Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1946, p. 1

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®l)je /k0l)^rlA*n VOL. 65; NO. 45 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, APRIL lU, 1946 W. H. Thurston & Son. Publishers X I Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who, through visits, cards, enquiries, etc, helped to shorten and make more pleasant my recent stay in Markdale hospital- â€" Cliflford Allen. Future Events SATURDAY NIGHT E(ANCE Enjoy yourself at the Saturday night dance in Fraternal Hall, Flesh- erton to the Golden West Mountain- eers' orchestra, SERVICE AT MAXWELL A "Good Fri<Jay" Service will be held Friday, April 19th, in Maxwell United Church at 8 o'clock. Plan to attend this special service. EAST GREY L.O.L. The annual meeting of Easo Grey L.O.L- will be held in Markdale on Tuesday, April 16th, at 8 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING A public meeting will be held in the Park Hotel, Fle&herton, at 8:30 Saturday evening, April 13th, to con- sidetr the advisability of starting a credit union. A capaible Speaker will be present. Membeors of co-operat- ives and Farm Forums especially invited to attend. Reception Held For Pte. J. A. Lougheed (By Stephen's Comers Reporter) A reception and dance was held in Maxwell hall on Thursday evening in honor of another of oijr returned boys, namely P*te. J. A. Lougheed, who served overfseas for four years. During the evening J. A. was called forward and a "welcomie home" ad- dresfe was read by Mrs. Joe Porteous and the presentation of a purse of money was made by Joe Porteous, on behalf of friends and neighbors. Mr. Fred Hale, Reeve of Osprey, spoke wordfe of welcome and appreciation to Pte. Lougheed and Mr. Bill Seeley presented him with a wrist watch on bebaM of Osprey Township. J. A. replied very fittingly, thanking all for their kindness since his return homie and for boxes, etc., sent him while he wa!s away. The Pedlar orchestra supplied music for dancing. Card of Thanks Mr- and Mrs- Fred Brown wish to express their appreciation and grat- itude to the Flesherton fire brigade and other's who assisted Tuesday evening of last week at their chim- ney fire.- PRESENTATION FOR THREE RETURNED MEN THURSDAY A reception will be held this Thursday evening, April 11th, in the Fraternl Hall, Flesherton, for three local boys who have returned home from service with the Army and Air Force: Pte- Carl Teeter, L-A-C- El- don Fisher and Pte- Hugh Bibby. Be sure to attend and give these boys a welcome conunenfeurate with the seance they have given- Let H'Obody stay home. The Late M. Courvoisier Card of Hianka Mr. and Mrs- H- J- Courvoisier and Beth wish to express their sin- cere thanks to friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes and many acts of kdndiiefes during their recent bereavement. An Urgent Appeal We are in need of workers at the Red Cross Sewing Rooms ever\- Tuesday afternoon to complete the quota of Infants' Layettes. Anyone wiUing to help, but unable to attend, please phone either Mrs. F. Gorrell or Mrs. E. J. Fisher. A ft rt A 1^ *i ^ -i *i -i *i r, -I i-i i-i -, -i *i 1*1 -i 1i *i *i * * - * * * *i * * - - * * * * * - - - * ~ .) â- * * - - - - -| (By Feversham Reporter) The community was shocked and saddened when it was learned that MisS Margauret Ruth Courvoisier, 23, daughter erf Mr. and Mrs- Harry Courvoisier, 10th line, had passed away suddenly Monday morning, April 1st, Bit St. Joseph's! Hospital in Toronto. Deceased was born in Waterloo Township on March 15th, 1923- She was of a kindly, quiet disposition and highly esteemed by all who knew her The funeral service wws held on Thursday aiternoon, April 4th, at rhe home of- her parents and was very largely attended. Rev. Bradbury of the Anglican Church, Dundalk, con- ducted the service and preached a comforting and helpful sermon. The hymns used were, "Safe in the Armte of Jesus" and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus-" Interment was made in Maxwell Cemetery- The pallbearers were: Mesfers. Don JDavidson, Merivin Davidson, Allan Shortr, Russell Hudson, Burton Hudson and Lloyd Stephens. The beautiful floral tribute^ were silent messages of esteem, among them being from the Blue Bird Ink