2 *â- • 4 4» ♦- * 4k r r THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 19, 1949 CREAM ' There is still a tremendous demand for butter and prices are good, and likely to stay that way. So, by a little extra care in the feeding of the herd, production can be stepped up, and by so doing, receive larger profits from the herd, and especially if you market your cream at the Flesherton Cream- ery, where you are guaranteed all that is in your cream. Bring in your eggs with the cream. We are still in the market for fowl wnd chicketas, alive or dressed, and will pay top market prices. Flesherton Creamery I i T ? y t t I I I i i Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario I I T ? X i MAXWELL Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Davison on the gfilt o£ a balby dauigh- ter on Friday of last week. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Winters on Friday last, with a very poor attendance of only eight mem- bers. The roll call was answered with a New Year's resolution. Mrs. Gertrude Seeley gave a paper on home economics, which was enjoyed by all. The February nleetin^' will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Seeley, when " each menaiber is asked to make or bake something for the sale. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. Wm. Parker is staying for awhile with his daughter, Ma^. Mel. Sled. Mr. Jas. Kerton and friend of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hush Fenwick. VALLEY ROAD SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Mural Weber and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wickens of Epping' one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Idl* of Dur- ham were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens on the week end. Messrs. Gordon McMuUen and Geo. Homes of Duncan are doing a big job taking out -logs from the \>\)A\ purchased ' from Mr. Frank Davis, who is visiting with friends in British Columbia. Mir. John Wickens sold a fine beef last week which tipped the scales at 1,270 pounds. EUGENIA We hope that the mild winter weather continues. iMr. Thos. Stewart and son, Gor- don were home from Toronto the first of the week. A crokinole party was held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Stewart Friday evening, when an enjoyable time was spent. The proceeds went to the treasury of the W. A. Mrs. C. Martin is assisting at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. T. Lever, of Flesherton, who is quite ill. Mrs. R. Wood of Markdale is with her mother at present. Mrs. Lever lias been ill the past few weeks, having received a severe fall. We understand that the Boyce garage has been purchased by Fred Taylor & Son, formerly of Portlaw. We welcome them to the village, but very much regret the removal of the Boyce family from oux midst. We wish them every success in their new home and undertaiking. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee, Patricia Taylor and' Mr. F. W. Mc- Carthy of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. McKee. Mrs. W. Pinkerton pent a few days with li,er daughter, Mrs. Hass, in Flesherton. Mr. Stan Teeter of Feversham is carrying the mail for Mr. Garnet Magee for the winter months. Mrs. Kay Hawkins of Flesherton spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar. Miss Alice Tudor visited at Heath- oote recently. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Rowe attend- ed the funeral of their little nephew, Bobby Rowe, aged 6, in Toronto this week. Bobby was accidentally kill- ed while on the way to school. We extend sjnnpathy to the sorrowing f.Tmilv. Mr. and Mrs. K^n Clinton of Mim- ico and Mr. Delbert Magee of Ham- ilton spent the week end with the 'atter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Magee. KIMBERLEY iMrs. Minnie Proctor has returned home arfter spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. E. Teed, Thorn- bury, and her son, R. Proctor, of Duncan. A number from here attended the I '^ hockey game between Flesherton and Markdale at Flesherton Mon- day of last week and all report a clean, fast game, which Flesherton won y to 4. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander and iboys of Ct»!lingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Welber and daughter of Loree visited on Sunday with Mr. | and Mrs. D. L. Wefcer. Mrs. Wayne We^er and family have returned from Kearney, after having spent Christmas and New- Year's at the home o(f her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brush. The W. I. sponsored a euchre party in the hall on Friday night, when there were eight tables of euohre, a niumiber also playing Lost Heir, checkers and crokinole. The h'gh score for the men -vent to O. Chard and for the women, Mrs. C. Kitchen. Mrs. Groodfellow of Dobbinton is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Russell Ellis. NOTICE â€" FARMERS j We Require Unlimited Quantities of % HARDWOOD LOGS | (}ood prices according to size and kind. \ We also buy Bush Lots ^ G.L.MAGANNCO.,LTD. - PRICEVILLE | Phone: Park Hotel, Flesherton | !se VICTORIA CORNERS Use The Advance Small Advts. buying or selling. ~ K negro couple apiplied for a mar- riage license. Clerk: "Married before?" Bride to be: "Yessah." Clerk: ""Husband deceased