Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1945, p. 3

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t A. HONOUR FOR BRITISH WAR LEADERS 4 A. J fi- A. A. 4| J* d At » 5' A / A *. A A A Ok K. X A M/ A i« A >« A >* Â¥ A A .^ A X A > » i •w ^ # ^ A â- M »' :* «k -4 A A A j4 *. A A ^ » The Viceroy of India, Field Marshal Lord Wavell, and the C-in-C India, General Claude Auckinleck, have received the highest American honour that can be avsrarded to non-Americans â€" the Legion of Merit, Degree of Chief Commander. The honour was conferred by the President of the United States and was presented in Delhi on his behalf by U.S. Lieutenant-General R. A. Wheeler. Picture shows the Viceroy of India. Field Marshal Lord Wavel, receiving the decoration from Lieut.-General Wheeler. Canada's War Gratuities Top List . « When it comes to paying gratuities to war veterans, Canada is right up at the top of the list. Here is the scale of grants for a private â- w-ith three years in the forces, two of which have been served overseas: If If Married Country Single and One Child Canada ' ' «6ll *^1^ New Zealand 586 640 Great Britain 333 472 Australia 375 395 South Africa 336 336 United States V 300 30O Let the croakers try to play with that one! Bookshelf â€" The High Barbaree by Charies Nordhoff and James Norman Hall A Catalina Flying Boat lies ditched in the Pacific after its death struggle with a Jap aub- marine. Its radio .has been des- troyed, its water tanks punctured, and three of its crew killed. But the Cat stilt floats, and in h the two survivors. Alec Brooke, the joung pilot from Iowa, and his aaTtgator, Gene Mauriac of Cali- fornia, sweat out the hoiu-s as they wait for rescue. Days of overcast â€" on one of which they see a plane that does not spot them â€" are succeeded by iio endless stretch of brassy heat. They know they have drifted far •ut of range of Henderson Field, and as the hours pile up and the w«ter runs low. Alec begins to reminisce about his home town in Iowa, about his sea-faring uncle, tad about his boyhood dream of • tiny Pacific Island, an Island marked "Existence Doubtful" on the old maps, an island toward which they might even now be drifting . . . The High Barbaree . . . McClel- land & Stewart . . . Price |3.00. Proposed Loan To Great Britain "Deal" of Vital Importance to all United Nations The loan of $4,400,000,000 ar- ranged last week by British repre- sentatives with the United States government has two features â€" an advance of $3,730,000,000 to Bri- tain, to be used to re-establish domestic economy, and $650,000,- 000 by way of a Lend-Lease bal- •fice. The essential aspect of the #4,400,000,000 loan is the good it can do the two Countries (and the world) in setting up the basis for new trade agreements which will permit a free How of world-tiade goods. The major trade concessions made by Great Britain will work to the advantage of the United States, by opening up new markets to American industry and agriculture. It is not inconceivable that these renewed markets will add more billions to the national income of the United States in one year than the amount of the loan. In lighting the war, says tlie New York Sun, Great Britain en- tirely exhausted its working capi- tal. The British still are in a strong petition as business men all over* the world. They have the shops and an established reputation for sound business dealings, but llie\ haven't the goods with whicli lo stock their shops. It is now proposed that wc help them by supplying working capital. If we do so we can hope that the channels of world trade once tnore will be open to ourselves as well as to Great Britain and other nations. If world trade cannot be estab- lished in »n orderly manner, the alternative for Great Britain will be inabiHfy to buy goods from us which wiiuld mean tliat she wouKi have to conrmc lier trade to the •terting area Population of U.S. Over 140,000,000 The Census Bureau has an- nounced that the population of the