Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Dec 1948, p. 1

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( \ nthracitc miber 26. d receive •NS iherten # i:hje /tel)ei:U*n ^^0xianc«^ VOL. 68; NO. 31 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1948 F. J. Thurston, Publisher Post Office Is Big Business ARTEMESIA COUNCIL OSPREY ELECTION At The Christinas Season | ENDS YEAR S BUSINESS | NEXT MONDAY I Deceuilber is the peak of the year for the postal people, because all the world tries to beat its own record fev the niiniiber of greetings sent. A fine and friendly custom it is too but when those first handpatntcd cards were used by royalty and fash- ionalble Society aibout a century ago yfiu) could have forseen that Christ- mas cards would some day travel by the billions and that greeting; cards would be used for every conceivablo Special day ind special purpose. It ia no solemn mystery. It all fcltowed aatm-ally from what' wa* called the Penny po»t. Give the world little stick-on stami>» ^t very low cost and ensure safe delivery of all staimped niail entrusted to thi.' Post Q£fiee^*;and the present high tide of Christanas mail became in- evitaible. It was an Englishmian. Sir Rowland Hill, who puiblisihed u pamiphlet which urged the British Government to adopt a unifoiim one penny rate of postage. Mail had been carried by private couriers at .high cost but the penny post ended that lucrative business. Hill also in- vented the second essential, the pa- per stamps... with a glutinous wash on the back which could be licked with impunity. We pay a little more to-day but what amazing sei- vice we buy for our coppers. By the way, when so many Canadians copy U. S. practice and called a cent a penny, we forget that a penny is 2 cent.'-- .,_,aiJproxiiraately, a half -penny equalling our cent. Older folk can remennber when Canada had a two- cent copper coin, which was called a penny. About the only flaw in tlio mag- nificent postal structure lies in those who use it. We will misspell name^ cf people, streets, and places. .We will forget to have the address com- plete in every detail. We forget cur cwn postal rates causing delay and annoyance to recipients. Wi- will wrap insecuiely, puttin.g heavj. goods. in light boxes, and tying with saved string ins-tead of heavy cord One Christma.'? card of 1947 reachei' its destination in May, Ui48, because it was .sent to a twenty-year-old ad- dress. But note that it did arrive: all honour to some patient clerk wh" finaEy took time to identify the addressee. We hear that a postal clerk did seme research on t-his matter ol spelling and listed li)7 variations on Chicago including Zizabow and Chaque - chico. Yet every country publishes a Postal Guide which give; names of all post offices; also give-: rates for fiVst and second and third class mail. Every house, especially every farm house, should have such. a guide and make it a current num- ber if it is to prevent error. Helpful haibits include that of put- ting your address for return on ev- ery envelope; your addre.-s at top ot every letter; and the keeping of an up-to-date address hook. ! The Advance Wishes Ail Flesherton Arena Will 'â-  Readers A Happy New Year i Be Ready New Year's Day Born RlTlSSBLJ. â€" .