Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1945, p. 2

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Chosen tyrimisamis OF BUSY CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES Kdlot&'s cereals have an knportant place In Canada's kltdiens â€" now, more than ever. Appetizing anytimeâ€" for breakfast, lunch, between meal anacks. Add flavour to •leftover' dishes, tool * BOYS I GIRLSl They're free . . . > ColiMired<C«rdi In avary pocfcaga. Save 'eml Trade 'emi VOICE OF THE PRESS Winnie Wins Winston Churchilll and Adolf lUtkr had one thing in common, nd only one. They loved to paint arcC'. Mr. Churchill, on a brief ollday on the Bay of Gascony in inc«, has returned to his pig- IMBt and canvas. He is still paint- Itag. Hitler is not. â€" Ottawa Citizen Bee-Have Better A etingless variety of bee it said |» have been di&covered by honey Reducers in the Squamish Valley *f B.C. Maybe the type is just bcMer natured than others. â€" Montreal Gazette â€" o â€" Get 'Era Young And Foolish Statistics show that if a man 4o«sn't marry before he's 30 the chances are five to one that he «ni never marry. Better catch 'em while they're young and foolish, lirls. â-  â€" Kitchener Record No Trading Goods There will be no horse-trading ever peace with Japan, says one of Itic cosmic prophets. As things â- re going, it is not at all assured that Tokyo will have a horse. â€" Strafford Beacon-Henild Electric Fences Control Live Stock Helium To Be Used In Airliner Tires Pneumatu tires on a forth- coming gi.'iiit airlinei will be fill- ed with 26 pounds of helium in- â- tead of 18U pounds of air wliich would normally be required for fkc job, says Busines's Week. The net weight (not pressure) saving of 154 pounds will in- (raase the available payload of the Sraft by exactly that amount. Helium, being an inert gas that kae no known chemical affinity isr natural or synthetic rubber, |lM>akl provide an extra dividend • a long tire life. Live stock as a rule need little training to keep away froin elec- tric fences. Observations at the Dominion Experimental Station at Swift Current, Sask., show that the animals learn very quickly and do not approach a fence even when It Is not charged. At Swift Cur- rent, a 13-i.late wet battery wai used on an electric fence that was used throughout the summer months last year for pasturingf cattle. The cattle were well con- trolled, no harm was done to the cattle or the attendant and the battery was still charged at the end of the season. The use of electric fences is gradually becoming more widely adopted for pastures. Thes-e fences have many advantages but care is necessary in establishing the equip- ment. Among the advantages are reduction of cost in erecting tem- porary fences, reduction of expen- diture for wire, posts, and gates, ture for wire, posts, and gates, reduction of injury to live stock. As a rule, one or two wires are sufficient to carry the electric cur- rent. One wire is sufficient for horses and cattle. Two wires are considered preferable lor pigs and sheep. The wire ran be sup- ported by porcelain in.^ulators on 3 in. by 2 in. stakes set In the ground 30 to 40 feet apart. Now Turkey Eggs Turkey eggs for eating may soon join the familiar chicken eggs on the market as a result of the develo[.nicnt of a small-sized turkey which is a heavy layer and produces egg.*; throH.'?hou^most of the year. Barnacles Beaten? The age-old problem of barnacles on ship's hulls may be solved with a paint using D.D.T., the "miracle insecticide," an Oregon state col- lege scientist said in re|)orting that the paint completely rei)cllcd barn- acles on submerged panels for six months. GIRL COP ON DUTY IN BERLIN T/4 Georgia Curto (left), Peria, HI, and T/S Wilms Henry, Corners ville, Ind., chat with Russian policewoman on platform at Unter den Linden near Brandenburg Gate, Germany. Women direct traffic in Russian controlled section of Berlin. WAGS are making tour of German capital