United States passed the 140,000,- 000 mark about Oct. 1. J. C. Capp, Bureau Director, said that on this basis, the population increased by about 8,330,723 in the iV, years following the 1940 cen- sus. This compares with an in- crease of 8,894,229 during the 10 years between 1930 and 1940. Britain Rebuilding Merchant Navy A merchant navy of fast, up-to- date ships is shaping up in Brit- ain's many shipyards and by early next year many new cargo liners will be read/ to carry goods abroad in the greatest export drive of this country '• history. .A.t Sept. 30 Llyod'j register re- ported 387 ships of 1,496,243 tons were under construction in the United Kingdom. Almost 100 of the craft are coastal vessels under 800 tons but 87 are of more than 3,000 tons, luitable for deepsea service. Rebuilding Britain's merchant fleet to its 80,000,000-ton pre-war level will be a work of years. Helicopters Two liners now being built ia Britain will carry helicopters to fly off mail and urgent freight as they near port. HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully With Running Rates: Furnished Water. $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION When your BACK ACHES... Backache ii often caused by (azy IdJaey action. When kidneys get out of order ezceH icidt aad poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that 'tired out' feelbg may loon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properlyâ€" use Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Time-tested, popular, safe, non-habit-form* ing. Demand Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue box with the red band. Sold CTerrwhere. 13S Have Yoo Heard? "Daddy, what is leisure?" asked the child "My boy," replied the sire, "leisure is the two minutes' rest a man gets while his wife thinks up something for him to do." Last Stop! .\ gentleman slipped on the stair of a subway and started to slide down to the bottom. Half-way down, he collided with a lady, knocking her down, and the two continued tliair way together. After they had reached the bpt- toni, the lady, still dazed, continued to sit on the gentleman's chest rx>oking up at her he said, po- litely: "I'm sorry, madam, but this is as fat as I go." SUCK CHICKS Solving the Great Problam "I'm no' sending any Christmas or Xew Year gifties tae ma rela- tions this Christmas," said the art- ful Andrew. "But why not?" asked his f'iend. 'Surely they'll be expecting some- thing." .\ndrcw shook his head. "Xo, I've seen to that " he re- plied. "They'll no' be expoting anything I wrote an' toid them I vas suttering from loss of memory â€" an' to make sure they'd believe it I forgot tae pit ony stamps on the letters." All dressed up 'n smart coin dots is the silver-spangled Hamburg hen, above, owned by Harlow H. Mor- gan, of Montclair, N.J. The pick-a- back pair, below, are a 12-ounc* Red Pyle game cock and a 14- potmd Light Brahma. Fancy fowl were all entries at annual national poultry show opened in New York. Astronomical Figure* Reveal Cost of War Want to know what World War II cost the world? According to a survey by re- searcher James H. Brady and Am- erican University, Washington, it was about $1,154,000,000,000 (tril- lion 1 for armament and war mat- erials and about $230,000,000,000 .n property damage. That doesn't include cost of armaments and property damage in China, for which figures were !ii.t available. The .s-urvey placed U.S. expen- ditures for war material at *:^17.- 600,000,000. Russia spent $1'J2,- 000.000,000 and the Inited King- dom $120,000 ruo.oou. The war cost the Axis powers about .$468,939,000,000, with Ger- many spending $272,900,000,000. Italy $04,000,000,000 and Japan $.-6,000,000,000. One-Way Atlantic Trip by TCA $375 .\ nev.' transatlantic single tare of clo^e to $375 will shortly be an- nounced by Tans-Canada -Air Lines, The Financial Post states. This compires with a present fare o*' $.'i25. It is $100 more than the f£re of $275 proposed in October by Pan-.American, but i» the same rate as finally adopted this week by Pan-.Vmerican following pres- sur.