Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Oct 1945, p. 7

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â-ºÂ« f •4 Smile! Modern Way Relieves Miseries of Colds Pleasantly- During Night Today, the modem way most mothers use to relieve miseries of colds is to rub Vicks VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results are so good because VapoRub ... Penetrates deep into cold- irritated bronchial tubes with its special, medicinal vapors. Stimulates chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. Then For Hours VapoRub's special action keeps an working. Invites restful sleep. Often by moming most of the misery of the cold is gone! Hpme-Proved by millions of users, VapoRub's special pene- trating'StimuIating action works just &te! So be sure you get the oneandonlyVICKSVAPORUB. OTTAWA_BEPORTS That Already 3,500 Veterans Have Applied For Farms If f i 4 ^ ^ IN- .» * â- 5 r- « ^ •â-¼ â- â€¢â-  -»â-  1^ 4 *. 4 «. •> «- ^ V « •♦• T 4g||M »â- =- 4 ^ 4 * This time peace will bring no inflated land boom, no rush to grab sections of Canada's broad farm lands. Today'i back-to-the- land movement is an orderly set- tlement venture woven into Can- ada's plans for the rehabilitation of veterans. Already some 3,800 service men have applied for farms nnder the Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act; but adminis- trators of the act have set no time Umit on applications because they would like to see orderly settle- ment over a period of 10 years rather than t short-term concen- tration of demand. Consequently applicants are carefully screened, told that farming is a serious business, given advice on latest methods and modern soil cultiva- tion, and they must have had some practical farming experience. If a veteran is accepted by the region- al advisory committee which inter- views him, he selects the farm he wants, sets out the financial as- sistance he needs, and the proper- ty is appraised by an expert land Inspeetor. If found acceptable in all respects, the administration purchases the property and re-sells to the veteran under agreement of •ale. Men connected with this work expect that some 25,000 vet- erans will eventually apply for arms. Surveys indicate that about ^ 6% of service personnel are in- terested in fuUtime farming. • * • A recent survey of Canada'* farm picture reveals that there are 80,000,000 acres of land under cultivation â€" about one-quarter of total possible farm land in the country. According to the 1941 census, there were nearly 733,000 farms in Canada operated by close to 1,082,000 persons gainfully occu- pied in farming. This figure equals CHECK YOUR COLD THIS WAY- I fnstontine Tablet brings MST HELIEP! Cold getting you down? Follow the Instantine 1-tabUt-way to fast relief from the (miserable, dragged-out "achy" feeling often associated with colda. It generally takes only ona Instan- tine tablet to start bringing welcome rdief from cold suffering. You see. these fast-acting, prescription-type Instantine tablets go to work almost Immediately easing pain ; lessening dis- comfort. Instantine's scientific com- binatkn of three proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways to biijg you effective relief: 1. Sas« pain and discomfort. X Prolong relief from discomfort. X Ofhel "depiessed faeiing." Give mild, stimulaHng "lifl.'' Try Instantine â€" chances are you will neVer again go back to slower-acting preparations for relief of cold discom- fort Rely on Instantine, too, for relief whenever you suffer from headache or muscular ache or pain. All drugstores have Instantine. A- instantine B Tiblets 25<^-iii>Mt 2«i a dose hit IffKtfvi teVef fnm Slmfl* fah OLD SCHOOL TIE FEMJkUE MISERY LydiaE.PinklianrsVcgeUbleConnwund not only helps relieve monthly pam but also accompanying nervous, tired, hiRh- slrung feelingsâ€" when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one ot the most elTccI ivc medicines for this purpose. Finkham's Compound helps nalure/ Follow label directions. Try ill A doggy imitation of an English iport watching his school team in X lively cricket match, is the sharp little character above. He took part in a canine fancy dress show at Hampton, Middle'.iez, England Milk Production Approximately 60 per cent of the total milk production In Canada goes into butter, 20 per cent to fluid milk sales, 10 per cent to cheese. 