Wednesday, November 12, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE f -f â- « - X Small Ads FOR SALEâ€" Spy apples. â€" An^us Bowles, phone 1W.J2 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Red Shortborn bull, 10 months old, eligible for reg. will exchanj^e for cattle or 3he©p â€" Gor- don Hill, R.R. 5 Markdale. 2ap3 FOR SALiE â€" Girl's brown tweed coat size 12, only slightly worn IV.60 â€" Mrs. J. Cook, phone 62w. 23c2 FOR SALEâ€" 8 Yorkshire pigs ready to go. â€" Luther Mills, Feversham. phone 17rl3. 23c2 FOR SALEâ€" Set of hockey shoulder (pads, almost new. â€" Bruce Thurs- ton, Fleaherton. FOR SAL]^ â€" Empirf cook stove and Rogers battery radio. â€" Mts. Eld- ridge Boyce, Eugenia, phone 119J1 JfAHHBB â€" AnMMls m^UbU tot mink and fox iood. â€" Bert Mclatoili EuceaU, fhooo FWv«nho-i BxSK FOR SALB-^ Registered Hereford year-old heifers. â€" Jas. E. Hudson & Son, Feversham phone 7r22. FOR SALE-^ron gate, 10 foot, in first class condition, reasonaible. â€" Frank Seeley, Maxwell, phone Fe- versham llr33. 24p2 FOR SALE â€" 1930 Chevrolet coach Kood motor, three lew tires, heater â€" Tom Bemrose, phone llr25 Fev- ersham. 23p2 FOR SALE â€" Apples, sprayed and hand-picked, good quality: Spies $5 bbl., $4 other' good varieties. â€" Batty Bro-s, Meaford. 23p2 FOR SALE â€" Heifer due to freshen in Feb.; also winter apples, hand picked.â€" Robt. Gorley, phone 23w Flesherton. 24c2 Local and Personal Mr. Jim Wilson of Owen Sound spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacTavish spent a (lay in Toi*onto last week. Mr. Jim Thurston of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mrs. W. E. Morgan of Owen Sound nas been visiting friends in town for the past few days. Mrs. W. H. Thui-ston observed her 88th birhtday quietly »t her h:ime On Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Guy of Mid- land spent Sunday with the fonmer's mother, Mrs. S. Guy, who obsei-ved her 83rd birtJiday that day. Rev. W. A. White, EjD., took tJhe service in St. John's United Church Sunday evening. Veterans of both wars attended the sei"vice. . Misses Annie Akins o£ Rouge Hill, Dell Thurston and Elvelyn MacTavish of Toionto spent the week end at their parental homes. The only tonivnship in Grey County that will have an open season for deer hunting will be Sullivan, where shotguns will be the only weapon, allowed to be used, Mr. Emerson Thomson returned to his home this past week, after spend- ing the sumimer prosfpectiing at Barry Lake. Que. We undei-stand that Em- erson staked a claim that shows real indications of a gold gold mine. NOTICE TO LADIES â€" Sewing, darning or mending neatly done, in your home or mine, afternoons only â€"Mrs. Gilbert, phone 99J,'J. VICTORIA CORNERS Weather conditions became rather frigid during the week end, with snow flurries, frost and high winds. Monday evening the members o^ the Proton Station Orange Lodge, in company with their wives aiid lady, friends, and other members of their families, met in the hall at the supper hour to injoy a fowl dinner. After the taibles were cleared dancing and social chat was enjoyed, rounding out a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Falser of Mt. Dennis were Saturdaiy guests of Mr. and iMrs. Jas. Forbes. 'Sunady (visitors of the Linton fam- ilies were: (Mbr. and Mrs. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Albert R«id of Bramp- ton, and Miss Pegigy Linton of Owen Sound. A number of the men from here assisted Messrs. George and Bill White in raising their barn last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon were recent visitors with Berkeley friends. 800 ONTAIO TEACHES WANTED FOR NEXT YEAR FOR sale; â€" Black general purpose mare, 7 years old; 3 young ewes and small size Vega separator. â€" E^-erett Talbot, phone 76J Flesh- erton. 24p2 CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premises on or about Oct lltK one pig. Owner prove property and pay ex- pensesâ€" F. T. Ellis, R.R. 4 Flesh- ei-ton, phone Thombury 648rll. FOR SALEâ€" 1937 Ford coach, econ- omical 60 h-p. engine, 37,00 miles, good condition, heater, |595; Jersey cow registered, 6 years oW, fresh- ens in April. â€" C. A. MacLean, Priceville. 24p2 FOR SALE â€" 6 diningroom chairs, leather s°ats; medium size Quebtc heater; folding baby carriage; 50 Hamp.-Wyandotte pullets, laying. â€" Wm. Hyslop, phone. 