X El)je /toi)^tU'^n ^^tiatt(^« VOL. 66; NO. 37 IMSHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1947 W. H. Thurston & Son. PuWisheri Memorial Stamp To Honor Inventor Of The Telephone To honor the lOOth anniversary of the birth of Alexander Graham Bedl, which occurs on March »rd, 1947, the Dominion gt)venmient will issue a special comtnemojative postage stamp First cianonemorative stamp issue in Canada since the special series in honor of the visit of the King and Queen to Canada in 1939, the Bell tfta-mp will appear in the four cent denomination and will depict fame pticing a laurel wreath on the effigy of t!.^ iirvcicor ii the telephone. The new stamp will be somewhat larger than the ordinary four cent stamp, the Postmaster General, Hon. Ernest Bertrand said, and the color will probably be blue in conformity with intemationa' postal agree- ments. First issue of the stamp will be made at Brantford, Ontario, whei"? Bell invented the telephone, and first- day covers for philatilists will be postmarked only at the Brantford pt>»t-onvte.- After the first issue, the stamps wUl also be on sale at the Philatelic Division of the post office in Ottawa. The commemorative stamp will be a restricted issue, and virili be sold concurrently with the ordinary four cent stanip, which depicts the King in military uniform. Supplies of the Bell stanip are expected to last about two months. «> EMERSON BEATON PRESIDENT FLESHERTON BAPTIST Y.P.U. The organization of the B.Y.P.U. ©f Cedarside Baptist Church was held at the Parsonage recently. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Hon. Pres.â€" Rev. W. A. White. Hon. Vice-Pres.â€" Mrs. W. A. White. President â€" ^Eimerson Beaton. Vice-Presidentâ€" Ted Newell. Secrpt^rj â€" 'Miss Eva Doupe. Treasure!' â€" Mi.s Eleanor Williams. Program Com. â€" Miss lone Betts. Lookout Com. â€" John Milligan. Former Eugenia Couple Lose Baby At Burlington Maurice Irvine Goddard, infant son of Charles Henry Goddard and Hilda Genoe Goddard, died suddenly at the residence of his parents, Burlington, on Wednesday evening of last week, aged one year. Although medical aid was called upon the first signs of illness, it was if no avail. His par- ents had ipreviou;ly lived in Burling- ton since 1940 until a vear a<ro when thsy mov".l to Burlingrton Beach' They formerly resided at Eugenia. Besides his parents, two sisters and four brothers survive. They are Marion and Marlene, Mansell, Melvin an Mervin (twins) and Martin, all at home. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, Feb. loth, the service being onoducted by Rev. R. W. O'Brien of Tiinity Unite<i Church, Burlington. Interment was made i" Greenwood Cemetery, Burlington. Sjubscriptions Accepted At Old Rate Of $1.50 Per Year Once sagin we miut renind our subscribers that they still have an opportunuity of renew- ing their subscriptions to The Advance at the rate of $1.30 per ment win be Saturday, March i, menf will be Saturday, March 2, when the new $2.00 rate comes into force. Those in arrears are asked to send in their renewals prior to that date so that they will be in good standing when that time arrives. New sub- scriptions will also be accepted until that time at <1.50 per year. You still have ten days, but don't leave it off for a few days. CEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, E.D. Paster Worship at 11 a.m. Sundiay, Feb. 23rd. Subject: "God's Ixwe." Text Zephaniah 3:1". Church School at 12 o'clock noon. Service at Rock Mills at 3 p.m. We welcome every one to our services. The World D«y of Prayer will be held in Cedarside Chui-ch Friday. Feb. 21sit. at 3 p.m. The B.Y.P.U. meets Friday even- ing at S o'clock at the home of Miss Eva Doupe. Ted Newell will lead the devotional. Osprey To Hire Operator For Township Maintainer Saturday, Feb. 8th, was a very busy day for the members of Osprey Mtmicipal Council, as owing to it being of somewhat typical weather, it proved difficult for all to be on hand at the the appointed hour of 2 o'clock. Mr. Moore and Mr. Thomp- son appeared and after a wait of some time Reeve Hale and Mr. Mc- Ctitcheon made their appearance. As Mr. Buie had c°nt word that he '.vould be delayed, it was decide that the business would proceed as usual until his arrival, so the minutes and proceedings of the former meeting were read and disposed of, and mat- ters of only general routine were dealt with. In the interval from the former meeting the salesman of the Adar road maintainer informed the Reeve that tbe machine would definitely be delivered on or about March 1st. This information called for consid- erable discussion and it was decided to authorize the Clerk to advertise for applications for an operator. The Good Roads Association an- nual gathering will b« held in To- ronto, so it was decided that the Reeve and Mr. Thompson should at- tend, especially in view of the fact that the before mentioned main- tainer will be on display at that gathering. Owing to the Assessor not having completed his assessing for the year 1947. it was decided to adopt the 1946 -•Vsseisment Roll as the Rail for 1947, an the Clerk was author- ized to nisake and mail by ordinary post all such notices. The necessary By-law, to provile for the expenditure of money on Township roa-U was pai'.-i for the a:aount -n S' i.i^nO.nO aa i v. .11 be sent to the Dtpartmeut of Highways for approvi,!. The Uodd Siperinteiiuarit present- tii his loucat . amounti'.i^ to Jlo'J-", v: Ich wus V'-f'S=ed and orde:e'x paij. Gontral ?.•< cunts to the amount of .$254. liy '.(.ri ordered pa d. Council aujour:ied io ;,gain msec Saturday, ..lur-h >th, t 2 o'e'o..-.- p tr. Risen From The Dead Public Library To Seek Extension To Quarters Fiesherton Public Library Board has appointed a committee to ap- proach the Village Council with a proposal to enlarge the library's quarters in the Town Hall. Increas- ing demands for new books and ful- ler use of current periodicals pro- vided by the library will necessitate more shelves and reading room fac- 'lities. In co-operation with the Council, the Board hopes to be able to meet these requiremetHs, and to inaprove greatly the library services offered to the comanunity. The Board for the current year is composed of Mrs. Geo. Boyd, con- vener of book committee; Mrs. J. A. Richards, Miss E. Oliver, Rev. k. G. Macpherson; R. B. Heard, treasurer; K. G. Goheen, secretary, and Reeve K. G. Betts. The book committee is now en- gaged in making selections for early purchase. Reading patrons can as- sist the committee in maiking popu- lar choices by leaving with the librarian the titles and publishers' nam«s of books desired. Former Eugenia Resident Loses Son In The West Conditions In Germany Described by John W. Cook In A Friendly Hour Address SpeaKing before a large gathering at The Friendly Hour in St. John's L'nrted ChuiTch basemeaii Sunday evening, Mr. John W. Cook of town^ gave his audience a word picture of the conditioaa in Gemoany as he foundt hem during his ten months in Germauiy with the Canadian Army .•Vuxiliaiy Services. Mr. Cook's ad- dress occupied an hours time, but all greatly enjoyed his talk. We give a short review of his remarks. Mr. Cook remarked that there was no outward manifestation of N'azi rule and the great majority of the common people weie untouched by it ail, the plots were all 'natcbed in Berlin andl Berchtesfearten by tie top Nazis. When the stories of the horrors of concentration camps were first given out, the Germans refused to believe it, but later by press re- ports and special movies oi condi- tions at Belsen, and other camps, were completely dumfounded and amazed. The people learned only what Goebells wi-hed them to know. Possibly t'ne most J.\S. McKENZIE HO.VORED BY MEMBERS FEVERi4H.