- from Britain and other air- lines. VOICE OF THE PRESS Long, Long Ago In the Stratford Ueacoii-Hcrald of 50 years ago stores were adver- tising "three good brooms foi ii cents, and potatoes at 25 cents a bag." And there was probably lots ot work to be had â€" at a dollar a day, and ihe "d.iy" was 12 hourst â€" Ottawa Citizen. Better Burned 1 rials of Nazis oft remind us, -As the evidence -is upturned. That the Fuehrer left behind him. Papers that he fhoiild have burned. â€" Edmonton journal. One Adfantaga The homeless returned War Vet- eran has one advantage over the houseless civilian â€" he knows how tc build a foxhole. â€" Stratford Beacon-Herald. To Celebrate Thi.<» ye. i is the .'.0th anniver- sary of the pneumatic tire. How about celebrating with a good blowout' â€" Peterborough E.^aminer. Anvil Chorus In one respect cars are like peor pie. They show a tendency to knock as they grow older. â€" r>a!t Reporter. n.inv CHICKS WANT DAYOLD CHICKS' WE'VE .iome, and also some 2- 3 week heavy breed started cfaiok.ii â€" work In fine for the earl.v 1916 broiler markets. Write for .ind order soon for 1948. Bra.v Hatchery. 130 John X. Ham- ilton, Ont. EARLY CHICK.S BRINd THH Sj-reatest returns. Canada needs early chicks next year and al- ways. She needs them not only to .suppl.v her own requirements but to sustain her export market »t the time It needs eergs most. Any product Is better appreciated at horae or abroad when It is sup- plied at the time it Is most need- ed. Early chicks have two advan- taires. 1st. â€" they lay early whan prices are the highest: 2nd. â€" they lay longest spreading the re- turns over the whole year. Fail- ure to secure sufficient early chicks last spring resulted In a shortage ot egf;a thl.i Fall. Any surplus that may occur In the Fall of 1946 1.1 protected by the export contract with Great cirl- taln which Insures a price of 45a. for a Ijarge Seaboard. Send for our early delivery pricellet. you will not only make extra money with early hatched chicks, but you win save money by takinf them early. Free catalogue. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for Immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Tjlmlted. Fergus. Ontario. BABY CHICK BUYERS ORDER YOUR GOVERN-MENT Ap- proved chicks now and obtain an early order discount Each breed- er Is Government banded and blood-tested. Write for our IMJ price list and catalogue. Monkton Poultry Farms. Monkton. Ontario TOr WILL SAVE MOVET IF YOU order your Top Notch chicks early. You will not only save mo- ney but you will make extra mo- ney If you take early delivery of your chicks. It Is the early chicks that always make the most mo- nej'. Send for early prlcellst and free catalogue. Also laying pul- lets for Immediate delivery. To? Votch Chlckerles. Guelph. Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and R»- glstered Birds. All Breeders blood-tested. Prices from 8c to 23c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries. Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. WE HAVE FOR nniEDIATH .shipment laying and ready to lay pullets In TThlte I-eghorns. Barred Hocks and Xew Hainpshlres. Also day old chlck.< for Immediate de- livery. Fre*' catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatiherlse Limited, Fer- gi's, Ontario. SUPERIOR CHICKS Fall chicks. 'U'lnter chicks. Spring chicles, all popular breeds. Hy- brids, day old and started. Im- mediate or later delivery. .^1 breeders bloodtested. 21 day llv- abllity guarantee. Catalogue, prices free. Superior Hatchery, Llnwood, Ontario. IF TOU %%'.\XT T^TTN'O AND ready to lay nulleta for Immediate delivery, we have them â€" Barred Rocks. New Hampshlres, White Leghorns or Hybrids. Also for Im- mediate delivery day old chicks. Free catalocrue. Top Notch Chlek- erit>p. Guelph. Ont. THE ONLY PtTRIXA EMF.RYO-FED Barred Rock and Hybrid approv- ed chicks produced In Chatham are blood-te.