3% per cent to concentrated milk products, 1% per cent to ice cream and 16 per cent is fed and used on farms. Milk production has Increased In Canada from 15.8 billion pounds In 1939 to 17.6 billion pounds In 1944, an Increase of H"8 per cent. 1944, an Icrease of 11"8 per cent. 9.4% of Canada's total population. During the war about 400,000 per- sons left farms to enter the armed forces and war industry, some of whom may not go back. Another factor in the farm population out- look is the fact that about 75.000 farmers are in the aging class of 60 or over, thus becoming pros- pective sellers of their lands. It is therefore expected that mos-t of Canada's new soldier-farmers will settle on existing cultivations ra- ther than virgin land. * * « Canada's entire contribution of $77,000,000 to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Admin- istration has been used up. Be- .sidcs, UNRR.\ spent considerable United States funds to purchase goods in Canada. Much of this money has gone to Canadian farm- ers who have supplied UNRRA with vast quantities of wheat, seed, meat and dairy products. More than half the wheat sent to Eur- ope since V-E Day has been Ca- nadian, and this percentage will be kept up during the present crop year. At this rate there will be only about 100,000.000 bushels left on hand by next July. Consequent- ly the Canadian Wheat Board has lifted the 14-bushel-an-acre limit on wheat deliveries. This should put an additional 13,000,000 bush- els into the United Nations' food basket. * * • Nine of every 10 hogs slaughter- ed are beng rushed to seaboard ports to meet the United King- dom's urgent request for more ba- con. Canada will try to add 3,000 pounds to each of its 11,000-pound monthly shipments in October and November. * * * Canadian Federation of .Agricul- ture statistics show that in the five years, 1939 to 1944 inclusive, Canada exported to the ITnited Kingdom 2,600.000.000 pounds of bacon and pork; 197,000.000 pounds of beef (in 1944 and to June 1945, inclusive); 601.500.000 pounds of cheese; 180,000,000 doz- en eggs; 189,000,000 pounds of evaporated milk. Canadians trav- elling in England say the best known of these products are dried or powdered eggs, unmistakeahly a product of Canada with a picture of a scarlet-coated Royal Canadian Mounted PoHcciiian on the pack- age. This food has given susten- ance to millions of homos, but as shipping space cases, more and more shell eggs will be sent. Brit- ish housewives will be glad to get good Canadian shell eggs aK>iin because powdered '•eggs, tlunigh healthful, are not as tasty h dish. Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY DUKE OF WINDSOR VISITS MOTHER The Duko of Windsor, paving his first visit to England in al- most five years, is seen with his mother, Queen Mary, at Marl- borough House in London. The Duke's wife, tho former Wallis Warfield, remained in Paris. U.S. Obligation To Great Britain This newspaper, the New York Herald Tribune believes that the moral obligation which we owe to Great Britain and the special posi- tion which she occupies with re- spect to world trade rehablitation â€" which is of major importance to our own recovery â€" alike dictate that we should lean over backward to be liberal in the terms on which aid is extended. Millions of Books Burned in Raids The books the Nazis burned were not only in German bonfires. More than 1. 000. 000 books were destroyed by fire in German bomb- ing raids on England, the British Library .Association discloses, most of them in municipal libraries. Some 54.000 children's books went up in flames, and thousands of special collections housed in the libraries are gone forever. Ninth Victory Loan Truly A War Loan There exists no magic wand one can use to waft military forces from the scenes of battle to their normal home surroundings over" night. Unfortunately, long after the enemy cries surrender, the cost of war goes on. The Canadian people n;ust meet the cost oi bringing the troops home, the maintenance of our forces of occupation in Germany- Pay of the men who are waiting demobil- ization goes on. Cheques to depend- ents keep going out until the sold- ier has his discharge paper. There are heavy domestic expen- ditures, made heavier by the unpre-. cedented demands of this period of rc-constniction m the country, which are included in the total of the Ninth Victory Loan objective- Hut of this we can be sure. The major portion of the money which Canadians will provide for the pur- chase of bonds in October and Nov- ember is needed to cover the cost of war. Britain To Replace Merchant Ships Britain is to replace all shipping losses suffered by those United Nations who placed their merchant ships at the disposal of the Allied cause during the war. Seven Bri- tish merchant ships, for instance, have recently been sold to France, and a further three are to follow. Besides thi':. the British Govern- ment has gratited widespread fa- lOLL YOUt QWN WITN British Consols CIGARETTE TOBACCO ciiitics for the buildnig of French merchant ships in British ship- yards. Similar concessions are be- ing granted by the British Govern- ment to other United Nations. DID YOU KNOW tkat Maxwell House Coffee is "Radiant Roasted" to cap- Inre all the extra goodness of this particularly fine coffee blend. Try Maxwell House! AGENTS W.4NTEU VETERA.NS â€" EAR.V A SUBST.A..