Wednesday, September 3, 1947 YOUR KIND Co-operation, Please It is essential that more care be Driven oream during the hot weather. Here are several hints which will help you and help us to maintain our high standard of qual< ity butter: 1. Cool cream as rapidly as possible after sep. arating. This can be done by placing the f cream container in a vessel of cold water <^ in the basement. | 2. Send cream in by trurk or deliver at least i twice a week. X 3. Keep all dairy utensils in best possible ' • sanitary condition. Flesherton Creamery A., us Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON. no f • ♦ • • « »«««4><"X><><«4"Sx:~x~x-x~:kk'<~><^-x*« <"X~:":~x~:-:~x~:"M«>* OmtI.OOO tens a/ mmcriu are boured tLtih Jmu this tlyjro Jam 200 §m high, half a miU l^ng. : 1 'iH'wiwti'fiff''ffy/^iffWff"rfffffnTfi! HARNESSING ANOTHER 81,000 HORSEPOWER FOR HYDRO People tometimes aclc us what we are doing about providing more electricity for Ontario. Many know how close we are now to using up all our present supply; Since the end of the war, Hydro's peak load demand has increased approximately 500,000 horsepower or more than 25% of the highest wartime demand; and is still mounting. What ore we doing about it? Above is a part, but only a part, of the answeri It shows the great power development at Stewart- ville, on the Madawaska River in Eastern Ontario, which was storted many months ago when materials and labor were in even shorter supply than now. It will give you 81,000 horsepower commencing next year. With other Hydro developments being rushed to completion, an added 500,000 horsepower will be available in the next five years. 0i» iiEcimeiTT In the meanwhile we must all use Hydro sparingly so there will bo enough to go around. KITCHEN iiviNe ROOM THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO HE Flesherton adval'ce A. ^nâ„¢ THE Flesherton Advance .'ublished on CoUincrwood St., Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1,100- Price $2.00 a year in Canada, paid in aavance; $2.60 per year in the United States. F. J. THURSTON. Editor EUGENIA vale, Mrs. Tynegate of CoLliiigiwood, Jlr. and Mrs. Jeffriea and daughter, also Mrs. Gavinith, Mrs. Ed. Warling and Mr. Elmer Warling of Toronto were week end and holiday guests of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Walkei-. 8TH LINE OSPREY -Mils. Ross Lehman, Mrs. Hilda Annette, Mrs. Moffatt Campbell and Mrs. Jessie Payne of Toronto spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. Jake Williams. Visitors with Mr. and Mi"s. 0. J. Rowe and family over the week end were: Mrs. Vera Green, Mr. Aubrey Hammond' and Austin of Baysville, Musikoka. and Mrs. Gibson of New Liskeand. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stapleton an" two sons of Toronto are taking up ^^esidence in the former Leppard pro- perty, now owned by Mr. Garnet Magee. We welcome them to the village. Miss Miarge Martin .ipenit a few d'ays in Toronto last week. Her sis- ter, Carmelle, accompanied her home and spent the week end and holiday. Mr. and' Mrs. Will Campbell and Mr. Jake Williams spent a few days in Toronto, Mrs. Jack Cairns visited friends in Meafoi-d a couple of days last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cairns on the arrival of a little girl (Heather Louise) at Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, on Thursday, Aug. 28th. 1947. IMIr. andl Mrs. McCoy and Ronnie of Toronto are holidaying for a fort- night at the Purvis cottage. Mr. Robt. Purvis of Owen Sound is spending at week at his home. Miss Marge Martin has been en- gaged as teacher for UjS.S. No. 16, Collingwood and Qsprey, for the cooiiing term. Bobbie Falconer spent a few days with George Proctor. Mrs. T. Stewart