Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1945, p. 8

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t^m â- J Wednesday, December 19, 1945 THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" One horse cutter.â€" John Meads, pbone 4r21 Fleiherton. 29 FOR SALEâ€" 10 Yorkshire pigs, ready . to go.â€" J. Flynn, R.R.2 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Suffolk ram. â€" Levi Dockett, Maxwell. 28cl FOR SALE â€" 2 Car heaters and set tiruck chains. â€" Wallace Hamilton, Flesherton. 28c2 WANTEiD â€" AiuomU rattaUe U: mink and fox <Md. â€" Bert Melatou EugreniK, >hoiM f%*«rah»~i (rS6 FOR SALEâ€" G=rl's black skates and boot outfit. Apply at The Advan*^e office. I* FOR SALE â€" Two collie pups, good healers. â€" Ken McKechnie, PriceviUe phone 49rl3 Flesherton. 29c2 FOR SALE â€" Registered Shorthorn Bull, 22 months old. â€" Chas. Me- Dermid, phone 46r31 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" McClary range, good heater, and baker, coal or wood. â€" W. G. Kennedy, Flesherton. J'QR SALE â€" Boys' black overshoes, size 13. Aipply at The Advance office. 2Sp2 FOR SALE â€" Boy's heavy grey overcoat, size 10 or 12. Apply' at The Axlvance Office. FOR SALE â€" Brown top coat, in good condition, size 34. â€" Apply at The Advance Office. FOR SALE â€" 2 cah-es, 10 raos. old, 160.00; also 2 cows, due in MaiVh, 195.00 and f8S.OO. â€" Harold Best Flesherton, phone 34. â€" Two hounds, one ^lack and ..1, one 'block and white with tan ears. â€" Phone 75r4 Flesherton, re- verse charges, Walter Akitt. FOR SALEâ€" Windmill, double gear- ed, with 30-foot towner; 1st class shape, cheap. â€" Laurie Pedlar, R.R. 3 Flesherton, phone 42rl3. WANTED â€" Circular saw and man- drel, mounted on Steel frame. Ap- ply to Mervin MoFadden, Flesher- ton, phone, 65j. 29p2 FOR SALE â€" Dark roan, Durham heifer, three years old, due Febru- ary, 20th, also cutter with doors and new shoeing. â€" Ed Ferris, Flesherton. STRAYED â€" Light red yearling steer.alto red yearling heifer, half Jersey. Finder please notify Ross Smith, Eugenia, or phone 9rl3 at Feversham. 27c3 FOR SALEâ€" Strayed to lots 171 and 172, 1 N.E., Artemesia, on or about Nov. 15th, yearling stec-r. Owner prove property and pay ex- pensed. â€" Reg. Atkinson (Caswell farm) R.R. 3 Proton Station. 20 CAME ASTRAY â€" Came to my premises. Lot 157, 2 S.W., Arte- mesia, yearl^ig Hereford heifer. Owner prove property and pay ex! penscs. â€" Geo. W. White, R.R. 3, Proton Station. JACK W. TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Grey County R. R. 1, MARKDALE When planning for your .'^ale, my services mean satisfactory returns for you. Phone 58 r 2 .Markdale FRASER M. RAMAGE LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Grey County My Motto: "A Fair Deal to the Buyer as Well as the Seller." CORBKTTON, ONT. Phone 47 r 24 Dundalk. WM. K\nTING LICENSED AUCTIONBEK for the County of Grey Farm and Stock aales our sp ally Tmns: roaaonabl*. Satisfaction la flvarantetd. Dates arrancsd at TIm AdfaitM offiM or phosa 4w. LIGHTNiNG AND FIRf ARE DISASTROUS â- â- '-â-  ' Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBITiE, FIRE, nilRGLARY, PLATE GLASS AND GKNERAL 'VSUBANCE Confedoration Lifa Insoranco Pied HARGRAVE â€" At the residence of her son, George Hargrave, Orange Valley, on Wednesday, D«c. 19th, 1946, Mrs. Ben Hargrave, in her 86th year. The funeral will take place on Friday, Dec. 2l8t, with Servico «t her late residence at 2 o'clock p.m., interment to be made in Maxwell Cemetery. DLN'GWALL, M«ude â€" At Presque Isle, on Friday, Dec. 14, Maude Reil ey, beloved wife of Stanhope Ding- wall and 'oving mother of Dorothy, Debra, Douglas and Dana and loving sister of Frank and Wm. Reiley, Toronto. Funeral s'-r/i.-c was held at Presque Isle on Sunday, Dec. l<j, at 2 p.m. m\m SALE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. ELWOOD STEVENS will sell by public auction on LOT 163, 2 N.E., ARTEMESIA iVi miles east of Flesherton FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28 the following, namely: HORSE â€" General Purpose Mare, 3 years old. CATTLE â€" Registered Shorthorn Cow, No. 314103, 5 years old. Calf at Foot, eligible for registration; Regis- tered Shorthorn Cow, No. 310656, 4 years old. Calf at Foot, eligible for regiiitration; Registered Sl'orthom Heifer, 1 year old; Registered Short- horn BuH, Kintyre Pride, No. 256785, 3 year old; Registered Shorthorn Bull, 6 months old; Shorthorn Cow, 5 years old, supposed due April 28; Shorthorn Cow, 7 years old, supiposed due May 1; Hereford Cow, 6 years old, supposed due April jS; Hereford Cow, 7 years old, Cajf at Foot; 3 Yearling Heifers; Yearling Steer; 3 Calves, 7 mos. old, ( all young cattle Shorthorns) (aibove cattle T.-B. and blood tested). SOW. CHIOKENiS â€" Yorkshire Sow, due at time of sale; About 50 Barred Rock Pullets, 7 mos. old. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" Mafesey- Harris Grain Binder, 6-foot cut; M.- H. Corn Binder, No. 5, good s new; Cockshutt Fertilizer Drill, 11-disc, new; M.