; THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ ^ ^ 9 r r « k * 4 * Wednesday, October 17, 1945 Wet Weather Supples We have jut received « ahipment of 10 Inch lETetroashiBg with condnctor pipe and flttincB. Yon may obtain the same while the atpck lasts. We »Lso hsTe isome Boeco Steel RooflnK on hand. Those eon- tcBplating trooflntr their buildintrs in the Spring wonld be <m the safe side by ordering vam â€" Pedlar People reofing or Roseoe corrugated, as yon desire^ Good stock of ash- phalt S In 1 pr Winloc Shingles on hand. Building Paper, Tar Paper or Roll Roofing. HARNESS and COLLARS A shipment of Long Straw Collars just arrived: 20 In. to 23 Indies; ^Iso good stock of Harness «nd Harness Parts. Bushman's Supplies AXES â€" B Diamond, Wlllard Vak. Lion iBrand Crosscut Saws, M. L. Simonds and Pinonoir. Longging Chains 5il6 to %, any length. Circular Saws 28 (in. to 32 In. on hand. Swede jSaws, all sizes and various kinds. OUK AIM IS TO HAVE WHAT YOU NEED HARIXWIARE HOOPING CiMENT FEED Massey-Harris iFarm Machinery and Repairs J. M. STAFFORD MODERN FARM MACHINERY ROOFING Phone 4 r 22 HARDWARE FEED CEMENT FEVERSHAM, Ont STEPHEN'S CORNERS Wedding bells are ririging- Pte. Bob Allison spent the past week visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Parsons and family of Eugenia visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. The Maxwell WA. held their reg- ular meeting last Tuesday at the borne of Mrs. Ray Pedlar. Mrs. Jack Stephen and Mr. Bill Stephen visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparks at Fleshertoii. (Intended for Last Week) The many friends of Pte. Bab Al- lison and Pte. Wildon Lougheed are clad to have them in our midst a^ain. Bob has been overseas two years and Wildon has served four years. Both bjjys are fine and were foftunat© enough to escape being wounded. Miss Ethel Fenwick, RJ^. of Tor- onto spent the holidiay week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright aiotored to Toronto on Friday re- tnming home Friday night. They were accompanied home by the lat- ter'* sister, Miss Kathleen Morrison, who spent Thanksgiving with rela- tives here. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mclnnis and family of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Stewart of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Davidson and family of "Wareham and Mr. and Mrs. Newton Davidson and family of Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little and Don- na of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell, Toronto, and Mr. Harry LeGard of Flesiherton were visitors during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Misis Mable Fenwick of Colling- wood Hospital is spending a few weeks with her father, Mr. Roy Fenwick. Friends here are very sorry to bear that Miss Annie Stephen is critically ill in a Winnipeg Hospital. The latest report, at time of writing, is that she is not expected to live a ^reeK. Mrs. Frank Hammlll and baby, Bryan, are spending some time with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ped- Ur. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little and Donna Tisited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. We extend our sympathy to the family of the late Mr. John Williams of Eugenia, who passed away 3udd>- enly on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous attended the funeral, which was held on Monday from the Eu- genia Church. Mr. John Lougheed of Barrie S'pent the we«^k end at his home here. PRICEVILLE Miss Patsy Stewart of Eugenia spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Don Carson. Mr. Johnnie McArthur, North Line, arrived home from overseas on Saturday and was welcomed at his home by a nunnber of his neigh- bor^ Mr. and. Mrs. Bill McKechnie, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family enjoyed a fowl dinner on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. Chas. Tucker. • Mr. Wm. McLeod had a very sue- oessful sale, on Tuesday last, Mr. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams and son intend moving into Price- ville soon, to their home they recent- Iv purchased from Miss Tuck. Mr. and Mrs. Rutz of Niagara Falls spent a couple of days at the home of Mrs. M^Lachlan. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McArthur and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. B. McKech- nie.nie, Mr. D. Hincks, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison, Beth and Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Harrison and Eileen and friend of Dundalk were visitors last week at the home of A. L. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock ond sons visited Sunday with his brothei;, Mr. Bill Sturrock at Hope- ville. Wife (reading from an insurance pamphlet) : "A large percentage of the accidents occur in the kitchen." Husband: "Yes, and what's worse, we men have to eat them and pre- tend we enjoy them." Gas For Farmers Farmers! Have our trucks call and supply you with Imperial Oil Products that give satisfac- tion to all. Deliveries made to farmers only. Prompt service. Reverse the charges when calling us. Prompt Service. J. Langdon &Son Distributors of Imperial 1 Products Phone 78 DUNDALK POULTRY MARKETING WE URGE YOU TO FATTEN AND MARKET ALL POULTRY AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE By selling now you are saving weeks of feed- ing and labour, receiving good market prices and helping us to handle the great volume of poultry orderly. If you find it inconvenient to dress your poultry, let us dress it for you. You will benefit by it. Fteshertiii Crecj^mery & Produce An,s;us Avis, Manager t'noa.- lift VICrORIA CORNERS Mr. Jack Bannon has aocurad a position with a Brampton concern in long distance trucking and will be employed for the winter months. Mias Doris Bannon, who had been on ien day's vacation at her par- ental home here, le(ft Wednesday on a motor trip to Ottawa. She was acconopanied as far as Havelock by her father, Milton Bannon, who would visit with relatives there. The ladies of the Inistiog© WA. held a successful and interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Elmo Stevens on Thursday afternoon, widi an attendance of eighteen members. An invitation was accepted from Proton Station W.I. Society to at- tend a bazaar and bake sale at the home o(f Mrs. Milton Bannon on Thursday, October 26. Mrs. W. G Acheson and Ina vis- ited on Sunday with Lance Corpora! and Mrs. Ren Acheson and family, Wareham. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and little son, Garry, visitad on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Sam Saunders, Berke- ley. The Saunders are leaving Berkeley today (Monday) to "make their home in Chatsiworlji. Mr. Les Batcheor is now in the employ of Davison's Hardware, Dundalk. A number from here attended the McEee sale at Berkeley on Friday. Mrs. Milton Bannon sipent afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Hannah. fTji tended for Last Wpek\ Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Ferris and little son, Lyle, motored to Duncan on Sunday to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Ferris' sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McEwen and baby, Paul. Included in the party also, were, Mrs. Ferris' mother. Mrs. Em Hawton and brother, Carl, of Feversham. Thanksgiving was in keeping with the fall weather conditions, but saw many visitors in our midst, and large crowds at our Anniversary Services, in Inistioge United Church on Sun- day afternoon and evening. Miss Doris Bannon, Sarnia, is spending a t^n day vacation with her parents and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon, Jack and Fred. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stinson en- joyed the companv of their daugh- ters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hawes (Edith), Mary and Kenneth, Rriarht: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coon (Marguerite), Billy and Bobby. Ac- ton, spending the Thanksgiving week end. At a festive dinner on Sunday they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson, Anne, Donald and Bert. Mrs. Russell Linton visited a few : days the beginning of last week with ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. I Fenwick, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. ' Russell Linton, Peggy and Douglas j spent a recent week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and Garry enjoyed a week end and holi- j day visit from the former's parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Moore, Torgn- ' to. Sunday evenin^ (;allers in the ' same home were: Mr. and Mrs. ' Claude Akins, Springhill and dau«-h- ' ter, Anne, of Simcoe. I Sunda" visitors with Mr. and Mrs. , Wm. Duncan were- Mr. and Mrs. , Herb Bell and Jack, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dynes, Mildred and Mur- I iel and Mrs. Dynes, Sr., Reddickville. I Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot and I three daughters. Fort Erie, were I Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. Wm. G. Talbot and family. Mrs. W. G. Acheson and Ina ac- I companied Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sher- i son and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Ache- j son to Thornhill on Thursday, where j they visited the former's nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ludlow. Mrs. W. G. Acheson and Mrs. Sher- son spent the day with their niece, while the others attended a Short- horn sale at Unionville. I Miss Raye Smith, Xeustadt, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- I fred Gallagher. I Mrs. J. H. Richardson and Viotta went to Lucknow the end of the week to visit relatives. Mrs. Richardson is remaining for a week's visit. Viot- ta will return on Tuesday and have as her guest this week, her sister, Mrs. Carl Bradley, Etobicoke. Week end visitors at the Jas. Copeland home were their son. Nel- son and family, daughters and hus- bands, Mr. and" Mrs. C. Brunelle (the former recently returned from over- seas) and Mr. and Mrs. Al Se>-mour, Toronto. The latter couple. Mr. and Mrs. .Al SejTnour (the former Jean Copeland)" were married in Toronto on Friday. September 14. Congrat- ulations! On Monflay, Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland enter- tained all members of their family. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair and sons, Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Copeland and family, Salem, Hazel, Ivan and Ruby at home. Miss Pearl Lippington of Toronto, was a week end and holiday guest of Mrs. W. G. .Acheson and Ina. On Mondav Mrs. Acheson and Ina enter- Ready for Fall With Your Hardware Needs FOR THE HOME Stoves, Heaters, Stove Pipes and Elbows, Enamel- ware, Canning Supplies, Pails, Paints, Enamels, \Va.x, Polish, Westing-house Mazda Lamps, Radio and Flashlight Batteries, Aladdin Lamps and Parts, Glass, Putty, Roofing, Roof Cement. FOR THE FARM Plow Shares, Soles, Plow Lines, Sweat Pads, Halters, Harness Parts, Cattle Chains, Stall Irons, Royal Purple and Dr. Bell's Stock Remedies. Fresh Cement, Lime and Plaster Fuel : Coal and Coke Coming Soon â€" Guns, Rifles and Ammunition Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON tained Misses Erma .Acheson. Dun- dalk. Lucille -Acheson, Toronto. Raye Smith, Xeutsadt, Mrs. Emerson Gal- lagher, Wareham and Mrs. Gordon Acheson, Saugeen Junction.' TORONTO LINE NORTH 'Intended for Last Week) Misses Evelyn Bro%\-n of Toronto and Helen of Owen Sound spent the week end and holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. Mrs. M. McFadden and Miss Ger- rrude Lever attended Teeswater Fair on Wednesday last. Mrs. H. McKee of Feversham vis- iced recently with Mr. and Mrs. .Al- bert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. M. McFadden enter- tained a number of the neighbors at a social evening on Friday night last. We are glad to learn that Miss Lois Sparks, who underwent an op- eration in Markdale Hospital, is im- pro\'ing. Mr. H. Perigoe of Toronto visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. .A. Stewart. -A. pet fo.x chained to a dog kennel and fed bread and milk soon neglect- ed this food but remained in good condition; later it was found that he used the bread and milk as bait to attract barnyard chickens, whose feathers he hid in the kennel. MONDAY, OCTOBER 22ncl is the Opening Day of Canada^s 9th Victory Loan to Raise 200 000 IN GREY COUNTY which includes the City of Owen Sound ONE OF THE FOLLOWING VICTORY LOAN SALESMEN WILL BE CALLING ON YOU. PLEASE GIVE HIM YOUR APPLICATION FOR THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT ON HIS FIRST CALL. IT MAY MEAN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUCCESS AND FAILURE IN REACHING OUR OBJECTIVE. Flesherton and Artemesia: Edgar Betts. Flesherton George McTavish, Flesherton J. \. Richards, Flesherton H. \V. Kernahan. Flesherton Osprey Chester Long, Feversham Jim Davidson, Feversham Jack Gates, Badjeros A. D. Robt. Dundalk Mc.Mister Harrington Markdale A. O. Gillespie Alex, .\chcson Glenelg Percy Greenwood. R. R. 1. Markdale Jorn McGirr. Durham R. R. Euphrasia Russel R. F.lli.s. Kinibcrley Samuel Erskine. R. R. +. Meaford Edward I,anktree. R. I\. 4. Meaford Harold Charters. R. R. 1. Kiniberlev There will be no Loan nz^i %<inn% â€" i\'\s is the last Victory Loan, so Let's Go Over the Top for 6 Million GREY COUNTY 9TH VICTORY LOAN HEADQUfXRTERS 180 Wth St. West OWEN SOUND Telephones: 20.30-2031 This space is sponsored by the Grey County Victory Loan Committee