and Mr. ard Mrs. Vic McMastev have returned to St Catharines after spending the week end at the Stewart hoane here. Patsy and' Walter accompanied' them and will attend school at St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor visited for a few days in Samia and other pointe. Miss Eleanor Pnochor visited for a few d'ays in Toronto. Miss Ruth Stewart and friend. Norma Light, also Len Tutton and ^forman Lewis, of Toronto spent the week end at the Stewart home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williamos and Mr. Clarence WillLaims of Toronto visited with Mr. Ctoas. Williams on Monday. Mrs. E. Ba'eadner has returned from Toronto, where she visited with friends and attendted the Ex. (MIrs. Russell Jolhnson is recovering from a severe attack of the 'flu. We are sorry to report Mrs. Blaia on the sick list, and hope that she will soon be well again. (Intended for Last Week) Sunday visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Fenwick -wjere: Mr. and Mi's. Walter Pooilo «f Oolliflngiwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke, Owen Soaind, and Mrs. Burke's sister, Miss Pat- terson, also of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burke of Owen Sound had their little 'baby son, John Richard, christened in the Anglican Ohurch at Maxwell on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Burke of Owen Sound was pod'-another. Mrs. Carl Armstrong, Donna and Laurie of Thornbury visited a few days recently with her cousin, Mrs. Lloyd Stepheris and hex- uncle and aunt, M(r. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Towers of Moncton, N B., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick and family. IMr. Desmond Burliey of Toronto is holidaying with Messrs. Kilboume and Kendal Hawkins. We are sorry to report Mr. 'J. Crawford in Collingwood Hospital, where hf undeiwent an opei'ation. Mr. Mervin Soimers of Brantford visited at his home here over the week end, also Helen and Naomi. In the severe electric storm last week the school house of S. S. No. 5, Osiprey, was struck by ligihtning, but was not known unitil a couple of days later when the caretaker went to clean the school, preparatory to the opening of the fall term. Consider- aible plaster was fallen from the ceil ing, but no other serious d'amag.? was reported. I »• 1 1 1 r t »♦♦♦♦»*♦♦♦* 1 1 1 1 1 >»♦ * *• I » I »»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ 1 1 ' * ** ! ]| ^ FALL ^♦ Dress Materials ««« > <« NEW ARRIVALS POLKA DOT SPUNS TARTAN SPUNS ALPINE CLOTHS WOOL CHECK COATINGS WOOL COATINGS RAYON CREPES WOOL DRESS FLANNELS Agency Simplicity Patterns LACE CLOTHS/ Lovely designs in Scotch and Eng-Iish Cloths Sizes 50 X 50 and 70 x 90 F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. -« ^ A s \ MAXWELL (Intended for Last Week) Miss Jean Tudor of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Misses Mayy aiid Isabel McKee and Mr. McCJarthy of Toronto pent the week end ftt ohe forinfers' home here. Isabel rennained for a week. Mr. E. Breadnur has been employ- ed at CBrpoRtry work at Brentwwod the past several days. IKss Shirley Oairtw iWted l^th :her brother, Douglas .a»d wife at Ceylon tor a few days. ' Misses Miarge Martin and Jean Boyice visited *t Bwntwood. Mr. John Lavery of Towmto spent the week end at the Purvis cottage with his wife and Children, who hare been holidaying there. All i^turned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. E. Partridge, ShirJey, Joan and Wayne MbMaator oif R«ok Mills, Mrs Ken Walker and Donald of Gait and Mr. and Mrs. Joe WiB- ianvs of Ceylon were visitors at the Martin home on Sunday. 'Miiss Doroithy Genoe of Toronto spent the week end vnbh her father, Mr. Dave Genoe. Mrs. Bert Magee attended the fun- LT.