\- tial income In spare time sellini; Veteran'! Calendars. Large pro- fits. Send twenty-five cents for â- amplex and full particulars. Kay Sale.s Company, 659 Dovercourt Road. Toronto. AGENTS â€" lERRITORIES ST I LI. open. Sell |G gasoline saver and super charger: 100% profit. 5 minutes to Instal. Write "Gns- ollne Saver", Box 62. 7.1 Adelaide West. Toronto. SOIVG WKITERS SONG POE.MS WRITERS. RECOG- nized music writer, whose .sontrs are published by leudinsc L'..'<.A- publishers. coast-to-coast, will write music to your poems. Kree copies, now publishingr In Cnnadii. Write SonKmaster Studios, Sii-sse.x. N-P. â-  BABY CHICKS PULLETS PURE BREEDS .\N11 hybrid crossc!> 12 weeks up to laying. Also Fall hatched eiii(>l{s booked to order. Not too early to book your order for 1946 chii-kn. Send for early bookiner price list and be sure of chicks when ^'oii want them. Tweddle Chick H.Tt- cherles Limited. Fergus. Oniario. DURING OCTOBER WE EXKICOT to have some broiler.-! availabli"- And your November-December chicks should be ordered now- F.tII Bulletin (free) available. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N- H-i- milton. Ont. PULLETS 20 WEEKS UP T(5 24 weeks, pure breeds and hybrid.'^. Also day old chicks hatched to order for Fail delivery. Book your order now for your 1946 chicks »nd secure them on the date you want them. Top Notch Chickerie-"- Guelph, Ontario. RrsINBSS AND PROPERTY IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SEL- llng your Business or Property, larnre or small and want good re- «ults, consult this office, 30 years experience in sailing all kinds of property, for further information write. Georpre Lawton, 709 Quel- l«tt6 Ave., Windsor, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIKS ALADDIN HOMKS ORDER NOW for 194B-1J46. Pay like rent- Send I6r., S2-page book. 2628 How.srd, Windsor, Onf. WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or Hudson Seal Coat or Muskrat Coat and Muff valued at $500.00 or $400.00 in cash Tickets «Sc. or 5 for $1.00 KMZAHETH FRY CHAPTER, I.O.O.E., Sndbury. Cat. Send your poatnl Bote or monrT •rder to Mr«. I,. Simpson. »S Klnsnmaunt Blvd., Kndbiir>. Ont. "IT COULD BE YOURS" A BE.\UTIFUL MODERN 6-KOCiM Bungalow, now under constriu- tlcn, or choice of 110,000 In Vic- tory Bonds, situated at the corn- er of Lawrence Ave. and Scarlett Rd., In Weston. This beaudful home or the bonds will go to some lucky shareholder. It Is not necessary for the winner to be pre.ient at the draw. Tickets Jl each or 6 for 8.1. Mail your ord^r for 1 or more tickets to Treas Weston Lions Cluh, Toronto 15. Get yours n<iw. $1 FOR ROTARY HOUSE SHARE TICKET GIVES YOU OU- portunity of owniiic this hciiii- tlftil hoftie or J4.')nn cash when lucky ticket Is drawn. Trocieds for CrlpDled Children and Com- munity 'Service. Send today for one or more shares to Rotarv Club, Box 428, Essex. Ontario. •41 PLYMOUTH C.\R, EXi'KLLE.NT condition Includina: rubbers. Send dollar for five draw tickets to .1. Shedden, Halow.'on Draw Chali - man. Refinery Workers" Union. Port Colborne. Winner purch.i-s<>^ car for one dollar. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" iwitTii'i iwTi-: i\ j.-.n.iH. monthly l.lond draw, other prize-s." Delnlls on receipt. .'Shares $1.00 each or 6 for f.'>-00. Send for shares to St Cnlhnrines (ipllmisi Club, Box 41.'i-H-, SI. Catharines- Ontario. BISINESS OPPORTIXITIES $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE IN CANADA to winner's specifications, or $10,000 In caeh will be awarded lucky winner. Also chance on 1100 monthly draw. Winner Is atlll eligible for house draw In December. All proceeds for child- ren's welfare. Tickets II. each â€" 12 for $10. Mall remittance to Sud- bury Klw.inis Club. Box. 6S nVEI,\«: AlfD CI.EA.VING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information- We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Pve Works Limited. Tm Tonse Street. To- ronto FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE "VIKING" CREAM SEP.ikRATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited. 720 Notrc- Dame West. Montreal .1. Que. FOR S-4I.K 10 PUPS. 7 WEEKS OLD. CROSS from registered Great Dane and Newfoundland, price $15.00. I'hev are beauties. Write for further particulars to. .