Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1947, p. 5

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^â- MPP We<toesday, December 31, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE J9 \ f at »^ -» >- •^ 'A k *. A Mr m ft 1 Ik, 4- it J-* % m %. ^' •k n %. KIMBERLEY With the Christmas concert, Santa Claus und Obiiatmu Day being over everyone is bade to normal assin. Visitors is the village over the ChristinaB holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Patterson and daaghter of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brush and Herman oif Kearney, with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weber; Mr. M. Bailey of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey; Garry Eaiis of Islington. Herrin Ellis of Ken Addison and Eleanor Ellis of Collingwood. with Mr. and Mrs. E. Eaiis; Miss Leona Kirlq>atrick of Toronto and Gerald of Kearney, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick, also Mr. and Mrs. H. Sewell of Markdale; Mr. Qarke Mc- Connell of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCmcken of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. P. Sentple and Royden of the 12th line, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Pawcett Mr. George McConnell is spending a wetfc's holidays with friends in Meaford. Miss Gwen Ellis is holidaying at Kearney. Miss Velma Hutchinson spent the week end at Flesherton with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ted McCracken. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graper spent CbriatBtts at OmPvniU. Mr. and Mn. Aadrenr WftUsee of QrangeviHe viatted over tke week end with Mrs. D. Wallace and Mrs. Proctor. Mrs. Geo. Proctor has gone to Ba- genia to apettd some time with her son, Ernie, and famiy. Mr. and Mrs. F. Jolley are apeni- ing the Christmas vacation with Mr. Jo"ey's parente in St. Vincent. f Baby-sitting covers yoongsters op to three and four years old â€" ard we have seen some who really ought to be sat on. "Does yoar wife play bridge for money T" "So. but tie people she plays with do!" HOLIDAY GREETINGS \\"c wish to express our thanks for your attend- ance at the dances for which we play. May the best of everythinsf ho yours in IP48. Russell Hill's Orchestra Our Wish to You and Your$ Uppermost in our minds and hearts are b<?5t wishes for "1948" unexcelled in Health, Happiness and Good Fortunj? to all our friends, old and new- BOYD BROS. Ford Sales and Service Flesherton Ont A Hoppy and Prosperous New Year We take this opiK)rtunity to extend to alU our Customers and to all the Good Citizens of Flesherton and Community BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR We thank you for svll your good-will, co-op- eration and patronage which has helped us through this critical post-war re-estaihlish- ment period and has made 1*HZ a ver>- successful year tor us. We look forward to the pleasure of serving you in the New Year in the same atmosphere of mutual trust and friendliness. John W.Cook FLESHERTON, ONT. ♦ i ti i Min i i i m i ii uim i mmnm ii M i j Greetings Wc wish to thank i>ur nuuw ^ ustotucrs for their irenerous patronage tiiroughoiu 1*-H7. and convey to one and all our sincere wishes for a Truly Happy New Year and may prosperity be YOurs to the fullest extent. D. MacTavish & Sons Chevrolet Dealers Flesherton. Ontario ROCK MILLS A h»PPy aad prosperoiu New Year to aU. Mr. and Mri. Dick Clark had all ihexc ^mily home for Christiaaa, numbering nineteen in ail, namely Mr. and Mrs. Detbert Hopkin^s andr four children. Mr. and Mrs. Har»fai Clark, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mra. Willii Cobam and ftve sons of Barr- head, Bob and Bill at home. A rery happy time was enjoyed together. Mr. and Mrs. Ales. La<igfalin of Peterboro visited wish relatiree and friends here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Shirley, and Joan and Wayne Me- Master ot Rock Mills. Mr. and Ken Walker and son. Don. and Mrs. Phy!- Its McMaster of Gait spent Christmas Dav with Ken and Lloyd Partridge and Miss Ettie Radley. I i Misses Rciby and Eunice Dobson of Owen Sound spent Christmas at their h<>me here. Mr. and Mr*. Russell Phillips and Rodney spent Christmas with Mr. arm Mrs. Sam Phillips, Flesherton. and Mr. ar.d >!frs. Gordon Wiley, at Markdale. j Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Fawoett and | Ve:T.on c: Vartdele-ur. %".c Mr. a'^d ' Mrs. Gordon McMuilen and family oi East Mountain spent Christmas writh Mr. :ind Mrs. Cecil Betts and . Mrs. Robt. MoM'ulien. The Hiimptirey family of Markdai^ ; spent Ciii-Lsunas witii ch^iir sister, ) Mrs. Fred Hargrave.. Mr. Earl Russell spent Chriataias at the home o{ ids father, Mr. Jas. Russell, in Flesherton. Mrs. S. McMuilen and Mr. and ilrs. Ed. Fenis o-i Flesherton were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hefts for Christnjas. Ou local sportsmen iwld a meeting Friday ntg?ht to organize a hockey team, but theie iveri? not as many out ;jis hoped for. The Gbristmas entertainment o£ the Baptist Sunday School waa held in the church on Monday ni^ht, I>ec. 23nd. with a fair attendance. Thi? children all received treats at the close of tile program. Mr. and Mrs, Arrfnir Lee. Bonni^ and Jeanett. of London. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Turner. Gnelph. and Mr. 3iid. Mrs. Gordon Wiley. Markdale. visited with -Vlr. and Mrs. Rassell Phillips during Christmas week. CJ.R. Aids Carrying ot Food to Europe Movement of Canadian food and i wiiich has come to be sn'^wn as ihe cars en wh;cfe tiie Canadian PaciCj food prodnpts from the farms of tiv Dominion to the United Kingdom was a job of the year for Canadian Pacific rail"way and steamship facili- ties. Top left picture abov,j shows N'ew Bru.iswick potatoes bein^f loaded on the Beuverborn. one of the Can- adian Pacific's fleet of cargo ships. ••B.l.'." iBread Un-f deet" on the other side. Bottom left picture shows one Hi the new Canadian Pacxific boot ears, deliveries of which began at about the sam^ !;ime grain movement fpoim the cv.'ast. foilo'Wing tliis year's har- vest. It was also one of ijfee first sloga.r. • Spar_s th.e "^'•rrld'* apipeared. P^-ture at righs 5hon*-s LStiO hone- pofwer diesei-electric rood engine whi.-fc was tested by the C.PJK. under as the heavy â-  al! types ->: >pe -itizg s."on<fitions. to he prairies to see if jnd waere :t wisild be ased to a<ivantage over steam power. BUCKINGHAM VANDELEUR llateadad tmr Lut Waak) The Christmacx tree eatercaiomeot held in tiie school Thursday evening, I>«c. ISth, was a d«<Hded success. Rev. W. M. Lee presided in hia uaual cap- able and witty manner. Tbere wew about thirty numbers on the program â€" choruses, dialogues, drills, $o>i'Os ay the pupils and mn^ic by the orches- tra, duet by the Johsaton sisters and reading by H. I. Grshaat, wt14i com- munity singing, led by M. Buchaaa.n. i i^ brought a'Docrt. Miss [ Ralph â-  spent Noruai Blea:Jey of Brampton a.-'.o Pearl c.f Collingwood Christmas holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bleakley. Miss .\lda Hawton is with her par- ents. Mr. ;ir.d Mrs. Herb Hawton. and brothev. Jim. for the Christmas a:!d N"e\v Year holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brownridge of Collingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyii Hough and Eleanor spent Christmas with Mr. snd Mrs. .\. C. Brown rit^e. Members of their family who spent Christmas with Mr. and .Vlrs- .Alf. Hawton and sons wert': Mr. and Mrs. Randall ayloi- ar.d son of Banks. Mr. ail' Mrs K.'s; Rc>S;-son nnd f;;:ui!y of Rob Roy. Miss Jean Cox is at her home fo. the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Harrj- Udel and -Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rentner and family of Xottavt^ spent CSiristmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Tuplhig. Mr. and Mrs. Riissell Hihlson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heitman ,<«nd Mr- and Mrs. .A.!ex. Mutlip ami Flmer were with Mr. and Mrs. Jas- H\ufsK>f at Feversham Christmas I>ay. Quite a nun»ber from this com- munity enjoyed a euchre party and dance in Rob Roy hall on Friday evening. Miss Kdna Smith of Oshawa and Miss TK>ris SSnith of Barrie wer^ with their mother. Mrs. Smith, and Etiion and Pearl for the holitfay. Mr. W. J. Bannem»an and son. Calvin, were with Mr. aiul Mvs. H. Butcher for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs .\rriold R«tchinso;i of Feversham spent Christmas with Mr. s-d Mr^. Morvi- M-.;!'-:; and ! family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cox, Jean land Jim. were w'tK Colli "rivooa n?- l.itlves for Christnn'«s. To the Editor of he .\d\-ance and -<«U its roaders. \ve ovtorul a wish foy s {H»aeesf«1. happier Xew 'Vear. j Santa Claus then arrived and 'inicad- -, ed the well-laden tree. .\1I the oKd- 1 I ren took their parts well and a great ] deal of ^'tedit is due the teaoher. Miss j I Wakefield. ' I --ommunity. The Farm Fonim met at the ijode of -Alex. Gilray and » spirited <iis- cussicn was 'aeid or. 'Organisiag for Community .^ctioa." The num'oer one suggestive w«s to 'oave ccunmun- ity action taken to put the Comjaum- ity Hall. Park and school groan<l» ia lirst class condition, and it was de- cided that the Foruan president call a meeting erf the School Board, Hall Board and the Executive oi the Farm Foftta and WI.. to see if this oould It Via 'inderstccd that if this was done, a nroviaciaj grant coald '>» obtained for the Camr launity Ha-1. a=d .' would ilso 2i*k» a more beautiful and useftil caanraB- ity centre. Other sogwestioas w«r» cietutirg aj> r'adsideJ. treating eattld for warble 3y. skstiag rink, pottiag wiTHibreaJES alcn^ iat r«««te, •». There wer- jwj discoaaion froops with Mr. A;td Mrs. C«rl Wiljqa «â-  :e4de.~s iX. Billie Johnston nod Myrtle Fawcect a* secretaries. Tha president,, Wl!l Ratchjfe, preeided. Thiers wll tv a Ct'.r-.sdias Tr?e and e-xoha."!*? of gifts at t;ext meeting. Mrs. Katherine Davison, who has spent several weeks with relatives here, returned to St. Marys SatUTuay. Mr. W. .\. Weber is c\mvalesciag at bjs home in the valley, having i sipent several weeks in a Toron:to hos- pital, undergoing treatment. Conirratulatiors to Miss Isabel Weber, who was married oa Satur- 1 day. Dec. 20th. Word l».s beer receved of the death n' Mr. SHiiuiel Holley. who passed away recently at Owen Sound, j He was bom and raised in this : A Happy New Year ^\s we nca ir '* ^'TAl ro f I I i I t j i :he end of another successful year in business, we wish to Heartily Thank Our Customers for their continued patronage, and wish them all a ver.- Happy and Prosperou? Xew Year W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON. Ontario / New Year's Greeting * ^ THANKS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE .\t this time I wish to that\k my luilicy holders tor their supno'-t du'iui: l*^r, atu! w'-' mv tritMnls tho bc^' i'\ '.^>-'^ GARNET MAGEE EusT"?"*'^. Ont PVisnomenol qrowli u- OfNs'to's prod«c!iv« activity creates on oH-tim.? record demand ?ar electricify. Until ,»e\v i.<ower iiatioiu, now under C0ii?,iruiti0ii, cuii be completed FlEA";;*: SAVE All THi SIECTRICITY YOU CAN. Do not use eUctric air heaters or groles. Swikh off lights end opplionce* immediately they are not jieoded TBI JitOB^J^bt 'IISSION OF 010*1110 .\t thi> time we \vi.<h to c\;'re.-is our appre- ciation ot your jvuroiiajre and the pleasant businescs relations between us during- the year just closing. While we appreciate your con- fidence in our inte^itx . it ;.< our akim to g^ive better service dav bv da â-  .\lay the New Y'eai He.iUb., l-lappines< :'.'" tunng- you ; p-.^<•.eritv The Croatnery wll be closed Saturda\ Xights until further notice. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Fleih^Tton Ontario

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