Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1949, p. 5

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A- 9 4» I 1 i « \ '* * â- -» ^ , A â- Â» < ♦ 1 • • ^ â- â- "^>'- 1.1 4k ft ft * t * > ♦ « t r ,*#" THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 12, 1949 CREAM There is still a tremendous demand for butter and prices are good, and likely to stay that way. So, by a little extra care in the feeding of the herd, production can be stepped up, and by so doing, receive larger profits from the herd, and especially if you market your cream at the Flesherton Cream- ery, where you are guaranteed all that is in your cream. Bring -in your eggs with the cream. We are still in die market (or fowl and chickens, alive or dressed, and, will pay top market prices. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager % •> ♦ t % % % Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario -«-^<">•K~:~wK~^<-:~XK-:->x~:~K~:~>•^•K-x~>•>K•♦<-c-:~>4-:~x•<KK•<-^<~ '^ A New Page In Co-operative History Aft«r 35 y«<jrs of s«rvic« ta farmers and afhart, Ontario's provincial eo-op«rativa has b««n raorgan- iaad as a fadaration, officially ownad and cantroilad ky ovar • hundred local c«-oparativas with 40,000 mamfear-famillos. During tha yaor andad Saptaoibar K), 194«, tha Cantral ottainad a naw racord of voluma at 3S million dollors and netted 350 thousand dollars af aarnings. "Locals will find thair Cantral of incraasinf value both in wholasaling and manufacturinf Co-op Brand farm supplias and consumer goods and as a central marketing service for a number of major farm products. You build your own business whan you Patronize %Your O. & A. Co-operative Phone 70 FLESHERTON VICTORIA CORNERS Our aj-mpathy goei out to the family of the late Thos. Wyviiie, Proton Station, whose passing oc- curred on Tuesday, Dec. 2^th, M his late home, and of the late Dr. F-ask Martin, Dundalk, whose dt^ath oc- curred on Friday, Dec. 31. As New Year's Eve dawned, few remaintd using the old time custom "Happy New Year." Scores of ti-avellers were marooned along the highway for quite some distance. .â- Vlmost everybody's home from Art Jackson's to Geo. Ludlow's, in ouf terricory, had unexpected guests o'ver Friday night and on into Sat- urday, and some as long as Sunday afternoon. All were so thrilled to reach the warmth of firesides and the taste of food. Mr. Jas. Forbes, employed by the Department of Higbways, started out from Fle'^h- erton for his hjoie here >r. Friiiy evening after work and was forced back by the hazardous road condi- tion. He obtained kind Flesherton hopspttality until Saturday evening, when he started out on foot for home. aiTiving around nine o'clock, just before the snow plows had the traffic conditions well ccened up. A number of our people have been ili with the 'flu. Mrs. John Carson is soiag to make her home during the winter months at the home of Neil Wiitirr. Miss Bvelyn Gallaugher of Ware- ham is staying with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallaagh- er, during the week and attending Fleherton High School, taking tha bus each morning from Victoria Corners. School re-opened Monday morning with the teacher. Miss Marion Wiio« of Owen Sound, and pupils back at thelj- duties. EUGENIA In iait week's items we neglected to mention the ChiU-tms concert sponsored by the teacher and pupils **! our piibiie school, held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 21st, in the L.OX. hall. -â- Vll items were well given and en- jcyed by all present. A great deal ot credit is diie the teacher. Miss J. Patterson, and her pupils for their splendid concert. Santa Claus was present to distribute the gifts, etc., :rom the well-lade« tree. Proceeds of the conceit were $2"*- A number from here enjoyed the hockey game at Flesherton between Markdale amd Flesherton team^. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Gait and Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge of Rock Mills visited with the lit- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. Ed. Breadner and son, Gord- on, have purchased the stock t:iick and business from Mr. Harold Rieh- ardso.n of Flesherton. Miis Mapsre Martin w-as home from Singhanipton ci the wv^'tx. end. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Cairns and Headi«- of Ceylon and Mrs. J. Calms and Shirley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Mr. Clarence WiRiams of Toronto spent the week end with his par- ents, Mt. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Magee and chOdren of Maxwell visited y'th the former's parents. Mr. a.".d Mrs. G. Mj^ree, recently. Mr. Jack Patterson is spending a few days in Petrolia and London. Mr.- and Mrs. .Jack Badgerow and daughter of Portlaw and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham of Walkerton were recent visitorl with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce. FEVERSHAM Mrs. Henry Alexander has return- ed home, after spending the past three weeks with her son Ivan, aad family at Creemore. "We are pleased to report that Mr. Jaick Smith is improving since his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Williams and Jimmy of Flesherton visited on Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Mrs. Howard McKee was called to HamikoQ where her husibar.d is ill. yLi.-< Lavema Smith visited a few days in Toronto with her father and Mrs. Will Fadden returned home with her for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harr>- HilL Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and Glen of Mark- dale visited on Sunday with their sister. Mrs. Laurie S^jwell. Mrs. C. N. Long ar.c Kenneth visited with 'aer daughter. Mrs. Cyrus Short, at Barrie. PORTLAW severe coldj, bat are feeling agaiin. Guests at the home of Mr. and Ma. Xorman J»cksoa on Sundiiy were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon JatfksoQ utd family of Clarksourg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacksor. duA Miss Jean a£ Wareham, Mr. Lockhart and Mr. aa4 Mrs. Neil Winters and Ann, ProtMi. Mr. Orvai Russell. Rock Mills. h*» T'titn suffering with thro;i: croable. Mr. Geo. Chapman of Ihiraaai li- lted with his nephew, Eoy White, and Mrs. White. Miss Floreace White also visited in the sam* home and MIs.T Gwen W'hite wii s'riie froia Toronto N"ormal School for the holi- day season. ROCK MILLS KIMBERLEY PRICEVILLE INSURANCE Companies represented are: Grey & Bruce Mntaal Insarmace Wawaneaa Fire Ineurance Ce. Waterloo Mutual Insurance Toronto General Insurance Co. Zurich Insurance Co. All types of GENERAL INSURANCE D. G. MacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON Money doesn't go as far as it did, but it still does a swell job of '^roing. Tho motorist who is set on beat- ing the car ahead of him to the ouive. usually gets his rite?. Where there are tots runnit^J aixniiid, the best thing to try on youv piano now and then is polish. Mrs. .A,!dcorn was hoates. to the W. I. Thursday afternoon whe') i;) ladies were present, ani Mrs. M;d- cohn McLean presiding. It de- cided to hold a copper cjatest, and Mr--. XeU Aldcorr and Mrs. Garry \Vh>^e were chosen as, the contest to close in May. It was also decided to purchase an article on which tickets would be sold, to raise money to assist paying for the hal', which is to be remodelled and in- sulated. The contract has been kt to Sid ElJridge & Sons of Oveu Sound. Mrs. Joe Gibson wa* ap- piiinted to make the purchase. Mis. Donald Reiley and Miss A. Shori- reetl \\iU make the tickets. Mrs. Elmer Harrison read one of Rev. C. Co.\"j poetns "'Memories,'' Mrs. Joe Gibson gave a reading ju ''Post Mortem Praise'" and Mrs. J. C. Harrison grave a lovely piano solo and Mis. M. McLean gave a i-eading on "Housewives." All were enjoyed. Lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. Mr. Stanley Harrison shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto. Mis. Kate R-unciman returned to Toronto Tuesday, after spending a few days wit!\ Miss Mary .^k•Kinnon. Mr. Carman Whyte has gone to Fergus for a time. Mrs. Dick Carson and family spent the week end ^th her parents at Fleshe 1-ton. Miss Shirley Hincks of Mt. Forest spent the week end at her home. Mr. Emerson Meads returned to Guelph after holidaying at his home. Misses Betty Tucker and Emma Meads returned to Toronto Sunday after observing for a week at the Ceylon and O.DJJ. schools. Billif McMeekin returned Wed- nesday to Mt. Forest, after holiday- ing with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Bradey Irwin. - Mr. Chas. .Aldcorn. Toivnto, spent the week end with his wife and niother here. The annual meeting lii St. And- rew's Chuix'h will be held Satuitlay. Jan. -Z'ZwA, in the, a-il a lull .-.t- tendance of memibers is requested. 3Ir. ami Mrs. Gordon Ferguson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturroc'K ' Monday morning by bus for a trip to California for a couple of months. .-V Ltindon nian wrote his will on a biscuit â€" posisibly just before his wife srave him. a plateful. NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.ti rO% DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS Aecordint to size and conditieB â€" Small anlnals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHBST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146â€" Reverse Charge.-; NICK PECONI, OWNER Everyone enjoyed the spring-like weather the past week. Mrs. Jas. Lawrence has gone to spend the remainder of the winter with her daughier. Mrs. J. Tay'.or. Mrs. Arnold Lawrence accompanied her and will vifit Mr. and Mrs. Tay- lor for a few liays. Mr. and Mrs. .A.ndrew Wallace of Drayton have been visiting for a couple of weeks witti Mrs. D. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Mansei Cook of Owen Soimd. Mr. .\. Ferguson ot Sherburne and Mr. D. Fersruson ot Islington visited over the week end with Mrs. M. Ferguson. T'ne W. A nteetijtg was he'd at the home of Mrs. T. Soul on Tues- day. The new president, Mrs. E. Morwood, was in charge. The '.adies decided to hold a cjuilting at the home of Miss M. Haines. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fawcett. ac- companied by Mrs. Geo. McCo'nnell. spent Sunday with relatives ip Meaford. Mrs. Henry Mason and family have gone to spend a month with relatives in New York. Mr. and- Mrs. J. Badgerow and Inez visited witii Mr. and Mrs. C- Boyce and family at Eugenia. We are sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Thos. Phillips, which occurred in the Markdal.? Hospital this Tuesday morning. He suffered a strdlie almost two weeks ago and was in the Markdale Hospital Little Cheryl Berts of Toronto has spent two weeks with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. Htr mother,- Mrs. Fred Betts. came up this week end and Cheryl returned with her. Miss M}-rtIe Ben- nf F'.esherton .-^P'-nt tile WL't^fc e:-i a* her home. 3ft^. Gaanron. w^:!o j^r.t a month with her daughter. SIx^. Ev. Slack- bum, has gone to TiSbury and will accompany her brothers and sister- in-law to FIori<te and wiU spend the vintar there. .A. number here suffered wirti real The miki weather of the past week was very w«lc»nie and has ':ielped to replenish the soft water supply. « Mr. and Mrs. Fred Panridg* of Gah spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elw:.3d Pirt- .'-'iiii. Misc. Shirley Partridge re- turned to hsr , at te â-  spending a weeic with th>3j at Gait. Many friends here are sarry to hear of the the deat-h of Mr Thos. PhQlLps in the Markda'e HospitaL Mr. Ned Croft syont M.^niay witii Mr. a.nd Mrs. C. Loughs â-  i ^n tiia old Croft homestead. Mr. and M's TTios. of Durham visited - -et Sunny witl. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newel!. Mrs. WiHa.-i Bacsor. ar.d son, Bryce. spent a few di. : visitia^ wit'n friends in Ti ronto. Mr. and M.j. L'lcL CUrk hoHday- ej for a w>-ek with relatives in Ti>- ronto and Thistletx>wT!. Mr. Ted Croft has secjrel » Job on one of the Provincial snow plo-s-s and comenenced' work last week. Spending most of your thae hop- ing is a good way to w.-d un hopeless. Rock Mills School TRUCKING We have purchased the trucking business from Mr. Harold Richardson and will en- deavor to serve our customers, old and new. to the best of our ability. P.C.V. Class C. F and H ' WE .\RE .\S CLOSE TO YOU AS YOUR TELEFHOXE Ed. and Gord. Breadner Phone: Flesherton 119r5 Collect Grade S â€" Jeanette IXxbson ttl.9. | Florence Wilkinson T!>, Murray Betts TT.l, Lois Helmkay 74. L Ken Smith , 60.1, Ethel Betts oOi". j Grade 6â€" Bruce Benson SiS.3. Ivan \ Betts 33-5. I Grade 5 â€" Patricia Dobson 75.1,! Dorothy Wilkinson 74.4. Grade 3 â€" Louise Betts 7S.S. Grade 2 â€" Sheila Pobson S5.6, Joan McMaster ^-S- Ronnie White S1.5. Grade 1 â€" Stanley Porteous, Dou- glas Russell. Wayne McMaster. David Bailey. Marie Bowe, â€" Janette Hass, Teacher j What we used to spend, but don't now, is naKidv's business. CEYLON Mrs, .\. E. Goessel visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Forrester, at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .McWilliam and son at Mt. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Tom C-opeland and family of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Copeland and family of Dun- dalk were Sunday gu>'t<< of Mr. an.i Mrs. Joe Copeland here. Mis» Barbara Marshall of Mcln- tyi-e, Fred Marshall of port McNichol and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Marshall of (.Kven Soutid were week end guests af Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Marshall. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS k\\ makes â€" Work goarantaed Machines electrified, bought ai^d sokt. Needles and Belts -â- Vgents DUNCAN HARDWARE Flesherton. Ont. NURSERY STOCK Stone & Wellington, the FonthiU Nurseries, are the largest and old- est growers of nursery stock in Canada. Tliey offer the widest possible selection, and free advice on .v-our laiHisoL'.ping problems, backed by 76 years af exper\ei»ce. Now is the time to order your stock for Spring planting. We intend to call on you j>ei-sonany when we can. but our territory is large and would suggest that you diH>p us a Hue if you vequiiv any fruit trees, shrubbery or perennial plants. Inpuiries will receive pronxpt attention. SFJtT MclNTOSH U>cal Representative Kl'GESLX Phone: Fevei-sham 5r^ collect IT STANDS FOR Sc^l^/CS WHfRfveR you S££ ir CouKTEOUS and efficient service at oiir switch- boards, ill our business otlices and iii your home chat's the kind of service we're doing our best to pnnide. More and better telephone^ have doubled the scope and increased the value of your telephone service. Yet, up to now, despite riaing cv>sts, there has been no mcrease in the basic telephone rates established '21 years ago. No matter where you travel, you'll find no greater telephone value; no better service at the same low cost. THE BELl TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA

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