SEEKS DIVORCE Former Maharanee of Indore, Mrs. Marguerite L. Holker Masters, 87, has filed suit for divorce in Santa Ana, Calf., against Charles Masters, 27 fisherman and former mail carrier. They were married last January. Mrs. Masters was married to the Maharajah of Indore from 1939 to 1943 when he divorced her. The domestic reindeer was in- troduced into North America from Siberia, via Aaska, in 1891. CON"FIDE.NT]AL RKPOItTS ON CANADIAN GOLD Mines • Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY Four Col borne Street TORONTO, ONTARIO l^hone ELgin 4985 lÂ¥#^IJf CHECKED •OP Money Back For quick relief from i tching caused by ecxcmSf athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and othcritdiins conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. O. D. PRESCRIPTIOlf. Greaselesa and â- tainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itcliina;. Don't suffer. AsIc your druaciit today for O. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ISSUE 31â€" 194S Huge Plane Could Carry 750 Soldiers The world's largest airplaneâ€" a flying boat â€" of such size that it could only be exhibited in sections, has had Its first preview and left the prevlowers astounded. The plane is being built at the Howard Hughes plant, Culver City. Calif., and has been named the Hercules. Here arc some statistics announced by the company: Cost: In excess of $20,000,000. Weight: 425,000 pounds. WlngBpread: 320 feet. Hull; 220 feet long, 30 feet high, 25 feet wide. Engines: Eight in all, each of 3,000 horsepower capacity. Gasoline capacity: 14,000 gallons. The Hercules, begun in 19J3, will not be ready for flight tests belore next January. There are no plans for luplicating the monster ship. The Hercules will be able to carry a GO-ton tank with full com- plement of armor and men. Or, It can carry three light tanks and equipment. It can become a mobile hospital, with 350 patients on stretchers, surgery facilities and plenty of doctors and nurses. .Vnd it could, engineers say, carry 750 soldier? equipped. The Hercules will have a to,) speed, engineers say, of about 318 miles an hour and a cruising speed of about 175 miles per hour Reunion Suits In Waterloo, Iowa, a business- man was delighted to find his favorite prewar brand, of under- wear at a church rummage sale, bought tome, found they were his own castoffs. â€" Time Canadians to Help Dutch With Harvest Canadian troops in Holland are going to help to bring in the har- vest. All headquarters and units have been ordered to get in touch with Dutch authorities in their areas and arrange for the fullest possible assi.'.'tance to Dutch farmers in alleviating the critical farm labor shortage. Copper is very seldom discov- ered by itself; it is generally as- sociated with other valuable metals. Bourlamaque • Villebonne • Yellowknife -VALDINA- GOLD MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) Diamond Drilling Now In Full Swing On Company's Bourlamaque Property Following an extended program of surface exploration, a program of diamond drilling under the supervision of the Company's con- suting geologist, Mr. E. K. Fockler, is now underway. The property comprises approximately 100 acres and adjoins the pro- ducing Sullivan Consolidated mine. To the eastâ€" see accom- panying mapâ€" are the producing Sigma and Lamaque mines. Events during the past few months throughout the fast-growmg Bourlamaque campâ€" East Sullivan. Aumaque, Louvicourt Goldficld, Lavalie and othersâ€" highlight the tremendous possibilities inherent in Valdina's current drilling campaign, planned to thoroughly test the interesting surface disclosures uncovered in recent work. McMACKEN a REID 100 ADELAIDE STREET WEST Toronto (1) ADelaide 1953-4 Ontario Members Of The Ontario Security Dealers Assc. McMACKEN & REID, 100 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO (1), ONTARIO. Kindly send me complete particulars, reports, maps, etc., in regard to Valdina Gold Mines Limited (No Personal Lia::.iiity). It is understood that this request places no obHgation upon me. -Mso Weekly Comments. NAM E ADDRESS City PROVINCE Please Print name and address p'ainly British Post-War Car Reaches U.S. DrWe ourACHES ^^^â- â- â- Jb^H! &/^ A British Austin, said by the Austin Motor Company, Inc.. to be the first British automobile to have gone into post-war production, ar- rived in New York last week for Slg^^s fe exhibition. "England is anxious to export RbS\ j_ the cars," said David O. .Mber, public relations representative of the Longbridge, Birmingham, firm. ic^f^ n Shipments to the United States will reach 2,000 a month by the Ki^l^ ^ beginning of 1946, he said, and added, "This marks the resumption of trade, and the cars will estab- lish dollar credit for England." He said the rapid reconversion to the ear was possible because its chassis was the same as the British jeep. The car will sell for about $1,600. 1 S^' ^.^^.'"''''^ «* WILSON'S FLY PADS wiU InU more fiies than $3.0U worth rftny other fly killerlll Grocery, Dru«. M«rdw«re and General Stores acU and lecoinmend WIl^ONS FLY PADS. HAUV CHICKS FHEE RANGE PULLETS, EIGHT weeks up to laying. Also day-old I'hieks hati'hed to order for Fall delivery. Free catalosue. Tweddle I'hick Hiitcherics Limited. Fer- KUH, Ontario. I'ltO-Mt^li .SMII'MK.VT O.V 2-3 WEEK pullets in IvCKhorns and P.M. x AV.L.: N.H. X W.U: IS.H. x VV.U Kay old chick.s iil."fo. Order AURUSt- ,'^cpt-*^mher chicks now. Itray Hatchery, 1311 John N., Hamilton, Onl. FUKE RANdlO riLLF.TS 12 WEEKS up to 21! MecU.-i. Day old ohickR hatched to order for Fall deliv- t*ry. Top Notch Chickerlea, IIiicIdIi. niit.-iiin. III SIXFSS OI'I'OIITI .MTIIOS (.'LKAX E.\Ry MIIJvEltS NOW availnblp. We want dealer-s in vour territory. .S, .9. Dennis Co., .â- i;i8 nidout St.. I.,ondoii, f)nt,Trio. WILL TUADE FINE WOOD TIMH- er 17.5 ncrop for prood truck or house or 8otI. Waltt'i- ('(»v.\eow, VaiiK.iiii;hllcl. Onl. IIVICIM. Sfitt t'l.lOWINC HAVE YOU ANYTHiNi; .MEEDS dyeinK or cleaning? Write to us* for informiilion We are glad to nnswef your questions Depart, ment H Parkers Dye Works Limited 701 Voiiiie Wiieet. To- ront n rAlt.^l MA(;ill.M:ilV FOII *>AI.R XO. 17 DE LAV,.\L CUEAM .SEP- urator with <iuarter horsepower motor complete, recently over- hauled by nuikcr. Mount Victoria ]''.irms. Hudson HelBhts. Que. THUE.SHINd OITFIT FOH .SALEâ€" Ooodlson steam engine 20 x 22 h.p.. separulm- 50 inch body. 36 Inch cylinder. In Rood condition. Matohednsli ThrcshinK Syndicate, n.U. 1, Coidwater. Ontario. 00 H.P. I.NTICUNATIONAL STA- tionary Diesel, used very little. Write or phone Lowville Feed Mill. Home 2. Milton, Onl. SKID ENGINE P300 McCOHMICK, In good condition. Variable Speed Govenors for McCormick Trac- tors (only), New and used Trac- tor parts. London Farm Equip- ment Co., 3n."i King Street. Lon- don. Ont. Foil iiAI.E BAUREN .Sl'KAIN L E G H O H N Pullet.s, 6 weeks and up. Sussex X Barred Kock pullets, 6 to 10 weeks. Ttnrred Rock Pullets, ( to 10 week.i. Johnson Hatchery, Pergua, Ont. VALUAHLE COUNTRY SIWRE property, suitable also (or tourist; I'arry Sound district. 441 Westmount Ave., Toronto, LO. 4464. BI-ECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED bouirht, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd,, 2326 Dufferin 8t., To- ronto. REGISTERED FEMAt^ COCKER puppies, 14 weeks old. Raal beauties. TIE Indian Road, Wind- sor. Ont. THISTLEDOWN ANGORAS. ONE Of Canada's outstanding strains. Write for free folder. Brown's Anrora Ranch, 278 Courtland 8t, Kitchener, Ontario, PBDIOREED ANGORA RABBITS. Finest wool producltisr stock. Lynwood Angoras, Box 140, Cahawa. FUR sale: toe; KERBY DOMINO 1«1«, IMOU, well marked low-set dark red ''.B. testsd, 22 month* old. D. C. look. HI, Orangvlll*, Ont. FOR SALE, PEDIGUEED ANGORA Rabbits. Adults $5.00, Juniors 13.00. Wyman Jac<iues, Scudder, (I'clee Island), Ont. 18 INCH PLANES. 