4M. Ontario was short some 900 quali- fied teachers at the beginning of this year, and although the enrolment in teachers training establishments showed a slight increase at the star. of the fall term if fell far short of the siecessary numbers required to maintain a workable level in the prov- ince. It is still .short some 800 teach-, ers. A survey taken by the Canadian Education Association in January revealed that Canada was short nua' ly 6,.50O teachers in its elementary and secondary schools. The enrc. ment in teacher-training institutions throughout the country at that time was given as C,86C. To make good the shortage of ROCK MILLS The colder weather and the fall of snow will be welcomed by the many deer hunters who have gone north for a couple of weeks' hunting. Mr- and Mrs. Fred Partridge o- Gait spent the week end with his mother here, and also visited with his father, Mr. Elwood Partridge who is still in Markdale hospital, leaving for their home Tuesday. Mrs. Bill McMaster visited last week with iher cousin, Mrs. John Piggott, in Toronto. Mr. Mannie Dobson left this week to join the Dargavel hunting party at Ardbeg. Mrs. Walter Russell is a patient in Markdale hospital, where she under- wont an operation on Monday. We wish for her an early recovery. Mr. Ed. Brcadner of Eugenia is driving Bill McMaster's stock truck for a couple of weeks, while Bill is enjoying a rouple of weeks huntin.u with the Dai-gavel party. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark visited visited with the latter.s mother, Mrs. J. Park, in Owen Sound. Mrs. Harry Patton is a patient in Markdale hospital, -where she will have an operation for goitre as soon as her condition permits. We %vish her a complete recovery and returi'. Over $300,000,000 to be repaid the public THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT IS REDEEMING 15 MAY, 1940 ISSUE OF WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES COMMENCING 15 NOVEMBER Save this money. Start a Savings Account with your nearest branch of The Canadian Bank of Conunerce. You can add to it on the 15th ei each month as the Government redeems each succeeding issue of these War Savings Certificates. This Bank welcomes you as a customer. "It's Never Tec Late f Start a Savings Accounf THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R. B. Heard, Manager, Flesherton Branch 145-47 1 STRATHROY MAN WOULD KILL CATS FARM FOR SALEâ€" Approximately 60 acres, Township of Arteraesia, the North Half of lot 35, Con. 14. Good price for cash. Apply to Bog- don & Gross Furn. Co., Walkerton. FOR SALEâ€" Purehred reg. Shorthorn Durham bull, 15 months old, reas- onably priced; 50 N'HxRock pullets cheap for quick sale. â€" Ray Rich- ardson, Ix)t 11, Con. 18, Proton, or phone Dundalk 56w]. 2-3pl FOR .SALE â€" - .â- V few good young purfbred Scotch Shorthorn bulls by, "Merry Sensation," also a few females, cows and heifers. Pure- bred O.xfiird Down ram lambs. Good han<i picked apples, S(pics and other varieties. â€" Howard I. Graham, phone Markdale ^0r2 Remember those tiny silver five- cent pieces of years ago. Never since did 80 little buy so much for so many. Bentonite, a plastic clay-like min- eral used in oil refineries, will absorb seven times its volume of water. teachers, the Canadian Education to her usual good health. association estimated that an ei; rodinent this year of 9,508 teachers was needed. This enrolment said the association would make g^>od ' the existing shortage in three years and allow for ordinary replacements. The association could see no im- mediate alleviation for the shortage. This observation agreed with aducat- ionists throughout the country. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PJIYSICIAN A SURGEON Oimduat« of Toronto Univenlty Office: Kennedy Block Phone 77 Fleshertcv C J. BELLAMY Vir.LACB CLBBK (or tMam AffUtTitt W Mifflag* fleiM ^gnTAMOOfO iMMAiOM. WVUM, Mt. Notice of Mee!ting The annual meeting of the Grey County Federation of Agriculture will be hehl at Flesherton, Thursday, Nov. 13th. with morning session at 10 a.m. Dinner served by Flesherto'' W.I. .Afternoon session at 1:15. Guest speakers: K. N. Morrison, man- ager of Barrie Co-operative Packers, subject: "The place of Co-opcrativt .Meat Pncessing in Canada's Future -Vational Kcnriomy;" Rev. A. G. Rey- nolds of Annan, subject: '-Better Rural Living." Fi.nners of Grey, never in thf his- tory of .Aotriculture was the need of a strong Farm Organization as t;r'i'. as today. Come, bring yotir wives and enjoy a day tf;fte;her. Ross Bowsei*, Wes MagwooJ, President SecvJlarv NOTICE Trapping, hunting, fishing or tres- passing in any way. oii Lot 28, Con. 