Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1945, p. 1

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'J A >^1 VOL. 65 ; NO. 29 ®()je /toljjerf M %^mntjt* PLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19,a945 W. H. Thurston & Son, PuWisherl A Merry Christmas to Our Readers J*- A. A: Future Events PAGEANT AT MAXWELL A Chrtotmas-tide pageant will be held in Maxwell Church on Sunday evening, Dec. 23rd at S p.m. Plan to attend this aemce. EUGENIA rHRISTMAS DANCE Dance in Eugenia Chxistmas nig'ht (Dec. 26th) at 9 p.m., under auspices of L.O.L. 1118. Adlmissdon 35c, lunch included. SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE Good crorwds are attending the Saturday night dances in Fraternal Hall, Fllesherton, with the Golden West Mountaineers suipplying popu- lar music. Be on band to enjoy your- self, too. A 4- CHRISipWAS AND NEW YEARS' - DANCES, JFLESHERTON Christmas Dance in Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, Dec. 25th. New Year's Eve Dance, Monday, Dec. SI. Golden West Mountaineers orchestra. Ad.- mi^sion: 50ic. "t. DIORAMA AT ROCK MILLS Sunday evening, (afternoon serv- ices cancelled) at 8 o'clock, the di- orama of the nativity will be shown and a Christmas red ,gift service held at Rock Mills Baptist Church. En- velopes will be available to those who wish to make a Christmas gift to the church. Everyone is invited to participate in this unique event. Presbyterian Church Notes On Sunday, Dec. 2i3rd, Christmas Sundiay, 'St. AndiPew's Church, Price- ville, will hold a Carol Service, the minister will conduct the service and preach the sermon at 11 a.m. Mr. Halliwell will conduct a Christmas Service at the (key Coun- ty Home on Friday, Dec. 2ll, commen- cing at 7 p.m. After the service sides will be Ishown on the theme "One Night in Bethlehem" and also other slides on the Pacific coast. Sunday aftemon at 3 p.m. Christ- mas service at St. Andrew's Church, Swinton Park. Before the regular Christmas ser- vice at Cooke's Church, Markdale, the choir and Young People's Soci- ety will sing carols at the hospital and a brief address will be gijven by Mr. Halliwell. Following the evening service at Cooke's Church at Markdale, the Christmate Tableaux given, Friday. Dec. 14th, will be repeated at 8.30 p.m. in the church. Mr. William D. Halliwell wishes all his many friends in Flesherton and district, a joyous ChristmaS; and that for all it will be a seateor of personal peace and goodwill. Card of Thanla Mrfe. J. T. McLeod wishes to thank her friends and neighibors for their many kind expressions of sympathy and condolence during her recent bereavement. te. I A. B(03CmG DAY-DECr 26 Civic Holiday IN FLESHERTON I hereby proclaim Boxing Day, Wednesday, Ded. 26th, as a Civic Holiday for the Village of Flesherton, when all retail stoes will be closed. â€" K. G. BETTS, Reeve. A. i A. -â- * A. /* -A 'I ; •"â- Â»*â- â-  â- 4 -T «. M jk. J« A. J» 4. M. A. -* ^ I â- ^ ». -*♦ •V 4 A -* *. â- * *â-  " A ^- 1 .fk ♦â-  - - A Jk -V -V H ^ * â- i -^ > -4 * â- *' , A. V ' Ifr < lit <.« fl ^' .A> ^ «â-  ^ * - «* ' 1 A " 1 « * 1 4k THE ANNUAL S- S- CONCERT will be held in ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH Friday, Nov. 21 commencing a 8 o'clock p.m. SONGS, RECITATIONS, PLAYS, QANiTATAS AND CHRISTMAS TREE Play: "TREASURE IN THE CRADLE Admission: Adults 35c, Children free No Pqper Next Week Due to Christmas falling on Tuesday thiu year and Boxing Day following the next day, to- Igether with some rush job work. The Advance will not be publish- ed next week. The next issue of The Advance will ,be the first in the new year, January 2nd, 1946. We will be with you again the first of the year. YOUTH WELFARE IS LEADIN G QUE STION It has been felt by many in the village that more attention should he paid to the activities of the young people of Flesherton and guide them along lines which are productivei of good citizenship. With this end in view several pirivate meetings have been held where ideas on the subject were interchanged, various angles of the subject being discussed. Another step forward was taken n Wednesday evening last when aibiout 40 interested citizens attended a meeting in the Cown hall, when it was decided to form a com- mittee to present a report at a gen- eral meeting to be held early in the new year, suggesting a name for th« organization, a prospective consti- tution and to nominate a slate of officers and Suggested, committees. The committee' was chosen by the meeting to comprise the following: Mrs. C. J. Bellamy, Mrs. Keys, Mrs. D. Williams, Rev. Dr. Thomson, F. B. Keys, F. Gorrell, H. Best, K. G. Betts, F. Duncan, F. J. Thurston, E. Fisher, and S. Hazen. Two othei f^EVERSHAM : * " OR IN TORONTO HOSPITAL James Pedlar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hi.rv^ Pedlair, Feversham, under- went a knee operation in Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, last week. Jim, "who was recently discharged ft'om the R.C.N.V.R., receiving hife Injury aboard a minesweeper in the Englih Channel. We wish for this young fveteran a complete recovery. iNewly-Weds Honored (By Portlaw Reporter) 'â-  A double presentation was held in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 11, when Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Russell W^Jre gueSts ol honor. During the evening a double address was read by Mrs. L. Pedlar and Mrs. H. Fisher and the presen- tation of china cabinets and several othej: gifts were made by Laverne Sliic'- Russell Shier, and Roibt. Bla- key. Earl and Orval made very fit- ting re<plies. Lunch was served and dai.^inig continued to the music of the Pedlar, McFadden and Little- Johns orchestras. Presentation To Soldiers LADY OVER 80 AIDED IN SHINGLING ROOF An event of an unusual nature has just come to the attention of the editor, which occuiTed about a month ago in Osprey Township. Mrte. John Dobson, a highly regarded and active lady of over 80 years walked to the home of her son, Mr. J. Dobson, a distance of over a mile and as shingling was in progress there, decided that she would have her hand into the work too. She climbed the ladder, walked the roof and shingled for a short time. We congiratulate Ma-s. Doiblson on her accomplishing such a feat and also wish her continued good health for many years to come. Howard Graham President Of Artemesia Fedeation A reception in honor of three re- turned men from Flesherton was held in Fraternal Hall Thursday evening of last w^-ek. These were Milford Piper, Rhesa McClean and Fred Thompson. Anguls Tumey has also returned but was unable to be present firom Toronto, where he is taking medical treatment. The pre- sentation was made by Mrs. Fred memibers will be appointed by **« lo^irrell, Mrs. N. Stoddart and Mrfe. High gchoo^ students The evening's proceedings were introduced by the showing of two films, "The Flefeherton Old Boys' Re- union," and "Youth In Crisis,'' latter depicting the causes of delinquency of young people. the he Secretary of H. S. Board Resigns After 35 Years After 36 years of faithful and un- tiring service as Secretary of Dun- dalk High School Board, Mr. D. T. Wright has handed in his resigna- tion, which was accepted with regret at the last meeting of the board. Mr. Wright, who with Mi's. Wright, cele- brated the 5(5th anniversary of their wedding, December 12th, in Toronto, was principal of Dundalk High School for 26 years. It was originally started as a coninuation school. Mr. G. E. Bennett, present principal, was named acting-secretary by the schoo' board. â€" Dundalk Herald. Alf. Down, while Mrs.' H. A. Mc- Oauley, president of the Soldiers' Welfare, read the address. Mr. M. S. McLeod spoke words of welcome on behalf of the Flesherton Legion. Mu'sic was supplied by the Pedlar orchestra for the dancing. 