t > * â- 9 < •(Wednesday, Septeiuber 24, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE r f r f V r Ov > >. > T ♦ \ A. OWEN SOUND Agricultural iSociety's Annual Fall Exhibition {Saturday, Monday and Tuesday SEPTEMBER 27, 29, 30 Monday â€" Citizen's Day, Beef Cattle, Hurdle Horses Tuesday â€" Race Day, Horse Day, Grand Finale. PRICEVILLE TRIALS OF SPEED MONDAY. iSEPTEMBER 29 2.28 Trot or Pace, Purse $200.00 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Free-for-AlI, Purse $30».0a 2.24 Trot or Pace, Purse $200.00 EVERY HEAT A RACE COME AND ENJOY THE EVENING PERFORMANCE in front of the GRAND STAND HUNTER AND SADDLE CLASSES COMPETITION Knock-down and Out Stake, Purse j$110.00 CLOWNS â€" Special Acts never before presented In Owen Sound BABY SHOW- -Monday at )3 p.m., Three Classes, good prizes BEAUTY CONTEST â€" FIND MISS OWEN SOUND Tuefida.y at 3 pjm. m front of Grand' Stand â€" iFirst Prize |50, Second Priae $30.00, TMrdi Prize |20.00 Came on Gixls from Grey and Bruce. MODEL SHOWS MIDWAY MODiEL SHOWS FINE MIDWAY Bigger Grander Funnier Than Ever Everything for Everybody Owen Sound Band on iMonday. Durham Kiltie Band on Tuesday. VICTORIA CORNERS At a grabhering on Monday evening Sejpiteoniber 15, in the home of Mrs. Milton Bannon when tlse ladies of th* >y. I. alon« with the ionmediaite neiffhbouir ladies, honoured Mrs. Wes Deiveir and presented t<er wih a fare- well ffiiflt, prior to her departure to her new home in Mlarikdlale. The early part of the evening wae sipent in giaimea and sing'sctng. At a given hour Btoa. Dever wias called' t» the honooiir ad chair while Mrs. Herb Coitoelit relad an address and Mr. and Mrs. Mlton Bannon made the presentation, of two clear rose »la98 bowls. Mrs. Dever madte a fitting reply. Lunx:h 'wiae served by the hostess and her aasi^tanits. We are sorry to lose "Wes and Irene" from ouff midst but our very besit wishes follow them to tl-«ii iMiw home. Mrs. iTa Veil. EJau Claire, Ontario was a visitor tthe early part of llie week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Forbes. A number from here attend^ed' the Dundialk Pall Fair .pn Tuesday after- noon. In the school paitade o*ir school (all pupils present) canried off ^nd prize eititling them to the sum of 96.00. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aoheson visited on Monday with Mr. and Mirs. J. I>. WilitsKre, of Hopeville and On Wednesday with Mr. and' Mrs. Jolhn A. MicMillhii, Honeywood. Chotr Kactice has begun a^ain in connection with the Iniatioge An- niversary services which are being held ais usual on ThaiiJcsgiving Sun- day at 2 pjm. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. James Dudlgeon is the chosen guest speaker for the day. The Inistioge W. A. mot at tb« church on Friday afternoon for their Septematoer meeting. Quilting a quilt wias the chief part of the meeting. (Inceiuled for Last Week) iMr. and Mirs. Jas. Batchelor ac- cootijpanied Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferris of Wareham, to visit relatives at Glamis over the week-end'. A mfflnber from here attended the party in Dundalk town hall on Fri- day evening in honour of the newly- weds, Mr. and' Mrs. Glen Jaohson, the former (Joyce MiacConnell.) Alt an apportune hour Mrs. Vem Robinson read an address of best wisihes and a presentation was mad'e of a china cabinet. Botih Qlen and Joyce express- ed their appreciation. Miss Hazel Jackson, Toronto, has been on vacation in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jaohson. The Proton Station W. A. society bheir Sepitemiber meftting in the home of Mrs. Ed. Stinson on Friday after- noon. Miss Marjonie St«vens attended a wedding at Lions Head on Wednesday afternoon. In her absence, her aunt Mrs. Oscar Patterson, Maple Grove took over teaching d'uties in No. 4 school. Conigratudations to o^ur young sing- er, Domglas I^nton, who .was awarded first prize, the saum of twerlty five, dollars, at th« amateur concert on ' This Fridlay. Sept. 26th, the Price- ville W.I. will present a program on OFOS for a half hour, commencing at 2:30 p.m. Mt. Wm. McLeod had the misfor- tune to break his leg on Wednesday .and is a patient in Durham Hospital. Mrs. McPhtail and Mrs. D. MoDougall are also patients in same hospital. Mr, and Mts. Jim McLeod of Banff, AMa., Mrs. Rennie of OoUingwood visited recently at the home of Mr. Joe McKee. Mr. and Mrs.. Joe McKee had the phone insitalled in their home; the ring is 49iwl2. Dr. Dixon of Oalgaiiy, Alta., visit- ed last week with friendls here. Mt. Gerald Tucker returned home Friday nig-ht, after spending a week in Detroit. M^. and Mrs. Percy Sims visii«d Sunday at Fergus. Miss Nellie McLean, ToiKinito, spent the week end in the village. Mra. MJcConkey and Jack spent a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Jessie Koeritz spent the week end in ToTonto. Mr. and' Mi-s. Stanle^r Harrison and family spent Sunday at Atwood. . «„„ Th« Federated Painn Women held "^n^ed the funeral of the form their September meeting at the