Wedni'sday, June 11, 1947- THE F( ESHERTON ADVANCE > ♦ *»♦<♦»♦< I »»l*^ » »«»»«*»**«»******»<. H . | .>».>»»»»»». H i»».j. BOYD BROS. FLESHERTON Sales and j^^^'^^^^^ Genuine S rvice ^^Q£2^^P^ F^rd Parts 1 McCoU-Frontenac Oil Products Firestone Tires ;; Try our new TEXACO MOTOR OIL recently introduct-d by McColI-l-'rontenac Oil Ca IT'S INSULATED FACTORY RE-CONDITIONED MOTOR ASSEMBLIES at the old price (while the^ last) BATTERIES WILLARD, FORD and FIRESTONE We arc payin<j $3.00 for your old battery on a trade-in for a new one. Come in and trade in your old Tires for new ones. We make liberal allowances. We expect a shipment of 6.00x16 steel rims soon. REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS, TRUCKS ; : AND TRACTORS. Ontario Motor Lea^fue Service. LTton, who died suddenly on Wednes- day of last week. .M'is. MoKechji:'. was a former resident of this line. Mr. and Mi-s. yill Horner and cOrM roil of OollwiKiwood visited on Sunday with Mr. Koy Fenwick and familv. Mrs. ^niy Lpu^heed has returned l'<>'"e, after spendinj. the past month with relatives at Brampton. ^ICTORIACORNERS Mr and :.l.s. Wm. Din^vall, Jack and Lorna, having sold their farm at Proton Station, have moved to "the iu>n.e Of Mrs. John Carson and Mr. Wes M^shaU. Recent guests in the home were; Mr. and Mrs. Carson Stanley the STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mr. Bob Allison of Toronto visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tels. Alli.son. Mr. Jim Magee of Eugenia spent a few days last week with his sister, 3Ir«- Jos. Porteou!*. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean and fam- ily and Mr. Wildon Lougheed, Bramp- ton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mr. J. A. Lougheed. Mrs. Lougheed and John returned with them foi a visit. Mr. and Mr. Frank Hammill and Brian oi Toronto were week end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Ohris. Lougheed and other relatives of Mis. Donald McKechnie of Flesh- and family, Mr. Robt. Ding- wall and Mr. Wes Marshall, who is â- ^nployed elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs Dingwall and Jack visited with foimier's daughter at London. Mr. Ivan Copeland of Toronto vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos Copeland, xvhose b«-other, Hugh of MIeadowvale paesed away this Mon- day morning in the Western Hospital following a lengthy illness. Mr. Les. Ba»chelor visited with his cousin, Howard Bradley, at Berkejey On Sunday. Mrs. Russell Linton and Douglas visited the former's sisters in Owen Sound Tlmrsday and Friday, while Douglas took part in the musical festival activities. Mr. and Mre. George Moore and Garry returned from Toronto Friday evening, after a two weeks' absence due to George undergoing a double liernia operation in the Shouldice Surgeiy. We are very glad to report George .making an excellent recovei-y Mr. and Mrs. Hany Jackson of Wareham were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallaugher. Miss Carie Cooke, Toronto, was a week end and holiday guest in the homes of Geo. Moore and W. Acheson. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. Ernie Stewart in the death of his mother, Mrs. Jas. Stewart, of Shrigley. The music teacher. Mrs. Lenore Waddell of Dundalk, our teacher Miss Marjorie Stevens, and pupils of S. S. No. 4, Artemesia, are to be highly contmended on their .splendid showing at the musical festival held in Owen Sound Thursday and Friday of last 4 r T f i r \ > week- Out of twelve schools com- peting in the igroup singing. No. 4 ranked '5th. In the boys solo, 6 years and under, Douglas Linton took 2nd prize, one point ibehind the winner of 86 points? Don Oxpeland came 4th with 82 points. Doris Nicholls was 4th in girls 8 and under, and was tied wrilth Gwendolyn Acheson of U-S.S. 15 with 82 ipodnts each in a class of 34 contestants. Grant Betts came let with 88 ipoints in boys solo '8 and un- der, and Jirii Love obained 81 points in a class of 26- Joan Copeland was 2nd in girls 9 and under with 88 in a keenly contested class of 34, with Irene Duncan obaining 80 points