\t the Nuhn N'u" ing Hoinie, Flesherton, on Sunday. Dec. 26, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Ka' 1 Russell (Natalie Patton) of R.ick Mills a daughter. B;enda Marie. A good d«oior i< ^'.o ,. i;.. knows al- most as much about medicine as he oes about himian nature. â- 1, -•^.rtemesia Council met on Decem- ber 15th for the completion of 1948 business. -^ Mrs. Jeasie Koertz, chairman of I the Priceville Hydro committee, I waited, on the Coundl, requesting that a J^-iaw be passed authoriz- ing an e^^nditure of ^,000.00 by the Police 'Village of Priceville for repairs, to the Hydro lines, etc., in that village. The Reeve and Clerk were appointed a committee to in- vestigate this expenditure and if satistfactoi-y, to have a By-law pre- pared for the next Council meeting. The following accounts were pass- ed and oixiered paid; tu^r*°A; ^*»«»««« - Deputy Re- turning Cheers $40, Poll CW1« $32 Pclhng. Booths »21. election BuppU^ from Municipal World fi-j.29, bal- lots fl6.60, Returning Officer, deliv^ ering ballot boxes, etc., $J0 â€" Total S131.79; Flesherton Advance, print- ing account $173.75; County of. Grey, Township share of Hospital accounts ?64.13; Dept. of Health, insulin ac- count .^.(j3; Jessie Koertz for C. V. Gilbert maintenance ai-ct. $10; Rich- ards Amibulance Sei-vice, C. V. Gil- bert $5; Ontario Gazette, tax sale of lands $7; Village of Flesherton 1948 hall rent S5&; Division Court costs: Dundalk H1j67, Flesherton |H.67, Markdale $10.92; Sheep claims; F. Pedlar $15, Harold Hutchinson $18; valuators John Campbell and Clare Foster $1.S0 each; A. B. Chai-d, pai-t Tax Collector's salary, -tainps :md telephone .$1:52.50; Harry Scott, on : ceount Assessor's salary §100; Fed- eiation of Agriculture, grant S200; Treasurer's supplies §4.50; wood and relief Mrs. MoM'aster $71.44; Stan Campbijll, school attendance officer .?10; Thos. Whillier & Co., tieasur- e:'s supplies S5.85; Committee work; J. A. Davis ;j' days $12, Geo. Cairns 1 day $4; phone account. J. A. Davis ^U.SO and Jas. McLoughry .S3.00; Retund on dog tax; Wm. Reid $2, Percy Semple $2, R. D. PuT-vis $2. Jos. Copeland ^2, .lohn Dow $2, Wm. Camp-bell .$4 and Robt. Parslow Jr. .$4; H. Richardson, refLi-id on taxes .si 5 and â-  .'iUa mi!'»a:i3 on timber haul $10; Rou(P Supt., payment vouchee No. ''.2 .â- ^â- t>4..'„> and 12.A., Priceville, .$5.). 00. Mr. Wesley Smi" ; wa:i appointed High School Trust :>e a term of t.\o years, rapla. m; Mr. Riohaid Aiier'. who r.^ .'i".f.!. By-i'Law No. lO, i94S, covci-ing the is'suing of debentures f,,,- an amount o{ S22,50().00, for the purpose cf building a new school house in U.S. S. No. 12, Pi'icevillf, .\rtemesia and Glenelg, was read a first .md second time and forwarded to the Ontar'o Municipal Board for approval. The Township Treasuer has auth- ority to pay a bounty on toxcs up to and including Dec. 31st, i'JlS Those having pelts please try and .have them in before that data. i At the clost> of the me.:t:ng', Mr. J. A. Davis, Reeve, entjvtiiined the • Council members. Road Supciutend- i ant. Clerk and Tieasurer at the^^Park â-  Hotel, where an oxcellent .supper was provided by Mrs. and Mr. MacLean. The first meeting o{ the i!t4^" â-  Council will be held in the Flesher- ton Town Hall, Monday, J.inuary lO. :. at the hour <'i' l' o'clock a.m. Ranchei-: -Whai's the matter with | your fingeiV" | Cawhand; ''Oh., I was down getl-in^ I M.;-.!e cia'arett.'s vL-Sct-rday and some c'ujiisy fool stepped on my hand." Osprey Township will have an el- ection this year with candidates to fill all offices. Reeve Fred F. Hale will be opposed by Deputy Reeve Archie Buie, who is attempting to advance, as there were not enough voters b3 warrant Osprey a Deputy Reeve this year. For Councillors, the three members of this year's council are up for re-election, Leslie 0. Moore, Elgin McCutcheon and The Edit<ir and Staff of The Ad- vance take this opportunity of corf- veying to readers of this newspaper the compliments of the siid&on, with the wish that the .