Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1946, p. 5

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â- ^r- PP THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE « * 4 * 4 « Wednesday, January 2, 1946 « 4 * -4 * . 4 i* t â-  * * 4 * 4 4 * « « 4 4 • * « 4 4 * ♦ â- # « 4 4 4 4 4 4 * * 4 4 4 !• « 4 4 Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes Municipality of the Township of Artemetia, Province of Ontario BY VIBTUE OF A WARRAiNT issuod by th« Reeve oador the 8«al o< th« CoipoFation <rf the Township of Artemesia, to me directed, having th« date oi th« lOth day of Septeraber, 1946, commanding me to levy ujwn and aell the land anentioned in the foUowine^ liat for arrears «f taxes with ooots dne thereon, I hereby give notice tbat unlese auch arreaia of taxes aad oosta are sooner paid, I ahall proceed to aell by pnblic auction the aatd knda, or as moch thereof as may be necessary for the payment of ths •aid taxes and coeta, at the Council Chamber in the Village of Flesfaerton on Monday, the 12th day ot February, 1946, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Any lands not sold on the abcve date will be sold at tb« adjourned tax sale at the same place and hour on Monday, the 19th day of February, 1946. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of tbe Municipality of the Township of Artemesia to purchase such lands itliioh fail to bring the full amount of arrears and costs. â€" .(^UBREY FOSTER, Treasurer, Municipality of Artemesia To be published in The Ontario Gazette, November Srd, 1945. (one insertion only) As8«Bsed Owner Lot Conceesion Arrears Costs Total Henry Wilson Estate Pt.l5i 2 Nj:.T.S^ % 22.03 ^.02 1 26.06 Am J. Wright EsUte 1«S 3 N£.T^.R. 177.93 7.12 186.06 Wilfred Lever 132 1 S.W.T.S.R. 16.22 3.92 20.24 Roy MoNabb Pt.l60 a S.W.T.S.R. 47.84 4.&4 6208 Percy Hennphill E%l22-23 Con. 8 33.94 4.26 36.20 Mi«. Daisy McNally 6 Raglan St. 8.4e 3.76 12^8 Mm. Susan Gordon 3 9t. Amaod 87.62 5.10 42.^2 <->♦♦♦♦♦♦•>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>• >«>«>X"M<~x~:~>«<~>«>«><~:'*<'<'«*«x~>«>«>.>->>.>»>.>-> % â-  â-  •> ? Happy New Year It is with a profound sense of gratitude that we pause and extend New 'Year Greetings to our many customers and friends ... we have been f otunate, indeed, to have your splendid co- operation throughout the year. May we all face the New Year with faith, strong hearts cuid a {determination to preserve the peace so dearly won. . . . Le there be good-will toward men. W. A. Hawken, Flesherton <KKKKKKKKK~t~XKK''<K«<'***<«<K'<"t~t**<KK~t'K~J«*<~K"X^ New Yearns Greeting Let us build upon the lessons of \!t^ past, nvdcing the stem adversities of war a pattern upon which to build a future peace. And, having built, let us keep our eyes towards our go«d. May the new-found joy of peace bring you happiness during 1946. F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. <-^♦«♦♦<»<^♦**<^«^♦♦♦♦<"^<^<^♦<M-^♦«^♦<•^X"^<-^♦♦<^^ Greetings To all our Frienls and Customers with whom we have had such pleasant relations for many years â€"and to the many new ones who have tried our sevice of late years with mutual satisfaction â€" we again extend our appretiiation and wish you all a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 0. & A. Co-operative JOHN McWILLL4M. Manager FLESHERTON, Ontario 1 I t l^ EUGENIA '>*<>*<>^^^'>^<><>^^X~><^>^^«>'>«><>*4><>^.>.>.><k.>.><k.>.><k<..><u>.v><«>^ A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all, Christmas visitors were: Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto with he* father, Mr. Dave Genoe; Miss Glad- ys Duckett of Toronto at her paren- tal home; Misses Mary and Isabel McKee and Mr. M<K:JarUiy of Toron- to at the McKee home; Mr. Argyle Martin and sisters, Winneta and Oannel of Toronto at their parental home; Miss Lillian Magee of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrts. Joe Little and Domia of Dundalk with Mr. and Mris. Bert Magee; the Hass famiy of Flesherton with the Pinkerton fam- ily; Mr. Glenn Pedlar of Toronto with his wife and parents; Mr. Herf) Fawcett with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawrott, Mr. and MiS. Bill Thompson and littl.e daughter. Bon- nie Lee at the Burton and Proctor homes; Mr. Bobt. Burton at his par- ental home; Miss Jean Tudor of Kimiberley at her home here; Miss Muriel Carruthers with her Sister, Mrs. C. D. Park and Gtwen, and un- cle, Mr. B. Carruthers; Mr. W. Harr- is of Kimberley with Mr. and Mrs. Bates Fawcett. Miss Craig and pupils had a very successful school concert on the ev- ening of DecemJser 20. Santa Glaus presented tihe gifts from the tree to the chidren. .> The annual school meeting of ratejMiyert was held on Wednesday, Dec. 26. Mr. Ray Genoe is the new trustee. Mr. H. Tudor and Mr. Bert Mcintosh are the other memibers on the board. Mr. S, Campbell was the rehiring trustee. Mr. H. Tudor re- ceived ♦â- he caretakng contract again at an increase in salary. Congratulations to Mrs. W. Pink- erton on winning a beautiful floor lamp in a "cha<mp" contest. Mr. Chas. Martin met with a nas- ty accident one day last week while tying in the cattle; a two-year-old beaSt reached for a mouthful of hay and on lifting her head struck Char- lie on the forhead with a horn as he was reaching for the chain to tie her. He cut necessitated three stitches and is almost well again. Mrs. Fred Duckett fe at present in Markda!' Hospital taking treat- ment. We wish her a speedy recov- ery. We extend a hearty welcome home to Eldridge Boyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce of the village. He has been with :he Provost Corps overseas for some time. He arrived home on Saturday night and was heartily greeted by his parents, brother and sis'ter and other friends. While overseas he was married to a' Scottish girl, who will join him later. We are sorry to hear that Tpr. Geo. Stewart is in the hospital in Germany. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mis.s Margaret McMillan of the G. and M. Hospital, Owen Sound, spent a couple of days with her parenfe. Mrs, .\llan McGregor spent a few days and New Year's with friends in Gait. Mrs. Jack Patterson of Toronto spent New Year's with her mother Mrs. Jamieson and brother, Wes. Mr. Walter McBride of Toronto s^ent a few diays at the McMillan home. Miss Marge Martin and Mis4 Ruth Stewart spent a couple of d»ys in Owen Sound with the Misses Nellie and Cora Martin and other relatives. Mrs. Don Carson spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Shirley Caifiis spent a few day« at the home of Mr. Wilfred Magee, Mr. and Mris. Ohas. Martin and family spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Thos. Lever and Haroldi, near Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty and Sandra of StreetsviJle spent Christ- mafe with Mr. and iMrs. Melbourne Phillips and femily. Mr. Jake Williams went to Toron- to to spend Christmas with hi? daughter^ and is staying for a tew holidays. Vfeitops at the Proctor home dur- ing the holidays were: Mrs. Geo. Proctor, Kintberley; Lieut, and Mrs. W. D. Ebbels. Jean Pi-oetor and Gen- evieve Milne of Flesherton and Art Proctor of Waubaushene. Mr. and Mrs, W, Thompson and Bonnie Lee of 0\ven Sound; Bob Burton and Lome Heeney of Toron- to spent Christmiafe with the Burton family. Mr. Norman Lewis of Toronto spent the past week with the Hanley families. PORTLAW WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister end Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop, Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. Mi^. Melville Boyce and daughters were visitors with Boyce familiea here. Mrs. Grace Blackburn of Toronto spent a day with her son, Everette, and Mrs. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. LeS Chard and Ma- bel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Poole in Collingwood on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jackson of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee and daughters, Ruth and June of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mi^. John McKee over the holi- day. Christmas visitors in the different homes were: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchison of Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chard and children of Maxwell, Lieut. W. B. Ehbefe, who recently re- turned from overseas and Mrs. Eb- bels with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard. Mr. end Mrs, Keys of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs, LewJfe Fisher and daughters with Mr, and Mrs, Wes Plantt; Mr, and Mrs, Laurie Pedlar with the Stewart family at Flesher- ton; Mr. Fred Taylor and Stanley with Frank Taylor in Flesherton; Mr. and Mrs, John McKee with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks, Fleteherton; Mr. and Mrs, Earl Talibot with Mr, Talbot and daughters at Inistioge; Mr and Mrs, Stanley Patton, Mr an.d Mrs. Jas. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Fisher and D. A. in the home of Robert Hill; Mr. and Mrt. Clarence Londry and family of the Valley with other members of the Boyce family, numibering 4O at the home of Mr. and Mts^, J ,.T, Boyce; Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hopps anO Tommy with Mr and Mrs. F. MacArthur of Not- tawa; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor and Elmer with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Thompson, near Feversham. Mrs. Fred Turville, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Boyce, has returned to Toronto. She received a telegrani from her husband, who ite with the armed forces in .Australia, and on Christmas Day, saying, "A Merry Christmas." Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce received a turkey from their son, Lewite, in Saskatchewan, for Christmas. Mr. Wm. Ferguson and Mr, Geo. Wilkinson are the newly elected trustees for S.- S. No. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shier were with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornfield, Flesherton, for Cliristmas dinner, and joijied the Shier family at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Shier for supper. Mr. Roy Wliite has bouirht the farm of Leslie Chard, Fourth Line, and has sold his farms, the White homestead to Mr. Fi\ink Shiers, and the former Shier homestead to Mr, Chester Shier. Pte. Arthur Betts of Halifa.x, N,S. fepent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts here. Miss Hilda Betts and friend of Toronto, also spent the holiday season with her parents. Tpr. Victor Osborne visited with his sister, Mrs. John Badgerow and Mr. Badgerow here. VANDELEL'R The sympathy of the community goes out to the family of the late J. M. Davis, in the death of their Sister, Rena (.Mrs. Jas. Cochrane) of Col- bourne, who passed away in Belle- ville hospital on December 2'ith. She had undergone an operation about three weeks previously and another was found necetesary and in her weakened condition she failed to ral- ly and passed peacefully away. The late Mrs. Cochrane was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Davis and was born and brought up in thife community, attended the local school and church, and Sunday School and was a greneral favorite. Besides her husband, she leaves two daugh- ters and one son Mary (Mrs. Jack Bell) of Belleville and Jim Frank, and Phyllis at home. There are also four sisters and one brother, Mrs. H. F. Ready of St. Marys, Mrs. K. Davison of Owen Sound. Mrs. Lundy Jolinston, Mrs. Geo. Buchanan and Frank Davis of Vandeleur. .\ sister. Florence, passed away vvbout two weeks before. The December meeting of' the W.l. was held on Dec. 20th. at tbe home .>t' Mtfe. tVed Boiand. with a pood ar- tendance. The President. Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson, presided. Quilt patches were distributed and quiltinir plans di.^cussed. The W.I. purchased a child's cot and mattress, which wa? given to Dr. Carefoot's Hospital at Christmas. An interesting program followed by the Chri.stmas gift ex- change was enjoyed. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. Geo. Sh'aw and Mrs. Ear! Mor- rison. The Vandeleur school concert was held on Wednesday evening. Dec. 19. <r>tr><r'rit<r>^r^j'><r><^rff''>^f<r>^^ J ? y I I I t Y y Best Wishes As we enter another year we would like to take this opportunity of thanking the people of Flesh- erton and surrounding district for the generous patronage with which we have been favored. We have enjoyed doing business with you and shall appreciate a continuamice of your good-will and custom during 1946. :; Boyd Bros. Ford Dealers ♦•:«<><fr*<«<'«<>-:«*«:~K~:~:~K~:~K~;~;~:-:* FLESHERTON, Ont. <K~;~:«<>«;"K~:~;~:~:~>«X'«:~x~x««:»«:~> with a full hou^. A splendid pro- gram of choruses, drills, dialoguee, solos, and duets and recitations was presented by the pupils. Rev. W. M. Lee of Markdale presided as chair- man. Three special appreciations were applauded, first to our teacher, Miss Maxine Connell, for efficient and kindly patience in preparing and presenting the children^ talent; sec- ond to the scholars, third to the pianist. Santa Claus arrived, called his assfetants and got busy distribut- ing the gifts. .\11 enjoyed a good time. The annual school meeting was held in the school on the afternoon of December 26 and was well attended The various reports showed every- thin to be in good shape, and several new maps and a new globe have been purchased. It was decided to start a Dental Clinic in the school as soon as arrangements can be made, and something may be done about a new wood shed. James Harbottle was re-elected trustee and Glen McGee, auditor. Angtis Bowles got the con- tract for 12 cords of wood. E. Morr- ison acted as secretary for the meet- ing and H. I. Graham, chairman. Mr. Chas. Boiand and son, Fred, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs Earl Morrison. Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart enter- t>ained a number of the neighbors to a party recently. Miss Gertrude Lever spent the past two weeics visiting with friends at Richmond Hill and assisted with the rush at the Richmond Hiil Post Office. air. and Mrs. H. McKee of Fever- sham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens and Mr. and Mrs. M. McFadden were visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Beecroft at Owen Sound on Wednesday of last week. TORONTO LINE NORTH A Happy and Prosperous New Year to the editor, staff and readers. Misses EveJyn and Iva Brown of Toronto and Helen of Owen Sound were visitors during the holiday sea- son with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and Marge of Eugenia, .Argyle, Winnetta, and Carmel Martin of Toronto s.pent Christmas with . Mrs. T. Lever and Rock MiDs School Grade 8 â€" Gordon Helmkay, 94; Myrtle Betts, 90. Grade 7 â€" Goldie Atkinson, 19; Bobby Betts. 67; Shirley Partridge, b'2. Grade 6 â€" Clayton Berts, 82; Redge Dobson. 66; Leslie Pffrteous, 54: Kathleen Weatherall, 52, Grade 4 â€" Murray Betts, 90; Jeeantte Dobson, 85; Kenny Smith, 82: Florence Wilkinson, 79; Loik H^-hnkay, 59; Ethel Betts, 57; Eldon Turner, absent. Grade 3 â€" Bruce Benson, 94; . Ivan Betts, 76: Bernice Weatherall, 50, Grade i â€" Dorothy Wilkinson, 95; Patricia Dobson, 95; Harvey Weatherall, 52. Primer â€" .\IIce Weatherall, El- mer Weatherall. The numbers are average per- centages. Myrtle Betts was winner of the good conduct prize for De- eemlber. Nuntber on the roll, 24. .\verage attendance 21.07. â€" Mrs. Francis J. Seeley, Teacher Thanks Customers and Friends To our Customers and Friends we extend our wish for a Happy New Year. ^^e are appreciate of the p>atronage we have re- ceived during the year that has just closed and trust that we may again be allowed to serve you during 1946. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario

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