Fi'cderiek Jamiesni! of the Township of .•\i-temesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on or bout the 2!tth day of Oct- ober, 1045, are hereby requii'ed and notifed to send prepaid to the un- doisigned on or before the 7th day of February, A.D. 1!)4fl), full partic- ulars verifed by statutory declar- ation. Dated at Flesherton thi-: 1 7tli day of January, A.D. li)4!). â€" C. J. RELL.AT.IY, Local and Personal -Mr. and Mrs '.Vn. Miller of Dun- (iaik visited w'lh Mr. and Mrs. Goi- don Limg \>n the week end, Mr. Don Bunks of Pickerinjf spent the week end with his par>."il, ;, Mr. ;iii<l .Mis, (Jeo. K. Bansk. Mrs. Wm. Kaitling a couple of days this week with her daughter, Mrs. Stan AMenzie.s, at Chatsw>r;h, whose htallh is improving. .Mr. i:<,.\ -Mrs, l>i.iv Stewart and d.-iuj.'hter of Dn.i iaik .spent Sunday with the form.';";; i)ar>'nts, .Mr. ar.d .Mrs. .lohn Stewuri Air. Dave .McLinger of .Mossbank Sa.-k.. s,pent the past week with his nepiif-w, .Mr. Hamilt<'n, and family. Mr. .lim .Ar.nstrong oi T'-.vonti: \\n< a visitor in town on the week eiiil. Jim is with the Merchant Marine and has enjoyed on'? t)'ip to Hawaii and others to South Amer. ican points. He likes the work on the ships very much. .A (linner meetinu' of the Flesher- t>iii Service Club will be held at t>n» Pa)k Hotel, Tue.sday, Jan 2'S-.h, at (l:!'l p.m. .All those interested in thi wirk of the Service Club a e urged to attend and heai^ the repoit of the building coinmittee and oth' r important lusiness. The absent minded professor walked into the village barber'.s shop sat down in the operating chair and :;sko(| fdi- a haircut. "Certainly, sir." said the barber, j "Would you mind taking off your i Ivit?" The professor hurriedly complied. â- 'I'm Sony." he apologizetl, "but I didn't know that ladies were pre- Flesherton, Ont. sent." NOTICE â€" Would the kind fiiends who brought food to our home during our sorrow, kin<ily on in'! us so that we can return the various dishes to their generous owners. â€"Mildred McMuUen. Fergyson System TRACTORS Now Available for Your Spring Requirements â- i he Late Thos. W. Phillip* (By Portlaw Reporter) There pa.'-sed away in Markdale Hospital on Tuesday, January 11th, 19411, a well known Artemesia res- ident in the person of ,\Ir. Thomas i Wright Phillips, in his 68th year, .Ml. Phillips surt'ered a stroke a week and a half previously and had been in the hospital for expert care. Born in Osprey Township, deceas- ed was a son of the late Mr. and .Mrs. Tucker Phillips. For Many years he operat';a a saw mil! on th" l2tl' line of- Osprey and moved about thirty-two years ago to a farm on I he -•1th line, Aj-temesia, where he made many friends through his kindness and readiness to help in community activities. He was married in 1903 to the former Margaret Seeley, who pre- deceased him by ten yeans. Surviv- ing are two sons, Melbourne of Eugenia and Harold, at home; two daughters. Hazel, Mrs. Sheard, of Creorgetown, and Ruth, at home; two brothers, William of Osprey Town.ship and Samuel of Flesherton; two sisters, Mrs. Lou Sharp of To- ronto and Mrs. Ella Deitz of Osprey, also eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. A daughter, Grace, died in September, 1933. The funeral was held Thursday aftoi-noon, Jan. 13th, with service in St. John's United Church, Flesher- ton, at two o'clock p.m., conducted by Rev, A.. G. Macpherson. The Masonic burial service from the chuieh and in Flesherton Cemetery ('hapel was in chaige of Wm. Meads. The casket bearers, members of Prince Arthur Lodge, .A..F.