\M L.O.L. (By Feversham Seporter) Feversham L.O.L. No. 1086 held theij' regiLlar monthly meeting Feb. 3rd. -â- Vlong' with the regular busin- ess was an interesting event, when Bro. James McEenzie was made an honorary naemJoer. He has been a faithful member for over 46 years, dtiring which time he occupied all the chairs in the District and County Lotfees. Feveirsham Lodge tjakes great pleasure in bestowing this hon-or on Bro. M<:Ke''-Z.it ar.i wish him many more active years with the Lodge. BANKS jARE CONSIDERING S.ATLRUAY tL<J«ING PRICEVILLE PREENTATION Canadian banks are considering dosing all day Saturday and the gov- ernment has the matter under ad- visement. Robert Rae vice-president and general manager of the Omnia- ion Baiik said recently. C. M. Short, chief statistician of the Canadian Biank of Commerce, said, however, that it would be diffi- cult for Canadian banks to close on Saturday unless there was wide- spread closing of bcsiness on that oav. Moreover, 75 percent of Bank branches were in rural districts* where the busiest day of the week was Saturday, ^eleton staffs would have to be kept on. (By Pricevilie Reporter) Fridav night a miscellaneous show- ! .ARTHLR CHARD APPOINTED er was 'held at the home of Mr. and SECRETARY OF H. S BO.\KD Mrs. Neil Aldcorn in honor of Mr. Emerson Burnett and his bride, who recently arrived from Holland. A very large crowd was present and splendid music was supplied by El- wood Kinsman, Colin McMillan, Don Reilley and Bi'tlie McMillan. The Albert Magee. 23. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kilbume >Iagee of Aneroid, Sask., died of a heart attack whUe assisting in the search of .Audrey Clark. 15, missing while on her way home from school in a blizzard, on Thursday, Feb. 6th. The girl was found in a farm barn where she had taken shelter, with her hands and feet badly frozen, .\lbert had been affected by heart trouble for some time and the extra exertion brought on the fatal attack. Deceas- ed was a nephew of Mrs. Robt. Garley of town, and John. Bert, Wil- fred and Garent Magee of Eugenia. A "rising from the dead," border- l:'.;^' o-'i th'.^ ni;ras;'..:jui, has been suc- cessfully brought about by a London, England, doctor, .\ccording to all the rules of science, one of his pa- tients had died; his heart had ceased to beat and all signs of life were extinct. .-Vfter .^ minutes had elap- sed, the doctor. Dr. Hamilton Bailey, besran to massage tbe patient's heart with his hand. The heart began to function again, its beats became re- gular once more. The "dead" man is now back at work again without knowing anything about it! The de- tails were not revealed to him, but the facts have been given in the well-known medkal journal "The Lancet." United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson, B.A- Minister â- •\.hi i.« My Neighbor?" is the ser- mon theme for Sunday, Feb- 23rd, at Eugenia, Proton and Flesherton. .A. special offering will be received for the Aid to China camj>aign. Con- n-ibutions will be credited to the in- dividual Missianary and Maintenance givings for the year. They may be placed either in the regular or spec- ial envelopes provided. Please be generous. The Friendly Hour in St. John's Lh'.s Sunday evening is to b: addres- sed by -viics Agnes .Uacpuuii, wiic will speak on "Me.xico." Everyone is welcome. Choir practice, senior on Friday Friday evening, at the home of Jas. Stewart, while the junior choir is to practice Thursday afternoon in the Sunday School room. The annual World's Day of Piayer will be held Friday afternoon, Feb. ilst. at 3 o'clock in the Baptist Church. All the women of the com- munity are invited to join in this important service- Proton Sunday School will hold its monthly social in the Proton Church Tuesday evening. Feb. 25th. All members and friends invite*.!. In Memoriam bride and groom were the recipients demoralizing • of many beautiiful and useful gifts- t Lunch was served and a social even- effect of all was in tne educational ij,» vvas enjoyed. field, when all old German masters and professors, genuineiv talenteo ; » r j i r r: artists, were driven from schools and I Vandeleur Farm Forum replaced by young men, ignorant and ; egotfeticai, but enthused with the | Nazi doctrine. The old classics were i Mr. .Arthur Chard of Fleshertoa was appointed secretary of the High School Board, succeeding Mr. Eoy Piper, who has efficiently held rimt position for the past several yeara. Mr. Chard is Qerk oi Artemeaia Township and is well qualified for the position. Mr. H. A. McCauley was re-eiected as