in the same class. Delbert Plantt took 3rd place in boys solo 10 and under, with 82 points. Four diplomas were awarded to Grant Betts, Douglas Lin- ton, Joan Oopsland and Delb. Plantt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Nicholls of Dun- dalk, former residents here, celebrat- ed tlicir golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, with open house to theii friends. A hearty good wish is ex- tended to this couple, with the hope of a number of happy years to follow. The village fire department was still on the job. "Why don't you stop," yelled the angry house owner. "The fire is out-" "I know it is," replied the fire cap- tain, "but there are three windows yet to break." HANDS AT WORK... LEARNING MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR mJVX'./^JlJTO'S progroes and prosperity are directly dependent on her ability to produce goods in sufficient volume to meet tlomestic needs and the demands of world markets. To keep production lines moving requires thousands of veliirles, {Miwered by gasoline and dicsel engines . . . and these vehicles muHt he maintained in first-class con<lition. Skilled main- tenance men and operators arc neadcd to keep a smooth and increasing flow of raw materials moving to industry ... to move workers to their johs ... to speed protluce to market. For those who master such skilled orrupations higher wages, job security and better working conditions arc «ithm easier reach. Today, through the plan sponsored by the Department of Veterans' Affairs and otlicr agencies, thousands of young workers are being trained to meet the needs of motor vo}iiclc trades and other industrial needs of the province. Graduates of those n*ha1)ilitation courses are now ready to take their places in Ontario's industry. Available to you are velcrana, well started on tl>e road to skilled motor trades such as motor mochanios, cervice management, service station opcrutinn, diemU mc?lianii^s and operation. Seek tii«m out with confltlcnce. They are your future craftsmen. PublUhed by THE HUEWlA't, IMHiSrHV (UNTAHIO) MESEL MECHANICS The Dic«el Course offers exceptional oppor- tunity for the average experienced motor mechanic. Shop work, with a cumbiiiation of llioory, covers all phaaes of operation, and in dnaigncd to give the Htiideiit all cBBcntiaU for proper dieflel engine raaintenance. Course available at Ifaniilton only. MMi^^ ''I'' •^*5fflEi£4 yociuional training rourien in the arts, pntftnions and trades are ojjvrfd at trairting renlrvs loratiii 1 in the JoHmiing cilict and totvns lift OHlariu: Tur»n$o, HamUlan, I Kiickefuv, Windtor, Ft. W lUiam, ' UrockvUle, I\'orth Bay, Ottawa. Premier GEORGE DREW u »» will speak in the PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS SERIES over the C.B.C. Ontario Trans-Canada Network Monday, June 16th 10.30 to 10.45 p-ffl. E.D.T. LISTEN TO STATION CBL, Toronto FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 15«h We have Socks, Ties, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Bill Folds, Athletic Shirts and Shorts, Pipes, Ronson Lig-hters, Shaving Sets, etc. All gifts that Dad would appreciate. FATHER'S DAY CARDS 10c CHILDREN'S SUMMER READY-to-WEAR iaw Slacks. Dresse.-^. Ankle Socks, Farmerettes, Over- alls, Sweater.s. Wash Suits. Sport Shitrs. SHps, Training Panties. We are agents, for RAMSAY'S PURE PAINTS E. J. FISHER 5c to $1.00 Store FLESHERTON ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<' * »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< I ******** I . â- < .. -r 4 :: 4 Summer Merchandise NEW ARRIVALS Frilled Curtains Laoe Curtains Chintzes at>d Cretonnes Curtain Marquisettes Summer Dress Materials Ladies' Celanese Lingerie Ladies' Rayon Slips Nylon Hosiery Wool and Cotton Anklets White Shoes White Plastic Bags Men's Hosiery Sport Trousers Sport Trousers Summer Windbreakers , Shirts and Shorts New Neckwear Sport Shirts Btttnfore Felt Hats F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant FLESHERTON, O^t. • p- .♦ I I * **** M H H I ♦ ♦ ♦<♦â- > ♦»♦♦â- >> »« ♦ ♦« I t l ******* I M » » ••!' • » : .r