u V * 7 - > 4 V I â- ^'^ > .♦ k k t * Wednesday, November 12, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ll»I IH I tiH I » »» <'» «***^**l»»|i m>H * » ****tll»'li' H" H"HH , MEN'S WEAR FOR :: I â- •^â- ^â- â- iitMa ,, • > • > COLDER WEATHER \ \ OVERCOATS PARKAS WINDBREAKERS LEATHER COATS ' • ALL-WOOL SWEATERS UNDERWEAR HEAVY SHIRTS ODD TROUSERS • BREECHES RUBBER BOOTS OVERSHOES and GOLOSHES WORK BOOTS GLOVES and MITTS MUFFLERS SKI CAPS HUNTING CAPS KNITTING WOOLS A new assortment of colors in Two, Three and Four Ply Knitting Wools. Now on display. F. H. W. Hickllhs General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont I « M III I I H II I IIIIII IH'II II " I "« » " » « »« """"" * * We are sorry to report Mrs. Jas. Pedlar and Mrs. Harl Talbot suffer- ing: from severe colds. Mrs. Pedlar lias been under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooke of She!- burne spent a daj[ with Mrs. Cooke's sister, Mrs. Laurie Pedlar. Mrs. Pedlar and Mts. Allison accompanied them to visit Mrs. Jas, Stewart at Flesherton and Mrs. Ken Wright at Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love and Jean spent a day with the fomier's sister. Mrs. Robt. Hannah, at Berkeely. Mr. John McKee, accooupanied by Mr. Oscar McKee of Hamilton, leave this Monday moraing for Boakview with the High Falls HuTit Club. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hargrave of Wareham. Stanley Taylor of Ravenna spent the week end at his home here- EUGENIA The Y. P. U re-organized Sunday after Aurch service, witb Mr. Arthur Proctor as presidemt, and Misses J. Patterson, Irene Philips and Mr. G«oiige Proctor as eoMveners. Misses YivoiHie Genioe, Alice Tudor and Elea- nor Proctor are ailso on the executive- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith and children of Hawnilton and Mr. and Mrs- Eiwyn Boyd of Booklyn were recent visitors witti Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams Jr. of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee and friend of Toronto were week end vis- itors at the McKee home- iMi-. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Gait, his mother and sister, Mrs. El- ' wood Partridge and Shirley of Rock Mills, also Joan and Wayne McMaater were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns and Mrs. Evelena Graham attended the funeral of the late Mr. T- Hoggard at Thombury. We extemd our sym- pathy to the bereaved relatives. Mr- and Mrs. M. Haea and Jean- ette of Fleafherton visited on the week end at the Pinkerton home. PORTLAW Tbe hunters «rf th« Proton Hun* Cfliuib left for Keniniwunt, Haliburton. on Saturday morning. The following were in the party: Fi«d Tkylor, B«lt Sims, EJmersoii' Gallaugher, Prank Taylor, Alex. Hergott,.W©B MaeUem Pete Petri, Art Badgerow and Harry FisJier. , Mr. Luther Love is in Owen Sound serving on the Jury. Mr- Fred Plantt and son, Chester, also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons, were in Toronto to visit with Moirraj Fisher, who is a patient in the West- ern Hospital. Murray was severely injured while at his work in a bak« shop at Oakville. Mrs. Bob Meldruim spent last week at her home here and Bob accompan- ied her baelv to Toronto. ^ou&fSt/o^ iJRAY COACH vuNEsy LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7,40 p.ni: i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. g - Saturday only. Bus Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included QUEBEC - $59.65 WIXXIPEG - $50.05 HAL1F.\X 29.60 REOTX.\ 61.30 ST. JOHN 46.70 CALG.XRY - 81.35 TICKETS AND INFORM.ATION .AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, Ont. BUCKINGHAM Mr. Allan Tupling of Toronto spent a couple of days last week at his parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Udell Snr. of Max- well were at the home of JWr. anu MVs. Harry U<ieli, while the latter were away for the ,week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hough and children of Collingwood visited a wuek aj^o with his brother, Lloyd, and family here. Mrs. Mac. McLean O.f Rob Roy in- vited the members of the Ladies' Aid to her home recently to take advant- age of a lecture ami demoiistration conducted by two menibei'S of the staff nf the Sinsrer sewing: centre in Collingwood. Gelford MuHin and friend of Wiar- ton spent Sunday at the former's home here. Mr. Ji'i-k Banks acco«!,anied Mr and Mrs. Udell home, when they vis- ited the latter's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Banks, Brantford. Miss I>oris Smith of Barrie visited her mother, brothers and sister over the week end. ' ! â- ♦'> H > ♦'!