Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Nov 1947, p. 1

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7 ^ i yOL. 67; NO. 24 FLgSHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY. XO\EMBER 12, 1917 W. H. Thurstcn & Son, Publishers, I .^ -1 *;•::! I jf :-.\<#*;s a a a Bank The vein proves rich, a *haft is ?mik. and a new niining town springs into life. The main street takes? form. Commercial buililiuiis rise. " Vhen such a development ix-curs, the serv ices of a bank are neevleil â€" to handle payrolls, to keep savings accounts and, as the to%\ n grows, to f Ornish bank credit for the needs of tlie community. This is a basic pattern in Canada's develop- ment. And part of it is the local bank manager, providing those financial services which help Canadian men and women to win the rewards of modern enterprise and modern living. tfONSoaio ir roui aANX Bus Killed Dm A Large buck deer was struck by the moniiag Gr«y Coaeh Lines buj j on Tuesday vbdl^ comi=g fn>m j Letters have be*ti recerTwi expr«$;i- Markdaie and was almost instantly j ing appreciation of recipiecta I'or the silled. The ar.nnal boarded orrco the | dwhin^ sent overseas last spring to road ahead of the bos a-id then | assist those in neetl OversMS Gifts Were Appreciated Has Tbne Of Your Subscription Expired wtirle<i to retam to the side of the roftd. bat not in time to escape being struck by the large vehicle. The bind le^ of the deer were smashed, be- sides internal injuries. The carcass was brought to Resb-irton by the bus driver and thee it was turned over to the Grey Couaty Hotte at llarkdale. Experienced hcnters who saw the deer staited that i; iiras one of the largest they had ever seen and w-ould weigh ahoat 300 coands. WiU RatdifFe President Vandeleur Fiurm Fonun \ ancelcur Fai'ni F ormn met on Mcnday evening. Xovember lt>th at the home oi Mr. ai<i Mrs. Will Johns- ton ar.d discussed the sut-ject "The Farmer Takes 3 Wife." Discussion centred on the position oi women on ihe lami- her likcS ar.<i dislikes etc., ar.d there was a marked isfference ci opinion on some things. Sdnie of;, the ladies felt that the farmer and his wife -should have a joint bank account, while others thought that seperale accou.its wo'j'.d be better. .\I1 -.vcre agreed however that aiod- em conveniences such as electrifi- cation and running water. b«t;ter health services, higrher income with shorter hours and better educational ar.d recreational facilities would 1 a-.ofce farm life more attractive for I the average woman. .A. gocd nsany names were signed tc a petition asking that treatment for the prevention of warble fly be rriiade compulsory in the township of .Artemesia. There was a sing song with Mrs. Carl Wilson at the p-an*. Crokinole was played ar.d l"nct was served. The following officers were elect- ed: President, WiD Ratcliff Vice Pros.- .V.ex G2ray Seciietary Treas.. Howard Grahaini i^ssistaj^t- Carl Wilson Ti«3. .\nionig those received was the follow- ing from .Arata Guiseppina of Cre- inonai, Italy, by Mrs- G. .A.. Hoitchin son of Flesherton. The letter was writteQ in Italian and was translated in Toronto. Dear lladam: .A. letter :n de<5t tc- offer you my sinc«rest ^i»titade. I have rtrceived the overcoat wntained in the U3rjJ.R..A. package tisac you forwurded. My gkft arrived and is more appreciated, since I have'i j oif it to o^ive to a family out of w«rk [ and sick. Thank you again and cor- dial greeiCines to you. â€" .A.rata Guiseppir.a. Cremona, Italy Two other short letters were re- ceived by Reeve K. G. Bens from re- std-ents of London. Erjariaiid. on forms i-upplied by the Or^tario British Fl-ood Relief, the agency which distrlbufied the supplies, as follows: Very many thiiniks for the clothing that I received for my bab\- and myself. I apprec- ated it very niuch. Thank you. â€" Mrs. EL Whitehead. 