Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1949, p. 5

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\ '% « THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 5, 1949 4 i « *â-  * » t f « * ♦ * * « * * ♦ r * « -• •«k « •5» â- ^ r> * â- * . -a » « « -« •• ^ • * « * • « -« » » « « ♦ -^ » « » ' t > • * 1 . VICTORIA CORNERS We trust that all had a Merry Christmas, and to all goes our very best wishes for a Happy and Pros- perous New Year in 1940. Monday evening, Det. 20th, was CEYLON BUCKINGHAM EUGENIA This community extends its deep- est synnpathy to the Piper family in their recent bereavement. The annual school ratepayers' meeting was held Wednesday even- the school concert of S.S. N'o. 4, witli the teacher, Miss Marian Wilson, at the helm. The proceeds of the even- ing a^mounited to around $23. Considerable Christmas week end and Boxing Day activity was in pro- g^i-ess in the neighborhood and in many homes entertaining was done, with other families going abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Miltoh Bannon enter- tained their dau/grhter, Doris, of To- rnnto from Friday to Sunday, their son Jim, wiife and son, Tom, and <]aughter, Donna Gail, Sunday and Monday; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walker and Hazel had the former's brother, Jim, and friend, Wanda Wilis, Ham- ilton; Mt. Ferris was home from To- ronto, where he has been employed the past few weeks; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallaug'her and Jim enter- tained their sons and brothers, Em- erson, his wife and Evelyn and Keith of Wareham, Mr. and Mrs. K. GaUanigher and Anne, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crockford and family, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N'ichoUs; Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson joy€ully celebrated with all members of their faimfty home, namely: Har- old and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gillies, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson, Brautford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson and irvfant son, Jackie, Dun- dalk. Bill and Jane, at home; Mr. and Mts. C. E. Moore, Miss Heler Moore and Mr. Tommy Nelson, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Walt. Arnold, Bobby and Peggy Joan, of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aeheson, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Garry; incidentally Mr. Nelson h-is only been out from Ireland four months and when at home he lived as far away from Dundalk as To- ronto is from Dundalk, Ont. Others entertaining were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Batchelor with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor, Florence- and Les, Mrs. Sam Cornett, Toronto, Miss Viola Cornett, Dundalk, Mr. and Mts. Cornett, Shelburne. as their guests: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ludlow had the company of Mr. and Mrs. EMn Moore- and Elizaibeth, Mr. .and Mrs. Sam Sherson, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sherson. Proton Station. ^ Mr. and Mr?. Russell Linton and Douglas joined other members of the Fenwick family in Owen Sound; Mr. -•-•and Mrs. Ernie Sttwart and M"s. Jas. Linton, Mr. and Mis. Ed. Stin- son and Mrs. Wm. Ludlow journeyed to the home of Fred Linton, Maple ] Donnie Whyte Grove, for Christmas Day. ing at the school, with Mr. P. Hemp- hill acting as chairman and Mrs. Mel Hogarth as secretary. Minutes were read and. the treasurer's report given. P. Hemphill was a^ppointed latepayers' auditor. Three trustees were elected. Rabt. Rutldge was retiring and Ken Stewart had moved to Collingwood and Geo. Jaynes, who is working in Islington were not available as trustees. Mrs. Jas. Sinclair was elected for three years, J. S. iMtDermid for two years and Robt. Rutledge for one year. The regular meeting of Ceylon Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Goessel Thursday night with Mits. Geo. Jaynes -presiding. Consideraible business was dealt with and the treasurer reported a very UnLended for Lrast Week; i ^'â- ^ and -Mrs. Whiter McBride and' To the Editor of The Advance ' B<"inie of Collingwood spent New ' , ! Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Roy j and his family our wish for a happy and prosperous New Year. Miss Hazel Cameron, Reg.N., ^of Orangeville is spending Christmas week with her mother, Mrs. M. Cam- eron, and brother, Bruce. Members of the Smith family McMillan. Barrie. Edna of Toronto and Leslie of Liindon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lanktree of the townline sipent Monday with the latter's brothers, Merrill and Bert Roberts, and sister. Viva, at Lady Bank. Miss Irma Smith, Reg.N., of Wel- land spent the holiday with her father, -Mr. Stanley Smith, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Butcher and children of Toronto were with Nel- success.ful financial year. Rev. Mr. ! j,on's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mould had charge of the election of officers, the following being elected for ID-l©: President â€" Mrs. Geo. Snell 1st Vice Pres. â€" Mrs. G. Jaynes 2nd Vice Pres. â€" Mrs. M. Hogaith Secty. â€" • Mrs. John McWiliiara Asst. Secty. â€" 2vlrs. A. E. Goessel Treas. â€" Mrs. Geo. Jaynes Misses Phyllis Rutledge and Mar- got Anne Goessel render'-l a duet, followed by the v-inging of Christ- mas carols. Rev. Mould and Mrs. Jaynes each conducted a contest. The meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Mould, after which th>i hostess and her assistants served ;i dclight- }u! lunch. foUowefi by the ex;:hange of Christmas gifts. Miss Isabelle Irish* Of Toronto -pent the holi<lay with iS'r. and Mr.*. P. Hemphill a ad lamily. Mv. Arthur Whittaker' of Toronto .-pent the holidav with lii-^ brnth-r. Anjfus. in the village. Miss Dorothy Sn I'i cf I^lin^ton spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs Isaac Snell and A-adrey- C'torg-e Jaynes. Ke'th Guessel of Toiinto and Dalcon Rutledcre of Owen Sound spent the holiday at their homes here. Mis. C. Arch'lr'.Ul <:i Owen '-^â- i- rd spent a few days -.vitn Mr ar.'l Mrs. John McWilliam. Miss Agnes MacpnaVr of Leaside Butcher. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hutchinson. Burton and Winslow, s.pent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mis. lYarrr Mullin and family. Owinfr to the sudden change in weather conditions many family gatherings in this community were postponed until later. Miss Alda Hawton of Toronto is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hough and Eleanor were with Mrs. Hough's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bro-wn- ridge, on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hudson en- tertained inemibers of their families at Christmas on Monday: Mrs. J. Smith, LaVerne and J. D.. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heitman and Lee. Mr. ;ind .Mrs. Randall Taylor and soil cf Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and three children of R^b Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hawton and daughter, Dianne, Feversham. Miss Patsy Stewart ami brether, ; W-'lter, speac a few days in Torimt-* ant! returned home on .Vlon^iay. Schi ol re-3pened on M'lrtJay afttr the holiday .season, with Miss Joyc* with their mother, Mrs. Daisy Smith \ Patterson again in charge. Miss for Christmas were: Mr. and Mrs. j Gwen White of RockMiN, who is Wiley (DorLs) of Barrie, Pearl of attending' Tonmlo Normal School, is spending -ihis week teaching les- sons in the loerj sc'nool Mr. Cecil Magee, Mr. Meiburne i Phillips and son. Bill, of the H.E.P. C. at Islington spent Sunday at their respective homes. Mrs. Elwood: Parti;idge uf Rock Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Part- ridge of Hespelev were visi'ors on Monday -with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mrs Bert Magee has returned to her home -rom Markdale Hispl al. We hope she will soon regain her us^ual good health. Miss Blanche Walker is ' home from Toronto Noi-mal School and is i teaching this week at the Springhill j school and taking observation j lessons. j Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crowe and Hilda of Peterboro visited a few days with iMt. and Mrs. J. Williams. Closing Saturday Night The Public is requested to please take notice that the' Retail Stores in Flesherton will close at 6. o'clock p.m. each Saturday night until further notice, commencing Ihis Saturday, January 8th, 1949 â€" K. G. BETTS, Reeve Feversham Public School (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Gordon Stewart of Toronto was home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boettger and son, Bruce, spent Christmas week eiid with the formei-'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Boettger, in Kitch- ener and with Mr. ami Mrs. H. Musselman in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams Jr. and Mr. Clarence Wiiliaiiis of Toronto were Christmas visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mx-s. Jo. 'Wiliams. iMisses Mary and Isajbel M^cKee and Mr. F. W. McCarthy of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hawton were | v^.ere Christmas visitors witn rhe with Mr. and Mi-s. Alf. Hawton Mervin and Al-vin, for dinner on Tuesday. Mr. and iMrs. Alex. Max\vell and family of the 12th line celebrated Christmas with their daughter. Mrs. Kenneth Eagles, of Gibraltar on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wagner. Roger spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. , and Sh:iron, of Rob Roy spent Tues- Mel Hc.jnirth. day evening with Mr. and -Mrs. The members of Holdfast Club ] Lloyd Hough, will meet on Wednesd.'iy, Jan. 12th. Sympathy is expressed t(« the at 2:30 p.,m.. at the home of Mrs. 1 family of the late Mrs. John Tyson, j ^^^j^,' ^^^^j Mrs. Robt. Haney I whose death occurred on Monday Grade 8 â€" Joan