* r 7 ^ Wednesday, November 5, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \ ^ ( ^ -* A h V » li MEN'S WEAR FOR COLDER WEATHER OVERCOATS PARKAS WINDBREAKERS LEATHER COATS AEL-WOOL SWEATERS UNDERWEAR HEAVY SHIRTS ODD TROUSERS BREECHES RUBBER BOOTS' OVERSHOES and GOLOSHES WORK BOOTS GLOVES and MITTS MUFFLERS SKI CAPS HUNTING CAPS KNITTING WOOLS A new assortment of colors in Two, Three and Four Ply Knittinof Wools. Now on display. F. H. W. Hickling General Merciiant FLESHERTON, 0nt EUGENIA STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whitney of Markdale visited on Sunday vnth Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters. Mr. Elmer Wrigbt of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright of Berkeley were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous visited on Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. Frank Betts at Rock Mills. Mr. Robt. Fenwick of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Miss Donna Little of Dundalk spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Mi-s. Bill HoUingshead of CoUing- wood visited lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo- Priestley. COLLECTIONS ....It's our long experience handling collections that makes possible the splendid results we effect for our clients... That is wby So many business and pro- fessional men send us their lists from year to year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AIKINS The Collectors ORANGEVILLE. Out. Canadians will kick less about the higher prices, in so far as they are brought about by dropping Govern- ment subsidies, if they can be as- sued that they will get the money back in Itower taxes. â€" Ottawa Journal SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GAR5IENTS We are sorry to hei-e that Mr. Elwoo<i Partridge who returned home fro-m Markdale Hospital on Friday, had to return to the hospital ag-ain on Sunday. We sincerely hope that Mr. Partridge will have a speedy recovery. Mr. Cecil Magee of Malton Hosp- ital spent the week end with his wife and son here. Mr; and Mrs. Hedley Lehman, new- ly\veds and their mothere, Mrs. R. Lehman and Mrs. Reta Regan of To- ronto spe»t the week end with the former's grandfather, Mr. Jake Will- iams. All were callers on the Martin family and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Will iaflis on Sunday. Mi-s. Eldridge Boyce and little son I>avid spent Friday and Saturday with her husband in Toronto. Mr. Chas. Williams and Mr. Robt. Purvis spent a few days in Toronto. While there Mr. Purvis celebrated his birthday along with Joyce Purvis whose birthday falls on the same day We wish them many happy returns of the day. Mr. Chas. Martin received word that his brother, Will, was ill in Owen Sound Hospital with pneu- 0% pBoa aq; uo .».ou si ;nq 'ciuaiu ' recovery. j The play "Spanish Onion" was well I given by the Honeywood Dramatic Club in the church here under the aivspices ocf tt« W.A- *n Monday evening, October 27. Congratulations to Mr. .\rt Mc- Donald and Mrs. E. Henry of Flesh- erton who were married on Sat., October 25. CEYLON VICTORL\ CORNERS SpircUa meets the wearer's needs for Style, Health and Comfort. Cloth or elastic girdles one - piece garments, brassiers and corsets, made from individ- ual measurements. MRS. A. E. BEIJ.AMY Corsetiere Flesherton, Qnt. ^<^^St^ LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Tkae) TO OWEN SOUND d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. To TORONTO 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m : i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only Daily except Sat. g - Saturday only. Bus Connections «t Brampton for London and ftt Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included QUEBEC - $59.65 WINNIPEG - $50.05 HALIFAX - 29.60 REGINA 61.30 ST. JOHN. - 46.70 CALGARY - 81.35 TICKETS AND INFORM.