wmm. Wednesday, June 18 THE Fi iSSHERTON ADVANCE: H tllllll HM IIII M t l l l l M I M « I M 1 1 H III M »»*»***»' BOYD BROS. FLESHERTON Sales and S rvice a^^ \ McCc^-Frontenac Oil Products Genuine ; Ford! Parts :| < • Firestone Tires ',', THE flesherton Advance t^ublished on Collingwood St., Flesherton, Wednesday of each «reek. Circulation 1,100- Price tZ.OO a year in Canada, paid in aarance; |2.50 per year in the United States. P. J. THURiSTON, Editor KIMBERLEY Card of Thanks Try our new TEXACO MOTOR OIL recently introduced by McCoU-Frontenac Oil Co. IT'S INSULATED FACTORY RE-CONDITIONED MOTOR ; ASSEMBLIES at the old price (whUe the^ last) BATTERIES WILLARD, FORD and FIRESTONE We are paying $3.00 for your old battery on a trade-in for a new one. Come in and trade in your old Tires for new ones. We make liberal allowances. We have 6.00x16 steel rims on hand at present. I REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS, TRUCKS y, AND TRACTORS. I wish to thank my n^iffhbors and other friends for t<re«ts and oands received while I waa in hospital and since my re*um ham^, â€" Wayn« Maxwell. Card of Thanks Ontario Motor League Servise. The family of the l*te Mrs. 0. W Phillips wis^ to express therir sin- ce>re thanks and deep appreoiatior. to neig'hbors and otih«r friends foi their kindness during her recent ill- ness and expressions of sympathy in thedr bereavement. Mr. ; nd Mrs. Russell Ellis, Gwen aid Kiitli, attended the Saunders- Thcmipsjii wedding in Moaford Bap- tist Chuicih on Saturday. Mrs. Maiy McMullen returned to her hoiTK; here, after spending a month at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Ross Smith, E)ugenia. Mr.s. Mary McMiullen of Flesher- ton is visiting with Mr- and Mrs- R. W. Chard. Miss Mlabel Ohard of Fleshearton sipent the week end with Miss Shirley MoMuUen. Mr- and Mrs. EJarl Alexander of CoHingwood visited on Father's Day, Sunday. witSi Mr. and Mrs. D. L. ' Weber. .<-'.*-,' ,l ' l* *4«t f t***t*** f ***************tittt%tt Card of Thanks I would like to express my sincere thanks and apprecdataon to the Pro- vidence Ladies' Aid and my many friends and neighbors for their kind enquiries, treats, cards and flowers whichc I received while in Markdale hospital. â€" ^Mrs. Sam Sanderson Card of Thanks My heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion are hereby conveyed to neigh- bors and other friends for their many kindnesses, treats and cards received during my illness. â€" Mrs. Robt. Haney While he was in prison, Burglar Bill was asked if he would like to vary his daily exercise in any way. "Yes," repHed Bill. "I'd like to have a cross-country run one day." "No mascuiiiic muscle-- iieedeil to drive a Chevrolet! The f;ear.--liirt on ihc- s|i-«riii(^ cnhiiiin lots iiie shift ^ears wilii one liiij^er -willioiU sliillinj; my j^rip on tlif wIk'cI. AiuI hecausf every cuiilrol res[iiiii(ls so readily to the lightest iDUch, I can drive a Clievrolet all day hmg withdiit siraiii or ellort . . . park it ijiiii;kly uiii conveniently whenever i cluxint;." "II you're like me â€" if you value appearanceâ€" you'll your lieart to the winuing charms of Chevrolet. You'll love its long, sweet lines, its roomy ami luxurious interior, its rich upholstery. It's truly the most beautiful car v^e've ever owned." / "I never worry about delays or unexpected breakdowns in inconvenient placxss . . . now that 1 drive a Chevrolet! 