Wednesday, October 1, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \^ (' Small Ads FOR SALEâ€" Williams piano, cheap. Phone 23rl3, Fevershani. iep2 HELP WANTED â€" For night wwk. Apply Flesherton Woollen Mills. FOR SALE â€" »5 White Leghorn year- old hens. â€" Mrs. Alex. Duncan, Cey- lon, phone Flesherton 40J4 18cl LOST â€" Will the person who has our fence stretchers please return tl"«m at once. â€" Duncan's Hardware FOR SALEâ€" Set single harness; 1 purebred Spaniel dog. â€" Pton^ 17r 13 Feversham. 17c2 FOR SALEâ€" Quantity o' dry cedar, 14 inches. â€" Geo. Ball, Maxwell, phone 170J4 Dundalk. 17p2 jiAiVTED â€" AjMBMua mutable foi mink and fox iMd. â€" Bert Itclatott EugcadA, yhoiM gwfi M i ito -a fatf FOR SALEâ€" 2 girls' winter outfits, coat, leggings and hat, sizes 2 and 4.â€" j>hone 41J3 Flesherton. 18c2 FOR SALE â€" Wood heating nickle box stove, in good' condition. â€" Fred Brown, phone 3dJ4 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Sntall coal heater and good steel-tire buggy. â€" Rxissell Park, phone 6frJ Flesherton. 18p2 PLOWINGâ€" Custom plowingâ€" Grant Sayera, R.R. 1, Priceville, phone 608r3, Dtirham. 17p4 FOR SALEâ€" 1928 Whipped Six Se- dan, running condition, 6 good tires, price |100. - Merle Weber, Kimberley, phone ' 17c2 LOST â€" Red 2-year-old steer with white spots on face, without horns. â€" Sam Fitzsdnunone, R.R. 2 Flesh- erton, phone 73w2. 16c3 FOR SALEâ€" Registered Boar, 1 year old; Sows carrying 2nd litters. â€" Leslie Seeley, R. R. 1 Flesherton, pbone Feversham llr32. 17p2 FOR SALEâ€" 80 Leghorn pullets, 6 months old; man's bioycle in good condition. â€" Geo. Boyoe. Colling- wood Gravel. i8c2 FOR SALE â€" Electric radio, 9-tube Serenader, floor model, in excellent shape, cheap for quick sale. â€" Chas. K C. Lee, phone 17r21 Feversham. FOR SALE â€" 68-fpiece dinner sett, â- maroon and gold band, |30; two matched rugs l\'j.^4\'i, 2-toner cin- namon shade almost new, |25 each. â€"Phone 30w, Flesherton. iep2 FOR SALE â€" Purebred Springw Spianiel, 2 years old'; will exchange for hound or Airddle pup, preferr- ed. â€" Jack Tomlinson. Etigenia, phone Feversham 5t42. If!c2 HOUSE FOR SALE â€" 7-room brick house on large double lot, GoUing- woo<l .St., Flesherton, double gar- age, etc. Will sacrifice at $28()ii cash or t^iros. Apply at The A Vance office. 18c2 FOR SALEâ€" 30 young pigs, 7 weeks old; Shorthorn bull about 1450 lb«.; black coaoh mare, 4 years c::i Shorthorn ciittle, bred; mixed cattle â€"Joseph Radley, R.R. 2, I'l i. east of Flt'shcM-ton. 18c2 FOR .SALE â€" New 2-wheel IraiUr, stock racks, new tires and tubi's; «1bo single-furrow waliking plow and set of good I'eavy team harn- ess.â€" Calvin lioyce, Eugenia, phono Flosherton lUUl. 17p2 FARMERS ATTENTION â€" Wanted, large Beauity or MaiTowfat peas, Mnall yellow and green simooth peas. Mail saniple.s, state quant- ity. Phone Biirrie 2273, Alliston evenings 197. â€" W. H. Hurat Orain and Oreals. HARRIS & DUl^LOP BARRISTERS, SOLICirOKS, Etc< Phone 38 MARKDALE Hr. Dunlop will be In C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8«80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PJIYSICIAN A SURGFX)N Qtaduate of Toronto UniTcrtity Office: Keniwdr Block Phone 77 Fleah«rton WOOD BUZZING done. Apply to Laurie Genioe, phone llwl. 18(p2 POUNDâ€" Child's mai-oon windtbr^ak- er. Inquire at the Advwnce Office. FOR SALEâ€" ileg. Oxford Dovm ram, 3 years old.â€" Jos. Whyte, R. R. 3, Priceville, phone 99wl2. Ii8p2 FOR SALE â€" ^Taco range, good cook- er.â€" Lloyd Talbot, phone 45wl2, Flesheirton. I6c2 FOR SALEâ€" 16 Yorkshire pigs, just weaned. â€" R. C. Oliver, Priceville, phone 106iw2 Flesherton. 18c2 WANTED â€" Carpenter or general handy man for about a month. State wages. Write to Box 275 in care of The Advance, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Number Barred Rock pullets 5% months old, ready to lay. â€" Russell Phillips, phone 96w3 Flesherton. 17c2 FOR SALEâ€" Black Pesrcheron horse. 13 years old, cheap for quick sale. â€" Chas. Stafford, telephone 12w, Fles-herton. 