-VTION KT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton. Ont. Monday of last week being Wm. Crockford's sale, the ladies of the Inistioge W.A. undertook a sale of hot dogs, sandwiches, pie, tea and coffee which after all expenses were defrayed, netted Chem about $2»J.0O Two new telephones were install- ed in oUr neig'hbourbood on Tuesday in the home of .Arthur Nichols and Jos. Forbes, the latter's number be- ing 44r4. Hallowe'en night approched in a very clear passive mood on Friday nigbt. Few pranks were reported Forties were the order of the even- ing with two in our midst, one given, by the Inistioge W. A. in the home of Mr. iind Mrs. Patterson and the other sponsored by the Proton Stat- ion W.I. in the Proton Hall. Prizes were given for the best costumes, which were numei-ous an^j difficult to judge. An e.\cellent nights enter tiiinment was reported at each party. Mrs. Elmo Stevens, accomp.-inied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crockford to Par- ry Sound oi> Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson ac- companied Mr- and Mrs. S. Sherson and Mrs. Wm. Retldick on Wednes- day, to Elora. to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reddiek and Phyllis. Welcome news to the householders euu's this Monday morning is the removal of sugar from the list of ratione<i goods. This is a grand finale to the wartime rationing. Mr. and Mrs. .\rt Jackson. Billie and Joan motored to Bratitford an^ visited v.-ith Mr. a"<i Mrs. Glon Jack- son, during the week end of Oct. 25 and 26. In their absence Mr. and -Mrs. Ray Jackson took over the farm duties. CAPACITY OF TEAM Tests made at the Cetitral Experi- mental Farm. Ottawa, show that a liorse can pull 10 to 12 per cent of its weight and travel 20 miles a Jay wiithout unchie ftotigue. .\ suitable load for a 3,000 lb. team is 300 to 360 lib; for 3 horses 450 to 540 lb.: and for 4 horses, 600 to 720 lb. .\ teami can pull, up to Sa per cent of their weight for a few feet. The sympathy of bhis community is e.xtended to die widow and family and relatives of the late Robt. Vause of the O.D.R. district who passed away last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cainis and children spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scrace. Todmorden. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McNally of Travers:_n visited last Saturday with Miss M. Hemphill and Mr. S. Hemp- hill. Mis.s H. Balantyne, Mrs. C. Ban- ley. Miss N. McMaster and Mr. F. Miller yisited last Sunday with Mr. K. Muir and Mr. Dodds of Holstein. Mrs. E. Simiiiie of Toronto ^nsited with friends in the village the past week end. Mrs. Matt Hunter of Brampton, spent the week end with her father, Mr. J. Kennedy. Messrs James Turner. R. J. Turner. Wra. Turner, Mrs. Robertson and daughter. Anita of Shelburne visited last Sunday with Mrs. Joseph Oliver and R. C. Oliver. Messrs, Beverly Young and Lloyd Young of Singhampton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lather Duckett. Mr. Harold Tracy of Toronto gave a surprise visit by plane on Sunday to this part of the countrj- and drop- ped a parcel and letter to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson as he passed over their home, circling tliree times over the house. Needless to say Mr. and ilrs. Gibson were tiu'illed by their pleasant surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allan of the Sault are v-isiciug friends of the O.D.R. district and attended the funeral on .Mbnday of the late Robt. Vause. The Ceylon Young People also Mr. and Airs. Robt. Rutledge spent j Halloween evening as guests of Mr. | and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead. wix;n j a very pleasajit evening, consisting | of games sing-song and a beautiful unch by the genial host and hostess was enjoyed by those present. The Young People ajid their sponsors are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Wnite- head for providing the wonderful Hallovve'en eveninij of fun. The Ceylon Ladies' Aid held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Jas. McMullen last Wednesday even- ing, the meeting being a ion of the regular meeting and a bazaar and Halloween social. The president. Mrs. Wm. Gibson, presided and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes acted as secre- tary in the absence i^f Mrs. Goessell Rev. ttindier took the (ipvotional, with Miss Balantyne as piailist. Mrs. M. T. Hogarth and Miss E. Aitken put on a very amusing Hallowe'en program and also a jolly sing song with Mrs. Hogarth as pianist. There was a large number of visitors and men>l)ers pi-esent The presence af the Flesherton ladies of the W. A. was much appreciated. The bazaar con- sisting of a sale of home made bak- ing, hand made arcticles of .sewing and the lunch collection, realize<i the tidy sum over $40.00. A lovely lunch was served at the close i>y the host- ess and her assistant. Mr. John Probe. M.P.. of Reirina Sask. was a recent guest of Miss .