Company. Toronto, where Margaret was employed, St- Mary's Guild of Maxwell- 10th Line neighbors, 8th Line neighbors, and from many other friendfe and relatives- The flower bearers were: Mts. Leslie Hawton, Mrs Mm. Izard, Mrs. Lloyd Stephens. Mrs. Burton Hu<I- son, Mrs. Rufesell Havirton, Misses Edith Sayers, Wilda Sayers. Irene Hudson. Morma Heitman and Kaith- leen Semers. Friends and relatives atte^idlii^ the funeral from a distance were: Mr- Harry W^ai-wick, Toronto; Mr- and Mrfe. Jack Courvoisier, Dundalk; Mr- and Mrs. Sara McNabb and Mrs- Alex. McNabb. Chatsworth; Mt*. Edith Hutchinson, Mrs- Squire and Mrs. Davidson, Markdale, and Mrs.. Dave Jenkinfe, Magnetawan. Surviving are her parents and one sister, Beth. ^. Pepostt your savings in an account with us. They will be secure from theft or other form of loss, and will be at your disposal ^hen and as you wish. The assets of a strong bank are .behind every dollar you deposit. 702 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Tax Rate Set By Village Council Monday Flesherton Council met in the town hall Monday evening for the April meeting with all members present. A deLegatjon was present com- posed of Messrs- Rapp and Borinsky, reprefeenting the Fles^ierton Cream- ery, and Mr- Howard Milligan- Con- sideraible discussion took place in re- gard to the creamery waste material which has been flowing on Mr. Mill- igan's property- Mr. Miligan stated that action would be taken if the trouble was not elearedi up. By-law No- 3 of 1945. to levy cer- tain ratefe for the year 1946, was in- troduced the required number of times, signed, sealed and entered in the By-law book. The following are the rates levied to meet the several expenditures and liabilities for the year: County rate 7-5 mills, Village j rate, which includes all village ex- penditures for relief. Board of Health Public Library, etc-, 13-7 mills. Pavement debenture 10-5 mills. Pub- lic School 9..1 mills. Street Lights 3.1 mills and High School 2-5 mills- The â- 'ollowing correspondence was read: Erunner. Mond Ltd.. prices re calcium •hloride; the Attorney-Gen- eral, in r^'gard to raffieS. bingos. etc-; the County Assessor, in regard to a meetino; of Muijicipal Assessors, and the Department of Welfare, in re- gard to relief- The following accounts were pre- sented and on motion ordered to be paid: Robt- Fisher work on roads $21-40; Lewis Pedlar, work on roads $3-20; Mervin McFadden, work on roads with team $4-50; Geo. Arm- strong, work on roads with hoi-se $1-60; Ford garage- account chang- ing water tank and licence for fire truck $7.40; Municipal World, re dog tags and stationery $4.54; County of Grey, hospitalization $50-63; County of Grey, for tax deed of Lot 12, Bea- chell's Survey, Block F; C. J. Ken- nedy, account for food supplied for relief $24-43; the Clerk for postage, telephone and registration of deed $4.54. A grant of $25-00 wias made to the Flesherton - Artemefeia Hoaricultuiral Society for the purpose of municipal improvement- The following Hydro accounts were ordered to be paid: H. Milligran. sal- ary as Secretary for March $16 and $4.00 for postage; G- B. Welton. sal- â- :iry for March as Superintendent $20, labor and ufee of car $18-75; Customs and Excise, for tax $1-28; H-E-PC. account $26.85. LOCiii aod rersooa! ASSISTANCE NEEED ' FOR CANCER RESEARCH Enters 80th Year With this issue The Confederate eomipletes seventy--nine\ years of service to Mount Forest and sur- rounding district- It wate on M«rch 29- 18(J7, that Queen Victoria gave assent to the British North America Act by which the Confederation of the Dominion of Canada was author- ized by the Imperial parliament- «nd the ne.xt week the first issue of The Confederation appeared- There ite no other newspaper in the world, so far as we know- that bears the name of The Confederate- There will be only one to bear the name, at least fcr the same reason- R. B. HEARD, Manager Died COOPER â€" At the Ontario Hos- pital. Hamilton, on March 29th, 1946, George Cooper of the Town- ship of Osprey in hi% 87th year. Newly Weds Feted (By Stephen's Comers Reporter) A presentation w-as held in Port- law school on Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs- John Blakey. recent gfoom and bride. Mrs. Joe Porteous read an address