&A,M., Flesherton, of which which deceased was a mem'ber, were: Roy Fenwick. Cecil Meldrum, Everette Blackburn, M^ni. Walker, Earl Gordon and Diek Clark. -Among the many beautiful flora' tributes, carried by the Masonic biethren were tokens of regard from Prince .Arthur Lodge, No, 333. A.F.&.A.M., Canadian Order of For- esters, Employees of H.E.P.C. staff. Pupils of Flesherton High School, the neighbors and others. 5 ^lu])iiu'ni^ arruiiii; wcrk Jan. 17 to 27. iijiiHi ;iiTi\al in n\'<]vy nf .sale, (lin-ctlv Deliveries t(i farm «*f.*lS?"-! "io^ «r« inv ^^^^ f I I The place where handsome figures count most is in the bank. NURSERY STOCK Stone & Wellington, the Fonthill Nurseries, are the largest and old- est growers of nursery stock in Canada, They offer the widest possible selection, and free advice on your landscaping problems, backed by 76 years of experience. Now is the time to order your stock for Spring planting. TK* intend to call on you personaH^r when we can, but our territory is large and would suggest that you drop us a line if you Tequire any fruit trees, shrubbery or perennial plants. Inpuiries will receive prompt attention. » BERT McINTOSH ' Local Representative EUGENIA Phone: Peversham 5r25 collect FOR SALE House with '.i-acrc of land, 5 min. walk from school, Van<leleur corner, Pt, Lot 20, Con. 13, Artemesia. Appl*- to T. Skin- ner, Beaver Fishing Club, Eu- genia, Ont. -••ifi R. E. PRINGLE REAL EST.ATK BROKER I have secured a license as real estate broker and can now presonally transact your rea! estate sales. List your property with me at any time. Phone: Flesherton 1 ISwl P. O. Address: ». R. 3, Proton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARU'SIFRS. '^DI.ICI roiiS, Rtr "hone 38 MARKD.M}': Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Hillamy's r.lTice '-very Sat- urijay from fl to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A St'RGKON Giaduate of Toronto Univpr8it\ Office; Kenned v Block Pho le 77 Flenhertm CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNKIPAI, CLERK iRKuer of Marriage Lirrnses CONVEYANCER Wills MortgaRes, etc. Deeds Agreements A commissioner for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street, Flenherton TdephoM lor yi Vni Jill J^^ j.i c 1 LKGUSON IMPLEMENTS I'l'.Rf l':- 'A i .\i ri,l'".M l-'.\"i'S .are de.sio-ned and en- i; esp;:ii.aii , I'wr u>e with liie l'\T!4tiMm Systein.s. Tluv ha\e 1 ecu le^ird li\ l'l>".KC.L'S( ).\ l{n.uiiieers and h!,; ]ir,.\(r I'll lhl)lI^alu!^ nl farms, .-ind under al) cniiditinns. \iid here i> a hieiidly suy-oestion, do nn{ wait nntil lii-ld wuik het;iii>, lo oviWv the ini|)leinents you'll need .and smnnier woi-k. ^"isir otn- show- now for inininiedi.ale delixery. S\'S'ri'',Mâ€" - l)rilisli-niade Traclors. SN STI'.M -10". i furow I'lows. SN'Sri'.M' â€" Si)rin,u Tine Celtivators I. !!i;< .rS( ).\ SN'STI-'M â€" iTandem I )ise Iharrow;, < i i !â- I I" in>'li I )ise .r !-!-i'<;i"Sn.v S>STI'.M (;i;\l.\ DKil.l., with l-"ei-li!i:er and (".rain Seeder Atl.aeinnents (option :ih. !•â- -.!• the rir<l time in nian\ years, a hasie inmr .\ eiiieiit for mote .aeenr.ile seed drilling- has hi-( 11 .K\ eloped, il is adjiist.ahle. internal down \i^<^'i.\ uf the \'ew â- M'"eri;ii'-on System" 1.>n7" Sin!.;'le' Di-^e C.nin I )rill. •"M â€" I'ower .Mowers. (T - 7' jinplenieii!- in Stock. Ordi'i lointnu'nl la'er in Slirinj;-. iir •^prlnl;• an 1 order 1^< ;r,^()\ K( U"S().\ ls'( ;i<().\" i-M ,t >'( ).\ I-i'.K'<'d'S()\ SVST Cutler r.;ir, \ I imiled SnpoK' in .all carh. , lo ;i\'M(l di^api Beaver Vcillev Wlotors The Late Neil McLdod (Hy Priceville Repoi-ter) Many friend? and relatives in this district will mourn the death of â- one o< its oldest citizens, in the person of Xeil .