\gnus McPhail. A Message of Importance to Cream Producers Since Ceram is aui exceptionally good price, it is worth-while to maintain the maximum production of your dairy herd. Nothing will cut produrtion more sharply than the pro- ducing cows being left out during the unex- pected cold nights. It is, therefore, advisable to stable the milch cows at night from now on. Poultry We are in the market for large quantities of poultry. We buy them alive or 'dressed, or do custom killing. DUCKS AND GEESE With the present high feed prices, we think is advis2d>le to market your Ducks zmd Geese now, instead of waiting for the Christmas market. Our prices are good. Flesherton Creomery A. 5 us Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, rio PORTLAW and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum visit- ed friends at Rob Roy last week. •Miss Evelj-n Fisher of Owen Sound combinat- ! spent the week, end at her home. Mrs. M. McMullen of Flesherton and -Mrs. Nell Linton of Victoria Cor- ners spent a few days with Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor and sons. Mr. Fred Taylor and Sta:;ley visited o;; Sunday with Mr. and 3Irs. Bert Wyatt at Walkertor:. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Panon and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar were in Toroiuo at the weeK end. Miss Bertha Winters and Mrs. ..\lice Graham of Toronto visited re- cently with their niece. Mrs. Lamie Pedlar. Mr. and .Mrs. Oscar McKee and Barbara of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jxjhr. McKee and Mr. and Jlrs. Norman Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Bv. Blackburn. Allan and Ruth, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart to Toronto at the week end. KIMBERLEY .\nother movie actress reports the theft of valoiable jewels. What were they worth. Oh' aibout a half a col- umn in the newspapers. REMEMRANCE DAY Tuesday, Nov. 11 SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all point«i in Canada and to all United States border points F.VRF, .VND ONE-THIRD For the Round Trip Go: all day Monday. Nov. 10th, until 2 p.m., Tuesda.v, Nov. 1 1th Return: leave destination not later th^n midnight. Wed.. Nov. 12th. MINIMUM SPECI.\L F.VRF .\dult» or Children . . .lOr Full particulars from any agent Everyime is enjoying tile pnolong- ed Indian summer, and the apple picking in pretty well done. Mrs. S. S- Burritt is holidaying with her son, Norman, at CheesviWe. .\ social evening was spent i<i the community hall in honour of the nowly weds, Mr. and llrs. Ted Mc- Cracken. The young couple were presented with a purse of money, electric table lamp and other gifts. Mrs. M. F- Ferguson is visiting with her daughter. Mrs. O. E. Baker, at Heathcote. The Woman's Institute members and their families enjoyed a chicken supper and card party on Thursday evening which was held in the com- munity hall. Mr. aj\d MVs. C. Ward and family acconnijanied by Mr. and M'rs. Chas. Fawcett spent Susiday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Camack of .\nton Mills. An L.O.B-A. was organized in Kintberley on Saturday with nine- teen ladies joining. Mr. and Mrs. Veniou Cornfield, recent groom and bride, have moved to their home north of here. .A Chicago motorist says he never has been thanked by hitc-h-hickei,* he picked up. He should have thank- ed them for leaving him his car. 6oMaJljiaM.(}aci(slc Their cars collided, Jock and Pat were sm-veying the situation. Jock offered Pat ;i drink from his hottie, Pat drank and Jock returned the bottle to his pocket. "Thanik you," said Pat. "but aren't ye going to have : of a nip youi-sclf?" ".A.ve." replied Jock, "but not until 1 M. .'