25 Aatill R ?ati. S. Totte.nihan. London X. 15. Ea3?i"n«i. The other was from Mrs- M. Dri ir. iO .Antill Road. S. Tottenham. Lor.d:a During the past coaple of Boath.^ a large na«ber oi tk« salMcriptioas to The .Adrance txpii^ Many hare b««n r«- iMwcd- bat tiiere are a somber yet wiM kare not loit in tlior reaewal We will be correetiag oar mailing K>>t in two weeks and woaM appreciate it very maeh if yoar anlificnptiaa wa:i paid, if it is in a.'retrs, so that we could include it in oar list to correct. With risB>S coats of pabtishing a newspaper, and also living costs. We would appreciate your attention to this matter at once. T>u»nk yoa. Remeffibrance Day| Service In Fleshertofl Lowering sices witch a l^rhit zt freetec rb-.-se who took part ii dLe nie!ric«iai service at the cenotaph In Meci-crial Park at 11 o'clock Tueadiay I .TxrrJjss- Despite the inciemenj: â-  w mt â-  "±.c- dtert -x-is a very j<}od »ttend- I arjce. Keeve HL G- Betts read th; â- ' honor roll. fcliow«d by the Las P»K j and RevedUe by Jack Perkkia. aad I the laying rf wreatiti by Mrs. Rcfai. Ladies' Night Held By Masonic Lodge j Thocapec-n a.nd Mr-i. C. Doupe Tf* â-  veterans and Ptiablic School chjidrtn t'en marched to tne town hall head- ed by the pipe band. Corrrii- F.ev. W. X. Whjto. E-D-. was j-ij. man for the occa.4icn aod fono^ring the call tc- Remembr«a«« the hymn "O God Our Hek in .Ac«a Pasit"' was sung by the rithertac. Comrade Rev. .\. G Macpherscn ?«»• the address and asserted that Ger- macv and Japa.n 'sr-r-x i-i-Jtely wabt they were Sghtinir frr. Did weT We knew than: we were ngtet- Lng agahist the definite tde«s id- vanct?d by those two cocatries. He itated that with d^nwcracy we ir» free to criticise a* ienwcracy X. 15: With many thanks for the rfothmg wiiich I received from the people of Canada. It is gratifj-ing for the people c.- .-eceive these letters and to know that their e.^orts in reHevirjg disct-oss ?rached the" people for wiwm the gifts â- â- vere intended and that they were srreatly aprreciated. Card of Tluudu Mr^, Ewcod Partridge and family aish to thank their friends, relatives snd neighbors for their many acts ot kindness a.-.d tributes during Mr. Ladies' night **-« observed by Prince .Arthur L'.>ige Xo. 333, .A-F. t-AJI- on Friday evening last when the mecibers brought their wives and lady friends to a splendid bin- cjuet served in '.ie large Danijuet roos: ijf the Fraternal Hail. Over one hundred aca thirty were served â-  fre^v adciined to be c5. for and by M a fowl dinner. fc-Uowtng .vhich a > the people, a-td if govemnLerst has nur.iiber of toasts were made, the . fallen i^owr or. thetr de«=<!cracy. ?t Srst being to the Sing, followed by â-  was the fanlt of the people, as so»- or.e to -he Craft, proposed by >I. S. j ernrr.enit !s re b^tte- than pcbSc McLeod and r€Spones 'was niade by | opinio n, so "t w:is the task to raise .Af. Down, Past DJ>.GJH. The toast { roKt-c ootn>>c. -o Grand Lodge was proposed by H- j ^^. Mawherson d«iar;d in :k^ iag Hs address that if cenicvracy 1 <k>es not work it is oar jwn fault. 