1- TUDOR â€" In loving memory of e 'ear wife, and inofner, Bertha Jane Tudtor, who passed away Dec. 21fet, 1930. Beside Tier grave we often stand With hearts both crushed and sore, But in the gloom, the sweet words came, Not lost, but gone before. God knowte how much we miss her, Hi counts the tears we shed. And whispers, she only sleeps, youi loved one is not dead," ?o we'll be brave dear mother, And pray to God each day And when he ca"s us home to stay Your smile will guide the way. â€" Sadly missed'- by Husband and Daughters. Baptist Church Noter CHRISTMAS FAMILY NIGHT Wednesday, Dec. 19th, at 8 p.m. sharp. Rock Mills Church Christmas tree, games, showing of 'snaipshots of families in the community, refresh- ments. Don't miss this big annual event. GBDARSIDE Christmas Sunday morning service at the usual hour. Sunday School. Christmas special. Attend church Christmas Sunday. The Cedai-feide congregation is urg- od to attend the Vesper Service in St. .lohn's United Church, Sunday evening, Dec. 2'3rd. DIiORlAMA Please see Future Events Adver- tisement and note that no Sunday afternoon sei-vice will be held. In Memoriaro Hiki^ ik an •*' A"*. MwionDwri BtOOft CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily aeceniblt by the city's leading auto- moMla aad atrest car thoroughf arss. Bates and Maddocks FUNtRAL CHAPEL l24Avenue Rd. KI.4344 m BURNETT â€" In loving memory of our dear husband and father, who pais'sed away on December 17, 1944. God called him home, it was his will, But in our hearts we love him still; His memory is as dear to day .4.8 in the day he passed away. The blow wa^ great, the shook se- vere, It is only those, who have lost, can tell The sorrow of parting without fare- well. â€" Sad'ly missed and ever remem- bered by Wife, Daughter and Granddaughters, Agnes and Ethel. In Memoriam BAD'^EROW â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Mary Bad gerow, who departed thife life on De- cember 22, 1944. We cannot say, we will not say That she is dead, she is jufet away. Without a murmur or a w«ve of her hand, She wandered into an unknown land. The blow was great, the shock severe Wc little thought death was so near BTit we think of her still the same and say, She i^ not dead, she is just a\v«y. â€" Lovingly remombered and sadly missed by her Family. Mr. Howard Graham of Vandeleur was elected president of the Arte- mesia Townfehip Federation of Agri- culture, held at Flesherton Wednes- day afternoon of last week, succeed- ing Mr. Geo. Buchanan. Mr. Cliflford Allen was elected secretary-treasurer and the following are the new Direc- tors: G. W. Buchanan, Ward Harrison Jno Nichol, Geo. Littlejohnfe, Clifford Allen and Howard Graham, by the Farm Forum's, and another director may be chosen by the women's groups. The attendance of farmers was below the noimber expected. Reports were given by the secretaries of the four Farm Forums in Artemesia: Vandeleur. by Howard Graham; Or- ange Valley, by Geo. Littlejohns; Springhill, by Ward Harriteon; Six Corners, by Gordon Nichol. IM*. Wesley Jegftwood of. Hanover was the guest speaker and gave a splendid address. During the course of his remarks, Mr. Magwood stated that the time spent in farm organi- zation was not worth-while from the sbandipoint of the older people, but for the sake of those who for six years offered their lives for our way of life and for the sake of the younger generation who would inev- itably have to face condition's as we leave them. The speaker stressed the point that through the Federa- tion of Agriculture, farm people could do things for themselves. The followiriig resolution, placed before the meeting by Clifford Allen and J. Nichol, was passed: "Where- ate Col. â-  the Hon. T. L. Kennedy. Minister of Agriculture for the Province of Ontario, made the state- ment recently at the Dominion- Provincial Conference that it was now time that all controls e re- moved from prices of farm products, and whereas farmen-s, having sub- mitted to the policy of price ceilings through the war years, therefore be it resolved that the Artemesia Town- ship Federation of Agriculture, in aanual meeting assembled, opposes the lifting of controls on fai-m -irices and all other commodities at the present time and vequestis the Federation of .Agriculture to press for satisfactory floor prices on all farm produce." Copies of the reso- lution were to be sent to the County Federation of Agriculture for en- dorsation, and forwarded to the Minister o-* Agriculture