chairman of the 1 Board and Milton Bannon as Vice- Chairman burned, and so a new generation of boys and girls were fast growing up in profound ignorance of the true facts of history, geography and lit- erature. This situation is now being (By Vandeleur Reporter) The Farm Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Jack Hill, with 20 adults and 10 children in attendance and discussed "Future Fai-m Prices.'' The Forum feh that farmers should know the price of changed before irreparable harm ! ^''iâ„¢ Pro<i"cts from 2 to i year^ in advance, and believed that prices LOUGHEED â€" In loving memory of William Lougheed. who passed away Feb. 12th. 1946. No one knows how much I miss you. No one knows the bitter pain I have suffered, since I lost you Life has not been the same. In my he><»rt your memory lingers Tweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day. dear brother. That I do not think of \-ou. â€" Sadly missed by brother, Ernest netAiR AVI â- iwiAmovt-II BLOOO CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily acceHible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNfRAL CHAPEL l24AvenueRd. KI.4344 ^IL could be done to young minds. The most outstanding of all things w'aich .impressed him was the phil- osophical, stoical attitude of the people in accepting the conditons of deifeat which must have been ex- trtauAe^jf gu.iiii^ ana u.AAi^uxa.i..io, -t-ox it was a conquering army and no mistake. Many of the chatps took matters in their own hands and organized small raiding parties of their own in which they held up the people at the point of a gun and lit- erally robbed them of every treasure they possessed. This was, of course, the e-xception and not the rule a.nd in a very short time such lawless- ness was brought under control. He was also impressed with the clean, neat, tidy appearance of houses and dwellings throughout the whole country. The children are quite well disciplened and mauneirly, more sO ':.jn ^. - nad.ia;: or -A-me-ican and ox the courteous manner in which 'ous- iiiess is conducted. There was a marked similarity of the emotional attitudes of the people of the better educated classes with that of the -American way of life and, except for for the language, very little differ- ence to ourselves. If any or\.ii has had any doubts as to whether tht Gorman people have not paid in biuo^; and tears a thou- sand times for their dangerous e.x- periment in Nazi doctrine of domin- ation and aggression, Mr. Cook as- sured his audience for all time on that score. He stated we can safe- ly as.ame that the German people are back about where they were be- fore Hitler came to power, and this time there must be no mistake. It is the joint responsibility of the Great Powers to see that this people are led through the present dark vale of tears upon the right road that will lead in tim« to a new era cif economic prosperity, a new en- lightenment in th-' democratic way of living. "â- In closing Mr. Cook stated that the occupation was a success. The greatest experiment and tiisk in teaching the democratic ideology was being made, that of tearing down an old order of deeply ingrain- ed ide«s. hardened and tempered by centuries of harsh, stem discipline under autocratic and desipoti-. rulers and emperors, to say nothing of the twelve years of Nazi dictatorship, was a tremendous task. The plant- ing: of the see(te oi a new oid*'' 's like grafting a piece o(f the n«w wt>rld, as syrrebolized by .\merica and Canada, on the trunk of the old. could be worked out at conferences between producers and government officials, on the 'oasis oi production requirements to meet consiumers' needs. They felt, too, that the farm- er should, by efficiency in production a;i.i. co-operative marictiug, make his EL (TENIA PEOPLE TO fiELCOMB HOfE GEORGE STEWaF.T .A. dance to welcome home L. CpL George Stewart, who just ret-jraeJ from overseas, is being held in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, this Thurs- day evening, Feb. 20. Ladies please bring lunch. LEGISLATURE OPENS MARCH « The date for the opening of tlw third session of the Ontario Legisla- ture has been set for March 6tlL. There is much important business to come before the members, inclxid- pi-oducts available at the lowest price j ing the new Liquor .