01 Owen Sound. Past DJ>.G JI.. ; ^,3^ ^^ ^^ Srfrtins fo- th* ccb- vtarto- of Christian crrlizatloa -A McCauIey. Pasn: DD.G JI.. acd [ response was made by Wm. Morrow who spcke on tiie benevcient work [ of Grand Lodge, a.nd of the hoping ' hand extended to the widows and orphans cf formex members. He ' we havo T? T?0* Christ ; -ever had "t. and tl-at there much cf the sood-w-ll ot â- < thii wotW of todav.. Tt is aLs> mentioned the work done) ^^ ^^ ,^ ^^^ ^^ wh^the^ th.'s .roan- by the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1 the Province of Ontarto in relieving j distress among Mascns ir. England. 1 Scotland and Northern Ireland. j J, .A. R.^diards proposed the toast I to the ladies and Mrs. Wm. Gibson , Partridge's stay hospital. 1. Bom CRANE â€" At DurfcAm Hospital on Tuesday. Nov. 4th: 1?4T: to Mr. ."ind 1 M'rs. Mervyn Crane * Dorothy Welt- on) of Durham g daughter. Gloria Dawn. HAM.MIL â€" -At Mrs. N uhas Nur- sing Hcwie. Flesherton: on Tuesday; Nov. 11th: 1947: to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamroi! of Miuvwell s daugh- | ter- Brenda Laureen a sister for j Brian- in the Markdale j ^^"^"^ a neat reply. Several niosicai nunabers were gtven by Pipers Ran Hctchinscn and M. S. McLecd. ana .i "leasing trio, oo^lpc^sed of Frar i>j:toan, C. J. Beil^imy snd Ge«irgt Cairns, rendered two numbers. -*'â-  Mrs. John McWililam gave a sdc -T>e Rose of Trallee." wfaivh was j also enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs, Ray ' Pedlsr. with violin and "ranjo. with Mrs. Roy Krer acconspanynng. gave a couple of pleasing num'cers. Mr«. .A. E. B<ril entertained with a read- ing on an itscident of the .American War tVr Indeperderve . w'niv-h was well pr<?serited. Foilo.wiTwg tfe 'oanvjue; dancing trv wTil have C1t-'-T?*ian rfTil'3at-c>r worthf 'â- â€¢' •he b^hestt T>rrr"C^t»''«. V- M^.oT*'"^'"' -^skpd th^ aTi.?«t;<v" "T^.^NTv -"%'•â€" '>f tis ai^ r>r.n'T»ir onr Future Events D.ANCE IN TORONTO Join us again Saturday night, N loth for fun ar.d frolic :n the Fair bank Orange Hall. Vaughan Rd. :â- -• Lauder .Ave . and dance with Conr- St. John and His Orchestra â€" Davi.i Janiieson and Kenneth McKee, Rev, Macpherson was ^aest speak- er at a njemorial service held by the pupils of Dundalk High School on Monday morning- Tuesday evening the mennbers of Flesberton Bmnch of the Canadian Legion held their an:?ual fow^l »-jpper in Frate:-nal Hall. Card of Thanks In Mempriam W1CK.ENS~Ir loving memory of our mother, who died Xovein'oer Ijith. 15k34. We nwurn foi o!!e we dearly lov' For one we could not save, Belovev! in life and nwurnetJ ic death. : Remtn-bervd,.:" r'no irrave. ' I »; i ' Her lov:' . I, Thoush' yea;* mA,v pass away. ' "Cine loss c? 'n.,r wo sadly feel > 1 When at! is still w»r,d .cite-^s j .And sleep forsakes our eyes. [Our thoughts are in the-stlent grave 1 Whe»e our tiear Mother lies. ; What happy hours we once enjoyed. How sweet their memories stiU- F\;t they have left ;irv aching void The world car, :^'ver fill, â€" E>per re'mewbere\{| by Mr. and Mrs. John Wiokens and fair.ilv. .V. SI MV\Y SCHOOL .\NMAl E-\TERTA1NMENT The Saivatiou .Arrny Sunday School will hold their artnrual entertairament and prizes given for atteiidanc*, on Thursday, Xov. 20th. at S, in the Hail at Feversham. Everybody w come- V»"e ittrae yc-.i to come. Please bring iutKh. B.\2A,\R AND IH, VY MAXWELL .MaxweK United Churv h«.