Davidson 72. Phyllis Parsonage 71. Non-is Moore 70. Merle McMullen 67, Paul Hud- son 65. Grade 7 â€" John Stewart &5, Mel- ville Wright 79, Stanley Wright 77, Dorothy Fenwick 76. Grade 6 â€" John Pediar 7(), Steph- en Eby 72, Sadie Ste^ra^t 70, Ger- ald "Teeter 47. Grade 5 â€" Shirley Sammons 90, Cheryl Light 86, Shirley Wright 81, Evelyn Pedlar 68, Velda Teeter 67. Grade 4 â€" Tony Parsonage i)3, Jean Short 90, John Sled 87, -Joan Parker 83, Gene McMullen 67. Rob- ert Jackson 64, Clair Blaekbum -34. Iiwin Stewart 51) Ed-.vard Smith 40. Grade 3 â€" Eleanor Sled 82, Car- man Wright 71. Grade 2 â€" Leola Sammons 90, Harvie Sammons 85, Doug-las Moore 62, Jack Teeter 30. Gi-ade 1 â€" C^arl Jackson 80, El- aine- McMullen 79. Louise Blackburn 76, Diane Par.soiiage 74, Ruth Mc- Lean 72. Robin Plummer 50. Numbers are percentages: No. on roll 35»; average attendance 37.75. â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley Teacher The editor was busy at his desk when the phone rang. Oii the other end of the wire was an irate sub- sci-iber. "I noticed in your paper" the read" er shouted, "that vou printed I was aead!" "Zalso? " was the indicerent ans- wer. ''Where are you speaking from now?" foi-mers' parents, •• Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MclCee. Mr. W. .A.. Marlfn of Onkville and Misse^ Winneta and Carmelle Mar- tin of Toronto were Christmas visi- j tors with* thuir parents and also I visited with their grandmother. Mrs. i T. Lever, and their uncle, Harold.' at Flesherton. Master BilHfi McMillan su-: . ] ftw days in Toronto. j Mrs. Uoupe, Eva and Jack, of \ l''le,shertoii siwjit ChjisCnius with ; PRICEVILLE Mrs. Dave Nichol and family were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and family at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKechnie and sons spent Christmas in Toron- to. Mrs. McKechnie and Laurie re- ntained for a longer visit. David Kosnie of Toronto is visit- ing his giundparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jl. H. McConkey. IMt. and Mrs. Frank Furniss and Lynda of Toronto visited with Mrs. Jessie Koeritz and George. Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto spent a few days at thV home of Percy Sims and other friends. Messrs. Clarence and Jimmie Me- Arthur, Isabel Karstedt, Chas. Aid- corn and Jack â-  MeConkey have re- turned to Toronto after spending the holidays here. Master BiUie McMeekin of Mt. Forest spent the holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Brady Irv^in. Mr. Ken Nichol returned to Ot- tawa on Sunday, after holidaying â- with his mother and brother. Kav. and Mrs. Mbuld and babe spent the Chi-i'stmas holidays .n Toi-onto. Mr. and Mi's. AiK. Hincks and IV i M B E R L E Y and end, 0-\ving to the -terrihc snow wind sstorni over the week everyone had to stay home for New \ears. All loads leading out oi the village were blocked and the sideroads still are. Memibei's of the L.O.B.A. and L. O.L. ami their families enjoyed a chicken dinner and social evening in the hall Friday night. The W. I. met at the home of Mi-s. R. Ellis on T;.iursday. with a large attendance. After the business period was conducted, Mrs. C Shiv- lock gave a monolclg^le, Mrs. Robt. Chard a reading and Mrs. L. Mor- wood reiad a letter of appreciation from the Mason family for the kind- ness and gifts received from the community. It was decided to hold a euchre party in the hall every two weeks during the winter. Lunch was served by the hostess and th ccmmittee. Mr., and Mrs. L. Farquharson are visiting friends in Hamiltm. The annual meeting of the United Church was held Wednesday after- noon, at which Howard Baker \tas appointed Superintendant of the Sunday School which is held .Sunday afternoon instead of the mornirtg. Mrs. .Annie Weber has gone to Toronto to spend the winter with her daughter. Mrs. G. Patterson. The school meeting \vas held on .u the home of her son, Stanley, on thn townline. Funeral sei-vice was held at the home on Wednesday and in- teniient was made in Buckingham Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cox and son, Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hawton were with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDei-mid, Rob Roy. for Christ- mas dinner on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freethy were with relatives in Collingwood for a postponed Christmas dinner Moiui-. At a meeting held at the home of Alf. Hawton Thursday evening, a >i!OiW elu'b was formed and definite arrangements were made to have the 12th line kept open from Rob Roy to fifteenth sideroad. Mr. Har- old Freethy will have the job of snow ploiwing. The anual school meeting was held Wednesday in the school. Mr. Harry Bristow was the retiring trustee and was returned for an- Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Fawcett of Kimiberley and Mr. and Mrs. .Allan McGregor of Gait were Christmas visitous with Mrs. Jas. Fawcei;. Mr. Jaike Williaans spent Christ- 1 mas with his daughters in Toronto. \ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Breadner speiu i a few days in Toronto. ' Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto spent Christmas and Sunday witli her father, Mr. David Genoe. : Mr. Detbert Magee of Hamilton ! was home for Christmas. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob McMaster of ' London visited with the Stewart j family over Christmas. j Mrs. Jack Caiins and Shirley j spent a few days, including Christ- mas, with her daughter, Mrs. Stew- art Elkins, husband and family ill Niagara Falls. Miss Marge iMartin. teacher near Singhampton, spent the Christmas vacation at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gorrell, Patsy and Phvllis, of Flesherton .^pent TRUCKING We have purchased the trucking: businesiv from Mr. Harold Richardson and will en- deavor to serve oiir customers, old and new. to the best of our ability. P.C.W Class C. F and II ' \VK ARE AS CLOSE TO YOU .\S YOUR TELEPHOXE Ed. and Gord. Breadner Phone: Flesherton Il9r5 Co!le*ct SERVICE ether term. Mr. Ross Robinson was Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John appointed for one year to fill the Campbell. term of Mf. Jas. Bleakley. Mr. [ Mr. and Mrs. W. Pinkerten and Harold Freethy has the contract for j Jhs. Blais spent Christmas with the cleaning the school and H. Bristow for supplying the wood. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dawson and son, Wilfred, sipent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Tu'pling. Hass family in Flesherton. The school meeting was held in the school -on Wednesday, Dec. 29. Mr. Ernie Proctor was the retiring trustee and Mr. John Spanhouse Marilyn of Toronto returned Wed- . . , , nesdav to Toronto, after spending a ; W-odiiesdnv morning m the si-hool week'; holidays here and at Oarbam. with mx\y ten ratepayert, present. I The trustees were all re-elected. j Owing to blocked roads church name's Joshua, wns not held on Sunday. Miss Pansy Thompson of Toronto j „-as elected in hi,-, stead who. with is visiting her parents, Mr. and Messrs. Norval Betts and Roy Mc- ^£00" Mrs. Jas. Thompson. 12,000 PINK TUKFS CIT FOR C HKIST.MAS Judge; "so your You're not the Joshua who made the sun stand still, are .vou?" j Culprit: "Nawsuh, Judge. .\'m ' ''Ho The Advance Small Advts. in de Joshua dat made de moonshine." tnjyl-nig or selling. NOTICE â€" FARM FRS 24 Hour Service WK PAY AS HIGH AS 110.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS According to size "nd condition â€" Small animals removed fr«r We do the loading. HTGHRST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSKS Phane Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI. OWNER Since last October five men. ui'' the supervision of Herbert .•Vtkinsu:n, have- been cutting 12.000 Scotch pint trce.3 from the Grey County forest-- al .Markdale and Glenelg. The trees' were i)iled on the side of the road near the residence of Mr. and .Mrs. Atkinson in Glenelg and then trucked to Windsor from where they were to be taken to hordei- cities in the Unit ed States, principally to Detroit. When planted ten .vears ago. these tiees were not especteti to be of a pei-manenl nature and having served their purpose will end up in some- j - cne's home. Red and white pine have been planted to replace the Scotch pine taken out during the past five years. â€" ^Durham Chronicle. Millan, will comprise the board. ! Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson and Bonnie Lee, Owen Sound, holidayed at the Burton home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty. Sandra ;ind Judy, of Streetsville spent the holidays with Mr. and Mis. Melburn Phinips and family. Miss Genevieve Milne i.f Flesher- ton visited with tllb Procter family recently. 'Papa, there's a w< man peddler at the door." "Tell him to beat it. I got one too n'.irv alreiulv." "By jove." said a stranger at a dance, "what a lonw and lanky girl j that is ovvr there!" j '^Hush!" his host whispered. "She j used to be long- and lankjy â€" Unit j nowadayis she's tall and stately, j She's just inherited SIOO.(HH) SKWING MACHINE REPAIRS All m: kes â€" Work guaranteed Machines electrified, bouffht and solti. NeeJIes and Belts Agents DUNCAN HARDWARE Flefherton, Ont. y IT STANDS FOR SS^i^/CS WHEREVER YOU SEE IT CouHTEOUS and efficient service at our switch- boards, in our business offices aiid in your home â€" that's the kind of service we're doing our best to provide. More and better telephones have doubled the scot>e and increased the value of .vour telephone service. Yet, up to now. despite rising costs, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years agp. No niatter where you travel, you'll find ao greater telephone value; no better service at the same low cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE 0^| COMPANY OF CANADA

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