i > / y r Classified Advertising AGBNT8 WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, iUMCticldu. Bleetric Penca Controllers. Houm and Bars Paint. Root Coatlnga, (to. Dealara wanted. Writ* Warco areaw * Oil Limited. Toronto. MAKE MONEY AT HOME Dopenilablg Company baa opening for hard- worklnff. dependable applicants between 15-60. part or full time basli... Excellent remuoent- tlono. Blue Brand Producta, 7227 Alexandra. Montreal. BC8INK88 OPPOKTUNiflXS Memorial Service in memory of the men who di ed at Hong Kong was held in front of the City Hall, Toronto- Wreath was placed by the widow of Rfm- William Nicholson, Royal Riflei of Canada. Veterans received colors from Mayor Saunders. TEENTOWN TOPICS B= By BARKV MURKAR = "Well, it's about time you got here," snorted Susie, ar 1 came to ji stop at Iier front veranda. "I had to pump up the tire on my bike," I shot back, "Are you kids all set? I've got the weiners and the buns." Susie, Gwen and Don got up off the step and proceeded !o tic the bags containing the lunch to their ikcs. "Do you think It will rain?" ask- ed Gwen. "It's .(jetting a little dark in the west.' "Xah." I replied, "I can tell by the clulmulus, or whatever it is." "Just what are you trying to give us now?" scoffed Susie. "An air force guy told me all about it. You can tell the weather by watching for the cold fronts. . . I think. No rain today, kids. Take it from an old weather prophet." "Huh and pooh and huh," chor- used three voices. We started out north of town with everyone convinced there would be no rain. It was a beauti- ful day. One of those cool fall days â€" that make you feel glad to be alive. The bright sun brought out all the autumn hues of the turning leaves, and the brown stubble in the fields beside us looked lonely and forgotten. '"Let's go up to the 7th. along to the Brock Road and down to the 4th," I suggested. "We can cook supper over an open fire in the bush; and I know just the spot." • Everyone seemed satisfied with this idea and we rode gayly along, singing and talking. Three miles north, my back tire went down and I slowly bumped to a stop. "It's beyond me how you do it," groaned Susie. "If anyone can louse up a plan, it's you." "Now don't get your braids tan- gled," I cracked. "It's only a "v^lve." ""Look's like a hole in the tube," offered Don. It was. And there we were. We hailed a kind-hearted motor- ist and hoped that he would have some patching equipment. To our surprise he did have. We soon had the tire fi-xcd and were on our way. Four miles and eight conces- sions later, Susie was chinning the handlebars from exhaustion. Gw^n groaned with every push of the pedal, while I tried to cheer them on. And nio with calluses on my •calluses. W"e reached the bush at last. A path winding off the roadway to the right led into the heart of the tall green trees. Digging a hole in the ground in a nice clearing, we SQon had a crackling fire going. <jwen and Susie sprawled out on the ground, weary and sore. "Reminds me of my boy scout days, Don. If we had time, I'd start tliis fire witli just two sticks of wood." "We have to get home tonight," moaned Susie. "Make with the heat and get those hot dogs roasted." , "There's a woman for you, Don. They don't get the feeling of the •woods like us men. \o sense of jioneerlng, no feeling of being ilone In the bush to survive or â- Mf and only your bare hands to irovidc. They want it just like at loine. Served ui> on a platt â€" ". "Oh, for goodness sake, shut up ;nd get tho.;e hot dogs on," inter- upted Susie ag.".iu. In a few in!nutes, the smell of K>t dogs, mustard and roasted ap- ples pernualed the air. "i\ty go,--h, it's starling' to sprin- kle," warned CAveu. lit a mailer of niiiiutes. a wild »nd windy tliiinder.