home I brother James Collinson. CEYLON 'Mr. and Mrs. Lea Jamiewm and son Ralph, of Towmto were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sitewart. Mts. Joseplh Stauible nee (Violet Stoneihouse) returned last Thurs- (lay from Mrs. Nuhn's Nairsing home, Flesberton, to her home here in the vlllagre. The sympathy of this community is extendea to M>r. and Mrs. Joseph Stauibl,' on Ui9 deaith of their inft| son who passed away recently in Mankdale hoapjtEl, also to Mrs. F. Collinson whose brother James Col- linson of Bmntford, passed away veiy suddenly this past week end. Mass Mary McDonald,'' Holstien, visited the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stauble. Mrs. Archie Fengoiaon of Swinton Park, Mm. Sharp of Red Creek N. J. wetie reeent visitoi-s with Mts. J. Knox. Mrs. C. Archibald attended the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson of Elm-wood wihich was held last week with interment in Hanover cemetry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collinson went to Brantfoi'd last week and at- er's of Mrs. E. Wiakens, Flesherton. with a good attendance, and the president, Mrs. Sturi-ock, presiding. Two months ago a capper contest was planned, with Mrs. Geo. Fisher and Mts. Faw- cett as capftains for the two sides. The coppers were brought to this meeting and ?24.48 was realized', with Mrs. Fawectt's side winning. Tickets were sold >n a pound of coffee and_ Mts. Jas. Sinclair won in the draw made by Donna Whyte. Mrs. Wick- ens and daughter, Mrs. McFadden, sang a delightful diuet "Sweet Bunch of Daisies. Mrs. McFadden also gave an instrumental numiber. Mt. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family, Mr. and' Mrs. Joe Porteoais of Mlaxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrie of Atwood were recent visitors at the home of Chas, Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and J- A. spent Sunday in Toronto. Miss Reta McDougiall has accepted a position in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MicFarlene and boys attended anniversary services on Sunday in Glenelg Baptist Church. Mr. Emeiison Meads left Monday tO' commece his course at the Ontaric Veterinai"y Collage, Guelph. STEPHEN'S CORNERS IMlr. and Mrs. Dennis Webb of Belleville are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wintera. Mr. Reg Allison of Brampton vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Del- 'bert Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous visited recently with Mb-, and Mrs. Charles Tucker ,at Vamey. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stewart and family of Toronto visited on Sunday j with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters and family. Mr. and Mrs. Emeoson Wright, ac- comipanied by jii.is. Chas. Heron, vis- ited on Sundlay ivith Mrs. Heron, wlio is a patient in the ToronU; Gf aei-al Kespital. Mr. Wildon Lougiheed of BrampiSon spent a few days with Mr. and Mips. J. A. Lougheed. Public Notici The Public will please take hotice that Commencing Wednesday, October 8th, stores in in Flesherton will remain CLOSED WEDNESDAY EVENING and OPEN THURSDAY MORNING Mlonday evening, September 8, at Mount Forest Fall Fair. Mrs. Wilfred Gallaugher was a week-end with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bannon, Tommy and Dona Gail, and Miss Doris Bann- on, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and' Mi^. Milton Bannon. Mn and Mrs. Ted Pringle, Marlene llene. Tommy and baby Linda, Spring- hill were Sunday evening visitors wiith Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore an<i Garry. Mra. Edith Hall and daugh/ter Donna, Owen Sound wei'e week-end guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Russell Linton and faimily. Mr. Bqr Cook, Toroii(to, was a caller on Monday witn his cousins, Walter Acheson and Geo. Moore. Miss Pegigy Linton has accepted a position in the variety store. Mark- dale, and commenced her duties this Monday morning. Best of k»ck, Pepgy! Recent visitors with Mrs. C. Arcl.- bald were Mrs. G. Acton, Mrs. G. Hodgtkinson and Mrs. H. M'etcalfe of Pinkepton, Mrs. A. E. Collins of Dob- binton, Mre. W. Switzer of Hanover. Mrs. G. Snell was a recent visitor with friends at Oshawa. Miss Nancy McWilliam of Owen Sound spent the week-end at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Patterson of Toron.to ai>ent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hogai'th. Mrs. Clarence Bartly and son, Keu, attended the funex^l of Mrs. Bartley's father, Mr. Kii^c of Berkeley who passed away at the hame of his son, Weseley in Chatsworth. Interment was made in the Berkeley cemetery. Miss Hilda Duokett of Port Bur- well is visiting at her parental home. Mts. Geo. Cairns was a recent visitor with friends in Buffalo, Silver Creek and Niagara. Mrs. Mlary Callander of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. L. Whitehead. The young people of Ceylon assist- ed by Miss Helen Ballantyne as oi^- anist, took the service on Sunday evening in the United