12 INCH JOINT- cr and rip saw. with lineshaft and belt.?. Complete unit $2t;j.OO. A. Cornell. Koniuka, Ontario. FOR SALE â€" BANK UARN 40.\60, in good condition, side und roof one-half metal, $800. E. J. Whaling, Moorefield, Out. FOR SALE ONE (1) BLACK Clydesdale Stallion nine (9) years old. .Must be .sold. Apply Mrs. Akhcs Murra.v, Hcathcote. Ont. COCKER SPANIEL 1'11'P1I0.S. REG- i.-itcred. Sire h;is background of ninetetn cnampions. Write H. Jerry. Goderich. Ont. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aiUn yiiu '-etiiin Slciidcr Figure, turns youi food into onerti.v instead GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasnnt lierhs. n«> exer- cise.-* or drastic diet. Month's supiily Si. ...-i|iai,| Dominion Herb Distributors 141!." s* l.invr«*iiee Itlvd.. H<inlre»l FAK.MS KOII SKt.V. . WE CAN SELL VOU ANY SIZE OF farm you wish to buy â€" with or without stock and machinery. For particulars apply at Dono- hue's Oarape. Renfrew. Ont. FOR SALE 50 ACHKSâ€" CLAY loam â€" ten acres hardwood â€" good barn â€" good well â€" seven room frame houte â€" four miles from Woodvillb. ..'\pply George Oke, Woodville, untaric. 130 ACHES, DURHAM CO.. CL.AY loam soil, in good state of cul- tivation, very productive, stream through pasture, nearly all work- able, on Lake Ontario front, ad- joining Howmanville summer re- Hort, on new 4-lanc highway un- der construction, close to station and canning" factory, churches and schools. Burn 40 .x jyi. stan- chions. Large brick house on spacious lawn overlooking lake. A farm with a future, price $7,500. Possession arranged. Ap- ply E. F. R. Osborne, Newcastle, Ont. FOR SALEâ€" FARM, HURON" COUX- ty, 100 workable acres, excellent buildlng.s, good drilled well, close to good highways and markets. Hydro available, $6,000. For par- ticulars write D. A. Moore, 208 neloralne Ave., Toronto. ilAIitUHESSING LEARN HAlllUHESSlN'i TlllC Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes Robertson's Holrdresslng Acad- emy, IS7 Avenue Road, Toronto MRniCAI. A TRIALâ€" EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'e Drug Store, 8S5 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of tn-health In humans, all ages. No one Im- munel Why not find out If this la your trouble? Interesting par- tlculara â€" Free! Write Mulveney'f Remedies, Speclallsta, Toronto 3 BAUMEEKA FtlOT BALAt DE â- troys offensive odor Instantly 45o bottle, Ottawa agent, Denmnn Drug Store, Ottawa. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUl' DIX- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good results, jfunro'a Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, fosti/aid $1,00. Mll>jlCAL, INSiTitUMBNTS FRED A, GODDINGTON BUYS, sell.s, exchanges musical Inslru- rnent": til Church Toronto 2. Oi'l'Oltri .MTIKS FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSHR JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hnirdresslng Pleasant dignified profes.slon, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEif HAlRnUESSlNG SCHOOLS 358 Ul-OOR W„ TORONTO Branches: 41 liInK St. Hamilton H- 7< riifle.iii Street otin wa. I'A'IRNTS FETHER.sroNHAUGH & COMI'A.SY Paleni Solicitors. Established 1S3U; 14 Kins West. Toronto Booi<let of Information on re- nnpst IMKI'KICIItlMIt TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Uel better pictures at lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film rolls You can't lake "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll â€" li or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED ANU PRINTED 25c A customer In Cape Breton says, "1 have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years. Would not send them anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4c extra) is sent with film roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 tor 25c. Framed on ivoiy tinted mats. 7 'x 9", In Gold, Silver. Circassian Wnlnut or Black Ebony finish frames. 59c each. If enlargement colored. 