or di- vorced?" Bride to be: "I deceased him." A nuin in Ohio socked a bus driver for asking him to take a back seat. Hi- took aifront. Orangeville's stores close early on Saturday nights. They say most of their rural customers shop Saturd:iy afternoon during the winter. Mrs. Thos. Wilson has been visit, ing her brother, Mr. Art Jackson, and faanily. She leaves the latter part of the week to make her homj for the remainder of the winter months with her sister, Mrs. Jos. McCutcheon, in Toronto. Sacramen-t of the Lord's Sipper was observed Sunday • afternoon in Inistioge church with only a sma'l attendance. Mr. Elvin Mocre had the â- nisfor. tune to lose one of his fine work team, when at bush work Thursday afternoon. Inistioge Y.P.U. held their meet. ing on Friday evening in the home ff Mr. John Duncan. Inistioge W. A. held their Janu_ a:y meeting Thursday evening ;n *h(^ home of Mrs Geo. Mo.ir.'>, with â- 'I4 exceptional winter attei;iai^c'e of 2;; ladies. The February meeting will be held in the home of Misses Muriel and Laurene Tall'ot at Dundalik. !\ji. Wilfred Gallaugher re'-urnud to Toronto this week to further a'-sist his son. Kingsley. in the com. phtion of his new home. Mi-. Wes Fr-rris is home fnncf the new year, after relieving for thi-ee weeks in a Toronto plant. TRUCKING We have purchased the trucking business from Mr. Harold Richardson and will en- deavor to serve our customers, uid and new, to the best of our abiUty. P.C.V. Class C, F and H WE ARE AS CLOSE TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE Ed. and Gord. Breadner Phone: Flesherton 119r5 Collect Secretary: "Your wife wants to kiss you over the phone." Piiiiiness man: "Take the message and I'll get it from you later." The guide v/as showing a group of -cldiers a small me-morial pillar on Bunker Hill, kt stood about a foot high. â- 'Here ij the place where many Liravi/ men fell."' he said. â- ^1 wouldn't doubt it," piped one .if :.he soldiers. "I darn near broke my neck on it myself." Treasurer's Sale of Lands In Arrears for Taxes Muriicipaiily of the Township of Artemesia Province of Ontario Interested old lady, (questioning model): "Do you mean to say that you pose for a man with no clothes nn?" Model: "Heavens, no!. He weres pants and everything." oney . . . THE SAFE, SURE WAV TO SEND MONEY 'ONEY transfers can be made safely and easily by Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Orders. Inexpensive, and re- deemable, in Canada or almost any part of the world, they may be obtained conveniently and quickly when transacting your other Bank businessâ€" at any of our branches. Next time you $end money, send its equivalent â€" a Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Order. THE CANADIAN BA|IK OF COMMERCE 2328 Little Gordon had arrived home from school with a cut lip and a black eye. "Dear me!" evclaimed his mother. "Do you mean to say you've walked through the streets like that?" "I had to mom." grinned Gordon. "You see. there wasn't e- riough room for two of us in the ambulance. BY VIRTUE OF .\ WARRANT isiued by the Reeve and under the seal of the Corporation o£ the Township of .\rtemesia, to me directed, having the date of the 13th day of .-^u.gust. llt4.S. commanding nie to levy upon and sell the land nunitioiK-'d m ;.he foUuwinjr list for ari'ears of taxes with costs- due thereon, Ihereby give notice that unless sue h arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or as much thereof as may be neees- saiy for the payment of the said ta.xes and costs, at the Council Cham- bers in the Village of Flesherton on (jt6T 'H3.;t?IM JO Xt?p m?- Dqi XBpuo.Ki at the hour of 2 o'clock -in the aftei'iioun. .Any land.s not sold on the above date will be .sold at the adjourned tax sale at the same place and liour on Monday, the 2Sth day of M;;rch, l'.»4'.). .AND NOTICE IS .\LSO HEREBY GIVEM that it is the intention if the Municipality of the Township of .A.rtemesia to purchase such lands which f^il to bring the full amount of arrears and costs. â€" AUBR£Y FOSTER. Treasurer, Municipality of .\rtemesia Assessed Owner Alex. McFadyen Estate Watson Bros. Tho.s. and Alvin Rae Mrs. Minnie Whittaker Lot Concession .Arrears Costs Total Pt. Lot 161, 3 S.W.T.S.R. $ 28.07 $6.58 $ 29.65 Pt. Lotl, N.D.R. V=-acre 14.4*5 6.35 20.81 Lot 2e,Con. 14 208.818 11.20 21!i..i8 Lot 20, .lames. Priceville 38.24 7.00 4.5.24 COOK'S RADIO & SOUND wish to announce the opening of a MUSIC STORE LARGE STOCKS OF SHEET MUSIC and SONG FOLIOS OF ALL KINDS All your favorite Cowboy Soiig.s. by Wilt. Carter. Gene .\iitry, Eddit Arnold, Roy .\cutT and others. .Ml the Laio t v"^ong 11U> ui s U'Cl music. .Ml Old -iTiiiK Popul ;ir Mclof lie Clas.vic: i! munl)cr.> l)v Cho pin. Puccini and other niilcd I'i a no artists. 1 ,ai",uc Song Folios lor LLi- inc. Church and Parties Square »i)ancf Folios, featuring- all the best s(|uare dance music with calls. 15 lack Diamond best strings for stnmients. the world's musical in- Rcpau- Parts i'i>r < .uUars. Hawaiian and Spanish Guitars. Miuuh Organs. l~)ecca. Musicana and other high class Records. You are invited! to come in and look over our stock. If there is any Special num- ber you woufd like that is not in stock, w e will order it for you. JOHN W.COOK Radios and Radio Repairs FLESHERTON