Church and gave a very interesting program. Despite the bad weather thare was a g«od numiber of young people pres- ent. We hope the young people and the older folk will be present at the coming evening services and encour- age tl-« good work which was start- ad last fall by Mr. and Mrs. Robt Butle'dlge as bhey entertained the young people in their home sevenai Friday evenings during the past year. fli'. A. E. Goeseel is on hoiidaya and spent the past week in Toronto. Misa Doris Knox of Toronto and Mt. Gordon Haw of Salem visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. Knox Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wiltshh» nee (Miable Ha.w) on t](e birth of their daug^hter in Matik- d^e hospital on Sunday Sept. 21s(t. Misses Jean McMullen and Stella Beeton of Owen Sound spent the w^k-end at the foiTner's parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Bmereon Wright ard son Stanley and Mrs. Wright Sr. jf FeversSiam visited on Mbne&y at Jie home of Mr. S. Hemphii. Ilhe Li!dies' Aid will meet on Wed- nesday at 2 pjm. of this week at the RECORD BREAKING NEW LOW PRICES GOODi^fVEAII -A Car and Truck Tires and Tubes Today, wheti vig:orous leadership is needed to hold all prices down. we. D. iMacTavish & Sons, tog-ether with Gcjudyear. are offerin.q- top-quality Goodyear Tires and Tubes for cars and trucks at record-breaking new low prices. As an example: the most popular size in the DeLuxe All-Weather i^ now being offered at the lowest price in Goodyear history! value today! Buy now! Save money on the bi„V4C- - -'re D. /VJacTavish & Sons Flesherton, Ont. home of Mrs. Isaac Snell. Kindly keep this in mind. Mrs. L. Torry and Mrs. J. Torry and family of Markdale visited on Saturday with Mrs. H. Piper. ROCK MILLS - DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME WILL END SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 27 M we could broadcast a mcisage to the neare.st star it would tiilsc four years to r(>och it â€" by whic i time the comimoiciiil would be out ot' ('ate. SPI'RELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS Spirella meets the wearer's needs for Style, Health and Conifopt. Clotb or elastic girdles one-(i)iece garments, hrassiers and corsets, made from individ- ual nii-'usurements. MRS. A. E. BELLAMY Con'^'^tit're Flcsho-ton. Ojj, Mrs. Chas. Howard and daughter Marion of Toronto spent last wee£" with the Partridge families here. Mrs. Mary Loughlin of Feverstam is spending two weeks at Che Mc- Master home. Mr. Elwood I^rtridge is still a patient in Markdale Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Walker of Gait spent the week-end with her motlier Mrs. E. Partridge and Shirley, and also visited' her father in Markdale Hospital. BORN â€" In Markdale Hosipital on Tuesday, September, 16th to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMaster, a son. Both doing fine. Mrs. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fisher and son of Detroit vis- ited over the week-end with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Mary Laughlin. Mrs. Jim Conn has returned to her home in Toronto after spending a cou^ple of weeks visiting here. Mr. Bob Armstrong of Paisley. Mr. Thos. Whitmore and Mrs. M. Whit- more of Durham were callers last week at Chas. Newell's. services in the Baptist church Sunday and at Rookhaven. They were much enjoyed and appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts and Janet of Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs^. D. L. Weber on Sunday. Miss Orlie Kirkpatrick went to To- ronito on Monday. SQUARE DANCE Caller land Fiddler Competition AT CEDAR - GROVE 2nd line (West Wasaga) Wednesday, October 15 CASH PRIZES For information and EJntry Blanks, write CEDAR - GROVE Brock Beach, Ont. KIMBERLEY The Chard brothers went to Grims- by last week for a load of peaches and intend going again this weelc Four members and a young l>oy from the Veterans' Fellowship, came up from Toronto and gave two fine COLLECTIONS ....It's our long exiperience handling ooUeotions that makes possible tke splendid results w« effecw for our clients... That ia why s» many business and pw>- fesisioiial men send us their lists fixHn year to year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AlKWiS The Collectors ORANGEVILLE, Ont. r Fall Days are here again Are you prepared? Roofing and Shingles Roll and Insul-bric Siding Insulation â€" Loose and Batts Roof Coating, Caulking, Lime and Hardwall Plaster STOVES â€" Efficient and modem Ranges by Findlay, BCach, Empire and Harriston. OIL HEATERSâ€" Findlay and Rpy Thermo, different prices and heat- ing cai^aoities. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF SOVEREIGN POTTERS DINNERWARE 32, 38, 66 and 96-piece setts from $8.45 .22 Rifles â€" Single Shot, Repeaters and Automatics C.C.M. Ladies' and Gent's Bicycles Coaster Wagons DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Coal - Cement - Electrical Appliances Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont.