i: .Wednesday, December 24, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE •^ t» V ^ \ ? Sfc~- wit. • â- ^ rf S4^ ^ 'i^L *\ V 'A" m •k. * Greetings jTo Our Friends and Customers : My your Christmas be bright with the warmth of Good Fellowship and Cheer . and may 1948 hold for you» Good Health, Good Fortune and Contentment F. H. W. Hicklins General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. s All the World Stops AT Christmas Time And as we stop in the midst of the season Oif good cheer, our hearts grow tender as we are carried back in thought to the reality of Christmas Day, and What it means. In sincerity, we greet you and wish you a delightful holiday season. 0. W. Phillips & Son Harness, Shoe Repairing Flesherton CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Like the voice of Angels On that first glad Christmas tide. Ma}- the songs of joyous children Again ring far and wide. To tell a weary, struggling world iThe glory of Christ's birth. And bring again His promise - Of "Peace, Good Will On Earth !" BOYD BROS. p Ford Dealers Geo. Boyd Milford Piper Flesherton, Ont. Reg. Boyd Alfred Olsen Sl»li@id;d»d»d^»g»dg»^»)d3d^»d^^ A Yuletide Message MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BE MERRY AND YOUR NEW YEAR HAPPY TOO Mby the glow of your Christmas candles reflect .all of the joys and unfulfilled desires of the past year . . . and may that radiance forecast the coming year as thd best and brightest of them all. D. MacTovish & Sons Chevrolet Dealers Flesherton, Ontario VICTORIA CORNERS (Intended for Liatt Week) Dan Cupid haa visited our com- miinity and laid plans for matrimon- ial bonds, capturing' one of our pop- ular youngr ladies. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson, Don and Bert, visited friends in Toronto a recent week end. Little Hazel Speers was happy to have a visit from her Daddy and Grandhnother Speers of Toronto, in the home of Milton Bannon, where she is attending school at No. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Billv and Jane, entertained Inistioge Y. P.S. Friday evening. Dec. 5th. White Gift service n-as observed in Inistioge United Church on Sunday. Dec. Tth, and was much enjoyed by all. A junior choir was in attend- ance. The altar was very appropri- ately arrayed for th-e occasion and the "wthite gifts" of canned foods were placed therein. Our pastor. Rev. A. G. Maopherson. delivered a very fitting message. Our donation this year was being sent to an ad- di-ess in Wales. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wilf- red Gallaugher quite poorly for the past week and a half, needing her physician's care. She had been suf- fering from high blood pressure.! which has been relieving itself by very frequent nose bleeds. This con- • ditioTi has weakened Mrs. Gallaugher considerably. We trust that she may soon be much improved in health and able io enjoy the festive season, which is fast approaohing. While speaking of the sick, the many friends of Mrs. Chas. Moore of Toronto may be interested to know that she has been sufficiently recov- ered from her recent operation in the Wellesley Hospital to be granted per- mission to return to her home at 48 West Avenue. Latest reports reveal the patient gaining quite favorably. iCelebi-ating their wedding and birthday anniversary on Dec. 5th. Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Ludlow, the hon- ored cou^ple. entertained at dinner as birthday guest their niece, Mrs. Elvin Moore, her husband and baby daugihter, Elizaibeth. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sherson and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherson of Pi'oton Station. Congrat- ulations to the Luidlows and Mrs. Moore and best wishes for mamy more happy occasions. Messrs. John Duncan and Walter Acheson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Acfheson, Messrs. Delhert Wraggett and Herb Hodginson, of Betihel. to Orangeville on Friday to a clearance sale of purebred Short- horn cattle.' Mr. Kingsley Gallaugher, Toronto, visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrel Gal- laughter, and attended the funeral on Sunday afternoon, in Dundalk, of his friend'. Lome C Chaniip. Our sympathy is with Mrs. Champ in the sudden passing of her husband, also with the sorro^virg family of Mrs. John McXalty of Proton Sta- rion. whose sudden passing in tiie home of her daughter. Mrs. Fred Fell, occurred Sunday morning. -About 20 memibers of Mrs. Elmo Stevens' young people's Bible Class. >3.ssemibled in her home on Saturday evening to honor a bride of the com- j ing week. Miss Ruby Copeland. j Ganiies of various kinds were played. Prior to the lunch hour. Ruby was presented with a hand'si>me table cloth, as a token of their best wishes. Preceding the surprise party, in the Stevens home, the bride-elect was en- tertained at diimer, in the Ivorae of hov girl friends. M'ssc? lean and Gladys Love. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Garr>-. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Saunders, Chatsworth. CEYLON (Intended for Last Week) As we have reached the Christmas season, how about remembering what a blessed place this world would be. if we had tihe Ciiristimas spirit all the year. The sympathy of this community is extended to the bereaved families of .Mil's. Joseph Oliver, Mrs. J. A. Carson. .Mrs. J. Knox and Mrs. J. S. McDermitl, who passed away recently Mr. und Mrs. Chas. McWilliam, To- ronto, and Mr. Geo. Mathewson of Hainil'fin --ipent Che week end with the f<:mer'.i parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam. Miss Helen Balantyne spent a few days this week ;•.: her pai-ental home in Qiwen Sound. Mrs. H. Piper visited recently with friends in Markdale. Miss Catherine Stewart. Reg.N., of O^ven Sound was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. M. T. Hogarth. The many friends of Mrs. .A.. Sin- clair, a foi-mer resident of Ceylon, are sorry to learn that she had the mis.fortune to fall and break a bone in her arm. Mr. Clarence Bartley has returned to his home, after a season sailing on the Great Lakes. KIMBERLEY The school concert, which was held Thursday night, was well attended by a large crowd and all enjoyed' the splendid program given by the children. Mrs. Glen Jenkins returned home from CollingT\-ood hospital on Sun- day evening. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Soul on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Soul and daughter of Thornbury, and Mrs. Dalton Doris and boys, Toronto. IPr. and Mrs. .A.rt Wardman of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weber. We are sorry to report Mrs. M. Ferguson in the CoUin^pwood Hos- pital at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCracken of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson. ilrs. Stan Lawrence spent the week end with her parents, Mr. itnd Mrs. M. Dillon, at Thornbury. Card of Thanks J. S. MacDermid and family wish to thank tiheir many friends and neighlboi^ for their sympathy and many kind acts shown them during their recent sad bereavement, and for the beairtiful floral tributes: also to those who sent flowers and cards to Mrs. MacDermid while she was in the hospital. The thousands of feet of lumber destroyed in last summer's forest flres might make enough matches to keep a pipe lit. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GAR.MENTS ROCK MILLS Your correspondent wishes the Editor and .\dvanco staff and its many readei-s. a Very Merry Christ- mas. The .public school concert which was held Friday nig'ht, was a real success and the fine program was thorouighly enjoyed by the large crowd present. .A.t the close Santa Claus appeared and distributed. gifts to the children from the prettily de- corated Christmas tree. Much credit is due the teacher for the fine way she had the children trained. Cecil Betts was chairman for the evening. Mr. and Mtrs. Fred Partridge and Mr. Ken Walker of Gait were visit- ors over Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitemore of Durham were visitors at the home of Chas. Newell ou Saturday. -â- K question in Everyon's mind: "What to buy?" This may be answered with the gift of a Spir- ella Garment, individually design-.... ed to meet the figure require- ment. .A.3'k aixtut our CHRISTifAS GOOD-WILL OFFER for three weeks oiily. Mrs. A. E. BELLAMY Corsetiere Flesherton, Ont. H£LP TO KEEP ONTARIO THRIVING Card of Thanks The fanjgy of the late Mrs. Joseph Oliver wisfli to thank their many friends and neighbors for their s\ni- paithy and many kind acts sihown them during their rt-cent bereave- ment, also for the beautiful floral trihutes. In Memoriam DITSON â€" In loving memory of my dear husband, Lome Jannes Dit- son, wfeo passed a'way Dec. 17, 1944. What would we give to clas^) his i hand, I His happy face to see; ' But deartih has left a loneliness The world can never fill. I â€" ilhoringly remembenedi by Wife. .\nnie. When ironing, prepare clothes in advance, then turn on the iron . . . turn it off as you neor Hie end and us*' the stored heat in your iron. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Christmas Every day we feel appreciative of the favors of our patrons and friends and of all courtesies shown us, but it is espec- ially at the Christmas Season we like to pause and think back over the pleasures derived from our business dealing's. So we wish you the best of health, a pros- perous and greater happiness than has been _vours before. Flesherton Creamery Louis Rapp Harold Borinsky Angrus Avis John Stewart ^ Hugh Bibby Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario Many Good Wishes ^ MERRY CHRYSTMAS AND A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR At the close of another year it is our pleasure to tell you that we have enjoyed doing- business with you. and tliat we an- ticipate the satisfaction of continuing to serve you. K. G. BETTS Groceries Flesherton, Ont. Christmas Greetings Ajjain we hnd ourselves in the mid.^t of The Christmas Season, even in times or trouble it is a Season of "'Good Tiding-s"' of "Great Joy," It is an earnest hope of of the "Peace un Earth and Good- Will to Man" which we pray will come to our country and the World in the future We express our sentiments in gifts to our loved ones and to the needy, reminiscent of the Wise Men's jaift ot"GoId. Frankin- cense and Myrrh." 0. & A. Co-operative FLESHERTON. ONT. Peace and Good-Will s We hope that the very atmosphere about you will be charged with the good old cheer of Christmas and that you and yours will have a full measure of the best the season affords. E. J. FISHER FLESHERTON 5c TO $1.0« STORE