-.torni broke all ground us. Kiinning through the Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS = ("A Sixbit Critic") == Down in wartime Washington a couple of reporters, just as a gag, cooked up a highly imaginary yarn about the Emperor Hirohito having made a hush-hush flying trip to Allied hcadtiuarters for the purpose o- talking peace terms. They confided this piece of "information" to just one man, swearing him to secrecy. Inside nf six hours that identical story, having taken wings to itself, was back to Washington as an authentic piece of "news" from the Pacific Coast. * ♦ ♦ This was cited, by the newspaper from which we copied it. as a start- ling instance of the speed with which gossip gets around in time cf war. But to anybody at all familiar with the way rumors travel at a race- track, it will seem comparatively snail-like. We recall an afternoon at Thorncliffe when a couple of guys, for no good reason except that they had nothing belter to do, decided to fabricate a red-hot "tip," start it on its rounds, and then see what would happen. * * » Thcv selected a steed we'll call RUMP ROASTâ€" the very worst horse in the race just coming up. Getting together in a secluded por- tion of the paddock, but taking care there was a single bystander within earshot, one of them murmured con- fidentially to the other, "I just got word from the stable that this is going to be a shoo-in for RUMP ROASTâ€" every jock in the race will torrent of rain with what food we could grab, each of us stood under a tree. "I'm soaked and my hair has all come out," wailed Su.--ic. "I'm cold ivet and I aclie all over," stbbea Gwen. "Some week- end this is." Three pair of eyes from under three different trees turned â€" and the burning gaze of all three stretched across to the tree under which I was standing â€" with the rain dripping down my neck frod the branches above. "There now, smarty," sneered Susie, in my direction, "my week- end guests are sorry they came, and it's all your fault." "Stay here and I'll run down the road to a farm house and phone to town for a taxi," I offered. "Forget it, w'e'll all go.'' said Don. "We can't get any more wet than we are." So we started off, splashing our way down the muddy road. Pant legs lost their creases, sweaters turned color from red to pink and, a we walked, each of us could feel the water oozing out of our shoes. Riding home in the taxi, I could hear the muffled voices of the other three in the back scat. I think it was Don wht said: "well, if he didn't know how to prophesy tly>,weathcr by looking at the sky, w^y didn't he shut up? " "You could ask that question after a lot of things he says," an- swered Susie. .\nd so we finally arrived home after a bike hike and " picnic in the country. HewteComlMf RHEUMATKnUN Rhcimntk paint may often Im ciumiI hif ncui uric icid, • h l iad iui i miiti f liiil (houM b* uiractea by Ih* UAm;*. If kidneys hil umI axceM nric Kid rMBaim. S may cauM tntn dii c f h rt and puB. Treat itiMBUtic pains by kMpinf y(W kidEwys in food comfiliaa. Get and hm Dodds KkkNT Pill*. Dedd's help ymr 'i-'ners get rid of trwdile mitun poieeM 1 oicota scidsâ€" hob yeu ieol beH w. V :t «hil Dodtft (â- â- do f ihr joik W have a ticket on it, and the owner has wired away five frand on iti nose." (This owner, by the way, didn't have five thousand cents to bless himself with, let alone that many dollars, and evervbody knew it.) * « « Having thus sown the good seed the two conspirators proceeded, in a leisurely manner, through the crowds. Before they had travelled the length of the grandstand they had received no less than seven dilTcrent tips on RUMP ROAST, one good pal even dashing down from the press box to let them in on "the hottest thing of the meeting"; and the probable odds on that steed, which had opened at a legitimate 50 to 1, now stood at 9 to 5. * t * The sequel ? Well, by the lime they rc:;c!icd the Club House lawn, news of the coming "killing" had reached such proportions, and bore so many earmarks of authenticity, that it ap- peared to be an opportunity too golden to be overlooked. And you needn't