7, Artemesia, is strictly prohibited, â€"MABEL BETTS, R.R. 1, Flesherton T4MU wlnt«r dodiM may b« poa- proof tiMtt mothi alio had * time laat •aramer. We're beginning to believe that hens have found nut how much mas- ons are paid t« lay bricks. FARM FOR SALE In good fanning eomonuinity. Lot 8, Con. 8, Oaprey, 187 acres, ninety- serven cleared, the rest in bush and pasture; good buildings, cement stab- ling and water in bam; frame" house coated with asphalt shingles; Hydro installed, and rural mail delivery; the property of the late Geo. Lawler. Apply to Executors: Will E. Irwin, 1464. King St. W.. Toronto, Ont. or Walter Lawler, Bueeria. WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUiCTIONBBB for the Comity o# Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp alty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction \r guaranteed. Dates ai ranged «t Tlw Advance office or phone 4w. Spirella meets the wearer's needs for Style, Health and Comfort. Cloth or elastic girdles •ne - piece garments, brassiers and corsets, made from individ- ual measurements. MRS. A. E. BELLAMY Corsetiere Flesherton, Ont. A writer in the Strathroy Age- Dispatch recommends that all^cats be killed as a saving on bread- He estimates that there are at least eig"ht million cats in Canada, and the eli niination of these would mean the saving of approximately 243,333,090 twenty-four ounce loaves of bread during the year. We might remind him that this was tried during the war in Britain and the way that rats and mice and other vermin multiplied during the exiperiment soon convinced the pop- ulace that such was a mistake. No doubt the people of Canada would soon voice their abjections and be willing to feed a few cats for the good they accomplish along this line. therhood; 7:30 p.m. Eugenia: "Men and Missions" service conducted by the minister with assistance of local laymen. Friday, Nov. 14th: Eugenia Young People's Union will hold its first reg- ular meeting of the season in the basement of the church. All young peope of the community are urged to attend. A women bandit used tear gas in an attempt to rob a. store. The same old feminine story â€" ^tears for money- COLLECTIONS ....It's oilr long experience handling collections that makes possible the splendid results we effect for our clients... That is wby so many business and pro- fessional men send us their lists from year to year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AIKINS The Collectors ORANGEVILLE, Ont. * F. T. HILL & CO., Limited ;; United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson, Minister B.A. Sunday, Nov. 16th, 11 am.; St. John's: service withdrawn in favor of Baptist Brotherhood meeting in the town hall. All our people are urged to attend. 3 p.m. Proton Station: special singers from Baptist Laymen's Bro- > • • â- • > So/if ^^mfhf ^s^^if^ane m/e$ /6r AvaMf-^e Slsmce The work of burying telephone wires or placing them in overhead cable continues yeat. after year. Today, over 4 million miles of telephone wires, 95% of our total, are in cable, safer from storms. Service interruptions caused by weather are fewer, and still our constant aim is to provide even better service. Not only is our service becoming more dependable, but it's growing, too. We are filUng orders for telephoaea just as fast as new equipnaent is available. More telof^honea plus more dependable service â€" and always at the lowest possible cost â€" mean greater telephone valoe for every user. COMPillSY OF€ A.%ADA THK \W.l\. TELP.I*Kr\'K *♦♦ FOR TWO DAY'S ONLY FRIDAY, NOV. 14 and SATURDAY, NOV. 15 OUTSTANDING Grocery Bargains I NOTE THE PRICES â€" STOCK UP Purity Flour, 98 lb. bags $4.75 Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tins 2 for 17c Diced Carrots, 20 oz. tins 2 for 13c Diced Beets, 20 oz. tins 2 for 13c Standard Quality Peas, 20 oz. tins 2 for 27c Cut Wax Beans, 20 oz. tins 2 for 13c Red Plums, 30% sugar, 20 oz. tins 2 for 27c Assorted Soups 2 for 15c Orange and Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz 27c Heinz and Aylmer Baby Foods tin 5c Tomato Juice, 20 oz. tins 2 for 19c Fresh Ground Coffee lb. 33c Bulk Ceylon Tea 79c Large Post's Bran Flakes 2 for 25c Bread Flour, 7 lb. bag ...< 25c Currants 2 lbs. 45c Raisins 2 lbs. 35c Prunes 22c lb. While Fig. 19c lb. Dried Apricots 2Sc lb. Dried Peaches 32c lb. We have just reoeived a large shipment of SALMON ANY QUANTITY ANY QUALITY F. T. HiU & Co., Ltd Phone 7 Markdale \ ♦♦♦+<M"M'+****4'+'!'+***4"I"K r r r A ♦♦**'("H«*«*****.M"I>*! r