<ited by the tube me- thod for both the regular and X ."Strains of pullorum. PuHets J26.0fl ner hundred. Mixed $1!>.in and C.iokerels $7.00. Order now from Frank Price Hatchery. 11 Jshn- Ice St.. ChTthnm. Ontario. Brsi\F,s« oppoBTU?rmK!t now worT.D YOT' LIKE TO OWN a Sin.nno Home, built to your own specifications. wherever you wish? If you prefer we will give you $10,000 In Victory Bonds. Op- portunity to win sm.noo monthly draw. All proceeds for underpri- vileged children and playground; Dr^w date â€" December S 194.'). Don't delay. Receipts mal' promptlv. Send $1.00 for on«';C ticket. 6 for $5.00. right now to'- Kiwanis Club of Sudbury, Box B3 Sudbury. Ont. WR HAVE PROSPECTIVE PUR- chasers for properties noar Windsor. Toronto and Niagara Falls. Write, giving us full par- ticulars. Guarant.v Trust Cora- pan.v of Canada, Windsor â€" 7.'o- ronto â€" Niagara Falls. HOME FOR $i.00 $(!..'i00.00 â€" 6-ROOM HOUSE, FIKI- shed now, to be drawn soon. Fund member-shlp $1.00: 8 for $J.M. Rouyn-Noranda Kinsmen CInb, Box !188, Nornnda Quebec. DVRINO .\.\U CLKA.MSC HAVE YOU ANYl'HING .NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for information. We are glad to answer your cjuestions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. DETF.CTIVES ^ . â-  CU.MMEltt;i.VI^ liU.ME.S'riC, LEiiAX, inve.stigations: anywhere in Onta- rio. Persons located. Free con- sultation. Telephone Klngsdals 9:!25. Active Investigation Bu- reau, 68 Farnham Avenue, To- ronto. Ont. FOR sale: REGISTERED HEREFORDS FOR SALE Y'ear Old Bull, Domino Bred, well marked. Two younger bulls, also one cow rising three, all blood le.sted and T. B. Clear. Also other animals owned by Breeders In vicinity. For information writs R. Q. Slmpkln. Robrolea Farm, Stroud. Ontario. PL-'V.STICS. PLEXIGLAS KIT. EAST to make Jewellery, lamps, horns furnishings, etc. for own uss, r'hristmas gifts, or resale from this beautllTuI plastic. Plexiglaa, Jewellery findings, cement. In- structions included. ti.riis plus postage. C. O. D. Sharon Products Co. P. O. Box 2'\S^. Place D'.Armes, Montreal, Que. "WELL ESTABUSHED BUSINESS, general store, hardware, buildinc material, cement, coal, feed, lum- ber, on Highwa.v t, opposlts * Smithfleld Station, good fruit and farming district. S-room dwelling attached, with modern conven- ience, size 24 X S6, additional building suitable for extra dwel- ling, 3 garages, S coal sheds, t warehouses on C.N.R. sldine near store about $10,000 stock Would sell part or all for $25,000. David J. White, R. n. 2, Brlarhton. Ont. RED OUTFIT SPECIAL $14.96. Cleaned and freshly enamelled metal bed. re-flnished sprlnir and "Pirsind new felt mattress, $14.95. Re-silvered springs, all sizes $4.96. Re-condltionPd drop-side and pull-out couch with new cretonne covered mattress with val'incs. $14.95. Buy with confidence from Wholes.ale Furniture, 10 Market St.. Toronto. Ont. ST.VMP COLLECTORS WRITE FOR free price list of new and old i«sucs. mint and uaed. Mount Royal Stamp Co.. 1473 McGIll CnlU'ge Ave., Jlontreal, Que. E.XdLISH SETTER PUPS, EXt'EPT- lonal, parent! reglstered,'''jj. Bal- lant.vne, Klelnburq bridge fi2R3, phone^Wood- ISSUE 51â€"1948 G.VJ^iTLINE ENCrl.NES. XEW Briggs and Stratton alrcooled. Mo.«t modern eneine built. Low cost Write for descriptive fold- ers and prices. Scope Sales Co., Box Sj2, Ottawi, Ont QUILT S.-^MPLES High grade suitings, m.ake evsr- lasting quilts, 30 pieces about 6 X 18, $1.50 plus 20c. postage, rs- mlt with order. .4. Rice. 361 Spa- dln.T. Toronto. Ontario. AT STUD-IRISH SETTER-MAHO- gany Kim of Ardee. sired by C. H. Elmcroft Red Ace. (Reg'd.) Tion ."5haw Phm.B. Cannlngton, Ontario. FIVE TUBE, SI.X VOLT BATTERY model amplifier, mllce, stand, II Inch speaker. Xew. Electronic Appliance. IISC Ave. Winnipeg. Now is the time to buy a one-man light weight portable "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross-cut timber pulp- wood or firewood. Two t.vpes ma- nufactured, tinth $400 f.o.b. Montreal. Preci.">ion Parts Ltd.. 20.'^3 Aylmcr St.. Montreal ELECTRIC .MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- piny Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St Tor- onto. 'MTOCKIIRS AND PEKINGESE OF of world-famous bloodlines, Mrs. P. \. Margeson. Cedarcrcst Ken- nels, Kentville, Nova Scotia. FERRETS: BROWN AND WHITE. Good hunters on rats and rabbits, $12.00 pair.Ear! .Vannen, R.R, 1. Paris. Ontario. FARMS FOR !«At>E; 1T5 ACRES. 70 ACRES STANDING timber fit for saw logs. Good buildings, plenty water. Third cons. tp. or Percy, Northumber- land County. Closs to school, store, church, cheese factory. W. N. Ireland, Warkworth. Ont FAR.M FOR SAI,E, 200 ACRES, brick hous*, barn, stables. Apply Mr. Robblns, R, R. No. 1, ^foIl.. mils. Ont I\H.1I.'« I'OU SALE 40 Ai.'P.ES. .NORTHWEST PART OF Lot 35, Concession 4, Township of Scott, wood lot. Apply A. Crozler, Sutton West, On:. HAIRDRESSITrG LEAR.\ HAIUDKESSING THB Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdreasing Acad- emy. 137 .wenue Road, IVjronto. IIEl.l' W.INTEU A HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR a village home to 1 adult; light job: give description and stats wages expected, all Isttsrs an- swered. A. Clark. Route 2. Low Banks. Ont. QUALIFIED PUBLIC HEALTH nurse, generalized program. Du- ties to commence Jan. 2. Apply Dr. J. H. Wesley, 5L O. H., Roard of Health. .Newmarket, Ont HANDYilAX W.A.NTED. FUR.VACES, cleaning, cars, repairs, snow, gardening. No family. Box 449, .NVwm.irket, Ont. I'OMITIOX WAWTED RELIABLE YOUNG MARRIED man desires position managing farm. Has spent entire life on a farm. Familiar with all farm ma- chinery including milking ma- chine. Verv capable with horses and R. O. P. work. Mr. D. Boyd, 19 R.ibert St.. Mimico. MARRIED lLi..N WANTED FOR general farm, to start soon, must be energetic, reliable and have good references. Permanent pros- pects to satl?faoto.-.v party. Apply Pox '^n. 73 .Vrlel.ilde W. Toronto. MEDICAI. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly 45o. bottle. Ottawa agent Den- man Drug Store. Ottawa. A TRLVL â€" EVERY SUFFERER ot Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Di.xon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug .«toro, 335 Elgin. Otta- wn. Postpaid $1.00. BREE.X.VTO.NE HE.ALTH SALTS positively does relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism. Painful, swol- len Joints reduced no matter how lon.g you have suffered. Months supplv $1.00 postpaid. Indian Re- medies. r.>\ lis. Vancouver, B. C. STOM.VCn A.ND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of til health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble , Interesting particu- lars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto t HAVE Y'OU HEARD ABOUT DIX- on's Neurltit' and Rheumailc Pain Remed.v? It gives good results. Munro's Drug .Store. JS5 E^gln. Ottnwa. Postpaid $1.00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOME!* BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Lsarn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands succescful Marvel graduates. America's grsatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogus free. Write or call MARVEL H-WRDRBBSma SCHOOLS SSS Bloor St W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St Hamilton & 74 RIdenu Street Ottawa, NEW HOBBY HANDICRAFT. With Wonderloom you can weave handbags, afghans, lunchson-sats easily. Complete with Instruc- tions and three patterns. One Dollar. J. L. Rica Agsnclaa. 4S0 Tohn.son St. Kingston, Ontario. PERSONAL THE WIXXER OF THE FUR COAT Draw held by the Elizabeth Frv Chapter. I.O.D.E.. Sudbury. On- tario, was Miss J. MIron, $44 Peter Street, Sudbury, Ontario. with ticket No. S561. "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11. N. T. l'HOT<VGR.*PHIC TIME TESTED QUAUTY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Tour films properly developed and printed. I OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS I5c REPRINl-S 8 for !6c FINEST ENLARGING SKRVICE Tou ma.v not get all the dims yon want this year, but you can get all the quality and servlcs you dsslre by sem'ing vour films to IMPRItl.iL PHOTO SBRVICB .'Stntion 1. Toronto NO FILM REQUIRED WB SPECIALIZE IN MAKING sepia enlargements direct from any snap or photo. 