79c each OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograpn or snapshot . , and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost Is reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you want done and we will tell you the cost before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12!), Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your film* t>'"i'eriv flevclopcd uiki printed • OH 8 EXPdSllHK HULLS 26c REPRINTS h tot 250 yiNEST ENLJVIttU.Nii SEItViCE lou may not gel all the films you want this year, but you can get all '.ha quality and service you deslri by sending your films to IMPRRIAL PHOTO SRItVIVB Station I Toronto TEACIIKKS WAKTISU TEACHEU WANTED FOR U.S.S. No. 1, Pond. Protestant, first class; salary tl,400. Apply A. Bright well, Secretary-Treasurer, Shillington P.O,, Ontario. NAIRN CENl'RE: S.S. NO. 1 NAIRN and Lome Public School, Nairn Centre, reciuire 2 I'rotestanl teachers with first class certifi- cates. Principal lo teach grades VI to .\, salary $1,300 per niinuin: teacher grades 1 to V, salary $1,200 per annum: state exper- ience and give references willi application. Apply to Sec-Treas., Mrs. Hazel M, Jefferies, Nairn Centre, Ont. TE.tCHEUS WANi;:o L A K (â-  H \V O 1> PR(.a CST AN1» Tiacher wanted for tf..S. .Mo. 3 Balfour and Dowliiii;. Lurch- woud, Ont. Duties to commence .Sept. 4. Salary $13,'jl',l) i>cr an- num. .Apply stating ciuhlifications tn Mrs. Jc.'ui Jeniiir.g.s, Sec- Treas.. Larchwood. Onr. WANTED â€" QrALIF;^!! PRO- testant teachers for Tuwnship Schoiil Area of Kenne'i>M', duties to commence Sept. 3. S' itp quali- fications and name or' last in- spector; minimum sai.-.ry $1,250. Apply J. E. Hughes, Sec-Treas., Ardcn, Ont. TOW NSH 1 1> s C H O O L UO.VRD, l>rury, Uenison and Grnham. Dis- trict of .Sudbury. re(|u;:'c.< 3 Pro- testant (lualificd teachers for scliools in following vill.i^es â€" Whitefish. Worthingtoi: and High Kalis; also one bilingual teacher for rural scncol near Whilefish. Reply stating fiualific.ui.ins and salary expected to Mr.'>. K. H. Murray, 3t'.U Laura Ave., Sudbury, Ont. KEEVVATl.V. THUEE-ROOM HIGH' s<'luinl fully (lualiCied '.'rolcstant principal and two assiTt.nil.s, one male and one frmak-. to teach all lower and middle school sub- jects, division of subjects to be agreed on: no upper sclinul work. -Apply, stating age, qualific.itions, experience, subjects preferred and salary expected to A. 'W. Holmes, Seey., Keewntin, Ont, HELP WA.VTKIJ MAltUlED FARMER $ln ,,i.n,) year. Free house, tiydro. coal, milk and garden. Also young man or boy for saadle hors^^s. .May's Farm, Gait. nut. V\ i:i, WOOD W .VM-Kil coiiinvoon, maple. Binrn and -Mixed. Also sl.-ibs and luuuiled edgings. Hardwood ;.n.l Soft- wood. Give t\ii: parti^-ul:iis and best prices on rni. Wall .r Weliloss, It' Melilld.-l Slleet. T.-.uHn. WAIVTEU PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALL AGliS ANlj LSLEEUS 2 months to l.ayinn age. Cur prices aie worthwhile. Rox 4e. 73 Ade- laide West. Toronto. WAN'I'EO -â€" rPvlNTlNG EQUIP- nieiit with automatic press, by private partj. also .'iddrcssing niaehine and fi.liler. ro\ 41 73 Adelaide W. 'rmonto. WA.N'TEH IMMIOniATELV Lic- ensed y.irage mechanic as part- ner Kredl Ch.ik. Hu:I;s Kails. Out, Hox 254 WA.Vl'KD. F.LTFALO POWER s.ius.'igo siuffer, comjMote, 75- l"0-lh. capacity; I 2;)-cycle, 3-nhase motor: pic n;olds and euttei for sm.'ill pork pi.'s. Write, Iloin's Food Market. Port Col- borne. Ont. WANTKIl P.Y ELDKULV â- (l',l'l,E small cottage with oi:- nr niure Mcres within 100 mile- cast pt Toronto, near small â-  !l:it;c or shopping. Box K T3 A..i -laide W., Toronto. WAM'En TO PURCHASE PUL- lets, nil breeds from 8 weeks up to layint:. Good prices p:ild. Apply to Hox 3.<!, T.t Adrl.-ildc W.. 'Po. ronto OPPORTUNITIES AW.\ITING YOU Sarnla General Hospital School for nurses offers an excelle".;: course*. in Nursing Eiiucation. Clasn en- ters Sept. 4th. 1945. Ar'plicatloa forma furnished on requ"n. R M. Beamish, Superintendent.

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