peg this as merely a flight into the realms of fancy either, seeing that we were one of the pair that started this wild rumor â€" and ended up bv bettini; on our own fabrication. As for RUMP ROAST, he finished a bang-up ninth in a field f ten. one of the others pulling up with a howcd tcn<l<in. * « * Our educational and church aulh- urltics are cotitiiuially deploring the evil effects of sensational "comic" books, lurid tiioz'ies. and crime- fea- tiinnci radio dramas on young and grooving tninds, and zvishitig our boys ard girls zi'outd take greater interest i» literature of the better sort. Such being the case, why is it that they stilt insist on building Public Libraries zihich, from the outside, are just about as attractive and glam- orous as some Morgue or Isolation Hos/'ital:' In these days of modern merehaudistng, [>ackaging is almost as important as contents; and if we ever saw a Library that was even one-tenth as inviting to youthful eyes as an ul>-to-date Soda Bar or Movie House, ire Kould hare greater hope for the success of the "better read- ing" movement. KH OFFER to every inventor â€" Llat of Inven- tlona and full Information lent free. The Ramsay Co.. Reglitered Patent Attorney! J71 Bank Street. Ottawa. INVENTORS Let ua help you sell that Invention. We contact hundred0 of flmu waitlnr for sood Ideas. Burntwood Ajmcs*. 268 Keewatln Ave., Toronto. FOB liAL£ QREEX LICAF farm dual â€" Purpoae Short- bornH: offorlns t year old proven aire, bull calves 6 to 11 monthH. â- tn'eral young female*. Gordon A. Woeiflo. Route 2. Klti-hener, Ont. RECORDS. Free catalot'ue of favorlta hill- billy and dance artiato. National iUUez Ltd.. Dcpt. O. 438 Portas* Ave. Wlnnlpr«, Man. STURDY Latham Raspberry Canes for frill planting, $5.00 per lOO. Premier Straw- berries $2.00. A. Crowle. R.R. No. 1, !â- • lUiitrton. Ont. WOLF. Fox. Mink Trappers use only the best, complete syaiem. Fishers trapping course and stand scenta. Full particulars. A. E. Fisher. Box 420. Calgary. Alberta. HELP WANTED BABT CHICRb 600 WHITBJ LBQHORN pulleU. « months, laying, $1.40. Duncan MacDonald, Ethel, Ontario. DON'T WAIT UU you want them â€" Order No- vember-December chicks now. Ask for par- ticulars. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N. Ham- ilton. Ont. PULLET BARQAINS while they last. White Leghorns, Black Minorcaa x White Leg- horns, White Xiechorn r Barred Rocks. Black Australorp z Whits Leghorns, six weeks. .46c T weeks. .66c, 8 wecka .660. Assorted Light and Medium Breeds, fl weeks .40c. T weeks .50c, 8 weeks, .90c. Top Notch Chlckerles. Ouelph. Ontario. FREE range pullets,. 12 weeks to laying White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. New Hamp- ablres. White Rocks, Light Sussex and many other popular breede. Also day old chicks booked to order. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chlckerles. Ouelph, Ontario. DON'T MISS these pullet bargains. Six. seven and eight week old White Leghorns, White Leghorn x Barred Rocks. Barred Rocks x White Leghorns.. Austra Whites. Only a lim- ited quantity. Send for reduced prloellat. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. FREE RANGE Pullets. 12 weeeks to laying. Barred Rocks, New Hampshlres, White Leghorns. White Rocks. Light Sussex. Also day-old chicks booked to order. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. FerKTis, Ontario. oYEiNa ksny cuEANiNa HAVE 700 anything neeas dyeing or clean- ing? Writs to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department a. Parker's Dye Works Llmiled. 791 T tp Street. Toronto. Ontario FARMS FOB SAL& I-'ARM for sale, 300 acres, 15 miles east of Parry Sound. For full particulars, write S. J. Fisher. Parry Sound. Ont.. R.R. 1. FARM FOR SALEâ€" 150 acres, good buildings. 2 miles 'rom St. Thomas on No. 4 Highway. Known as D. L. Gilbert farm. Examine prop erty and send offtir to executor. W, L. Gilbert. 36 Yale Street. London. ATTENTION FAR.MER8 FOR SALEâ€" Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting nn steel wheels. $15.00 each, rear wheels; %"> 50 each, front wheels. When ordering statt* dinmeter and width of wheela N'atinnal Rubber Co. Ltd.. 6 Wilt- shire Ave . Toronto. Ont JOHN DEKHE No. 101. ono-row Corn Picker Ufied - HeiiHons. Intcrn.itional No. 2 Corn Harvi'sU-r. uaeU one season, alio Buck Rake. .^llen Weber. Elmira. R. 1. Ont. FOB ».\l.t. BREEDERS OPPORTUNITY! Yonns pair Cocker i^p.iniela (bree'lers). â€" Seven ty-Iivo Dollars the pair, resist ered, prtivun. bei.t breeding, blonde. Cm'Iter Puppies: females fifteen dollars, papers extra. Black female six months J.I'i.OO. Yorkshire. Timmins. Ontario, DRILL presses complete with motor imlley. '*! ciipacity precision chuck, mortising at- tachment, mortising bity. snmler attnchmcnt. Sell in whole or parts. Write Tool & En- pineerinc To.. Box 4*i''. St. Catharines. Ont. FOX .inil (l->er hounds, bred from choice stock. B. i:. Tripp. 11. R No. 3. Oshnwa Ont. FOR .SAT-E â€" rower Ice cutier. Ice slusher, Ic ailer and iee tools. A. Leclorc, Box '59, Chapleau. Out. FASHION RITE Anporas. Excellent wooUere. developed from hielieat prize winning Can- adian .'â- trains.. Selected Seniors and .Tuniors, $10.00 and $6.00 each A. Geberdt. Mi pie Drive .\n(;ora Ranch. Route 1, .Ayton. Ont. JOHNSO.N Iron Horse euKint-s, '^a H.P. $51 45 1.34 HP. $70.00. Immediate delivery. Cur- rey Bulmer. EftMnton A Rathnrst. Toronio. PL'PS. part Si. l^-rniird ;>nd (ireat Dane, fawn with black mask. 7 wepk."? old. ni:ile. $20. EiMic Hummel, po'v.i. Hnn. 2 REDRONE females, year old. $ir>.00. V.\:\c\i and Tan PuppIpm, $«.00. Mvn-ney Wleltens. Frankford. Ont. CIll'ISCll for sale. T'**. Mnst be sold â€" no winter HTorage. First cla: b runnintr order Box lOS, Napnnee. Ont, Sing Sing prison gets its name from the Indian words "ossine os- sine," meaning "stone upon stone.** SLOANS Good for IHRED MUSCIES «IUSr f>AT IT ON TURN YOUR B.faS inlo cash. Wanted â€" Cot- ton anti used bags of every desrrilitiun. whole or torn. HiKhest caiih prieea paid. Lon- don Buff Comiian.v. London. Ont. QUILT PIECES^Hand : ize and larger all laid flat. Cotton prints and stripes. F<nir (4) polinda for Jl.OO. Oual-nntoed or money refunded. Free â€" It! quilt patterns and Ingtruf- tiona. Free â€" Detailed carpet knittinu In.ilruc- tons. Lnrce quantity cotton, silk, wool under- wear. towt^IlioK remnants â€" full wiilths. tip to 5 jrds. Ions. For full information write ..\3s0- clated Converters Inc.. 4084 .St. Lawrence. Montreal. MIDDLE-AOBD Housekeeper tor farm home, near town: good cook. Melvin Hummel, Box 701. Chestervllle. Ont. HAIBPaESSINO LKARN Halrdreulnc the P.obertaon tnethod. loformatlon on raauut recardlns olauw. Robertson's Ralrdresslns Academy. 117 At*. nus Road. Toronto. mtDlCAL TRY ITI Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Uunro's Drue Store. 835 Elirin, Ottawa, Post- paid, tl.OO. PIZ.es â€" Nothinv else you can buy has the same Internal action as Pyltonn Pile Remedy. Th.^s liquid (taken by mouth) la compounded from special Balsams, Gums, and Plant- Extracts. It sets results because It soes directly to the Internal cause of Piles. That's the reason for Its succccss on the most stub- bom cases. This modern w.ty of treatlns that Internal trouble Beta results that last. One bottle of Pyltone Is enough to prove lU healing power or price refuded at once. That's our guarantee no matter how long standing your case may be. Your Druggist has it; or can order It for you. OOOD RESULTSâ€" Every sufferer from Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 3.15 Elgin, Ot- tawa, Postpaid Jl.OO. OFPOBTPNl'nM rOB WOMKt BE -K HAIDRESSBS JOIN CANABA'S LEADINQ SCHtXJI. areat Opportunity Learn Halrdresslng Pleasant dignified profession, good wigas, thousands successful. Uarvel graduates! America's greatest system. Illustrated cata^ loguo tree. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRKSSTNO SCHOOLS >68 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches <4 King St., Hamilton *74 Rideau Street. Ottawa FATKNTS rBTHKRSTONAUaH * Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King Wast. Toronto Booklet of Information of request. PERSON.VL TOUR LETTERS mailed from Holls-woiid or L03 Aneelea 10c each. JL'.OO month. 6 queatlona answered Jl.OO. Hansen. 1626 .South .-vlameda. Loa Ant-eles 21. California. WANTED WANTEDâ€" All kinds of dressed poultrr. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept , 2054 Danforth Ave,. Toronto I. (We do custom grading). Logs Required WE PVRCHA.se Hardwood and Softwood logs for rash. Write Box 617. Hespeler. Ontario. How Zero Point Was Established Why was the zero point on the thcrinomctt;r put where it is? About 240 j-cars ago the inventor, Professor Gabriel Fahrenheit ot Germany, wanted a fixed low point and fixed high point for the scale. Forcing the temperature of water below freezing by mixing snow and salt in ^ual parts, he thought he reached the low- est temperature obtainable on earth 21 d called that low point zero. He then established what he thought was the highest weather temperature and called that 100. Now we know he was wrong on both counts. Weather falls far below zero in the .Arctic and rises far above 100 in the deserts. In the laboratory, the coldest tem- perrturc we now reach is 4^0 degrees below Fahrenheit's zero. The centi- grade scale, which is in common use throughout the world, with the ex- ception of this country and the Brit i,>:h Empire, fixes zero at the point at which water freezes and 100 de- grees at which water 'i.iils, two nafur,il cmistants. TIRES Wfl are overstocked In sood used Trade-in Tiros with hieh trends â€" all euar.-'.nteod to bo In excellent shape. Special price on ear Tirs. ALL SIZES $4.50 BIG SAVINGS ON NEW TIRES &. TUBES Guaranteed for one year 30x31^â€" J8.2B Tube 11.25. 4!;0x;iâ€" $9.9r.. Tuba $1.90. 600x19â€" J10.50. Tube $2.25. bOO x20 â€" 810.76, Tube 12.85. 525x18 â€" $12.50. Tube $2.S5. 550x17 â€" $14.00, Tube $2.05, 600x+6â€" 114.26. Tube $2.50. e.lOxlSâ€" $17.60, Tube $8.26. 32x8â€" 700x20â€" $43.76, Tube $4.75. 750 X20â€" 34x7$.';4.00, Tube $8.60. 826x20â€" $42.60. Tube $7.75. Also a full line of retreads, all orders ship- ped C.O.D. Dealers wanted. BEACON TIRE Cor. QUEEN * YORK STS. HAMILTON 1. ONTARIO. Escape at 50O M.PJi. An employe of a United King- dom aircraft firm last week madt a successful descent from a jet fighter flying at over 500 m.p.h. This is the highest speed at which anyone has ever been ejected from a plane. The object of the descent was to test new apparatus invented by the head of a United Kingdom aircraft firm. Immigration Expert Konns and all documents prepar,Ml for admission to Canada of Ov:r:eas Dis- placed persons or refugees. No charge on first entiulry. Fees mod* rate. Will visit your area if sufficient en- aulrlea In your locality. 22 years with Immigration Department. Write: MAJOR G. R. N. COI-LINS nr.O Bathurat iJl.. Toronto 14 Voti Will Enjoy Sl;i>inc at The St. Regis Hotel TORUNTO 9 Every Boom With Tub Batll. Shower and Telephone % tiinele, S3. SO and ui>^ Double, $4.B0 up % (lood Food. Dining and Dancing NIchtiT Shcrbonme at Carlton Tel. BA. 41SB ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OPP. â€" C.N.R. STATIOM DISTRESS Of |r Stimulates diest anij b>cK tur- fai»s lika a i«ann> Ing, comforting poultic*. ^Penetrates deap Into bron- chial tubat with ipeclal (Dothing medicinal vapon. This effective special pene- tratlng-stimulatinK action works for hours during the night to reUev6 distress of colds while your little one sleeps. Resiilts are so good often by morning most misery of the cold is % «i^*|> ^ reUeved. Try IflCKS It tonlgbtl VVapoRus ISSUE 43â€"1947 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES VilTH CIGARETTE TOBACCO JifrER Bjr Arthur Pointer """"BnESI £MI & 311 w l» (^^ SH ElIK ^C "h mi ^ ^ |i ""«« ^_. c J