5x7 6»c 1x1 f T5c. .\bbey Studio, 11 Rldeaii St Ottawa, Ontsrio. I'llO'l IXMI A I'll f A MERRY CHRISTMAS A.VD UEST »I>HI> FOIt THB WEW VE-4R are: i:.\rKNUED T» vol' BY THE MAXGEMENT AXD emplovp:e.» OF the STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Canada's largest photo finishing studio does the flne.u work obtain- able â€" and at the lowest cost. Get best results from your camera bj; sending your films here for de- veloping and printing. Quality work and prompt service is assured you. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box i::S, Postal Teruiiaal A. Turunt* Praising Star Snopsbot Service, a customer at Windsor , Ontario, writes: "I suppose !t is hard to giva your usual quick service with help so ha.-d to get. but as long as you turn out the fine pictures you send me, I for one. will think they'ra well worth waiting for â€" If I hava to wait." Any Size Roll â€" G or 8 E.xposures. DE-\T3LOPED AND PRINTED 26a S MOr.XTED ENLARGEMENTS tSm Size 4" X 6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Tou can have enlari^ements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed Enlarsenieats 4" z 6". oa Ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x i". Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 69ot If enlargement coloured 79c. Print your noma and address plain- ly on all orders. MPSICAL INSTRIMKWTS FRED A BODDINGTON fiUTB, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. Ill Church. Toronto J. PATE.NTS FETHERSTUNHAOGH « COMPANY Patent Sollcitora. Established 1890: 14 King West Toronto, Booklet of Information on re- quest R.4,Ul()!i> ' RADIO EXPERIME.XTERS! Con- struct your own 2 tube all wava set Kit of 30 parts. Tubes, Chas- sis. Ideal Christmas gift Ordst early. Price: $9.95. Earphones; $t. Electronic Appliance. 1168 Port- age, Winnipeg. Canada. TA-tlDER.MY DEER HEADS MOUNTED, DEER Hides tanned into glovs leather, we also buy Deer Hides. Sheep skins tanned for floor rugs. Beaf Hides tanned and made Into rug*. Foxes and Furs dressed and mad* Into scarfs. 26 Elm Street. Toron- to, Oliver Spanner Co Ltd. TE.tCHERS W^INTED KEBWATIN PUBLIC SCHOOC fully qualified Protestant teachar for lower grade, salary $1200.00, permanent position If sultabla. Duties to commence January or February 1946. Apply stating ag«, qualifications and experience ta A. G. Holmes, Secretary Treasurer. WANTED WANT BUSINESS, ANY KIND, cash buyers for Stores, Mills, Oarages, Hotels, what have yoo. George Drummond. Owen Sound. Ont. THEATRE W.\NTED $00 seats or over, any town la Ontario. Prlvatt onl.r. Advertis- er, 288 Torrens Avenue, Toronto «, Ont. WANT HOUSE IN TOWN. VIL- laga or Highway, prefer with mtla land, $7M to $1800. Sevsrat cash buyers. QIvs description, net price. George Drummond, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED TO RENT ACREAGB farm or lot. Conveniences In house. Room 10. 1 Gould Street Toroiit... Ont. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kinds of dressed poultry. Gat our prices before you sell. Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2.104 DUIOR ST. W. TORONTO PHONE JU. O.l.'in BUVER. MR TRP rOWl ER WANTED: MEN AND U OMEN TO take orders for chicks. Tou ca» make money In .vour spare tima selling your friends and neigh- bours chicks for one of Canada's oldest established Government Approved Hatcheries. Send for full details. Box .No. 51. 71 Adelaide W.,^jroronto. BETWEEN NOW AN"|1 LATB Spring. White Birch Bolts. 27" long, 7" and up top. Must ba fresh cut. free of do7e and lana llmli knots. .Mso Interested In Poplar and Basswood I'olfs, 8" and up top. 48" long If you can suply In carlots, write for our quotations. KeensTi Wnodenwsra United, Owah Sound. Ontario.

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