17p3 FOR SALE â€" All-enamel Beach range in exKellent condition, only used a few montihs â€" Mrs. Thos. Beatty, Maxwell, phone 4r33, Feversham, Or apiply evenings. 18c2 CREDIT AUCTION SAU STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. LESLIE SMITH will sell by paiblic auction on LOT 27, CON. 7, OSPREY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9TH, 1947 the following, namely: HORSESâ€" Clyde Mfere, 6 years old, weig'ht 1400 lbs.; Percheron Hoise, 13 years old, weight 1260 lbs. CATTLE â€" 2 Polled Angus-Here- ford Cows, 4 years old; Black Cow, 5 years old; Black Cow, 12 years old; Durham Cow, 6 years old; Hereford Cow, 7 years old; 2 Durham Cows, 6 years odl; Grey Heifer, 3 years old; Grey Cow, 10 years old; Polled Angus Heifer, 3 years old; Holstein Heifer, 3 years old; Black Cow, 8 years old; (aibove Cows supposed in calf, dates given time of sale); 3 Steers, risfcig 3 years old; 3 Steeps, rising 2 years old; 6 Heifers, rising 2 years; 2 Heif- ers, rising 2 years: 7 spring Calves. PIGS, HENS â€" 7 Pigs, about 100 pound's; 4Q Yearling Leghorn Hens. IMPLEMENTSâ€" Chatham Wagon; Fleury No. 77 Walking Plow, wheel attachment; M.-H. Riding Plow, 1- furrow; M.-H, Mower, 5'/2 foot cut; Deering Hay Rake; M.-H. Binder, 6 foot cut; Set of Sloop Sleighs; Set of Discs; Seed Drill; Hay Rack; Gravel Box; Renfrew Cream Separator, 700 lb. capacity; Renfrew Cream Separ- ator, 1000 lb. capacity. HARNESSâ€" Set of Team Harness; Set of Driving Harness; 6 Horse Collars. MISCELLANiEOUS â€" 25 Tons of Mixed Hay; Quantity of Oat.= ; 1600 feet Lumber, 1 inch and 2x4. SALE AT 1 P.M. SHARP TBR.MS â€" All sums of $10.00 and under, c«sh; over that amount 6 mos.' credSt will be given on satisfactory joint notes bearing PiTy interest. â€"GEO. DUNCAN. Auctioneer Local aod Personal C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LACB CLIRK A CoMMiMkHMr for UUn* AKUttriU Imnm of Marrltfo LtcanMo OONVBYANCSMt DBEDfi MORTOAQES, WIL^.8, BU. Otln: Toronto Stroot, FlMkartmi NOTJCE TO CREDITORS In (he matter of (he Estate of Charles Henry McArthur of the Township of Osprcy, deceased. All ijorson.s havirig claims against the Esttite of Charles Henry MtArlh- ur, late (if the Townsihip of Osprey, in the Oounty of Grey, Farmer, dc- cea.sed, who died no or about the Tth d'«y of November, 1945, are re- quired and hereby notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Solicit- ors of the Estate, on or before the 18th day of Octobor, A.D. 1947, full p«rticu]ars verefie<l by statutory de- claration. Imm€<li«tely after the said l»th (i'ay of October, 1947, the Estjite will be distributed among the parties en- titled tkereto, having rugai'd only to l;li(' claims of which the Solicitors sluill then have had notice. I>ate<l at Markd'a4c thus 29th day of Sep1temll>er, A.D. 1947. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for the EsbaAe WM. KAfTTING LICENSED AU,CTl«NBBlt for th^ County of Grey Farm and Stoek fl«le« our op =alitj. Terma: roasoMblo. BatiMtectieo la guaranteed. Dates arrai«ed ftt It* Advance off lea or phon* 4w. •'This is a terrible report â€" Latin, poor; French, indifferentt; Mathem- matics. bad; Conduct, fair." "I admit it's not up to m««h Dad, but just look at thart â€" "Health ex- cellent." iMrs. G. Lawler is spending a few days in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Banks were In Toronto over Sundlay. Messrs. Everette Parker and Earl Johnson are attending the Ontario Agricultural College at Gueltph. iMr. and Mrs, John Ed'wards, Mary and Frank, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mirs. C. Bellamy. Miss Reta Bai'nhouse of E^dlmonton, Alta., visited th« past week with her cousin, Mrs. K, G. Betts. iMiss Tena Hutchinson attended the opening of the Toronto Bible CoUeg last week and' visited with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Poster. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Harding and son and Mrs. Winnifred Roszell of Acton were visitors with Mrs. W. A. Gordon. Mirs. John Heard had the misfor- tune to preak her right arm on Sat- itune bo break her rigt-t ai-m on Sat- urday, when she fell in her luxme. M5s8 Lavir.^ Stevens of Colling- wood and Mrs. A. Stevens of Corbet- ten spenlt! the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banks and Mr. and Mrs. Toe Banks visited on Wed- nesday last with Cpl. and Mrs. Thos. J. Banks at Caonp Borden. Miss Laura Boyd and friend. Miss Gladys Gerred of Toronto spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. W. Boyd. Miss Jean Duncan, B.A.> who is attending the College of Education in Toronto, spent the week end at her home in town. Mrs. A. L. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lee and two children of Toronto, Mrs. Stoddlart, Viola and Eaimest, of Paisley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy on Sunday. lyii-s. E. Nuhn has returned home from Toronto General Hospital, where she underwent a minor operation and is now recuperating at the home of her daughiter, Mrs. Harry Akins. jMHss Agnes MacMillan of Thistle- town, Anne Akins of Rouge Hill, Dell Thurston and Marjorie Brackenibury of To(ronto spent the week end at ther homes in town. Rev. W. A. and Mrs White, accom- panied by Mrs. Jos. Sewell and Misses Ada Whyte and Tenia Hutchinson, alttended the meetings of the Owen Sound Baixtist A8eociation> held at Drurham Septeonber 24 and 25. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fisher, Mrs. W. A. Morton and Miss Emma Oliver attended anniversary services at Warehaan on Sunday morninig and visited friends there d'uring the day. A former pastor, Rev. J. Albert Bushell of Kemble, was guest speaker at the anniversary services. The woman autoist posed for a Snapshot in front of the fallen pillars of an ancient temple in Greece. "Don't g:et the car in the picture,' she said, ''or my husband will think I ran into the place." BUYERS' STRIKES •Buyers' strikes have been blossom- ing across Ganad!a along with Au- tumn flowers. It is a good sign. It marks the end of tiie black market delusion. The good old law of supply and demand is coming back. Many recent buyers' strikes appear to have been aimed in the wrong dir eotion. When producers advanced their prices eitiher on account of in- creased' taxes or tihe ending erf sub- sidy payments, the producers became the tai'geit of the strikers' attention. Some producers were bold enough to pay for adrvertising apace to tell the public the story behind their in- creases. Subsidies dto not lower coats They are simply another method of paying the price. When the govern- ment ceased paying siiibsidies, their costs of operation go down, but gov- ernments are overly beset with re- quests few this service and that service, so that instead of refunding the cost oir lowering the tax rate, the subsidy funds are diverted too fre- quently to other channels or services. The wealth of the country comes from production. Govermments a e collectors and distributors and not piroducers. Take Sales Tax for in- stance, that adds 8 per cent, to the price of nearly everything we buy. Excise and luxury taxes increase prices, but so long as we insist on making govemmienit more expensive, the price must be paid somehow. How often the buyers who go strike against higher prices are the same buyers who demand government as- sistance, we do not know, but we do know that the sooner Canadians learn that goods and services have to be piaid for by govermments thirough themselves-, the better. â€" Hanover Post. Asphalt Rpofing, Insulbric Siding, Insulation' I 3-in-l Shingies 210 lbs* WInlock and Vee^Lok 126 Um; Sock Face Rolls 70 lbs., Smooth Faxje 56 lbs. Bmadius Paper RoUfariok Siding Insulbric, royal red with whitf aortar Inio. InRulatincr Bock Wool Batta, 2 in. and 3 in. thiolc GraiMilaitad Rock Wood lo<»e in bags. BEATTY REPAIRS Gelivianized I>ipe '/^ inch, 1 incb, iVt inch, 1^ inch Pump Rod, Oylindera Hay Cars, Steel Track, Bam Door Track and fittings. % in Rop« SEPARATORS and STOVES Renfrew Eleotric Separators, some reconditioned Separation. Neiw Renfrew Stoves Used Beatty Electric Washing Machine, like new WAGONS -â- xm with Timkin beairings* viy'zrâ€" -e '\V-5;jn with Timkin beairings* Steel Tire Wagon Wooden Wheel Wagon. Wheel sets for rubber tires. W. E. BETTS : Phone 46J FLESHERTON Mrs. P. Thibaude&u Dies A natve of Artemesia Township and a resident of Mlarkdale district for many years^ Mrs. Peter Thibau- deau passed away at her home in To- ronto very suddenly at 1:30 o'clock Saturday aifternoon. She had beem residing in "Toronto for the past 15 years, and although not in good health she had been doing her house- hold duties up to the time of her death. She is survived by three children Malbel, Mrs. Elgin (Dopeland of Paris, Ontario, Gordon of Toronto and Miss Ednsi at home. Mrs. Thibaudeau was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stewart of Ceylon, pioneer residents. She was bom at Ceylon and after her marriage moved to her husband's farm a mile and a quarter south of Markdale, were ler husband predeceased her. She co,itinuen' liv- ing On the farm until she moved to Toronto 15 years ago. Mrs. Thibaudeau was a member of the Markdale United Chul^^h, and was very well known in this district. She reached her 75th birthday this month. The funeral was held in Mark- dale on Tuesday afternoon from the home of her nephew. Surviving in addition to her son and daughters are her brothers, Wil- liaim of Toronto and John oif Flesh- erton, and two sisters, Mrs. J. B. Th-ibaiudeau of Markdale and Mrs. Alex. MbCrae of Windsor. Feversham Public Scho<J (September Report) Grade 8 â€" ^Warren Hannah 86, Mar- ion Fenwick 85, Joan Davidson 66, Redge Tyler *6. Grade 7â€" <Merle McMuUen 60, Nor- ris Moore 45, Paul Hudson 41. Grade 6 â€" Dorothy Fenwick 73, Mel- ville Wright 64, Stanley Wrig^ht 62, John Stewart 59, Sadie Stewart 44, Gerald Teeter 36, Kenneth Teeter absent. . Grade 5 â€" Stephen Bby 76, John Pedlar 67, Shirley W^right 46. Grade 4 â€" Shirley Samonons 94, Cheryl Light 90, Evelyn Pedlar 83, Velda Teeter 66. Gitade 3 â€" Joan Parker 80, Irwin Stewart 76, Gene McMullen 75, Rob- ert Jackson 74, John Sled 70, Edward Smith 66, Allan Hugbson 66. Grad 2â€" Eleanor Sled 86, Harvie Sanomons 84, Carman Wright 76, Joan Short 50, Jade Teeter 23. Grade 1 â€" Leola Samonons, Douglas Moore. Numbers are percentages; number on roll 35; average attendance 32.67. â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher. Small Adrertiaementa bring quick -esulta. COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON The Court of Revision on the 1&48 Assessment of tiie Village of Fleah.- erton will be held in the town hall on Monday, October 20th, at 8 All appeals must be in the hands of the Clerk before Monday, October 13iJ». Appeals must be made in person or^ by agent. -C. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. ♦< *♦ ♦« < i t «« « »<t f » n i>i mn ii n i n i I m i m ii f iit At her fingertips *''5S^^^SSÂ¥^''~^^«S«6«SS?ia8'<^,^'S-5S<j^ F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Our Shoe Department offers Stormy Weather Protection For the Entire Family RUBBER FOOTWEAR TO SUIT EVERY NEED Buy now while our groups ^are complete We! have Everythins You Need KVKRY LONG DiSTANOB Operator has every telephone literally at her fingertips. Through her Bwitchb<<ard and over a network of lines and cables, she reaches out across the country â€" or across the world! Every month we are adding some 10,000 new telephones, catching up with unfilled orders as materials become available. More telephones mean more calls â€" both local and long distance. To-day our operators are handling more long distance traffic than ever before. Our aim is continuous improvement â€" better service. More service plus hotter service â€" and always at Iho lowest possible cost â€" means greater value to every toluphone user. in stock now in THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Cold Weather ^lothing Hardware Department is showing ALL SIZES IN OIL SPACE HEATERS ALL SIZES IN COAL and WOOD HEATERS including Quebec Heaters also A Colorful Shipment of HIGH QUALITY SET OF DISHES 22-piece, 66-piece and 97-piece Sets OUR WINTER STORE HOURS are Open all week, closing only Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon. Open Saturday night as usual. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale limn iiii m iiiii nMHMnn i nnHnmnnnm i A' •\ '3