\ew Year will bring contentment and prosperity We also wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our correspond dents who send in tha news from their district each week, and to those who renew their" paper in good time Harry Thompson, and will be opposed I We appreciate the confidence placed by George Doibson and George Mor risen, both well known throughout the Township. This should make an interesting election, a both Messrs. Hale and Buie have given good ser- vice in the Township. The nomination at Maxwell on Monday was well atrtepded, although there have been larger crowds and members of the 1948 Council gave an accounting of their stewara^iip dur- jng the year. in us throughout the years, and we hope that the confidence will not be misplaced in the years to come. Wo thank you! GREY COUNTY PENSION BOARD REPORTS During the year ia48, there war* twelve meetings of the Old Age Pen- sions, Blind and Mothers' Allowinca BoEid of G.vey County, .ul being held in the tlounty Clerk's office in thf Court House, Owen Sound. The me nber: . r the Boird are: Mrs. Dingwall, Hopeville; Mr. A. Howey, Holland Twp.; Mr. 'W. H. Sing, Meaford; Mrs. A. E. Bailr fast and 100 seats will be available Rutherford, Owen Sound, secretary. The Central Ontario League gets away to a good start ill Flesherton on New Year's- Day, with Grand Valley the visiting teani, to start at •'J o'clock in the afternoon. There is a good sheet of ice on the rink new as the weather has been excellent for ice-making since the first flo.)d- ing Thursday night last. The inter- ior carpentry work is going ahead for spectators in the north <»nl. The players have only been on skates once his season, but with another night before the game should oe --tbie Hanover, chairman; Mr. W. A. Mtac- Gregor, Desboro; Mrs. Audrey Kuth- ciford, Owen Sound, secretary. Two oi the Board a e appointees of vka SCHEDULE FOR SEMI-PRO. LEAGUE to give a good account of them- 1 County Council, one must be a mem- selves on New Year's. Last year I ber o* the County Council, three »r»- > there was a real crowd for the fli-s.t appointees of .the' Ontario Govern^ Sunday School Conceirt Was WeU Attended 9t. .John's United Church was crowded to the aloors on Wednesday night of last week for the annual concert and Christmas tree. Inter- President Geo. Sled of Fever sham presided at a meeting of the Semi- rro. Liea^ue Uuvs wt. â- Â»> â€" ^.,,,| ___ Thui-sday evening last, when the schedule of games was drawn up. with sir teams in the competition: Mayburne (near Dundalk), Dundalk, Pioton, Flesherton, Markdale and Feversham. Proton and Feversharn v/ill play their home games in the Flesherton arena, while Mayburne will play their games in Dundalk. r Our Chapel is uttht disposal oi our clientele without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNfRHL CHAPEL l24AvenueRd Kl. 4B44 b.v Mr. John Cook, assisted by Bob Studdart and Jack Tui-vey. Beauti- ful organ-chimes records were also j.layed by MT. Cook over his ampli- fying system. Rev. A. G. Macpher- son acted as chairman, and reports 'on the work of the Sunday School | were made by the Superintendant. j Mr. John Brackenbnry, and the sec- j letary, Mr. Bert Sparks. Prizes for it tendance were presented to the fol- lowing members of the junior room: Judy Sparks, Hugh Macpherson, -Alan Gowanlock, Barrie Andrews, Billie B(>yd, Bruce Richardson, Joyce Long. Norma Betts, Leona Richardson. The excellent concert program was as follows: Chorus by the primary room; recitations by .-Mian Gowan- lock, Donna Littlejohns, Carol Little- johns, .\lbert McArthur, Donalda .\berdein, Linda Littlejohns, Verna Genoe and Barrie Scarrow, Jane Rus- sell, and Kenneth Russell. Other number^ were an e.xercise by begin- ners; an e-Nercise by the primary room and a rj^hm band from iSpring- hill; Jack and Jill dance by Spring- hill talent, duet by Jane and Kenneth Russell of Orange Valley school; a dumb-bell drill and minuet by the S))ringhill pupils. .\ Scotch song was well-rendered by George .\kins. \ play "The Other Wise Man" was given by pupils of Flesherton public school and a Negro skit by Spring- hill was ako well given. ''Santa Has the Measile,-," a play, was given by Flesherton Public School, as also a song "Uncle Remus." The p)-ogram was clo.-ed with a chorus by the local 'Public School pupils. The final touch to a siplendid pro- giam was the arrival of Santa Glaus and, with the assistance of several , others, distributed the .-many gift,^ ] and treats fiom the Christmas tree. While the concert was in progress a heavy snow storm was blowini); out- 1 side and some people had ditficultyj in reaching home, but all reported an enjoyable time at the church. "You lino-w, my dear," he obsevve ' koking up from his book, "when one reads of the stupendous happenings in Nature one realizes how liv.vly and insignificant is man." "K woman does'nt have ;. r-' â- .â- â-  books to learn that!" veplie;! \\\> wife. fsting numbers were contributed by , This year players in the Semi-Pro. pupils under the direction of the fol- [ League will be allowed to play three lewing day-school and Sunday-schoo! ' „aines in the Central Ontario League teachers: Miss Oliver, Mrs. Bellamy, ^nd still be eligible. Last year thev Mrs. Goheeu, Mrs. McGee, Mrs. A. „.ere allowed to play one game. Sparks, Mrs. R. Boyd, Mrs. R. Phill- j All games at Flesherton will be of ips. Colored lighting was provided the double variety, one at 7 p.m. and the second at ;) p.m.. .so there should be plenty of hockey each night. Following is the schedule; JANUARY- IS â€" Mayburne at Dundalk 6 â€" Proton ;it Feversham Markdale at Flesherton 7 â€" Flesherton at Maybunie Dundalk at ilarkdale Mayburne at Feversham Flesherton at Proton Markdale at Dundalk Feversham at .M.iybu'ne Dundalk at Proton Feversham at Flesherton Flesherton at Dundalk Proton at Markdale 24 â€" Proton at Mayburne 2(5 â€" Mayiburne at Markdale Feversham at Proton Dundalk at Flesherton 28 â€" Fevershaaii at M^arkdale Dundalk at* Mayburne 31 â€" Markdale at Proton Dundalk at Feversham FEBRUARYâ€" 2 â€" Proton at Dundalk 3 â€" Markdale at Feversham Mayburne at Flesherton 7 â€" Feversham at Flesherton Mayburne at Proton 9 â€" Markdale at Mayburne 11 â€" Feversham at Dundalk Proton at Flesherton It) â€" Flesherton at Markdale game the same day and with naore accommodiition av.xilable this season, all records should be broken. According ^o rumors commg from ••"eMp-iialfilL town to the north, Mark dale \v\\T riDc B«>fv«-^ ^-^^ vear in the Central Ontario Leagnie,' re- spite the fact^ they were included in she tchedule. Difficulty i.i securing players at not too great an expense is one of the reasons ...-e have heard. If they were allowed to draw play- ers from Chats^vorth they might be able to ice a team, but this is ag.i'.nst League rules. We would certainly like to see Markdale in as stroijg as ever, as the Fleshertoii-Markdale series always packs 'em in. Fle»herton High School 12- 14- 17- 19- 21- F. W. Duncan President Flesherton Curlins Club Frank W. Duncan was elect."