Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1947, p. 8

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HH Wednesday, June 18 THE FLiiSHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Sow, bred.â€" Apply to W- L. Robinsou, Priceville. 2pl FOR SALK â€" Collie pups from goo<) oatUe dog- â€" Harry Akins. phone 41J2 Flesherton. 3p2 FOR SALK - l'.W4 V-S 2-I011 truck, stake body, with hydraulic hoist â€" Hitf^ert Shyers. Duiulalk, phone 51, POR SALE â€" Yorkshire sow, due in August. â€" J. T. Parker, jnhonc Flesherton 32w3. 3p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 building lots oppos- ite hijfh school. â€" Mrs. Geo- John- son, Flesherton- 2c3 FOR SALE â€" Spritig-tooth harrow 3 sections.â€" Emerson Wood, Sing- hfiiniptonjt phone Fever.sham 6r41. WANTED â€" Anuamii suitable fu, mink and fox feed. â€" Bert MclntoHi Eueeni*., phone Fc^ershri 6r2fi FOR SALE â€" Barley good for seed. â€" Leonard Alcox, phone 32r21 at Markdale. FOR SALE â€" Cabbage plants will be available about June 28. â€" Thos- Taylor, Fles-herton. 3pl TOR SALE â€" Ennis piano in good condition. â€" Mrs. Smillie. Ceylon, phone Fle.sherton 107w2. 2c2 FOR SALEâ€" Washing machine with good wringer. â€" Mrs. MacMillan, phone Flesherton 102J3. 3p2 NOTICE â€" My Polled Angus bull i.' Hawkins, R. R. 4 Flesherton. not for service by the public. â€" Joa FOR SALE â€" Reg. Scotch Shorthorn bull, Rosewood breeding, dark red, 11 months. â€" H. J. Courvoisier, Feverham, Ont- 2p2 FOR SALE â€" Smiall house, at once can be moved; 2 youn*: dops also for sale â€" D. W. Adams, Flesher- ton. phone 102w4. 3p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity sliding win- dow screens in first class condition â€" J. D. MacDonald, Eugesia, phone 5r41 Feversham. Ic2 FOR S.A.LEâ€" 2,000-lb- platform scales in good condition; coal oil hanging lamp and poultry fattening crate. â€" Mrs. J. K. McLeod. Ceylon, tele- phone Flesherton 40J2. 3ic2 FOR SALE â€" Refreshment booth 10x8x6 built of matched lumber, would perhaps make good brooder â€" S. L. Stauffer, phone 57w. FOR S.ALE â€" Duo-T\heiTO oU apace heater, capacity 5,000 to 7,000 cu, ft., used 6 months. â€" B. Phillips, phone 30w Flesherton. 3p£ AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. MRS. R. C. PHILLIPS will hold an auction sale in, PLFSHERTON effects of the late Mrs. R, Hoy (at her fonner home) SATURDAY, JUNE 21. 1947 the ftollowing, namely: 2 Bedroom Suites; Dresser; Wash Stand; Spriings and Matti-esses; Ann CThair and Rocker, leather covered; Oiniugroom Suite: Table. Sideboard and 6 Chairs; 2 Sn.aJl Parlor Tables; Drop-leaf Table; Flour Bin; Couch; Kitchen Chiwj-s and Rockers; 2 Rugs 9x12; 2 Feather Beds and Pillows; 2 Toilet Setts; Dishes; Sealers; Pic- tures; Hand Wasihing Machine and WriniBor; 4 Odd Tables; Lanifl) Stand; Cabinet Radio; Electric Iron; Electric Toester; Eaectric Heater; Sandwich Toaster; Odd Di.shes; Graphnnola; Suture and 2 Chairs (^Set); Sing'lc Bed, Spring and Mattress; Dresser and Wash Stand (Set); White Bed- room Suite 4 pieces; Quebec Heater, larjrt- size; Brass Bed, Spring and Miattress; Numerous other articles. SALE AT 2 P.M. SHARP TBRMS: Casih. WTM. KAITTTING, Auctioneer. Bom BLACK â€" To Dorothy L. Oraig Reg.N., wife of Harold C. Bkok, a son, 'nhotnas Cnalg, at Markdale hos piital, Saturday, June 7th, 1&47. MacMlLLAiN â- â€" At the Women's CoHoge Hospital, Toronto, on Mon. June 5»th. 1947, to Rer. and Mrs. K. G. MacMiMam. fbnmerly of Flesher- toi), daugthter, Margaret Jean. RUSSELL â€" At Mrs. Nuihn's Nwr- sin Home, CTesherbon, on S&turdayv June 14tih, ie47„ to Mr. and MIrs. Orville Russell, Rock Mills a daugh- tcj-i Shirley June. In Memoriam Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY .A. Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll for 1947 of the Township of Os/prey will be held in the Council Chamber in Feversham at 10 o'clock a.m. on Saturday, June 21st. 1947. A\\ parties interested are requested to take notice and attend- â€" C- N. LONG, Clerk. Township of Osprey. HEATHCOTE â€" In lovin? mem- ory of our dear wife and mother, who pas.sed away June 20th, 1946. The rolling stream of life goes on. But still the vacant chair Recalls the time, the voice, the smile. Of her who once sat there- â€" Sadly massed by Husband and Dauglhter. FARM FOR SALE 7() acre.s more or less; Lots 130-140, 2 N.E., .-^rtemesia, mostly under cultivation, priced at $2500.00. Ap- ply at the premises until June 21st. â€"BEG. HUTTON, R- R. 2, Flesherton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS CEMEiNT BLOCKS â€" 8 and 10 inch blocks, plain or rock faced, jamb and quarter blrcks. â€" Bates & Badgerow, Proton Station. lp« FOR SALE â€" Oak bed and springs; sideboard with mirror; cream sep- arator No. 5 and number of chim- ney brick. â€" Mrs. Archie Stewart, Flesherton. 2p2 STRAYED â€" From my preraises. 5 yearling cattle, 4 red and 1 roan, I brand H on left hip. Phone collect' 618r4 Thornbury. â€" Geo. Holmes Duncan, Ont- 3^1 In the matter of the estate of Mrs MAY RHD, of the Township of Art- emesia, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the Mrs. May Reid, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the Co;inty nf Grey, who died on or about the 17th day of November, A. D. 1946, are required and hereby notified to send prepaid to the under- signed Solicitors for the Executor on or before the 23rd day of June, A.D. 1947, full particulars verefied by sta- tutory declaration. Imimediately after the said 23rd day of June, 1947, the estate will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto- having reigard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had noti<*. Dated at Markdale this 2nd day of June, 1947, â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor. Future Events DANCE AT PRICEVILLE Dance in the Institute Hall, Price- ville, on Friday evening, June 20fch, to music by the McDougal Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1. Admission: 35c- JULY 1ST IN FLESHERTON Dominion Day will be ob.served in Flesherton on Tuesday, July 1st, im- (ler fhe auspices of Canadian Legion. Pi cjrram wil] include a Ceremonial at 1:30 p.m., folloiwed by ball games and races, with a dancfl in evening. EAST GREY COUNTY L.O.L. The semi-annuial meeting of 'rlast Grey County L.O.L. will be held at .Singhampton Tuesday evening, June 24th, at 8 p.m. AH members pelase take notice. DANCE IN DUNDALK In Dundalk Town Hall on Monday. June 23rd-, Ma>ke his your meeting place Monday night for a real time- Music by Norm Hartley and his pop- ular dance orchestra. Dancing 9:30 to 1:'30. Door prize. Refreshment booth. Admissdt)n: 50c- BALL GAME AND DANCE game and dance will be held in Bugen.ia, Friday. June 20: Flesh- erton vs Eugenia. Dance in Orange Hall. Good music with modem an-d old-time dancing from. 10 to 1. WIOMAN WANTED â€" for general housework at the Hotel, Eugenia; ibe able to do some baking and must work on Sundays; day off (lua-ing week; good wages for a neat, tidy person. FOR SALE â€" Boy's light brown 3- piece suit. 8 year size; brown tweed top coat with beret to match, size 8 years; grey tweed top coat, .sdze 10 years; all recently dry cleaned. â€" Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Ceylon phone Flesherton 105J2. 3c2 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urdBy from 6 to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SliRGRON (Iraduate of Toronto Uniyerslty Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C J. BELLAMY VI', LACE CLERK A CommlMionfr for taking Affid^^U Inner of Marricge L{ceni>es CONVEYANCING DBEDS MORTGAGHS. Wn/«, Bt«. Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton 4 _^. â-  I â- â-  â-  â- â- 'â- â- 'â- â-  â-  -â- â- â-  - - WM. KMTTING LICENSED AIMTIONKFH for the County of Grey Farm and Stock swIps on' nf 'alty Terms: reasonable. Satisfartior. 