of con- (rratulationfe and good wishes and the presentation of a chenille bedspread- two pairs of blankets and a be<i lamp w-as made on behalf of friends â- \nd neighboi"s by MessA. Wes Plant: and Joe Porteous. They also receiv- ed a nuni'ber of other individual gifts- John thanked all for the gifts and invited all to visit them in their new home in Toronto- Tlie evening was Mient in social chat and a short program of music and contests. Ml-. Howard Teeter spent a coupl* of days in Toronto last week. Mrs. G- A. McTavish spent the past week in Toronto- Mr- John P- Scarrow of Toronto is visiting his son, Mr- Norman Scarrow, and family- Mrs M. Jamieson returned home last week, after spending the winter at Owen Sound- The Flesherton Saturday night dances are attracting splendid crowds. Mr- Gaylord Kaitting of Detroit is visiting this week with his parents, Mr- and Mrs. Wm- Kaitting. Mr- and Mrs- Harold Fawcett and two children spent the week end A'ith the former's brother at Ham- I ilton- Mr- and Mrs. W- J- Brown and Mr- Harold Fisher of Toronto spent the first of rhe week with Mts- Ed- Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scarrow and two children spent the week end with the former's sister at Port Perry. Capt. Dick Armstrong, MC, wife and daughter, Penelope, were week end visitors with their uncle, Mr. F. H. W- Hickling- Mrs. E. E. Wolfe. Laverne and Joanne Wood of Hamilton spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs- R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs- Garnet Teeter •and children of Toronto spent the first of the w^eek with the former's parents. Mr- and Mrs- Frank Teeter. Mrs. Norma Harding left recently to reside at Nerwmarket. after spend- ing the winter at the home of Mr- Harry Patton. Mr- Sam Croft has purchased the residence on Toronto Street, owned by Mr. Francis Gkmoe of Eugenia. The residence is the former Method- ist parsonage. Mrs. Harvey Croft of Toronto spent the past week with Mr- Sam Croft- Harvey joined her here for the week end and both returned to their home the first of the week- A reception was held in the Fra- ternal Hall, Flesherton, Thursday evening of laSt week in honor of Cpl. Peter Dow and Gnr. C- Sensa- baugh. when the Pedlar orchestra supplied music for the dancing- Mr. Clifford Allen of Springhill re- turned home last week- after under- going an operation for appendicitis. We are pleased to know that Clifford is making good progress toward^ recovery- Cofeiderable snow has fallen in this district Monday and Tuesday- sever- al inches in all- Quite a change firom the fine weather we have en- joyed the past few weeks, but the jrroiuid was becoming dry and the moisture will do plenty of good- Mr. Harold Best has been making extensive improvements in the Qual- ity Restaurant recently purchased from Raymond Sit Sup and expects to have the restau!-aa:it open this week end- New fixtures have been installed and redecorating has beer, completed. Harold purchased the building last fall from D. McTavish & Sons, formerly owned by the late W. A- ..Armstrong- Unless some action is wken, it ic women will die this year in Ontarip estimated that 7,000 nien and 7,000 as a result of cancer- Health authori- ties estimate that for every case un- der treatment, there are three caaes going untreated- Yet 80 per cent o< cancer is curaible if diagnosed and treated early enough- During the month of April a Prov- ince-wide campaignwill be carried on by the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation to raise a miai- mum of two million dollars for an all" out war against cancer, which fti sec- ond only to heart trouble of all killer diseases- The three-year plan bhie- printed by the Foundation couli^ V successful, help cut Ontario's deatb rate from the disease one-half to one- third. At present Ontario's death rate is the highest par capita in the Do- minion- The Foundation's plan eoald help save 80 per cent of those at- tacked by Cancer, and lead the way to the solution of the cancer problem by scientific research. The plan is to organize and oper- ate fully-equipped cancer clinics at suitably selected centres; to o^ ganize and conduct prevention clinic* where required; to pay a portion at the cost for those needing financial