-il iy{ her brother-in-law. Mr. J. B. McCoweli. Toronto We extend our synjpiithy to the bereaved'. Friday ovoiiing a dance was held in the L.O.L. hall in honor of the re- cent »room and bride, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rose (ifllady, Duckett), They wore prosonted with a purse of nioiioy from I he pf»plo of this com- munity, aloiicr with thp host wishes for « happy and i»i;o<»perous wedded life Mr. and' Mrs. Ro.^^s roturned to Uorondo on Rund«y. Mrs. Howard MoOonnld of Toronto is spendinir n vvpek with hrr parivit."?, Mr. flnd Mnt. E. Ureadner. Miss Ddiina FnwT«1l is spond'intr a few dnys wit.h her mothpr in Owen Riuiiid. Miaa I^uth CrwWam of Toronto si'i'nt fh(. woHc en,) with Mis=cB Jcnn nnri Rlcnnor Prtotor. Tho W.A. <rf the Tlnit.vl Chim-li her* .vlJiit^fT the Inisitioicro W.A. lT«'f â- "•â- •pV «ml r^Tinct nn r-'n'oyjiMo fii-n â- . The W.A. Iwld tihcir Aucnst mectinc nt Iho «^.m,> of Mr^. Mnrtln on Wed- nf'sdny of List *»pV. Mr. and Viri. Btrt Fr.nsli of Kkn- Rev. and Mrs. Holmes and Leonard have returned home after spending the pa»t month at their summer home in the Huntsrville district. ]>r. and Mrs. Gordon Collins of Ottawa spent the v*;ek end with the letter's parents, Mr., and Mrs. E. Buckingham. Messrs. Jaimes and Ray Kerton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Grummett of Toronto t.o our village as residents. We wish Mt. and MH-s. Samuel Grummett all success in the store which he purchased from Mr. Jack Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. John Monagthan and Miss Ruby Monagfhan spent the week end with their parents. Mr. Wallace Long is working for Mr. Robt. Long at Feversham. Mr. and Hrs. Geo Morrison and family and Mr. and Mrs. Telford Ferris spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. E. Hawton returned to To- ronto after spending the vacation with heir daughter, Mrs. Joe Wright. FUEL OIL TANKS Tanks and' baiTels for sale â€" suitable for burner or trac- tor owners. Tanks from 100 to 20OO gallon capacity. SHALE OIL COMPANY Orangeville Low Rail Fares to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AT TORONTO AUGUST 22-SEPTHMBER 6 FROM FLESHERTON Coach Fare $3.90 Good going Thursday, Aug. 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6, inclusive Return Limit â€" Sept. 10 Full inforwiation from airy agent (3aM^li^x4lH (fcLO^lc FOR Comfort and Happiness •AT HOME We have on hand: 2 Coleman Oil Space Heaters for dependability, appearance and economy â€" $63.50 and $105.OO MaClary Rangette $46.95 Sunshine Rangette Easy Electric Washer Hot Plates $5.45 and up Toasters Dominion Washwell Electric Washer Electric Irons Steam Electric Irons Electric Heaters STROMBERG-CARLSON RADIOS â€" Battery and Electric Used Radios, reasonable and reliable RANGES â€" Clare Jewel Good Cheer Princess Pat Priced at $95.00 pp ,â- - Coal Heaters Wood Heaters Coal Oil 3toves and Ovena COLEMAN LAMPS AND LANTEiBNS Gas Irons Hand Washers Dust Mops Brooms Silverware Enamelware Club Bags Suit Cakes Tricycles White Enamel Tables Lawn Mowers Step Ladders Good variety of Jack Knives Scarfe's Quality Paints and Enamels FOR VARIETY, SEiRVICE AND PRICE WE INVITE YOUR COMPARISON J.M.STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVEIRSHAM » t , « , « , « « • 4 4 4 AUGUST 23RD TO SEPTEMBER 6TH (Except Sunday) Reduced ^^ m g^ w Round Fare ZpdlOd Trip Children $2.70 Includes Exhib'tion admission and Bus Transfer direct into and from the Grounds Leave Flesherton Leave Toronto 9:05 am. 1) 7:40 i).iu. h S :45 a.m. a L':45 p.m. c 5 :20 p.m. a Saturday tmly li Sunday and Holiday c Daily I'M-ept Satunlav Ticket.'; and Infurtnalidu at FIRESIDE LUNCH, R. Boden, Prop. 4 t -* 4 4 4