1 wear my smartest, gayest costume, my most frivolous shoes â€" knowing I can depend on Chevrolet to carry me over good roads and bad, mile after mile, month after month, with never a need for even a minor repair." J4 CHEVROLET ! Yes . . . it's (Chevrolet . . . the car that oflV^rs Hig-Qr (jualily at low cost. You'll recognize this Rig-Car (|uulity in (Ihevroltrt's Rij^-Cur beauty, Big-Car comfort, Hig-Car safiMv, and in lix; many vital features found only in Chevrolet anil higher-priced cars. And every m<»dcl brings you the great pltm value of Chevrolet's trudiliunal economy of operation and low cost of maintenance. Thf /tmwinii H^manii ftn thf new Chrt'mlel it trttinff an aU-timr rtmni. If'r rnnnol hope far many mimthi In Jili nil the outers poarnift in. if you itre timonf; the many tt'ho /iaiw ae$ your tifihta on Chetrolet'l llift-(Sir Qontttv at Lrm' Coit, we infifjeit that uhile you wuil^ ywU rely on Your dhetrolel Dealer^ a tenire to keep your preMenI car ronnirif^ tmuothlv and aaffiy^ 04M7B (Intended for Last Week) Congratulations to Ruth Chard Lois Kirkipatnick and Joan Elliis on winniinig first .place in at rio at the Owen Sound musical festival. The girls received 88 marks and given encouragement from Mr. Fenwiok the adjudicator. Rutfh and Joan re- ceived high marks lin their duet. Mr. and Mrs. D. Neff and family of Singhiannpton visited over the week end wdtlh Mi-, and Mrs. C. Graham. The baseball teams of Kimberley and Rocklyn met in the Pa'rk on the June 9th holiday, with the former winning. A pleasant and lively game of Softball was played by Kimberley and East Mountain school boys, with Kimiberley victorious. There was a good crowd at the supper and dance. The gate reecipts amounted to $54.25 and the dance ^.00. PORTLAW (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Wes Plantt had her tonsils re- moved last week and was in the East General Hospital, Toronto, a couipk of days. She was then cared for at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Kenneth MJoKee, who motored up Friday and brought Mrs. Planitt to her home here. We ho(pe that Mrs. Plantt will enjoy better health now. Mr. Eugene Waun. friend of Mr. Kenneth McKee. enjoyed a week end visit with the Plantt and McKee families. Doreen Fi^er and Marjorie Croft received honors from Portlaw school at the Owen Sound musical festival as did Delbert Plantt and Jim Love of Victoria Omera. Mr. and Mrs- Lewis Fisher -visited with Mrs. Fisher's brother, Russell Boyice, at Markdale Hospital, who had his leg broken. Mrs. Grace Blackburn of Toronto- Miss Tona Henderson of Flesiherton and Mr. and Mr.s. Ken Stewart of Ceylon spent with Mr. and Mrs. Ev Blackburn. Tlie Greenwood Construction Com- pany has coinmenced work on the Mt. Zion bridpre. Friends here are soiry to hear oi David Jamieson being a patient In the Genem'l Hospital, Toronto. He Ruffered from blood poisoning and had his thumb an^putated above the knuckle. The Meldrum family and D. A Fisher, acoompanied by Miss K. Mor- rison of Port Credit, enjoyed a trip through the "Apple Blossoms" at Thornbury on Sunday. We are pleased to report that Mrs Robt. Hill is innproving nicely and able to be up a little each day since her return from Markdale hospital. Congi-atuktions to Mr- and Mrs- C. Taylor on the arrival of their son, Murray Cliflford. GMladys Love of FiHesherton High Sdhool was successful in receiving advancement on her year's work. Syimpathy goes o»t to Mrs. Chris i I Summer Merchandise >4EW ARRIVALS Frilled Curtains Laoe Curtains Chintzes aifd Cretonnes Curtain Marquisettes Summer Dress Materials Ladies' Celanese Lingerie Ladies' Rayon Slips Nylon Hosiery Wool and Cotton Anklets White Shoes White Plastic Bags Men's Hosiery Sport Trousers Sport Trousers Summer Windbreakers Shirts and Shorts ""â- New Neckwear Sport Shirts Biltmore Felt Hats F. H.iW.[HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont l > H I»»l»^» ******«*«****» HH I»»4»»»»S>» MH IIS» â- 4 â-¼ * > -T Xr â- < Lougheed on the death of her foster- mother, the late Mrs. D. McKechnie, of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Ped'lar visited her sister. Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Flesh- erton, who is convalescing at hei home following a serious operation. The Late Arthur White tribute of the esteem in which Mr. White was held- Relativee from a distance attend- ing the funeral were Mr. and Mr* Morley WeE, Oapreol, Mrs. Charlef McAuighey, Whitiby, Mrs. Ted Webl and Mrs. DorotJiy White, Craigvale. -^CoUingwood Enterprise. < The funeral of the late Arthu' White was held from his home or June 13th. when Rev- A. S. Kerr o3 Trinity United Church had charge 03 the service and gave a very comfort- ing message to the family. Mr. Whitt passed away at his home on Sixth St- Collingwood, on Tuesday evening June 11th. at the age of 74. Mr. White was born in Euphrasia Townsfhip, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White. In the year 1901 he married Sarah Alice Ottowell oi Ospi-ey, where they resided for nim years before moving to Collingwood to the home in which he spent th« roniiaininf!: years of his life. He spent years a.s an employee of the Colling- wood Shipyards until ill health ntadt it necessary for him to retire. He leaves to mourn his passing his wiife. oi>e son. Jaanes, and three dau- gihtei-s, Sadie, Ruth and Ruby. On« son, Russel, predeceased him by sev- en j-ears. His remains were borne to theii last resting place in Tombury C-eon- etery by six neighbours. Messrs Richard Sherwoftd. William Graham Hairj' Lawson, Copeland Rohbins Geoige Wilson and Thomas Carefoot, \TJany beautSful flora' tributes were rtjceived from relatives, friends anc neighbours, these speaking silienl A Georgia woman of 96 says sh« never has seen an auto. That may explain her age. Music Festival Schools from Townships of Proton, Osprey, Artemesia, Egremont, Nottawtisaga, Melancthon and Normanby in DUNDALK ARENA Friday, Junef 20 at 8:30 p.m. 1000- VOICE CHOIR Collingwood Kiltie Band in attendance Sponsored by Dundakl Service Club Adimission: 26 cents. FREE SERVICES FOR FARMERS For the purpose of asaisting fauieis of Canada to meet the econonije probleaUi with whihc they' are constantly confronted and to carry on the industry of Canadiaa agriculture to the advantage of the natlen as a whole, the Dominion Governmeal has several milHoMs of dollars invested n free services and facilities. No other industry has at its disposal such a wide and varied range of servieee and falcilities provided by the Governmert. They include the Dominion-wide system of Experimental Farms and Stations, the divtvons of Dairy Research. Botany and IMant Pathology^ Chemistry, entomology and IMant Protection of the Science Service the divisions of Health of Animals. Plant Production and Livestock with heir field services of the Production Service, the Marketing Service, in which is centralized th« administration of all grading services of livestokc and livestock products, dairy pro- ducts, poultry, eggs, fruit, vegetables, earned goods, maple products and honey, and the Division of Agricultural Ecenomlcs. which serves as a fact-finding body concern- ing production and marketing. Results of the research work and experiments of all these services of the Dom iaion Department of Agriculture are made known t^) farmers and the people of Can- ada generally through free publications, the press and radioi exhibits and other ways directed by the Publicity and Extemion Division. Those engaged in the industry of Agiiculture. whether directly or indirectly, are Invited to make full use of the services and facilities as outlined. They are free. Fur further information write to: , Dominion Dep»rtment of Agriculture Ottawa - Canada irr. H0\. JAM«g J. GAHDINWl Miniskei' DR. G. S. H. BARTON D*put^' llini«ter X