t THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, December 19, 1945 A'. -A. 'A r U if % A., J* â- *. ^ '^< ^.>T.- if # : ft i 'A * A % 'A â- m, â- it A * •I ^9 It may be hard to find the sparkle of tinsel, the shine of candies, in hearts torn with sorrow, iu changing timc^. â€" But faith still looms as high and as confHciit as the evergreen treea. â€" Hope bums as brightly as the Yule log. iind love sends forth it^ guiding light as brilliantly as ths Christmas Star. While these three endure, Christmas too will live. The spirit of peace and good-will somehiow preralL K. G. BETTS Groceries, Flour & Feed FLESHERTON EajjSt^^ss Season's Greetings In appreciation of your sup|>)ort and friendship, the Season's Greetings are extended for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year HOWARD MILUGAN Barber FLESHERTON, Ontario Greetings We are glad to once again thank our many cus- tomers and friends for the patronage you have given us during the year about to close. Let us look to the New Year with confidence and by co- operation hasten the day of final world peace and renewed prosperity. To one and all we wish a Very Prosperous and a Happy New Year. McDonald Bakery A. McDonald Phone 60 N. Scarrow FLESHERTON At this Christmas time, and as 1945 comes to its dose, we wish to thank all our customers for their 'patronage during the past year we trust that we may be of greater assistande to eadi other in 1946 Once more the Christmas Reason comes And happy hearts recall The ^lory of that day He sent His Son to |bles8 us all; And as the oarols sing His praise , ' ' O'er all the world (once more. May joy be yours â€" and fill each day The New Tear holds in store ! J. M. Stafford HODBRN FARM MACHINERY HARDWARE ROOFING CEMENT W KHtn Phone 4 r 22 FEVERSHAM, Ont. Friends VICTORIA CORNERS To our Editor, staff and readers, we extend a very Merry Christmaa. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon motored to Tor- onto on Thursday. -Mrs. Bannon re- mained until Monday evening. On Sunday Mrs. Bannon had the plea- sure of grreeting her eldest son, Jim, who returned to his home in Toron- to, early Sunday morning. Jim, with his Tank of Corporal Jbs. T. Ban- non, R.C.A.F., enlisted in July, 1942. H* was stationed firtt at Angus then sent to the lEast Coast. He was given a course at '^renton and then stnt to the West Coast, where he wa^ stationed at the Wesrtem Coast Aii^ort Headquarters. During his services he acted in the capacity of service police. Jim was married in August, 1942, to the former, Dorothy WallRT. Toronto. They have one little son. Tommy. Jim received his discharge the latter part of Novem- ber. At the annual lodge meeting of L.O.L^ 244 2t Proton Station on Tuesday night. Harold Jackson was named Master. Harold's friends might be interested to know that he now has his artificial leg and is making good progrretes. Harold was wounded overseas, necessitating the amputation of his leg. ' Messrs. Wilfred Gallagher, Arthur Jackson and Harold Jackson attended the funeral of their uncle. Mr. Hen- ry Jackfeon, at Collingwood on Tues- day. ROCK MILLS We wish the Editor and staff and the many readters of The Advance, a vry iMerrq Christmas. The heavy snow fall of Saturday and Sunday has made many of the roads quite heavy for travelling, around a foot of snow fell. Mr. Sami Phillipfs has been laid up the past week, when he slipped and fell, brealdng some ribs. His brother, William Phillip^, was also Had up for a few days, having been lacked by a horse. We hope they botf' will soon be able to be out a'i usui.1. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ken Teeter and two children of Vandeleur and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Best of Flesherton vis- ited with their i>arents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. School will close Friday night for the Chrifetmas holidays and th« children will enjoy the festive sea- son. The Christmas entertainment is being held this Friday night, Dee, 21, in the school at 8:00 o'clock. Everbody welcome. PRICEVILLE CEYLON To the Editor of the .\dvance, Mrs. Thurston and also the readers of the cheery weekly paper: We wish the Season's Be^t, Time changes all things, But Christmafe time still Comes with its blessings Of peace and good-will. Comes with its hopes .Ajid its radiant cheer; May Christmas-time blessings Be yours all the year. Happy birthday to Mr. S. Hemphil' who celebrated his 79th birthday on- Tuebday, Dec. 18th. It is 55 years last April since Mr. Hemphill came to Ceylon, where he has ibeen the black- smith and implement agent. We hope that Mr. Hemphill will have many more biTthday celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish of To- ronto spent the week end with the Hemphill families. Mrs. Clarence Bartley returned lafet week after visiting for a time with her sister in Buffalo. Mr. John McWilliam, manager of the Co-oiperative store at Flesherton. attended the annual convention held in Too^jnto last week. Mrs. IE. M. Schmeikart and son of I>etroit were recent visitors with Mr. and Mi%. Lawson WTiitehead. The- Y.P.S. met Tuesday night at the home of Mr. Percy Sims when about 25 were present. Mrs. Dick Carson was convenor for the even- ing. Several Christmas carols were STing. Mr. Haliiwell Showed numer- ous slides on British Columba, Yu- kon, Peace River District and China which were very interesting. The hostess served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sturrock and family; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jack of HCi- â- ,!1^, were recent guests at the home of iMr. Jim Sturrock. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Williams on the arrival of a baby boy. Mr. John Harrison and friend, Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Fell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fell and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell of Swinton Park were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Phillip Harrison. Driver John WooUard returned from overseas, making the trip across on the Queen Elizabeth. iMr. Jack McArthur returned home after visiting in New York city. â- Mrs. Salter has returned to Tor- onto after spending the winter months in Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mac Vicar and afmily have moved into the house across the street. Mr. MacVicar has sold his store and property to Mr. Wright of Shelbume. Mr. and Mrs. MacVicar have been moSt obliging and all wish Mr. Wright success in his new business. A number of the Singers in Price- ville and vicinity have gone to dif- ferent homes in the community, singing carols to the shut-ins. Last week they sang at the homes of Mi^. Shortreed, Mr. Dan Campbell and Mr. J. C. Harrison, where Miss Simpson and Mrs. Wright are spending the winter. The Farm Forum met at the home of Mrt. Shortreed, Monday night, with 15 present. Mrs. Ritchie was convenor. After the broadcast and discussions, community singing and euchre was enjoyed. Mrs. Harrison Sr., is under the doctor"^ care at the home of her son, Stanley. Mrs. Archie MacCuaig underwent an operation in Markdale Hospital, Friday. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker re- ceived word on Sunday that theii nephew, Bobby Beyer, had passed away in Detroit. He was 16 years of age. He attended the golden wed- ding of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tucker in Durham, this fall. Sympathy ife extended to the sorrowing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacArthur and Mr. Wm. Beaton are spending a week with friends at Buffalo. PORTLAW In appreciation of very pleasant relations during the year just closing, we extend to friends and customers a wish for a Merry Christmu and Happiness and Prosperil^y during the coming year, 1946. O. W. Phillips & Son Harness and Shoe Repairing Flesherton Pte. R. D. Meldrum Is spending this week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Littlejohns and Lynda of Orange Valley were vi- sitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher and Evelyn. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum visit- ed' recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens, Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. J. MoArthur and Donal'd, Mrs. Elsie Cameron, Piper Allan Cameron and bride had din.aer with Mr. and Mrs. Everette Black- burn. Mr. Herb Betts attended th^ U. F Co-operative convention in Toronto and also visited with his daughter. Hilda while there. Mrs. Nellie Linton of Victoria Cornell spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts and family of Barrhead wer* guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Plantt on Thursday for dinner. EUGENIA A Merry Christmas to the editor, staff and readers of The Advance. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs: Mervin Davidson, Feversham. on th« arrival of a little girl to join their family circle. Mrs. Davidsoii was the former Irene Dinsmore, who taught "school liere a few years ago. Congratulations to Mr. Calvin Boyce on winning first prize at the Walkerton Pair, for his entrj' of fine carpenter work. The C.G.I.T. girls held a social evening in the church basement on Monday night. There was an ex- change of Christmas gifts among the girlls. Lunch was served and a pleasant time spent. The L.O.L. held a progressive eu- chre party in the hall on Friday eve- ning of last week. Bill Phillips won the gentleman's prize and Mrs. Dick Clark won the lady's prize. Roy Fawcett won the lucky prize. The Women's Association held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Cairns on Dec. 13, when the election of officers for 1946 took place as follows: President â€" Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Vice-Pres. â€" Mrs. J. Cairns. Recording Sec. â€" Mi^. N. Betts Corresponding Sec. â€" Mrs. C. Martin. Treasurer â€" Mrs. G. Magee. .â- Vuditors â€" Mrs. W. Pinkerton and Mrs. F. Pedlar. Flower and Decorating Committee â€" Mrs. C. Martin (convene:), Mrs. F. Cairns and Mrs. G. Maigec, Visiting Committee â€" I!, rs. C Magee, Mrs. G. Magee, Mrs. Pinker- ton, "Mrs. F. Jamieson, Mrs. W. (Gordon and Mrs. N. Betts. Representative to M. & M. Com- mittee â€" Mrs. Jamieson. Biiying Committee â€" The E.xecu- tive. SHOOL MEErriNG at ROCK MILLS S.S. No. 17 Artemesia School meet- ing, Wednesday, Dec, 26th. .\nyone interested in the school bus, please be persent. â€" Wes Smith. After six long yeaiu of bitter war, and the indescribable suf- fer ags of millions of uur fellow men. PEACE for which we longed and prayed has come to gladden this YULETIDE SEASON. We Are Grateful to a Divine Providence for the Victory of the Allied Nations, and for this favored land of Canada. With the passing of another year we wish to express to you our sincere appreciation of the cordial relations existing be- tween us, and to convey to you oar tlianks for the many Courtesies extended to ub during the year, and our BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. J. A. «Dick» RICHARDS ^ CHRISTMAS GREETINGS At this glad Christmas Season we pause to extend to one and all a very Merry Christmas. May the Christmas season be a pleasant one for alL Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE Flesherton, Ontario ig Greetings With the snows and crisp December days, come our Greetings of the Season. To you â€" all of you ' â€" we wish the Merriest Christmas ever; Health, Happiness and Success in fvdl measure â€" and may all your hopes come true. 0. & A. Co-operative FLESHERTON, Ontario Season's Greetings TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS & FRIENDS MAY WE EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS & VICTORIOUS NEW YEAR Flesberlii Creamery & Produce Pitone If Angus Avis, Manager &iS5S5^^