through the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Mrs. Oscar Patterson Headi Inistioge W. A. Society (By Victoria Comerb Reporter) The annual W. A. meeting wai held on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 13^ 1045, in the home of Mrs. El-nya Ferris with a good attendance. A short prognam opened the me«t:>4 with the usual busiT<';-sa. All offieH were declared vacant and Bev. Dk. Thomson took charge of the electioB of officers for the coming: year, 1945-46, which are as follows: President â€" ^-tM^rs. Oscar Patteiaon. Vice-iPres. â€" Mrs. Russell Patter* son. Recording Sec. â€" 'Miss Laurena Taibot. Financial Sec. â€" Mrs. Art Jack- son. Corresponding " Sec. â€" Mrs. E<lmo Stevens. Treasurer â€" Miss Christena Duft- can. Organi'st â€" Mrs. George Moore. Assistant Organist â€" Mrs, WalV er Nicholls. Temperance Convenor â€" lira. Merritt NichoUs. Missionary Convenor â€" Mn. (Jlev.) Thomson. Flower Committee â€" Mibses Christena Duncan, Muriel Taibot« Florence Batchelor. Birthday Gommittee â€" MesdamM Gordon Acheson and Russell Ache- son. Buying Committee â€" Mesdames Russell Patterson and Oscar Patter- son. Sunshine Committee â€" Mesdamee John Duncan and Jos. Copeland. The treasurer's report revealed a very successful year with a substan- tial suprlus on hand. United Church Notes Died PORrEOUS -â€" On Sunday morn- ing, December 16th, at the home ol her son, Joyce Porteous, Carrie Betts, wife of the late John Por- tous, age 69 years. The late Mr's. Porteous had come to spend the winter with her son and family, when she suffered a stroke from which she never rallied, she was the youngest daughtei- of the late Leon- ard Betts and Elizabeth Yardley and wafe bom on the farm, -where Cecil Betts now lives. She spent almost her entire life in this neighborhood, where she was well known and high- ly respected. The funeral will be hekl Tuesday afternoon. We extend our sincere sympathy to the family in their lofes by the passing of a lov'iK and affectionate mother. -.â- * Next Sunday, being the Sunday before Christmas a Christmas Day service will be held. The theme of the adda-ess will be "God Made Vis- iljle." At this sei-vice a beautiful Com- munion table will be presented to the congregation by Mr. John McMillan and Miss Kate McMillan, in memory of Mrs. McMillan. All who knew her will appreciate how appropriate is this gift as a memorial of one to whom Christ and Hi^ cross were so centi>al in all her life. At eight o'clock in the evening the senior girls of the C.G.I.T. will sponsor a Christmas Vesper Service. All are welcome to attend this ser- vice and are cordially invited to do so. The customary Thursday evening hour Bible study and prayer will not be held this week in order to al- low a mid-week service at Eugenia. On Friday evening the annual concert will be held. This is one of the old institution^ of Flesherton. of more than sixty years' standing. It is a combined concert by the Sun- day School and the Flesherton Pub- lic School. Latet Sunday the Junior Choir very acceptably led the musical part of the service. Two carols were sung. It is planned that in future the Junior Choir will take over one i«t- vice a month. RATION NEWS SHORTENING AND LARD In an effort to help out with th« preparations for Christmas and hol- iday dinners, an increase of approx- imately one and a quarter million pounds of shortening will be distri- buted throughout Canada this weel^ Equitably distributed throughout the country this means an increase of apiproximately one-tenth of a pound per person, but the ^hort world sup- nly of fats and oils will not permit any additional allowances. Wartime Prices and Trade Board officials DOint out oddinpr that the addKtonsl amount falls short of meeting evr- ront demand. Tn the first week of Jnniiorv .nn .Tdrlitinnal «iinT>lv of l'>rd will he made available follnwi^iir itil nurchase in tho United 5tTt'»«' hw t1i« CoTnTvioditv Price's RTid S+nt>i!i'Tt'oTi rornoTatinn in a further -'ffort to reliovp the <shortnpr of oil'blo fats in this countrv. f

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