>{d a and ?tay v-r: Friday- X'.w. 21 St. with the b^uaar to cvm- \!Ke at 7 pan. pi-^y "The Little <- -oiihopper" will be putesenteil by thi? Kotmor vo'.M'e !v«.»f»le st i>:30. Ad- We v.-sh ex-ress ,"jr stnicere was enjoyed by the members for a ! ! tharJts anni appreciaition for all the short time. j kindness sho'\'~- , nient and" â-  in our bereave- ijeautiful doral ARTFMFi^lV NOMINATION FKID vY, N0\ FMBER 21 ON trtbtrtes. â€" ^Mrs. Root \V. V,<t;se and Fsmrlr Osteopaths discover .A:vtniesta Nomtr«tio" will be held! in :-»»e tcvii h»H- Flesheiton. Fridav, | ^ ^ , - v •. X<-v. 2Xst. at 1 o'clock p-m,. to r.<.n'-f««^ <?* ^* population have on« ie« Reeve a»ti :n3te If an eJectior to four Coanc' T* »eouired. it w â- â- 3?er than the ether. .AH of th« ling is bound to have some saA Villasire Council Sets Date Nomination For Nov. 21 CENTRAL LOCATION Oar aoavMiitnt location is readily amtmMh kgr tlM chjr't Itadinf auto- WMkOm tmi atrMt car tiMronchfaret. 3ates ann Maddocks fUNERAL CHAPEL â- t?4AvenupRd KI.4344 «•â- ?<•',â- â-  ". â- . ; 1 unch booth. CLKARING AllTlON SALE Farm stock, iaipienients and furn- iture on Frklay, Nov- 14.. the estatt of kite Henry Arh-..-tt. Warehartf. The fann, consprising Lots 1 -l:J. Con. 1. N.P.R., t.">sprey. containins: U\) acres. in ifood cotulitior. anul with ex- cellent biuldings. etiuipp^i with hydro, close to school and church, offeretl for sale .^t same time and place subject to reserve bid. â€" tieo E, Duncan, ,Auct:or!ieer. ST. JOHNS W'.A. BAZAAR The anniwl bazaar oif St. John's I'nited I'hurch will be held in the church basement Saturday. Nov. 2^. at 3 pji». .Afterrioon tea served. Watch for further annouiceraent. CONCERT .AT PLE£»HERTON OapM to Flesherton Town Hall on Tu<«3ay. Not. 18th. at S:80 to * splendid Scote* concert given by Durham and PrioeviUe district p«opI«. und«r the anapices 0* G«g«ni« WjV. At}"--^^:-.. â- >.>• :,.ul ?o^-. Hot o>>r? :i"d FU's Jerto", village Co'.:r.c:l v,:.-~ twvx â- ry-l;-.-.vs a: the regular n:e-, : Mcn.cay even:Rg. one setti-g th-.' 1. ca! Koaiitiati^' r'. fv>r F-''.',i" Nov Z and the «'wt » on MotKlay. l\-v Uu i.u-. ;.;t' o; '.< was far the a«toption of the assess- 'â-  nxent roll for liHS. The Council I aisthorized pajTne:-.c of St2 to GorvKin | Stusrt for one sheep killed by dogs, j Lome Turvey was awarder*, the con I tract for p'towing the village streets I at f4 plow. per hour- using the village -HAPPY HELPERS- AGAIN ACTIVF, THIS FALL â-  viv?. Conio -. -A I>!Pt> Ku! to grwt you. i"- bring will W 01; The -Happy HelT>ers" COIT of St. John's L'nhed Church are again act- ive this fall. Tfcey held a much- en- joyed Halkvsve'en party at which Muriel Sparks won the pri»e for the >*« Sfiri's costume and Harold Ha ihot> for the boy*. Satarday last th* irirls 1»*H a Country Fair in the baseineiYt of the chupeh. PatTMS* and customers vis- ited the Hot dog stand, the baraar. the fish pond, were served tew and v"<ttfs* ***«? •*'* ^.v3.y, w^^**â- ^- ''"^r n"0-i* •he world was o- . r ov?r J2C' vva * DEPENDABLE At .4LL HOUK*. ia all kind* oi «M titer. »he'i tt h«r {.Hwt. You count on her •ltd the'* proud of it. H ith *witohbo4rdd btMi<r ^an rv(r because oi tjM â- laov more telephone*, h«n » »tiU "Ibe >^»«rit of S«r. vice." More teiei>tMN>«a ar* beiof added ri^ht aloof. Owr cocwtaat •ob W to provide Bw* and better atwav* at tbe Mt . . . t* firt* fMater vahw t* cvwy 1BI till c*ar«iT I realiaeu by :h« griiis- .&.

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