Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1948, p. 5

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A â- < 4 41 *â-  A 4 A. r t i t % -4 > < 4 -♦ n â- 4. ♦a » » -4 4 t Wednesday, May 5, 1948 St. John's United Church €.G.I.T. invite you to hear "SAFETY FIRST" A COMEDY 3-ACT PLAY by U.P.U. of Centre United Church, Owen Sound to be presented in the Flesherton Town Hall FRIKAY, MAY 7th to comimeiice at 8:15 p.m. ADMISSION: 35c and 25c MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 9 A cr.inpifte line ot" Cll'TS that MOTHER will appreciate are now on display. May we sijo-u-est a tew : Hand Bags Dishes Boxed Papetries Books Cosmeitic Sets Pictures Lingerie Photo Albums Hosiery Boxed Handkerchiefs Framed Mother's Day Mottos 29c, ,49c (Special Mother's Day Wrap) Boxed Crocolates Sl.OO box,. Mother's Day Cards 5c, 10c, 15c 5c to $1.00 Store E. J. Fisher, Prop. Flesherton, Ont. ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦l t l ' l *4'l » ******' H t t ***** * '' l> »* IIHl *> H « " *****» To Our Customers As successors in the creamery business to Messrs. Rapp and Borinsky, we would like your patronage and can assure >m3u of the same hos- pitality and service as you have received in the past. . Mr. Anjj-us Avis will still be in charge of the creamery. We will be paying- the top market prices for all lines of produce. The big flow of Cream will soon be here, so deliver your cream to the F"lesherton Creamers- and make that extra cent by doing- so. "We g-uar- tintee to ^ijive you the full value of your can t't cream. â€" C. N. NORRIS Open Wednesday and Saturday nig-hts. All cream received before ten p.m. will be tested. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Mauiager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario ;..:..:..>.>x«X'<'<~x~K*<~:~X"X'<K*<*<"><K"K"X"><'<"><"VM'<'<":~:".".* % ♦ t % I How the Hard of Hearing Can Assist Themselves To Hearing The many hard-of-hearing in this town will have an excep- tional opportunity to find out how they may once again exper- ience relaxed, noise-free hearing... A FREE HEARING CLINIC will be held at the Park Hotel, Flesherton. on Monday, May 10, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., by Mr. Dunbar, at which time he will test the hard-of-hearing for individual hearing deiiiciencies. The clinic will also serve to introAice a new Acousticon development in hearing aids. This newhearing aid, by the world's first and ©Wests manufacturer of electrical hearing aids, offers clarity of tone without the harsh back-gro«nd noises usually encountered. This instrument, in spite of its power, is small, even with the batteries enclosed! Letters "have' been pouring in from those who have already tried this new Acousticon saying how thrilled they were with this hearing aid. Many of them say that they ntgret experienced such clarity of tone against such a velvet-quiet background. The manufacturers of this instrument say that one one can even im- agine what it may do for them until they hear it with their > own ears. Those hard of hearing who have been searching for the • answer to their personal hearing problems are urged to attend ' this FREE CLINIC. Complete Free information will be mailed ; if you cannot be there. Write to Mr. Dunbar at the .Acousticon I Institute, Owen Sound. \ t I t t •f I I % I X r ? y t X I I % I % % Â¥ X THE FLESHERTON ADVANCIi; sR â- 9S PRICEVILLE The Y.P.S. was held Tuesday night in the church, with Miss Betty Hincks presiding. It v(us decided to hold meetitigs every two weeks foi the summer months. Miss Joyce Tucker read the Scripture, and Mrs. Jas. Sturi-ook, Mrs. Daii Caimpbell and Miss Betty Toiaker tach gave reading's and Mi-s. Gam/pbell conduct- ed a contest.. The Mizpah benedic- tion closed the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Clark, Mr Archie Clai'k and sister, Flora, of Dromore were recent visitors at the hoaiie of Wm. McLeod. Mr. McLeod, who had his leg broken last Septem- ber, had the cast taken oiT at Owen Sound last week. IMIr. Geo. Koertz spent a couple