â- ♦ ' >♦ ♦♦♦ <♦ 1 1 1 1 " H ' l '** H ' H '* * ' H"t" l "H" »»' H"l"l"l"I"I"P* - M "»« i MEN WANTED FOR PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT BY LARGE PROGRESSIVE COMPANY LOCATED ^ : IN NEARBY TOWN ; Good wages paid with ideal working conditions. Ap- I plicants must be willing to work on shifts. Boarding accommodation available. Reply giving age, marital status and any previous experience to: DOMINION WOOLLENS & WORSTEDS Hespeler, Ontario »44»4'H ">"t '< > i | i n >♦ n n 1 1 1 1 1 H I ^ ♦^^i♦' ^ ^' ^♦ ♦^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ â- ^ iâ- ^ ^ ^ ^â- l iâ- ^ ^ ^ '^»â- I ^' I '^^ 4" ^â- » An Ohio man, putting on a dress ahirt, s^vallowed a collar button. At least he knew where it was. "Political Pots Boiling"â€" headline, CK)oking an awt'ul stew. Golf rules say the player cannot change his lie â€" so when you reveal your score, stick to it. Don't tell all you know. It's dis- couraging to learn how little it is. Too many people seem to get the high standard of living confused with the standard of living high. REGULATIONS opplying to certain x^^s of ELECTRICITY IN ONTARIO WHEREAS the requirements of vrox production and the scarcity o£ materials since have restricted the construction of electric power developments; AND WHEREAS the consumption of electric power has continued to increase at such an accelerated rate since the termination of the war that consumption demand of consumers now serviced, without taking into account pending applications for power, has increased by 25 per centum over the 1945 consumption demand and if the Commission were to carry the reserve of 1 5 per centum considered provident prior to the war and absorbed in meeting wartime demands, the increase in power requirements would in fact be 40 per centum; AND WHEREAS the demand upon the Commission for electric power is substantially in excess of its electric power resources, and the Commission is or the opinion that a siaie of emergency exists and has so declared; NOWTHEREFORE the Commission makes thefoUowing regulations: REGULATIONS MADE BY THE COMMISSION UNDER THE POWER COMPASSION ACT L No municipality or municipal commis- sion receiving electrical power from the Commission shall without the written authority of the Commission supply or use or permit to be supplied or used by any po-^oon Lli€;- fclactrical power or any part thereof for the following purposes: â€" (a) lighting of interior or exterior signs; (b) interior or exterior lighting of show windows; (c) interior or exterior outline or orna- mental lighting; (d) interior or exterior lighting for deco- rative or advertising purposes; (e) out-door and flood-lighting for white- ways and for parking lots, used-car lets, service stations and out-door industrial premises above a minimum permissible only between sunset and sunrise, as follows: â€" (i) parking lots and used-car lots, 2 watts per 100 square feet of space only while open for business; (ii) service stations, 100 watts per gasoline pump standard, exclu- sive of lights in pumps, and only while the service station is open for business; and (iii) out-door industrial premises, amount necessary for working areas only; (f) the operation of air heaters, electric grates or electric boilers used for heating purposes in stores or offices; (g) street-lighting between sunrise and sunset; (h) lighting of marquees or sidewalk can- opies except 2 watts per square foot of fioor-space or sidewalk area cover- ed by the marquee or canopy between sunset and sunrise; »- (i) lighting of entrances or exits in excess of 5 '•'atts r t of width of the entrance or 'exit; and (j) lighting of interiors of business premi- ses after cessation of business with the public except the amount necessary to enable staff to work. 2. These regulations do not apply to, â€" (a) (i) flcod-lighting of airports; (ii) lighting for police and fire ser- vices and protection; (iii) lighting required by law; and (iv) lighting of direction signs and signs desigxiating the ofEce of a medical practitioner; and (b) the use of electricity for interior dom- estic purposes and in hospitals. 3. No person shall, unless under the written authority of the Commission, take from any municipahty or municipal commission any electrical power received from the Com- mission and use it for the purposes specified in regulation 1. 4. No person shall, unless under the written authority of the Commission, take any elec- trical power generated or procured by the Commission and use it for the purposes specihed in regulation 1. 5. These regulations shall come into force at One o'clock a.m. of the 10th of November, 1947. If further clarification is required please contact your local Hydro office. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO