Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Dec 1948, p. 1

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®l)je /tol)^rli.*n ^^jrtwitK^* FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1948 F. J. Thurston, Publisher i .^ vents BVICES e in. St. John's srton, Friday, rvices Sunday, jsherton; 3 V- M., Eugenia. HRISTMAS iCET nee in Hain- an, Saturday S. Music by dancing 8 to [OLIDAY dates open: mnuaf; Christ- raternal Hall, Bve, Dec. 24; 25'; and New t. Come and mcing to the I's Orchestra, -•lock, .\dmis- XWELL lay, Dec. 24th, .L. Music by a. A<lmi3sion JL.O.L. ag of Flesher- je held in the Dec. 27th, at me. tOTO.V â- ange Hali on ler 24th, under S. Music bv a. Admission cannot danco. Bi some golf •olf bril lai-gei sr. Merry thnstmas I chr-Btmas Time Lloyd Hudson Heads Feversham Organization The first annual meeting of the Feversham Athletic and fanprove- ment Association was held in Rob- inson's hall on Monday evening. Mr.. F. Hannah, the secretary-treasurer, read the minutes of the organization meeting held at Geo. Sled's on Dec. 20, i&47, and alo the finaiK-'ial state- ment for the year. The report of the auditors, Lloyd Moore and Vic Wright, showed oxpenditmes of over two hundred dollars, with a bala'nce of twenty-one dollars on hand. All agreed a gi-eat deal had been ac- complished in the year toward the improvement of social conditions. A Board of seven members was elected by ballot, using seven names on the ballot, with the highest votes in order for the offices, which ; resulted as follows: ' President â€" Lloyd Hudson. Vice-President ^ Geo. Sled. Sec.-Ti-eas. â€" 'Frank Hannah. Goraniittee â€" John Robinson, D. Stephens, Lloyd Moore, Russell Hudson. Membershijp tickets are in the hands of the Board. Mr. Ja:". Mc- .Kee was engaged to operate the rink The patronage of all is greatly ap- preciated and is needed to brinir th^ plans to a successful conclusion. Hockey Club Held First Practice At Owen Sound .\ British scientist predicts the world will someday go naked. Some folk are already living on bare iiccessities. .\ clothier says the college man no longer is 'a style arbiter. We figured' those falling socks would come to no good. Friends- Eadi year wo greet he Chri.stmas Season A'it'h gladness. IS it is then ive tell our friends, houjjfh distance be jreat, and cares many, i^'^ their "riemlship Vs we are happy to lumber you among our riends, we send you his greeting, and vith it tnir sincere \-rsh that you and tiurs »iay have \ Very Happy Christmas' \ Prosperous Xew Year. . W, Hickliiig Flesherton senior hockey team held their first practice in the Owi^n Sound arena on Thursday afternoon last, when there were sixteen play ei-s present ofr the work-out. All players of last year were out, with the e^eiption of Ed. Fen-is, stai goallie, who was unable to attend due to his mail route. The n-nv players out for the team were: Bill Lawrence, formerly with Markdale Russell Acheson, formerly with Dur dalk, Bruce Thurston, Jack Milne an<i Stan Teeter, a complete Hnj from last year's Semi-Pro. team. Tie players were under the direction o! Bob Phillips, coach of last yer\\ ai d "Eis well-known booming voice was as strong as ever. Bob put the boys hrough a real brisy .vj'k-out and before the first twenty minutes were passed they felt as thou^rii they had played a whole game. Howev.'i a few more practices wiM have tnem jr good shape. With *.he signing of Bill Lawrence and Rati. Ache.sun. the team will be g-reatly strengthen- ed on th defence, whicn was ra'.hei v.eak last year. Th> :ine-up fcr t!ie practice \va.? as fo'lcv/y; Goal, £tv;ss. .\ndie\v iini Hob Stou- dart: Det-.'i'ce, H'u-ola Kirt, Vrc'. i'annon. Bill Lav. v..'i cf, Russ. Ach- eson and Ted MacTi^vish; Jst line. Doug. Caiims, Bob Turney and Roy Best; 2nd line, Geo. Boyd, Ken and Gordon Chard; 3rd line, Bruce Thurs ton. Jack Milne and Stan Teeter. Coach Phillips had these teams playing against each other and for the first practice of the season, th? boys showed some very yood hockey. .\ches and pains predominatd dur- ing the next days, but the players should soon have those muscles in shape w^hich they don't use during the rest oi the year. Shelburne's new arena will likely be completed in time for this season. The roofing is now^ being placed on the building, keeping up with the skeleton erection and one more arch is now being placed. Now, if only Grand Valley and Erin had largei playing surfaces, the teams would enjoy their ^ames, but with the small ice surfaces in these places, some of the teams are handicapped. â€" 0â€" • We live and learn. In last week's issue of the Dundalk Herald, we learn that higli school ooys are not supposed to be playing on the Semi-Pro. teams. This rule was new to us and upon enquiry from the Leaigue officials it was new to them too. As the Semi-Pro. League i supposed to be a training ground for future esnior player, we don't know why such a rule \vould be used. ELECTION LIKELY IN OSPREY TOWNSHIP Nomination day for the ratepay- ers of Osprey Township is next Monday, Dec. 27th, the nominations being accepted between the hours of one to two o'clock p.m., the adver- tisement of which appears on the back page. Osprey's voting stren^h is not sufficient to warrant a Depu- ty Reeve, so it is exipected that the electors will have plenty of choice it an election is held. We hear that Messrs. Archie Buie and Clayton will oppose the present Reeve, Fred Hale. Both men have been council- lors for the past several years and Reeve Hale has given irood leader- ship as Reeve, so the outcome will not be known until election day if they decide to run. The names of George Morrison of Ma.X-well, John Weldrick of Feversham and Eachun Mclnnis of Mclntyre are expected to be nominated, and no doubt there will be others brought fortli on nom- ination day. There is always a good attendance of ratepayei^s at the Os- prey nomination meeting to hear reports from the various memher? of the Council, and if there is an election there will be plenty for the Osprey electors to talk over. Santa Claus Had Big Time With Children Saturday rchant FLESHERTON "-witeJ'fe't.i'if!^ Gross Negligence Caused Fatal Head-on Collision A coroner's jury at Port Arthur has attributed to gross negligence a head-on collision between two Can- adian Pacific Railway trains near Schreibef, on Dec. 2nd, in which John W. McMulIen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. .McMuUen of the west bacidine, a^ed' 23, fireman on the eastbound engine was Silled. The verdict said, in part, that in the jury's opinion, the accident was the result of "gross negligence on the part of the head-end crews ot the ea<ljbound emgines in failing to obsei-ve the aibsolute signal, which "would prevent a train fiom prococd- ing" against an absolute signal." The accident occurred op a single-track section of the main line. The block- ed tracks delayed westbound main line tiaffic for from nine to twelve hours. ir Chapel -. of our ciientclt whkout «xtra cbsrc*. Ill-appointtd ftmily 'reception rooms, and organist. B and Maddocks tiucRd KI.4B44' Mrs. Cecil Magee Heads Eugenia Woman's Assoc. The W. .\. of Eugenia Unite,! Church met ai the homi- of Mrs. J. Cairns on Wed., Dec. loth, with a good attendance. After the usual t.t>ening exercises, an oJ (.'inistnns g-ifts wa; made. Rev. .A G. Macpherson presided for election of officers, as follows: Hon, Pres. -â€" '.M'rs. S. Campbell. President â€" ilrs. C. .Magee. 1st Vice Pi'es. â€" Mrs. E. Breadnei 2nd Vice Pres. â€" Mrs. J. Cairns. Secretary â€" Mrs. \. Betts. Asst. Secty. â€" Mrs. T. Stewart. Treasurer â€" .'Mrs. J. CamipBeU. .Auditors â€" Mrs. W. (^rahaiit and Mrs. R. McMillan. Flower and Decorating â€" Mi-*. R McMillan, Mi-s. F. Cairns Mrs. C .Maitin and Mrs. G. Mlagce. Visiting Oni. â€" Mrs. S. Campbell ji.;:bcll Mi>s. W. Gordon, Mi-s. W irton. Mrs. W. Magee, Mrs. G Magee wid J^f^ T. Stt-wart. Buying Com. â€" r -Tjiic Executive. M. & M. Com. Rep.-i?Hlii^- C Mar- tin and Mrs. J. Cairns. "'^ Organ isit- Mr-. C. M*ti«c, Asst. Organistâ€" (M'rs. Maopij^^rson The J.muary meeting will Ke* heiil at the home of Mrs. G. Mage*. Santa Claus came to town Satur- day afternoon. 