of days in Toronto last week and was acconiipanied home by bis sister Mrs. Frank Furniss, and daughter, Lynda, for a week's visit while Mrs. Koertz is in Ottawa for a we«k. Mrs. Dan Campbell spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mclntyre of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Aldcorn. VICTORIA CORNERS "Mr. and Mirs. Jios. MteOutcheoii, Jean and Estelle. Toronto, were i"e- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson. We welcome Mrs. Albert Stinson back to lier home in our midat, aftei^ spending' the winter months with her daugfhters at Acton and Bl'igbt. Mrs. Stinson plans on staying here for the next two months. Ml'. Wni. Crockford took his wife, Mrs. Art Jackson, Mrs. Fred Linton and ^h's. Elmo Stevens to the special meeting m Flesherton l'nite<i Church Thursday al'ternun. The ladies eji- joyed the afternoon's entertainment. Mrs. Milton Bannon enjoyed a -visit Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Wes Armstrong in Dundalk. The school concert held in the school Wednesday niffht> featured the abilities of the pupils in the first part and the latter part of Ed. Lang who showed films, and was gi'eatiy enjoyed ty a large attendance. The proceeds amounted to $o4 to be used in the purchase of a radio for the school. Mr. Jack McKechnie and Rev. and -Mrs. Robert Ding-wall ofi sister_ Mary, of Dai-ha.m supplied New Lowell spent last week at the I music during the intermissions. Miss Tom: "Which is iinore iniportant, a man's wife or his tiKmsei-s?" Otis: "His trousers. Because there are a lo' of places he can go without bis -wife." home of his brother, Ed. Mr. Uing- wall is a patient in Markdalo hospit. al where he underwent an op. 'ration last week. His friends wisn for bin. a complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mag'i.-c .,nd sons of Eugenia visited on Snnday at the home of Dick Carson. A crokinole social was held Frl liiv evening in St. Columiba Church, Mr. and Mrs. Sims received first prize, and Mi.s.«i Anna Shortreed and Bob Mtlntyi'i' second. Lunch was served. All were glad to me;t Mr. C'oHn McLean and his son, Alex, at church on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. McLean spent the winter in Toron- to. Mrs. McLean wll return later. A good congregation was out on Sunday to hear the new minister^ Mr. A. J. Simpson, who will be here for the next four moni^hs at tke Pre»- Marjorie Stevens, teacher, and pupiU are to be hig'hly commended in theii splendid performance. The film show- ing included pictures of the royal wedding and were very interestiiig. Mrs. Albert Stevens, Melancthon township, was a Wednesday evening visitor with her son, Elwood, and family and attended the concert at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherson, Mr. and Mrs. .Abe. Sherson, Proton Sta. Mrs Reid and Mrs. Williamson. To-^ ronto. were callers Wednesday in the honies of W'alter Archeson, George Ludlow and Elvin Moore. Mr. and Mfrs. Thos. Stevens. Dun- dalk, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallaugher. A Lodge committee meeting was held at the kame of Ed. Stinson Thursday evening, byterian church, fie and his wifej At the annual meeting of the W. and son will occupy the Manse. ' I. at the home of Mrs. Bert Corbett Next Sunday is Mother's Day. Plants make a noise while grrowing a scientist reveals. We've beard that children do. too. « ^ e know . . . being team captain has it-^ re'.[)onsii- bililies. But v lU-n }oii'rc rounding up >our team, will you try tiot to make loo many call* at once? Reitieiiiber-.souif !»ro"\vn- iip may need that party line in a. hurry . . . Thanks a lot! PARTY LINE .COURTESY IS CATCHING... Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee tliat others will do the same for you. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space yotM- calls. 3* Give right-of-way lO emergency colls. Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Cephus Hindle â- was naimed president taking the place of the retii-ing president, Mrs. Ed. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Sej'iuour, Toron- to, were week end guests of the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson, Don and Bert, spent the week end with relatives in Toronto. Momlbers of the School Board of S. S. No. 4 hel«l their meeting in tlie school room Thursday evi«ning. Friends her.e t-^ten''. sympathy to Mr. Dave MteMillan, Bethel district, in the loss of his mother Mrs. Dave .McMillan Sr., on Saturday evening:. The funeral is. l>eing held this Tues- day afternoon. THE lELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 12TH LINE, OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dabson and Vonnie Reid were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tyson at Sturgeon Falls and were iwcompaned by Mr. and Mrs. Koss Park, Ravenna. Mr. and Mrs. Jsc Uobinsky ol To- ronto and Miss Margaret Douglas of Toronto were home witli their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. .Mel. Douglas. .Mr. .-Vubrey Tyson is here from Sturgeon Falls assisting hi.-^ uncle. Josh Dcbson_ on the farm. ' Mrs. .Jas. Sayers held a very suc- cessiful auction -sale last week, when good prices were received for cattle, a two-day old calf bringing ^oZ. Mr. and Mi-s. Stun Goode. Toronto. have come to stay for the .summer with .Air. Earl Fenwick. We 'jive them a hearty welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dyer and Mrs. John Dyer of Collingwood were vis' itors with Mr. and .Mrs. Ja.s. McKon- zie. They intend to make a visit to British Coluntbia. as a sister of Mrs. John Dyer resides there. Mr. and Mrs. John Izard have been without a car for almost two years, but purchased one recently, but that did not stop him putting Dobbin to buggy and driving- to church at Fev- ersham. Happy motorinsr to tlvem both. An erior was made recintly in the report of the wedding of Leona Short to Fiiank Irwin, when th« naim* should have read Morris Quinn, WOOL GROWERS OIICANIZATNM SHIP COLLECT TO WESTON. ONTARIO Shippers may obtain sack> and twine withiig: charu'c from VIC. YOUNG. MAXWELL <ii' by writing ilinct to CANADIAN CO-«l'KK A'riVE >v(»oi, (;i{()\vi-:it< i.iMiTi',1) 217 Hay St reel. TKronto PAINTING PAPER HANGING Interior and esterior paintiDjT' and paper hanging. Let me give you an estimate. J. A. CARSON Phone 2r2 Flesherton Priceville A Michigan thief disguised as a girl was cau«rht by police â€" instead (xf by pneumonia. Children are small people not al- lowed to act as their parents did at that age. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS Trespassing on Lots 3.S and 34 Con. 12, Artomesia. strictly prohib- ited. Any person found trespassing on the property will be prosecuted. â€"BERT MAGEE. Eugenia .>''^'-y.'<r^'''f<rl<<'<r>>^f<i^^^ i Pearl Laundry COMMENCING THIS WEEK Pearl Laundry of Kitchener \\\\\ PICK UP and DELIVER LAUNDRY MONDAY and FRIDAY of EACH WEEK Articles may be left at FLESHERTON 5c to $1.00 STORE i I t % % % I '4 I '4 ♦ 1 GRAY ,COACH -^ LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Saving Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO ; d 12.05 p.m. g 4.0.S p.«i. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: I i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday ard Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. 2: - Saturday only. | Bus Connections at Brampton for London luid at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 WIXXIPEG 29.60 REGI.VA 46.70 CALGARY CHARTERED BUSES FOR i'RIVATE P.VRTIES .VT LOW RATES TICKETS AND INFORM.\TION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, Ont. gUEBEC HALIFAX ST. JOHN $50.05 61.30 81.35 Don't Use An Old Cream Separator THAT TURNS HARD AND LOSES CREAM If you need a new Creeun Separator, let me dem- onstrate in your own dairy a smooth, easy-turn- ing Renfrew that gets every last drop of cream. jwfaImer Increase your cream seques and help increase the butter production. Give us a call at any time. I * and Service For Sales W. E. BETTS EI.ESHERTON I CREAM Mf' SEPARATORS RANGES - TRUCK SCALES - WASHING MACHINES

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