! jiresident of the Flesherton Curling Club at the organization meetino- held last week, succeeding Mi'. J. O. Dargavel, who has been president ol the Club since it wa? organized. The other officers are R. J. Boyd, vice- President; F. H. W. Hickling, secre- tary-treasure!', which he also held since the club was formed. Managing' Com. â€" H. Milligan, R. J. Boyd. C. S. MacTavi.h. H. A. Mc- C;raley. \\. 1'.. Welton and L. Chard. Bonspiel Com. â€" K. G. Belts, Fr,'d Gorrell, H. A. McCauley. G. A. Mac- Tavish and R. J. Boyd. .Membership Com. â€" rf. .A.. .McCau- !iy, .T. .-V. Richards, t;. .â- ^. MacTavish and K. G. Betts. PALL TERM .vlarks indicate percentages oi stu- dents standing first in grades. Names are listed in order of merit. Aeq indicates that the two precedinji students are equal in standing. Numbers follo-.ving names sh«wi â- -he number of papers tried by uac'r, student: GRADE i;5 Delores Johnston 78.5 tS), Marj- orie Bumstead (U), Eleanore Spark- (ii.i, Eric Campbell (10), Barry Thurston (9), Joan Turney (9), Jack Milne (6), Eleanor Proctor (9), Dav- id .McGee (8), Harold Nichol (8) Ev'yn .-Vcheson (9), Marion Baker (7i GR.A.DE 12 Kayo Peebles 74.5, Phillip Me.Mul- len, Ruth Smith, Lawrence Dobson Maurice Russell, Joyce Tucker- Irene Porteous, loan Betts, Erma .-Vberdein Bob Falconer, Billie Richardson. Don Smith. GR.-UDE 11 Beth Courvoisier (89.;J) Muriel Sparks, Ruth Chard, Gladys Love. -Margot .Ann Goessel, lona Hodgins, Chai'les Pedlar, Gweu Park, Beth Fawcett, Emily .-Xcheson, Glenora -McGee, John Milligan, Eleanor Mc- Mullen and Pat Stautfor (aeq.), Mar,v Hincks, Joan .-^kins, Russell Har- grave. Dorothy Campbell , Phylli.'' Rutledge, .Mary Jane MacTavish. Gordon Morrison, Faye MtrM'uUen Phyllis Davison, Ivan Young. GRADE 10 M. White (84.3'), M. Lawler, J .•Vvisi C. Porteous, D. Blickton J Fawcett E. Cook, S. Forbes, R. Belts, M. RiHssel?, M. l.oucks, R. Phillips, E. Fawcett, B. Weatherall L. Bowles. G. White and S. Cairn^ (aeq.), P. Stewart, L. Hill, I. Croft E. Weatherall, R. Dobson, J. Boye. G. .Atkinson, G. Proctor. GRADE 9 M. Maeidierson (95), J. Banks an ' P. Ma^Millan (aeq.), K. Inkster, Johnston, J. i'etts, M. Richaixlsoii Ivan McWilliam and B. N'ii:i!;- (acn.l, B. Abordoin. R. Fawcett. 1' Cook, J. (_^argoe, M. .Acheson, (!. White, D. Peebles, C. Young. D .Adlam and D. Fisher (aeq.), P. Hodder, M. Stewart, G. Th<Mupson R. Falconer. E. Gallauglw^r. G. Cope- land and T. McGee (aeq.), S. Weber. k. Campbell G. McMastwr, R. (Jrum- niett, .\. Baker. J. .Adams and G. Two hundred and fiftyMiine app'f- cations were received during tiip year from Grey County. 2-H7 ior Old Age Pensions, 2 for the Blind Pension, iMfi 20 for Mtothers' AJlowance. Tbeee wer received frani the followia|f s^nJ^-<M^l: Meaford 2!', Hoover 1*, Durham 17, Chaisworth 2, ThorM- bury 6, Ayton \, Flesherton 2, Shal- low Lake i, Dundalk 9, Markdale %, ColTingwood Twp. 21, Deriy 8, Syd- enham 14, Sullivan 5, Sarawak 3, Osprey 9, Keppel 1.3, Proton 12, St. Vincent 6, Euphrasia 11, Bentinck 8, Egremont 9, Normanb.v 9, Holland 1-). .Artemesia Ifl, Glenelg 5. The basic amount of pension fer Old Age Pensioners is $30 per month, but may be increased to |4t (ma.ximum), depending on the am- ount of board paid over $25 per month, or rent paid over $10 per month. It may also be decreased, depending on income from any other source. Medical attention is alse provided for Old .Age Pensioners. If the basic pension of $30 p« month were allowed for the above 237 Old .Age Pensioners it woulJ lie a monthly payment of S7,110; or a yearly payment of ^86.320 for Grey County itself. With the added sum necessary to meet payments for tke Blind Pensioners and Motnevs'â€" »4,i- lowances, this sum would easily reach $100,000 a year for one pros- perous county of Ontario alone. Since the institution of this one social service, one can easily see where, ovei' a period of say 10 years, what these services cost taxpayers. RESERVED SEAT SALE In Flesherton Rink The Rink Co'inmiittee has arraned th;it for a payment of .<2.00 in ad- \Knce you may h-ave the privilege of occupying the seat of your choice for all hockey games. Regular admis- sion fee to be paid each game and all seats must be occuipied within 20 minutes cf time game is called. Plan of sale of seats aveailahlo for y( ur inspection at Richards Home Furnishings store on and after 9 a.m. on Friday, Dee. 31st, 1948. St. John's United Church Her. \. G. Macpherson Ministor "From age to aae Thy love endures; Thou are our God. Send now "fhy Haming truth abi-oad. That with the New Year's dawning, right may conquer wrong. Grief yield to .ioy, ynd tears to song."! (abs.). W. Stevens. CARDS OF THANKS Dear Fiiends of Union and Kim- berley: We wish to thank you all most sincerely for your most useful gifts presented to us on the evening >jf Nov. 27th in Kimberley Hall. .After coming from a country har4- ened by war and austerity, we were overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the people of Kimber- ley and surrounding districts, and it is our sincere wish that we spend many years amongst j^ou as real friends. â€" Mr. and Mi's. Mason and Fa'.nily We wish to thank our neijihbors and other fi-iends for their many acts of kindness and expressions ol sympathy e.xtended to us in our recent bereaveuient. â€"Mrs. F. J. Weber and Family 1 wish to thank my friends and neighbors for kind enquiries, cards and letters, for all acts of kindness, also the Hatherton L.O.L., Maxwell L.O.L., Women',^ Insiitule and all others who sent lovely boxes of fruit ;:!id treats. â€"GEO. BAU. 1 wish to express my appreciu*io» aod gratitude to friertds who have visited me during my recent illness and for flowers, cards, tjlofi'-ior.e calls jind treats. â€" .J. 0. Dargsvvel 1 wish to express my deep ;i!>;ii'e-- ciation for the lovely Christmas box sent to me by St. John's U'vted I'ei-guson (acq.), L. Shier. C, Rich- I Chui-ch recently. rdson, Royden Johnson, V. Fother- ill. S. Partridge, B. Teeter. Tar MicWilliam and R. Wright (aeq^). I E. Shier. Not grade: M. O'Sulli'van New Year seiwices on Sunday, Jan. 2nd, at Flesherton, Proton and En- (Venia. Everyody welcome. St. John's W.A. meets Tuesday. Jan. 4th, at the home of Mrs. H. .A. McCauley at 8 p.m. .\11 the ladies of the congregation invited to attend and join the .Association. St. John's Young People's Union BAPTISM AT EUGENIA meets Tuesdav evening, Jan. 4th. at â€"RINK MANAGEMENT js o'clock in "the church ba.sement » ; -^IJ younK people of the community care of the church by the congresra Wmammammmmmm l cordially invited. ; tlon present. Two children received the Saci'a- nient of Infant Baptism in Eugenia United Church Sunday. Dec. 10th. They were Heather Tyouise. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cairns, and Donald John Stephen, son of Mr. and Ms. ohn MacEtonald. They were de- dicated by R(>v. .A. G. Macpherson, and received into the fellowship and -Mrs. .Tos. Blake'icy 1 wish t.^> extend niy sincere thanks ;ind appi-eciation to all those who remembered me during my iUness and at Christmas time, with treats, cards and pleasant calls. Wishing each and all of you a very H'.ppy Now Year. â€" ^Mrs. Margaret E. Lever, Mttrkdale. R. R. 5 Prison inmates in .an Indiana to-wn want to form a union. And next they'll go on strike. Some people think that every season comes at the wrong time o£ the yew. #.

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