-Act provision^ economically possible. There wias a , discussion of the Dominion and F'ro- good discussion on Hydro, and it was ' vincial tax agreeinent suggestions. unanimously decided to send a peti- tion to the Hydiro C-ornrmission, de- manding that farmers have priority over other services contemplated, ex- cent hoomes for returned men, ajid also that the pcwer be brought to the farmer's door, the same as in towns and cities. The committee reported the pur- chase of a piano for the Community Hall, and also that the resolution re reforestation and wind-breaks was being considered by the Artemesia lOiviiship Council. Some very interesting statistics on "Health" were read by the secretary and literature was distributed for the study of "Cretiit Unions." The recreation peiriod was followed by lunch by the menabers, with ice cream and cake by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. Carl Wilson. WORLD DAY OF PRAY IN CEDARSIDE CHURCH FRIDAY The Woman's World Day of Prayer sen-ice wiill be heW in Cediarside Baiptist Church. Fleshwton. Fruiay. Feb. 21st. at 3 o'clock pjn. Miss Kate Macmillan will be in chai-ge of th* meeting and Mrs. (Rev.) W. .\. White will give the address. Every woman of the town aiul -community i invited to attend- HOCKEY NEWS Mai-k(Jale made a smashing finish to win their third game in the semi- finals of the Central Ontario Leagrue by dejfeating DundalSc 3-2 at Markdal^ Tuesday evening. They previously had won ^n Dundalk 3^ and atrain in Markdale Saturdsy night 5-4. These games are real fast at times and the crowds of sqjectiators enjoyed the Cast clean hockey. Grand Valley took bwo straight games from SheJburne and then the latter entry came through Monday night to give themselves another chance by taking the game 3-2. To enter the finals with Markdale, Shelbume has to win the next two games. The odds are on Grand Valley. Bom EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL « besidest he usual routine business. In Memoriam TL'RNER â€" In loving .memory of our dear Janie, who entered into, rest on February 55th, 1!>25. The radiance of your smile. Yours counsel true, sincere, Y'our deeds o>f love, your kindly thoughts, .\!i these when you were here; .â- Vnd ye*: they are not froc 'rom as, . Ren.enibrancem akes ;t so. There always is an angel Ever with us here below. â€" Ever remembered by her loved.' ones. Card of 1 hanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my kind friends who sent flowers, frurt, treats and cards following my recent operation in the Collingwood Hospital. â€" Mrs. Leslie McMulIeiw Card of Thanks We wish to thank all those who were so kind to Uncle Ben Carruthr ers, during his long illness in Mark- dale Hospital and at home in Eugen:.<i and are truly grateful to the m^i» who assisted at the time of his death in opening roads and other thought- ful deeds. â€" Muriel Carruthp'>, May Puik. Card of Thanks 1 wish to express my sincere ap- preciation for cards and treats, en- quiries and other acts of kindness extended to us at the time of' my accident, and also to Mr Victor Mie- Kenzie for the loan of his crutrfie»» which aided me to get around agaiiu These are all v*ry much appreciated. â€" JXinald Witsorr- In Apprcdation I â- wish to thank my friends antf neiphbors who so kindly helped us to so many ways during the time I was laid up. This was all very niuc!» apprecisted. â€"Earl Talbot. I The Easter season this year falls KENNEDY â€" .Vt Mrs. Nuhn's i on the second week in Kx>r\\ with Nursi'isr Home. Flesherton, on Wed- j Good Friday on April 4th and Easter npsthy. Fe-b 12th, 1»47. to Rev. and : Sunday on the Sth. This is two I teaches .thrift and manv other splen^ Mrs, Harold L. Kennedy of Sin<:- \ weeks earlier than ii 1946. when did virtues which p*>ople hampton. a daughter. Lois Mary. i Good Friday ea-me on .\pril IWh. I need if »h«y stayed single. Marriiage is a great institution.. It ler wouldn't