2-i5 children enjoyed his visit at the town hall and receiv- ed a bag of candy and nuts with a gift in each package. The hall was crowded to over capacity and they saw a splendid motion picture show given by Dennis Sawyer of Mark- daltt. including several eomiic and educational film,-. Then Santa came on the scene and as the name of each child was called they went forward and received their package. There were ITS children between the ages af two t,i 8 and ti" more up to ten or eleven year? old. This annual happy occasion is eagerly anticipat- ed by the children and their dreams were fully realized to see this jolly old person who spreads happiness and enjoyment at the Christmas season. The Santa Claus day was sopnsored by the Flesherlon branch j of the Canadian Legion iind we are informed that more chitdren were in attendance than last year. Next year we hope there will be many more. Tupling - Dawson In St. Peter's Aniijican Church. Toronto, the marriage took place o\ Josephine Dawson, Reg.N., Toronto, formerly of Ireland, daughter oJ Mrs. C. Cain and the late Mr. W. Dawson, and --Vlan Tupling, son ^J Mr. and Mrs. L. Tupling, Feversham, Rev. J. H" Barnes officiating- Given in marriage by her s-tep- father, the bride looked charming in white satin. Her fingertiii well was held in place by a coronet of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet ol led roses. .\lda Hawton was brides" maid in net ov,'r pale blue taffeta with matching headdress and shoul dtr-lenu'th veil. She carried a bou- i/i.r.l of pink carnations. Hartley Ticpling, brother of the groom, was grooansnian. The ushers were Wil fred Duwsuii, Feversham, and Alex. McMillan, Toi-onto. During the sign- iiXj;- of . the rt.iistyr, Mv. Hi-'Wellb. organist, rendered "O Promise Me.' The bride's mother received in black moire talVeta with a of whito carnations, assisted by th..' ^room's mother, dressed in turi}uoiso crepe with a cnsage of red roses. Aft-'r the i- .'ception. held in the Si. I Regis Hotel, the couple left for a trip to Montreal and ooints cast, the bride travelling in a hunter'; green suit with giay accessoiies. On flteir .etuin they will reside in Toronto. Ir. Memoriam WHITE â€" In loving memory of our dear mother. Mrs. Sarah White, who 'L-^ssed away Chvi-tnias Day 10.18. â-  â€"Sadly missed by The Family. BADGEJROW ~ In fond' and loving mcmorv of our dear mother, who de- parted this life Dec. 22nd, 1^44. Four years have passed, our hoart^ still sore .As time goes on we hiiss her more; We often sit and think of her when we are quite alone. For memory is the only thing that grief can call its own. â€"Sadly misse<t. but always vem- eanbered by her Family. Lottie Olive, Florence, Sadie and John. TUDOR â€" In loving meniorv of a dear wife and mother. Mrs. Henry Tudcr, who oi-.^u! .nvay December 21st, 19.39. Deep in the V.i art lies a picture <.)f ^oved ^Jne laid to rest; In mwJSory's fraine we sh.ill keep it P'.'ca«se she was one of the best. â€" .Ever i-emembered by Hu^F^aiv' and Family. This is the high tide of the year. Christ- mas, steeping every heart in the benevo- lent spirit oi Him â- whose birthday it is. Ma}- the day find you bles.sed with all the fulrtllment of your desires. D. G. MacArthur Insurance ^LESHERTON GREETINGS The charm of the Yuletide Season lies in the memory of our friends. We wish to e.xpress our appreciation to friends for the chance of giving our ser- vices to them during the present year. We hope to continue our cordial relation during 1949. Harold Richardson Trucking FLESHERTON Around The Christmas Tree \Vc wish everyone a .Merry Christmas and a Happy .\'ew Year. \\ .greatly appreciate having you conie in to look over mir stock. The store will be open evenings until Christmas Eve. Mervyn Crane The Gift Shop FLESHERTON A Genuine Pleasure It is a genuine pleasure at the Holiday Season to wish yon and yours .\ .MKRRY CHRISTMAS May the New ^'ear bring yon much happiness and a full measure of prosperity. "RICHARDS' Dick Richards l-'red (M)rrcll Rav Richanl- Christmas, 1948 Christmas offers us all an upportunity to say to our friends that perhaps should be said more often, but custom and a busy world cause us all lo wait until ihi.', time of the year, when we consider the past and think seriously about those with whom we are associated. l-'riendsiiip plays a greater part in our lives than most of us admit, and it is in this .spirit that we send you Christmas Greetings. We are grate- ful for the privilege ot serving you, and this brief message is all too inadequate to e.xpress apprecia- tion for yom- consideration and understanding. May 1949 be a gpod year for each and every one of you 1 D. MacTavish & Sons Chevrolet Garage FLESHERTON (ieo. MaoTavish Cec. MacTavish ® Te<l MacTavish .\le.x. Aberdein Wilf. R.e^t ^f Wes. McCrackcTi ~ «. s

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