help, travelling expenses to amd from clinic^ when necessary; to con- duct an energetic program of re- search and education in Ontario ot» the subject of cancer until this pol>> lie enemy is stami>ed out- Born CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates andl^addock \ 24 mm aiL. - ::i^.i;i; 1 344 BOYCF â€" -A.t Edinburgh, Scot- land on Thursday. April 4th. 1945- to Mrs. Eldridg-e Boyce- wife of Mr- Eldridgre Boyce of Eugenia, the gift of a daughter- HURiST â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home. Flesherton, on Saturday- March 30th, 1946. to Mr. and Mrs. Ijovd Hurst of Sin,ghamipton, a son. â- Tnhn Morton- -VfcKENZIE â€" At Mrs- Nuhn's Viir'sing Home- Flesherton- on Mon- Hqv. .ATiril 8th. 1»46. to Mr. «nd Mrs- â- ^'iot-ir MoKenzi" of Feversham- a Married CAIRN'S â€" MAGEE â€" At Flesh- erton United Church parsonage, on Monday evening- .Xpril-Sth- IM*'. Trva .\dplinp- (?.nin-hter of Mr- -and Mrs. Percy M-xire?. tr> M^v Georo;c Oougla'' dims, both of TTuariTi.i- Rev. Dr. i^ndtpw Thomson officiated- The vfiiing cnunle letft on •< motor trip to Niagari^ Fall? ind Tov'tito Three Members Of Armed Forces Return Home Three more FleSherton boys hav<a returned home after serving theif country in distant lands. These ai« L.A.C. Eldon Fisher. Pte. Carl Teeter and Pte. Hugh Bibby- L.A.C. Eldon Fisher enlisted in tiM .Air Force in May. 1943, and went to England in October, 1944. For the past year he has been in France, Germany and Holland with the Air Force- Pte- Carl Teeter hafe been over four years overseas, having enlisted in 1941- He went into France with the Canadian troops on D-Day and went through the entire campaign- He was engaged as cook in the Army- Pte. Hugh Bibby enlisted with the Queen's York Ranger^ in 1941 and' two years ago went to Bermuda with the Pictou Highlanders, where he has since served- L.A.C Wesley McCracken is ex- pected home soon. He was to have left Scotland by air the first of last- week, but high windte grounded the planes. United Church Notes The mid-week meeting for Bible study and prayer will be held on Thursday, April 11th. at the home of Mr- -John M-ncMillan. .A full attendance of all members of the choir is asiked for choir prac- tice on Friday evening at the church, in preparation for Easter Sunday si-rvice^. On Saturday. April 6th, Mary .\nr Wiird, widow of the late Reverend Joseph Ward, was buried in Flesh- i»rt'-n Cemetery. Mrs. Ward had been bed-ridden for ten years, and died at her home in New Toronto at the advanced age of 90 years. During the last ten years of hei- life Vhe had been faithfully cared for by her â- sister-in-law, Mrs. .Annie Gamble, ^1B Lakeshore Drive. New Toronto, The mater is of interest to residents of Flesherton, since Mr. Wan? was minister o.f the then Methodist Chinth some 40 yeai^ aifo- and is-, "lovs: with his first wife- buried in ..nd Mr. nnd Mr«<. Dave Talbot and VICTORIA CORNERS Mr and Mrs. Wos Dever. accom- panied by Mrs. Thos. White. Sao- geen Jet-, motored to Dundas on Thursday to vifeit the latters' sister. Mrs- Fred Sinclair, who a few days previously had suffered a severe heart attack- Fortunately, they found Mrs- Sinclair's condition mTlch improved and thus returned to their homete the same day- Recent visitors in the home at Mrs- J. H. Richardson were: Mr. and Mrs- Carl Bradley. Barbara and Sandra of Etobicoke- Misses Ruth and Viotta Richardson. Mt- Dennk, Mr. and Mrsi- Gdllespie and little daughter of Hopeville- The Rusesll Linton fanily weT0 surprisedly greeted last week by hearing the voice of Mrs. Linton^ father, Mr. Thos. Fenwick. caught by the microphone at the Owen Sound market- Mr- Fenwick was answering questions for which he received a prize- Mi^- E*mie Stewart and Mrs Bd. Stinson were at Braimipton Tuesday of last week, the former visiting heF sister. Mrs- .A.lbert Reid, and family^ the latter with her cousin, Mrs. Ray- mond Wellar. and hvfeband- Little Miss Joyce Copeland of Swamp Colleee snent the week eiMi with little Miss Joan Copeland. Mcssr's. Robson and Kive!1 visited fricri'-ls in Barrie on Snndnv. Sundav guest? of Mr. Wm TaTbo* and L;»urene .were'i Mrs. R. J. Littip, I>n and Rr«her*yi- of Oraneeville, cemetery- ' Shirley of Hamtttcn-

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