1? guaranteed. Date»i arranged at "Hie Advance offic* or phom* 4w. YOUR TASKS CAN BECOME A JOY AND YOUR MONEY MAY BECOME YOUR SERVANT WITH K ASSEY-HARRIS Better Equipment We have on hand: 2 New Mowers 3 New Binders 6, 7 feet Reconditioned Binder 7 ft. cut New Dum]) Rake .Set Tractor Disc Harrow 1 2-farrow Tractor Plow 3-8ection set Spring-tooth HarrowH. 2 New Scufflers at $15.50 No. 21 and 51 Single Furrow Walking Pk>w, also No. 251 2-f arrow Walking Plow. Uned Deering Mower $15.00 Peter Hamilton iMower $15.00 Used Dump Rake in good shape. Beatty and Pedlar Bam and Stable Equipment PanpH and Water SjHtems. Steel Bam Track. Good stock of Hay Car* for both steel and wood track. Litter Carrier Outfit. Order now for fall instalHation ami avoid disappointment Building Materials Influlbrik Siding â€" Red with W. M. line. Hoi Rrik Siding â€" Red or Buff 3-I11-I ShinKlcs Vce Loc Shingles Roll RoofinK .Seasonable Items Good Cheer« Clare Jewel and Princess Pat Stoveo on hand. Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens S«reen and Combination Doors Window Screens, Screeninif Lawn Mowers Boys' Wagons Tricycles J. M. STAFFORD Hardware Roofinie rement Feed Farm Machinery Phone t r 22 FEVERSHAM. ONT. Local aod Personal Mrs. Vfm. Inkster of Dundalk was a pleas^t visitor in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Howard of To- ronto were visitors in town. Mr. Bdb Banks of the Customs Staff at FU. Erie is spen-ding: a week with his parents. Mi9B Jean Guy and firiendj Mr. Gordon iSaimple, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. Carter. We are soiry to hear that Mrs. Wim. Talbot is a patient in CoHijig- wood hospital at the present time. Mr.s Ted MadWiEPh and daughter of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. A, MacTavish. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kanitelt od Streetor, 111., are holidaying at pre- sent with Mr. and Mrs. G. MacTavish. Mr. I'nd Wk's. Archie Sutherland of Stratford visited on Saturday with Mr. .nd Mrs. Geo. E. Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Keyland of To- ronto spent the week end with Mrs. Sarnh Guy. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lee and Mfiss El.«ie Caswell of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs- Frank Taylor. Miss Agnes MaeMilaln and Mr. Stuckley of Thistletown were week end visitors with her parents, Mr iml Mrs. W. J. MacMillan. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson of St. Catharines spent a few days over the week end with .M!r. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy and other relatives. Mr. Glen Petch of Toronto was a pleasant visitor in Town Monday and had lunch with Mr- and Mrs. G. \ MiacTavish. Mr- and Mr.'.. Bert Hanna and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Will Don aid son of Toi-onto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe. Mrs. Geo. Trato and daugihter, Marion, of Battle Creek, Mich., visit- ed with Mrs. J. J. Brown and Mrs Moore on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bil] Hill of Mark- dale and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beatty of Toronto visited with Mrs. George Lawler over the week end. Mi-s. Paul Schmidt of Hanovei visited for a short time last week with her cousin, Mrs. A. E. Bell, and Mr. Bell. Mr. Hei-'bert Akins and friends, Riichard Ekjggett and Art Vamey of Toronto spent the week end with the floiTmer's pajrents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Peters and Mrs Cheshire and children erf Winnipeg arrived on Saturday and have taken aipartments in the former MitcheU residence, now owned by the Legion Their husbands are with the Aii Force at Caimp Borden. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blackibuim of Toronto are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher and calling on old friends. We were very pleased to see R: J. looking so well after his serious illness during the winter. Dundalk Took First Game From Their Old Rivals Fle.'shertoii met Dundalk for the first time this season last Thursday evening, on tihe local diiiamond, and lost year's league champions were downed by Dundalk 11 to 5. Dun- dalk made the 'locals look bad in the second inning wfhen they brougiht ir eiigihiti runs, mainily thiroug!i errors and solid clouting. Home runs were made by Bus Spiringigay for Du.ida'lk andd Both Dargavel and Don Banks for Flesiherton. Flesherton â€" H. Best, c-taher; B. Dargavel. pitcher; K. Betts, .ot; C McTavish 2nd; B. Phillips 3rd; Mel. Buchanan, short stop; G. Boyd, lei field; R- Best, centi*e field and Don Banks tnlght field - LEAGUE STANDING P W L Pts Dundalk 2 2 4 Eugenia 3 2 14 Flesherton 2 112 South Line 3 12 2 Feversham 2 2 Games This Week Tuesday â€" ^South Line at Feversham FhMdavâ€" Fle-siherton at Eus-enia United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macp' jr«on, B.A. Minister The S':v<>"'ietlh Anniversary of the erection of St. John's OhuTch. Flesh- erton. w ill he cedebrated tfliis Surolay, June 22lid., morning and evening. For particulars see tihe announcement eilisewjhere in tWb issue off Ihe Advance. â- St. John's choir will pract'ce on Thursday evening of this week at 8 pjra. AM meroibers requested to attend. The Inist/ioge service wlil be as usual this Sunday at 3 p.m.. but the evening service at BiiKunin will be withdrawn in favor of St- John's anniversairy. TRUCKING We specialize in all kinds of â- jTcncTHl trucking at vt'a.wnable rates, with first-class service, phone us at any time and we will be r'ght tihore. lU-DRinGE HOYCF Phone 119J1 EuKenia. Ont. FIND OUR BANK IN THIS FARM PICTURE 1 -* •» THE addition to this barn has â€"^^ been made possible through the â€"*" banking services and helpful fin- ancing of The Canadian Bank o£ Commerce. You, too, may need to repair, alter or construct new build- ings on your farm. -«. â- â™¦ '* > Equ-.p«n«n». stock , porchosinfl »â- '; Home* Investigate the many advantages you have under the Farm Improvement Loan plan. Come in and discuss your finaacial aeeds with our local Manager. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R. B. Heard, Manager 112-4^ CEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, ED. Pastor Services Next Lord's Day, Juue 22nd. Worship at 11 am. Subject: Stiength and Beauty, '''ext 1st Kings 7:22. Church Sdhool at 12 noon each Sun- day. I^rayer an-d praise sei-vica on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Come and worsrip in the little Church 'by the side cf the road. We have a big message. ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Services next Ixwd's Day, June 22 worshiip at 3 p.m. and Church School at 2 p.m. Come and bring your guests. All are welcome to worsMp with us- DRESSMAKING Having recently graduated from a course in dressmaking in Owen Sound, Miss Joyce Hodder is now prepared to accept custom orders of sewing and dressimafcing of all kinds at her home in Flesherton. 49ic4 F. T. HILL & CO .. Limited i ;| WORTHWHILE Grocery Specials Pearl Pot Barley 5 lbs. 25c Granulated Com Flakes 5 lbs. 25c Commeal 5 lbs. 25c Aylmer Soups, assorted 2 for l5c Blended Juice and Grapefruit Juice 10c each Bulk Ceylon Tea 59o lb. 105 oz. tins Crushed Pineapple $1.75 tin 105 oz. tins Rhubarb 75c tin 105 oz. tins Graves Apples 75c tin 105 oz. tins Dessert Pears 90c tin 105 07. tins Pie Peaches . $1.20 tin 105 oz. tins Crabapples 90c tin 105 oz. tins Red Plums 80c tin Dried Peaches 32o lb. Fresh Ground Coffee 27c lb. Raisins 2 lbs. 45c Orange Miarmalade, Apple and Raspberry Jam , Plum Jam« Peach Jam 24 oz. jars 33c each Sunkist Oranges, size 344 19c Sunkist Oranges, size 288 29c il F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. I Phone 7 Markdale ****-H^'** * ******************************** * **** > * * ** r

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