\rcI.eo<l, who passed away On Wednesday night of last week at Highland Lodge, where he has spent the past few years, after only a week's illness. The late Mr. .McLeod wa^* horn in Gla.sgow, Scotland, and when very young he went to Australia with his parents, where they settled on a slieep ranch, wihere his father died. At the age of 10 Neil returned to Scotland with his mother, who was in poor health and who died five months later. He remained in Scot- land five years longer and was em- ployed in a paint factory. In LSSS he came to Canada, as he had two aunts living on the South Line, Misi Ann McLean, who lived with her nephmv, Donald MacMillan, and Mrs. Colin MacMillan, mot;her of Mrs. Sandy MacLean, Mrs. Hector Mac- Lean, John, Malcolm, Sandy ;\nd Donald MacMillan, Some year^ later Neil went to Illinois with Jim R.iiinett and loved to tell of thi time spent there and ho.v they husked corn. He went back to Si'otlan.l .ind when he .'.-turned worked with t'.e Rtraver & MacMillan Construction Co., as well doing farm work in Manito'ba. His exact age w.ns un- known hut. he wa^ wel' uj in the nineties. He ,*pen': some timo at the home of Mr. JoV.n Kennedy .Tt Cey- ', lop and after Mrs. i-:i.m<edy'' do.ith <ame back to Pri.v ' '.\ Tlr h.ul one llrothor, No.iii.)'-. who was kiliei; mi Australia .ind ;, sistei, Christine, who also lived in *.u-faiia. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, with sci*vice in St. .And- rew's Prcsibytcrian Church and, de- spite the wet day, many friends were present to pay their last trib- ute ckf respect • to one who was so •veil known and highly regardeil by .;1). The service was conducte<l By Mr. MeReynolds student minister a-sisted by Rev. L. W. Mould of St. Columba Church. Interment was made in the Pioneer Cemetery. The ea.sket bearers wore: Me.'f^rs. William, Colin :ind Jack .MacMillan, rl;as. T^ia<len, Dmiald McLean and Mr, Puckerii'ic. Ho-iutiful floral tributes surround- ed the ca.sket. CLARKSBURG Guard (to prisoner about to he e- Introcuted): "Have voii anv last words?" Prisoner: "Y'os I'd like to offer my scat to n lady." Mi=. Hlnnk studied the note and the wrote t h <> following: "Pear ToiL'her: If you find some way to cni7 him please let me know. I'm hiivinir the enme trouble with his old man." F. T. HILL & CO.. Limited - OFFERS Exceptional Values in their January Clearance Sale Ladies' Winter Coats Reduced 25% Ladies' Dresses Reduced 25% Men's Heavy Melton Windbreakers Reg. $5.50, Reg. if;5,50 Sale Pice $5.69 Sale Price $4.89 Men's Tweed and All-wool Pants, Reduced 20% Boys' 3 -Piece Coat Sets (Overcoat, Leggings, Cap) Reg. $10.75 and $11.95 Sale Price .r.. $8.49 All- Wool Plaid Remnants Regular $3,50, 54 in. wide per yard $2.29 Ladies' Quilted Ski Jackets Regular $8.95 Sale Price $6.95 Ladies' All- Wool Plaid Skirts Regular $5.95 Sale Price . $4.49 Xiiijls' Long Sleeve Spun jBlouse^ Regular $1.95 and $2.25 Girls' Plain Rayon Dresses Regular $3.95 vSale rice $1.59 $1.29 Girls' Wool Plaid Suits Regular $7.95 and $12.95 V2 Price- Girls' Cotton Plaid Dresses Regular $2.2^ Sale I'rice $1.49 Ladies' and Children's Millinery Half Price Special Group of Ladies' Winter Coats $3.95 Men's 1 -Buckle Cashmerette Overshoes Regular $2.00 per pair Sale Price $1.19 Ladies' 5 -Eyelet and Misses 4- Eyelet Rubbers $1.19 Pair Ladies' Rubbeir Goloshes Black and Brown, regular $1.59 79c Pair Ladies' Velvet Goloshes ' Small sizes, regular $3.50 and $3.95 V2 Price Ladies' Fur-Top Velvet Goloshes Dome fa.stening, regular $4.75 $3.89 Men's Jumbo-Knit Sweater Coats Regular $10.75 $7.95 WALLPAPER SALE Regular up to 30c single roll - Regular from 35c to (>(V single roll Borders 6 . 19c 25c intl 7c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale ^ *- M «-.^ 1i1 «] : •