â- lywFi jK ' ^.' wy^": Wodtusfla<', Tunc 2, 104S THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Election Act FORM ^i (KKIKKUIOI) l() IN SIX'TION «8 "i") Advance Poll or Polls ^: 1(H< Railway Empioyees, Sailors and Travellers Electoral District OF GREy SOUTH N»tio is hereby given thai pursuant to the provisioas of the Ele<rti<«i .Vlci (Settion 88) a poll will be opened on Friday and Sat- urday, the 4th and 5th days of June, from oijiht o'clock in the fore- noon until ive o'clock in the afternoon, and from seven o'clock in the •fteraooB uati! ten o'slodk w the aftern(H>a. The p«Min« place liar the H«^«ral Uietrict of Crey §outb will be locatad at: L. T. C HAMIAV'S STORR. DURHAM., ONT. F»r the purpose of iM^ceiriog the votCB »»f railway employees, â- ailoci) and trarellers what^e wnpltfrncRt ie suoh «s to nedessitate Ifceir absence from time t» time freni their oridnary place of resid- ence or who have reasim to believe that they will be absent upon the 4*7 fixed r»r the eleotinn. The ballot box wHI be o^e«€«d and the Tot«B counted at 7 p.m. •'Hiv* ia thi' afternoon of Monday, the 7th day of .Fune at the said place. Dated a« Durham this 2l9t day ef May. 1948. â€" LORNE AFWtSTftOXG. Retwaing OSflcer. his tonsils rwioveil in the Markdali.' Hospital on Monday. Mr. Arthur Whitluker of Toronto spunl the wiek ond licit- wiLli lii.-- Jirotlier, Amgus. Miss Jean JMoMuUun of (Jvvuii Sound is visiting this week at hui Ijurental home. Visitois with ^If. and Mrs. Win. tiibson vii'u: Mr. and .Mrs. Key Gib- mm and Mr. Fish of Oukville, .Mr and Mrs. Gerry .Marshman and (iaug-htt'is, .Miary Lou and Janet, of Toronto. A. E. Goessel attended the B-A fire prevention meeting last Wednes- day in Plamilton. Mr. and Mr.s. Harold Clark of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stetwart of Pontiac, Mich., were visitors with .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stetwart. Mf5s MaiTJorie Comiell of Owen Sound visited in Sunday with Mr. anil Mi's. Wm. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cowan and two children of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and l\rs. Fred Marriian. EUGENIA THE Hesherton Advance PnSiished on CoUinjrwood St., FleMtorton, Wednesday of each wecK. Circulation 1,100- Price 12.00 a year in Canada, paid in aaTa&ee; |2.60 per year in th« United States, J. THURSTON. Editcr (Intended for Last Week) .\li-. and Mi's. Ji»ok fVittersoa and son, Bo)>l)Je, «v»Mt soraSvl ^tBigra ris- king '^vitk tJis f«MM«r'« mother at Potrolia. Mrs. Liiirsoa White orf Flesherton spent a few days wiiii Mr. and IVh-s. Bevt Mttgev. Mr. and Mm. BiU Boyd a«id Patsy, also Mrs. Boyd's omthur, Mrs. Nat Caswell, of Owsn Sound Tigitod on Sunde^r at tlie Martin home. Misses Winneta «n<l C5awnelile Mar- tin of Toronte ai»d Mies Marge Mar- tin of Rav<enna wece home for the week end and holiday. Mr. Jake Williams has returned lioine iioin Toronto, where he spent the wintcti- wilh his daughter, Mi-s. Kuss Lehman. .Vlir. and Mrs. Lehman and fk'dli-y and wife accompanied him to his liome and spent the week i-nd. We are pleased to have Mr. Williains buck in the villajfe ag-ain. \ Mrs. Thos. Crowe and dau)?hter, i Hilda, and J'rJiiid, June Martin, of Toronto spent the week end and hol- iday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. Williams cele- brated his 8i5th birthday on May 24. Mrs. Williams celebrated her 79th bii-thduy on May 13. We wish them both many more happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Glen Pedlar, at Stamford Centre. Mre. J. Cairns and Shirley accompanied them to Niagara Fallii and visited her daughter, Mrs. Stew- art Elkins. Mr. Murray Williams of Timmins visited with Mr. Chas. Williams on the 24th. Mr. Bert Mclmtosh is building a kitchen and weod shed ko hie homw, wl»ich wiH make an adde<l improve- ment to the property. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor spent th.^ wceic end and holiday in North- eiki Oaterio. "Mr. .Tack Gilckrist of Owen Sound is assisting Messrs. Fred Pedlar and Roy McMillan with their work. Mr. and Mrs. Ediwin Purris and Mrs. Linstoad ef Toronto spent the waek end at the Panris cottaige, near the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Pur- vis of Malton visrfted with Mr. Roh*. Punrte over the week end. I 1 ? '4 y I I I '4 '4 i Police in an Indiana town ar» seeWnig a culprit who nearV wreck- ed a movie theatre. Likely a man who lacked self-control when some- body crawled over his lap. f Y I I I I I Bring in Your Cream As we are approaching the time of the year when cream is at the peak of production, so deliver that can of cream to the Flesherton Creamery and raceive the extra cent for deliv- ering. We guarantee to give you all that is in your can of cream. Cull Your Hens Now Since egg production is fa-Uing •<Â¥, it would pay to cull the flock and market those hens Which are not producing. We are payiag tlic kighe«t possible price for fowl. The Creamery will be open Wednesday and Saturday nights. Hesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Pkone 66 Flesherton Ontario <..>4»:~.:~:..x~:..M..:.4~j.4K^<><~:~K-><KW"H">'>4»<«*^X":'*<~w I CEYLON Tile May meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. lAwson Whitehead, with Mrs. John liidhol presidinig. Mrs. Isaac SnuU had charge of the program, which consisted of several readings and ^ (BOntest, which â- was wone by Mrs. Wm. Gibson. At the conclusion of ih« ci^'etinp. the hostess served a (iainty luncih. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jaynes were; Mrs. Bert Jewit, Mrs. R. Tiffin, Mirs. Wm. Denis and Beryl <rf Toronto. On May 27th, MVs. Richard Whit- taker, Stone's Line, celelbrated her 88th birthday. Mrs. Whittaker ie in r health and at present ia visit- her dftucrhters. Mrs. Sproat and Mrs. Nt'iibauer. On her birthday she enjoyed a chicken dinner, which ia her favorite, afid al»o received many gifts and numerous congratu- latory messages, Mr. and Mrs. Auslin Ball, Mi-s. Musgrove and Miss G. Grahain of Hanover vfeited Mi's. LaUra Nou- bauer the first of the week. Momibers of Holdfast Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Mei-vyn McFadden on Wed. June itth at 2:;iO p.m. â€" Olive Irwin Secty. Ceylon Blue Cross mefmbers please note that fees must be in before June 15th. â€" Mrs. D. Adams Mr. and Mrs. J. F. CoUinson, ac- companied iby J^Iiss Frances of To- ronto, attended the graduation ex- ercises at O. A. C, Guelph, on Wednesday of last week, when their (iaug-htei-, iM\arion was one of the class to receive her degree of B.Sc. Mrs. Sally W'agner and son, Monty of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Ihickett, Monty re- niainiiiK' for a longer visit. -Mr. and .Mrs. Eld. Genoe visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rod- man Markdale. Keith Goessel of Goldwater spent the week end with hLs parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Goeasel. iMjr. and Mrs. H. Au.stin spent the week end in Brampton. Visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs. John MJoWilliam are: Miss Nancy McWilliam of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McWilliam of Toronto and Mr. Geo. Mathewson of Hamilton. Charlie McWilliam had F. H. W. Hicklins DEPARTMENT STORE Thinking of a New Suit? We can fix you up to your entire satisfaction, either in Ready-to-Wear or Made-to-Measure gannents. Ready-to-Wear Suits, from $29.50 Tip Top Tailors' Ordered Suits $42.50 Odd Trousers, Shirts, Pyjamas, Biltmore Hats, New Neckwear, Light Underwear, Smart Hosiery Hickox Belts, Smart Black and Brown Oxfords. New House Furnishing Items Congoleum Riig.s, Congoleum, Window Shades, Crctons, TTomespuns, Monkscloth, Marquisettes, Lace Curtains, Celanese Curtains, Frilled Curtains. The Drapery selection is particularly good this season. B-H PAINT A complete stock; all new colors. If you think of painting your hou.se, contact usearly. SUITABLE JUNE WEDDING PRESENTS lyace Cloths I^unchcf)!! Cloths Wabasso Sliects Pillow Slips Flannnclette Bl.'iiikets Wool Throws Bod Spreads Chenille Spreads Tea Sets China Cups and Saucers I'licy Class ware Dinner Ware THE STORE WITH THE STOCFC Oliver for PREMIER Oliver I lor S. GREY F. R. OLIVIER THE LIBERAL PARTY, WHEN RETURNED TO POWER IN ONTARIO, SPECIFIALLY UNDERTAKES THE FOLLOWING PROGAMMME: Increase old age pension benefits from $30.00 to $40.00 per month. Reduce age limit for pensions to 65, with Fed- eral co-operation. Grant necessary aid to hospitals without im- posing provincial amusement tax. Eliminate 3c gasoline tax imposed by Drew No re-imposition of amusement tax. No pro- vincial income tax. Increase workmen's compensation benefits to 7S':.c and shorten waiting period I'min 7 days to 3 days. CoinpuKsory two weeks' vacation with pay for industrial workers after two years' ciupli>y- ment. Assist ill formation of National Labour Code. Encourage housing by assuming municipal taxes for four to i'we year periods on all homes a)sting $8,000.00 or less built within the next two years. Take Hydro out of politics. Hydro municipalities to name one of three commissioners. Remove present restriction of two consumers to a mile. Will negotiate agreement with Federal Govern- ment to avoid duplicate taxation and to make available to Oiuario residents the Health Tnsur- atice and Social Security programme of the Liberal (uucriHuent at Ottawa. Preference to Veterans of the two World Wars in tlie Civil Service and other fields. We have formed a most important programme to .save our farm lands. ^ \\e will help young farmers to start their own lanns and assist agriculture in every wav possible especially in the easing i.f restrictions on the ex- port ol" cattle to the United State§. 4. .4. 1 4 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 ;* .i 1) 4 4 m 4 « 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 *â- 4 4 ^ 4 4 f Vote LIBERAL - Vote OLIVER NEXT MONDAY, JUNE 7th ISSUED I'v sorrii (iki'V I. ii'.i'.KAi, xssoci.vrioN T t