\lex Soucle. Snake Creek, Que., (via Mattawa, Ont.) PIANOS. A LI.MITBP NU.M1?ER OF our small new pianos will soon he available. Write for circular. Orders executed In turn as re- ceived. Factory Ma.son and RIsch Limited, 642 King St. West, To- ronto. FERRETS. WHITE AND BROWN. Males $4.00 Fem.sles jn.OO. Oscar J. Daly. Hagersville P. Ci. Ontario. BLACK REGISTERED COCKER Spaniel Puppy top breeding. Grandson of Champion Whirlaway of Irolitn. 41 Champions .S gener- ations, nvi Briicie. M.\ Own Bru- «le, Torohlll Trader in pedigree on both sides. Excellent show and stud prospect. S.acriflce $3.';. 00. H. M- Puffy. Katrine. Ontario. UBGISTRRED YK.Vni.lNG BULL from heavy producing Dam and sired b.y son of Brampton Spn- gnolas .standard whoes Pam gave lOnnn lbs milk and .i42 fat. teat â€" .1.37. Price $60. Shelley Deneyes, Odessa, Ont. H-MLKP H-\Y FOR SALE. TIMO- Ihy Broom Gras.<. Red Top Mix- ture and Upland. For part'culars write J. Firman. Hn.iusa. Mani- toba. GUIMM EVAPORATOR 6' x 18': 1.700 buekets. spouis. rovers, storage and gathering tanks, set- tling cnn $600. H, Barnes. Sund- rldge. Ont. VTTKNTION. FARMERS. FOR Sale: Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber. Bultnhle for bolting on steel wheels. $10.00 each. When order- ing statB diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 5 Wiltshire Ave.. Toronto. Ont. ."Ji^OTCH COLLIES. SEVKRAI. well marked Tri-color puppies. registered. Write Kairlna Ken- nels. Highland Crcck Ont. i;KNER.\T. SIIIRK ON HIGHWAY Hamilton vicinity, nice home »ur- roiindings: $fl,.ino complete. JS.OOil cash required: owner retiring .\sk Worthlngton. 21 Main F., Knmilton. ' MUSCOVY DUCKS. WHITE, drakes $ ducks $2.00 F.O.B Paniii Farm. P.O. Bo\ lill .\lde?- shot. Ont. 20.000 BREKIIINO EWES. 50,000 Feeder I^mb.s. Raniboulllet â€" Merino Corridale Cros.s, Southern Sask. Wool Grower.s' .Association. Maple Creek, Snskntchenan. G. S. Herringer. Sn-relary. KI.ECTKIC MOTORS NEW. USED botighl. sidd. rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd. 3326 Pufferin St. Tor- onto, FARMS FOR SALE KENT COUNTY F.-iRM OFFERED IH miles from Blenheim, clay loam. 200 acres, all tilled, 65 acres choice tobacco land (new), one S2' barn on cement wall, cattle and horse stable cement floor throughout. 100-foot pig pen cem- ent floor. 10.000-bushel corn cribs. 2 houses. water and hydro In house and barn, buildings palnteil and in good repair. Judge this productive farm by Its crops witli or without equipment, owner re- tiring, priced to sell $160 per acre, phone or write 1'. H. Nich- ols, Blenheim, Ont. FOR S/LE, 84 .A.CRES. FLUE CUR- ed Tobacco Farm on No. S High- way â€" Apply Eugene Ko- â-¼acs. R. R. 3. West Lome, Ont. VALUABLE FRUIT FARM. 83 acres of exceptionally well cul- tivated orchards. Including pears, peaches, cherries, plums, prune-" grapes and apples; attractive 10- room brick home. electricity, bath, hot and cold running water, beautiful surroundings; tenant house, barn, packing shed, 2 gar- ages. chiclcen pen; all In splendid repair; h.alf mile from school on good road Price $25,000; must sell- Owner living on farm- D. E LIghfle. Rirtgevllle -TO-. Welland vlclnlty- FARM. 200 ACRES. 2H MII^S from town, on highway. con- venient to school- Mrs. Arthur Rochon Mattawa. Ont. A BEAUTIFUL. WELL-IMPROVKP 178 acres, one mile south of Til- bury. Ont.. on Middle Road. Chn--^- Case, Blenheim. Ont. 285 ACRES FOR SALE. 12 MILES south of Hnllburton. approximate- ly 100 acres good workable land. remainder pasture and hush. plent.\- of wood, timber for lum- ber and manle ayruD hush. fair house and barn. well watered and fenced. Railway and river run through property. Hvdro power available. 2 miles from station, general store. church, and school. Owner retiring. Price IS.SOfl. Atiplv, Melville McKnlgh:. Box 14. Hallhtirton. Ont. HI^I.P WANTED LINO OPERATOR.*? AND FLOOR MEN WANTED â- DMrUTKNT LINO OPRRATORS and floor men wanted for news- paper printing office, permanent position, hiaiiest wages. Wilson PubiLshinc '"o.. 73 Adelaide W apply ne.nrest Employment and Selective Service Office. Order No. 1. MFniCAl, ITS EXCKLT.KNT. REAL REPl'LTS after taklntr Pixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pain.s and Neuritis. Miinro's Priig Store. S35 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH -WP THREAP WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In hiiniaiis. all ages. Nn one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your tvotible. Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free' Write Mnlveney's Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 3 'VAPMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- •trovs offensive odor Instanflv 4Bc bottle Ottawa sgert Penm-^f Pruc store Ottaws- UEOPLE ARF, TALKING ABOUT the good i-e.'^ults from taking Di- xon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro'a Drug Store. .?.1.'. Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1-00. ll.«1HURF<iSI'NR LEARN HAIRPRESSINt; THF Robertson method- Information on request regarding classes Roberlson's HalrdreasitiR Acad- emy '37 Avenue Road Toronto MISI<'.4I. INSTniMFMS KRKP A BOPPINGTON BUYS. sells. e\,^hanges miis|(;nl Instru- ments. 111 Ghnrcli, I'orolito 2. oi'PonTrMTiF.«i unti womrh BE A HAIRHRHSSKR lOIN CAVAPAS LEAPING SCHOOI G.-cat Opportunity Learn Hairdresslng Pleasant dignified profession, good waRes. thousands successful Marvel graduates. .America's greatest sys- '•m. llliislraled catalnqne free Write Of call MARVKI HAIttPRFSSINO Si'HOOLS S68 nLlKiR W. TIlRll.'MTO t^ranches 44 King Si Hamilton * 74 Rideau Street Ottawa PEUSO.NAI. ASTROLOGICAL RH.Mil.MG lOc. Contains your lucky days. When to plant and harvest by moon's phases, etc. Send birth date. Lau- rentian Specialties. St. t,aurent Montreal. 9. Que. M-:ED HELP? I.VTKRXATIONALLY known analyst sends long, infor- mative, personal analysis your handwriting $1.00. Leonard Mell- not. 7003 F. A'oung Place. Tulsa 15. Okla., U. S. A. I'HOTOCnAI'HIC PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and send to us. Well return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing' for 69c. I'he most original greeting cards you cx\x\ cret â€" the kind your friends will k<^ep â€" cards that men on active service at home and overseas like to get. .Order e«rly. (2 Photographs on ''â- ''nmlnrs for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Hox 129, Foalni TermlnnI K, Toronto "Vour quality in colouring and de- veloping Is excellent," writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service Is prompt and guaran- teed. I ani particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Y«ur prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and I appreciate your prompt reliable service." Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED .\>D PRINTED Me .1 MtJL'NTED ENLARGEMKXTS Me Sire 4" X 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Vou can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. teamed Enlargementii 4" x 6", on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9". Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish S9c; !f enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and address plain- 'v' on all orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour films properly developed and printed. « OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26o REPRINTS 8 for 25c Fl.NEST ENLARGING SERVICD Vou may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desir* by sending your films to IMPRRI.VL PHOTO SERVICE) Station 1. Toronto P4TE.\TS FETHERSTONHAUGH » COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Eslahllghed 189U: 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on r«- 'luest WANTED W V.NTEP â€" :!0-,tU-.VCHE fah.m im Barrie-Orilliii area, good build- ings: cash. Box 54 73 .\deinido W. Toronto. RETIRED WOKKM.W WANTS small permiinoiu house nmr lake resort. Give particulars. Box 65. 7,1 Adelaide West, To- ronto. Ont. gU.\,NTlTV OF L-VKGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company. 85- King Street Toronto, Ont FEATHERS. FEATHER BEDS OF all descriptions: highest prices paid. For particulars write to- Queen City Feather Co.. Vi, Bald- win St., Toronto. WANTED TO PURCHASE I'ULL- ets all ages uiul breeds. High prices paid .Vpply Box .No. 61, :n Adelaide W., Toronto. iiA'rcHiNG i:ggs wan run for in4fi hatching sea--^on- I'locUs cull- ed and bloodiest ed free of <diarge tinder Government Supervision. Guaranteed pmnifftn. plus hatch- ability premium paid. I''or full details, write Box .19, 7!! Adelnid* W . Toronto HELP W WI'EI) WAKRIHD COL'PLE takb full charge of farm. si parnt« house, Strcetsvllle district. Refer, cnces. .\pply ,S Fennirtg Street, Toronto. WANTED HOL'SHKbHHER »<> Mke full charge of house en farm, I >'. miles from Toronto. .-VII city â-  â- â- Bveniem es. Separate furnished ;.i>arlmenl. References. K FonninK s-i-ret. Toront<». ISSUE 42â€" IMS

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