-H. Spring Tooth Cultivator; Cockshutt Disc, 14-prate with fore- carriage; McCormick-Deering Mow- er, 6 foot cut; Massey-Harris Hay Loader; Land Roller, 3-drum; New Cutter; Tudhope-Anderswn Gang Plow, 2- furrow; Set of Drag Harr- ows; Rubber Tire Buggy; Hay Rack; Set of Platform Scaled; McCormick- Dering Cream Separator, No. 2; Forks, Shovels and Chains; Numerous other articles; Quantity of Hay and Grain. Positively no reserve. The road will be open for cars. Sale at 1:00 p.m. TERMS OF SALE All sums of llO.OO and under, cash; over that amount 6 monthfe' ci'edit will be given on joint notes payable at The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Flesherton, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. â€" Wm. P. MacKay, Auctioneer. Local and Persooai REQUEST EMPLOYERS AID warn. Mr. Ted McTavish of Toronto was home over the week end. Tpr. EJarle Thurston is home on his Christmas leave. Mr. W. E. Betts is in this week at the Lcckwood Clinic having a consultation on his health. Mrs. W. iS. Inkster left last vireek to !spend the winter with her son, Murray, and family at Oakville. Mr?. John Jones spent several days laet week with her mother, 'M'rs. W. S. Inkster. Cc-urgs Jaiiiieson of Timmins spent ihe fi-st. of the week with his siother, Mrs. M. Jamieson. Dr. and Mrt. Thomson expect to spend part of the Christmas week with their family in Toronto. Mifes Hazel McKillop • spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie .McKillop. Mr. Dick Stewart of Toronto and Mrs. Stewiart and little daughter of Dundalk were in town on Saturday. iMiss Jean Duncan of Toronto Uni versity spent iSaturday at her par- ental hom«. Pte. EJmerson MicKillop has receiv- ed a six-naonthfe "eavt? of absence from the Army and is nov? emiployed in the Nubn woollen mill. Mr. Murray 1'homson and Miss Muriel Thomison spent Friday ever.- ing with theii- parents. Rev. Dr. ani3 Mrs. Andrew Thomson. Lieut. W. D. Bbbels lately return- ed from overseas, and Mrs. E3bbeh are spending the Christmas holiday^ at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hutchison. Flesherton was fortunate in hav- ing very little snow fall during the week end, when Owen Sound was al- most snowed under with aibout 22 inches. Not more than eight in/ches of fenow fell here. The main high- ways are open, but some of the back roads are snow-bound yet. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Thomson, Friday, when their feon, Murray and daughter, Mwiel, entertained a group of young people. The evening was) spent in playing games and singing. Invitations were given to the young people between the ages of 16 and 19, so as to limit the number present. 'through the tervices of the Na- tional Employment Office, Walker- ton, 160 Ainuy Personnel have been placed in employmient as of Novem- bir 80tih, A. J. Schnurr, the Man ftger, reports. This i^ apart from re- instatements, of whlc'i the records show that 148 have retomed to their previous employment within this dis- trict. At the present date there are 25 discharges registered for employ- ment for whom Jobs have not been secured as yet, and it is becoming; evident that it will be increasingly more difficult to place 'these and othera who will be registering daily as they receive their discharges. In these, Off ioert jpf «he ff^EJteMi^ Employment Offfee asiiLtiwt iiflny- ers and citizens take t, ^pedlkl ac' interest in this ni|g;«nt mtttnr vA contact the office t^ v dH^'iby _ opportunities th^ ntay have or laiMI^ - of so that fhcbe persomtriio'hav*'^ served us may not ibe insAn^ at their desire for a job. . BUSINESS CAP '^' DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY VILLAGE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Affidavits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL'.S, Etc, Office: Toronto Street. Flesherton IF you plan a CHRISTMAS TELEPHONE GREETING I g ood til . now IS a ( ime CHRISTMAS Is only a few days away. Long. Distance calling will be heavier than ever this year. On long callsâ€" especially to Western Canada, the Maritimes and remote United States centres â€"there are sure to be delays at Christmas time. So if you plan to exchange greetings by liOng Distance, why not do »o now? We will do our beat whenevear you call, but your chaneea for avoiding delays are better if yoif telephone some time this week. yf-:0!MMi^j^.^'''»(^^Jm\ fjffj0(X)0fMrJ0eMMf^ Oa^ ig home 9pln Christmas candles vWII burn brighter thfs year and Christmas turkeys have a new and special flavour for the thousands of Canadians who will be sitting down to their first Christmas dinner with the family circle complete. And many a childish face will glow in the candlelight because ''dad" takes his place at the head of the table again â€" with his strange tales from Italy, from France, Germany or the Pacific But even as the candles are lit and the heaped plates go round, Canadians will pause and remember â€" remember those family groups that will never be complete â€" those thousanas of desolate and homeless in Europe â€" that great army of children who have been frightened and hurt and starved by a war not of their making. Let us therefore make a solemn resolve never again to allow the powers of darkness â€" greed, selfishness and mistrust â€" to put out the candles of Christmas, those brave lights tnat symbolize the warm love and kindness that came into the world two thousand years ago. / I \ V f â- ^ 1^, )|^Sj| â- .i'V''^^> jgA HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ? t r t T T ? V T T I V At this joyeuf season of tht y«ar w« wish our customors and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year T F. T. HILL & CO., Umited MARKDALE, Ontario WE DELIVER •!» PUuNE 7 (^.f*.

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