â- (•(> h':(VC -'If'- ll.,l''V" PRICEVILLE Mrs, Joan Wlvyle retumad after spending uvo wee^s in the Owen Sound Hospital. Mr, anTT Mrs. Bert Watson and Betty of Toronto, spent the past week with his sister. Mrs. Ed Dingwall and other friends. Mir. and Mrs. .\rchie McKechnie and sons spent a day visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker and his mother spent a day at Slielburne last week. Mr. Ernie Williams and son Eddie spent a couple of days '.w Toronto last week. Messrs. Gordon and Archie Stur- ivok. Mrs. Dick Carson and Nancy spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Jim Stun-ock visited with her sisters at Brampton and Georgetown. Mr. &nerson Meads of Guelph spent the week end at his home. Mr. and .Mrs. .\. L. Hincks visit- ed Satui-day evening: at Mr. J. Mc- Parlane's Mrs. C S. .McLean of London is M)ending a week visiting with friends u-ound this community. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson visite<i i-ecently with friends at Mono Mills. Mr. ami Mrs. J. .\. Nichol and Mrs. T Nichol visited Sunday with friends at CoUingwotHi. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MoCarthur and babe of Toivuto spent a couple nf days with his aunt, Mrs. B. Mc- .\rthur. Mr. W Meads. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campliell and Mrs. Percy Sims spent Monday at Kitchiner. Miss Lottie Whittaker of Toronto spent the week end witl' her aunt Mrs. Spicer. All.,..; >' ,, .1 A ^^., â- ,,f Du;,.. ham spent a few days with Mr. Mrs. Bi-adey Irwin. Mrs. Alma Knox of Guelph, Mrs. J. MhMurdo of Owen Sound spent the week end at die home of Mr, Wm. McMurdo. MAXWELL The W.I. held ^ very successful Hallowe'en masquerade dance on Friday evening. A large crowd were present fi-om ail directions of the counti-y. Prizes were won by tho following: Bride and gi-oom, Mrs. Wm. Kerton and Mrs. Ken Beard of CoUingwood; Clown. Miss Yuvonne Davison of Fevershani; Hallowe'en oosrume. Vernon Long: C.omic, Mrs. Lola Cameron of CoUingwoo^i; Pat- riotic. Miss Marie Blakey. Ma-^avell; Fat lady. Mr. Ken Beard of Colling- wood; Invpersonation. Mrs. Chattei-- son of Colling^vood. A good time was. had by everyone. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tel- ford Ferris over the week end were; her mother. Mrs. Hunking and Misa Elva Hunking of Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunking and Mr. Willis Hun- king of Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Seeley speijt t;he week end in Toronto "Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McLeod of Toronto and Mi's. S;»die Priestley of CKven Sound spent th« week end witii Mr. and Mrs. .\ngus McLe<td. Mr. and Mrs. .\ndre\v Pallister had all their faanily home fo the week end i.amely: Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Pallister and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Pallister and Mr- Guy Pallister all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Everett. Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. D. .\. Wintei-s and children. Clarks- burg, Miss .lean Guy of Flesh- erton and Mr. Saindson of Todmoi"- den. Mrs. Robt. Lockl'^rt and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lockhart and children of Collingwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and M'rs. Goldie Udell. Sunday Hunting To Be Stopped At Durham .\ Glenelg fanner was in this office yesterday to complain of certain par- ties of running dogs and hunting on his property, and on farms in the district. This practice is illegal and he asked us to put in a warning, char- ges will bo laid. He stated further, this is the la.st warning. :>nd that if the hunting continues he will immed- iatly institute pi-oceedings. as he knows the names of all breaking the law against huntir;^ and dischargr- ing firearms on Sunday â€"JXirhaw ChIâ- ol1ic^J;. '•Father, w^tat is a traitor in pol- itics?" ".\ man who leaves his party and goes over to the other side." "What is a man who leaven his party and comes over to yours?" •'.â- \ V " '-ivassjs