Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1945, p. 2

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-? =. 1 HAVEA PLACE AT Ai^Y MEALi ANYTIME ! Busy housewives appreciate Kcllogg's ready- to-eat cereals more and more every day. Kellogg's are a satisfying disii afiyr/mcâ€" for brealtfast, lunch, odd-hour snacks. Ready in 30 seconds. BOYS! GIRLS I They're free . . . 8 Coloured Cards In every packaga. Save 'emi Trade 'eml Free Enterprise In Free Nations The Canadian Pacific Railway Is a IMonument to Free Enterprise in Canada A noiable anniversary lias just been observed in the C'anadiau West, tlie driving of the last spllte Into the Canadian Pacific Rall- â- way, says the Montreal Star. That event, which toolt place in 1885, not only signalized the completion of the first trancontinental rail- •way line, liuking Canada's Atlantic and Pacific coasts, but also the triumph of one of the greatest a- cliievements of free enterprise of of which the history of the Hriti.sli Knifiirr- holds record. Looking Backward It Is opportune that we should recall this fact at the present time, particularly because free enierprise Is virtually on trial in all the free nations. I»oklnB back- ward, no student of Canadian his- tory can fall to realize what free enterprise has meant In the build- ing and development of this Do- minion. Without It we should be a backward people today, both at home and In the eyes of the world abroad. Free enterprise has not only given us railway transpor- tation unexcelled In the world. It has built up our vast industries, and it has made Canada one of the world's greatest trading nations, whose products are sold In nearly • very foreign market, and whose credit stands firmly upon her tradinfr status. Engineering Triumph Our vast steel worWs, our mining Industries, our shipping, our huge export trade in meat, in cereals. In lumber â€" all have been develop- ed to their present point of pros- iwrity by the effort of free eiiler- prlsp. When the f'.IMl. project was moottMl its sponsors went to I,ondon to seek Hrllisli capital witli which to defray the cost of the gigantic undertaking, but Lon- don turned thumiis down on- their appeal, so they came l)ack to (Can- ada, and It was Canadian capital and faith In the undertaking, Can- adian courage and Canadian skill that triumphed over what seemed Insuperable obstacles, and made the O.P.It. not only a possibility but an engineei'lng triumph that still stands as a mi)iuiMii-nt to free enterprise in Canada. This country is slill a young and growing Donilnioii. Tlio field for development la a vast one, but It Is a field which will never bo developed ns it can bo developed and should bo developed unless free enterprise remains free- willi- In the law. VOICE OF THE PRESS HOIVIES, FOR INSTANCE So many persons are saying that nothing is good enough for our returned heroes. And, exactly nothing is what a lot of these spouters offer our heroes. â€" W. ],. Clark iu Windsor Star. MODERATE REFORM Mr. Churchill's opponent is ad- vocating one hour's work a day. A surprisingly moderate reform, It is felt, since tlie trend is toward one a week. â€" Ottawa Citizen FREEDOiVI AND COURAGE Many a Canadian who is proud of his rights to say what he plea- ses wishes he had tlie courage to do so. â€" Kitchener Record IT WON'T BE LONG Aunt Haltie says that (he time for Invading .Japan is near at hand. It is just a matter of days, hours, and Nimltz. â€" Christian Science Monitor. TOO MANY Rather endless Job this liquid- ating of Japs. Thero are still about 87,000,000 of them left. â€" Stratford neacon-Herald. Some Sound Advice From Eisenhower A while bacli there went the rounds a great flixxl of nonsense, gigged up with trick p.vycliiatric terms, advising liow civilians -.hould "treat" the returned sol- dier, s.iys tlie nelrnit I'ree Press. There was so miicli stuff .tbout the few psyclioncurcuics among discli.irgcd vetciHMH, th:it tlierc was danger of the pulilic thinking every Cil home from tlic battlefront had nerve ends as lender as third-de- gree burns, ami liad to lie liandlcd as gingerly as a time-l)Oinl). The angry srorn of Gl publica- tions and of tlu' men tlieinsclvcs brougi\t balance back to the situ- ation. And now comes Gen. Kisen- lu)wer to add the rlinclier. He told Washington correspondents : "l''i)r ( lod'.s snke don't psycho- analyze them. Tliero is nothing the matter with them. Treat thcin just lilvc anyone else. thcin on the back. Sure, they think they are pretty good fellows and they ci'rt.iinlv arc." MIXED EMOTIONS IN BERLIN SCENE OF BIG THREE MEETING Immense and laviihly laid out Potsdam Palate, built towards the end of the reign of Frederick the Great a â- ymbol of German imperialistic might even under the Nazis, s where Premier Churchill, President Truman and Premier Stalin are now planning complete demilitar- ization of Germany and posiibly, similar future treatment for her I'aiciit ally, Japan. From bright-eyed curiosity of the two lads at right to the grim composure of the women and the Hitler- like arrogance of the second man from right, these German people portray a variety of emotions as they v/atch British occupation troops of the 11th Hussars move into Berlin. It has been found that when the odour of fresh pahit is objeetion ables as it is to some people â€" it can hu'ncly be avoided b.\ Ihe ot charcoal. For each room, a paper bag holding a pound or two of cbiircoal is hung in the centre of the room. It absorbs the odour. OndSelUatlOf? Did you know thnt a 10c packaKS oT WILSON'S FLY PADS will k!U more Bic* than $5.00 worth of any other By IcUte-? The flica do the woric whca you u«e WILSONS FLY PADS I of Insect Bitesâ€" â-  HeatRash Stop^Itch Ouiciti Slop iicliing ol inseit bite.i. heat raah, ecxenia, hivM. pimples, acalci. srahiea, atlilete a foot :ind other externally caused skin troubles. i.__'i'i;_;''-""'-'' â- â€¢'"oHiinK. antiseptic D, D. O. PRESCRIPTION. <;re.isdes3. stainless Itch Slops or yj.ur money back, y.iur druggist •locks O. O D, PRESCRIPTION. Here's a SENSIBLE to rielieve MONTHLY FEMALE MISERY LydiaE.Pinkham'sVcgetablcCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings â€" when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one ol the most elTective inedicincs for this purpose. Pinkham's Compound helpa naliiref Follow label directions. Try it! Britain Trained Army of Spies Vast Secret Organization Ready To Carry On If Britain Invaded By Germans I'.ritaiii liad thousands of trained .â- ,|)ies and guerrilla figliters ready to work behind German lines in Britain if ti.e enemy had made a successful invasion across the I Iiannel during the, it has !)cen ilisclosed. I'ntil a nioiith ago this utiiler- groiind organization was so se- cret tliat feu- outsiders even knew it e.s-lstcfl. Those who did were unaware whether their best friends or next-door neighbors were mem- bers. (iiving details of the organiza- tion for the first time, the War Office described it as "one of the most interesting and colorful chapters in our anti-invasion lijans." Spies and Guerillas The organization was divided into two distinct branches. One wa.-j an elaborate set up of guer- rilas armed with automatic wea- pons, explosives, knives and gren- ides. The other was equipped with secret railio sets and all the paraphernalia needed in spying behind enemy lines. Both units were controlled by central military headquarters, Silence Tradition Slightly Oveicdone I think we're overdoing this silence tradition â€" you know, this business of not blowing our own trumpet but letting our actions â€" or, ill Dusincss. our good: â€" speak tor It.-,. . * Once 1 thought it was soiue- tbiiig to be proudl of. But a num- ber of recent happenings have nude me think again. .Among them is tile experience of the English- man who recently crossed from .America on the Queen Mary. The seconti day out from the States an American officer asked him: "Why is it that you Brit- ish can't build shii)s like tliis?" â€" -Answers. which taught the office and fac- tory workers, clerks, taxi drivers and bank directors how to do the most harm to the Nazis. The members were recruited by thous- ands in England. Scotland and Wales. The guerrillas comprised sev- eral hundred teams of seven men each. Each team was housed in a camouflaged dugout, many of which romaiii around tiie coasts. Their planned task was to emerge from these hideouts at nig'.it and ambush German transport, blow up Nazi aircraft on landing grounds, destroy enemy (iiinips, and generally create havoc and con 111 -11,11. Hove You Heord? - A man telephoned his doctor: â€" "(,'ome over quick, doc. My wife -^ has appendicitis." _^ "Nonsense," snorted the doctor,, "f removed your wife's appendix "^ three years ago.How can aoyona "" have a second appendix?" â€" "Listen," cried the husband. « "Did you ever hear of anyono havin? a second wife?" An English paper publishes ~ this advertisement: "^ For sale: Baker's business; â€" good trade; targe oven; pres â€" ent owner been in it for seven ., years; good reason for leav- _ ing." â€" 0â€" ~ Mother was slow to comprehend' what seemed so perfectly clear to •* little Sue. The pride of the family â€" was talking alwut a "fedder" _ "A 'fedder' ?" mother questiao- ed. ^ "Why, you know, IVIummy," p*- -• tiently explained Sue, "It'a > leif - from a chicken." â€" â€" -o â€" â€" Daughter (entering father's office) : "Good morning, dad, I "" just ran In for a minute to * say hello." -k Dad: "Toolate Betty. Your â€" mother just ran In to say hello ___ and got all my change." A new potato harvesting mi- chine digs, brus'bes, grades and boxes the potatoes in a continuous operation. MANY THANKS go to wives and mothers who serve Maxwell House ! 1^8., Canadian families love the delicious, satisfying flavor of this superb blend of Latin-American co£feea. II.IIIV CIIUKS FREtO HA.MIK riir.LKTS, KIGHT weck.s up to laying. day-old chick.s hatched to order for r'all (icMvery. l-'ree catnloi^iie. Tweddle i'lilcU H:itclierios Limited, I''er- KU--^. OntJirlo. Wt; H.WE DAY-OI,D CHICKS, prHctic;il]y nil breed.'^. for prompt sliipmeiit, also White I,eghorn 2-3 week pullets. Order for Augiisi-Scpteinber tielivery now. Itr.iy H:itch.My. .John N. Hamilliiii, nut. A I.tMITKI) NUMUKlt UI'" .STAUT- tMl Chicks, 'I wepk.s old, atill nvail.-iblo. Also free ranwe pullelH eig:ht wt'Gk.s up to laying". Also taking (U'dcr.s for day-old chickH for August, and l-'all ilelivory. I*'roe eattUogue and 1'op Notch Chiokerii*.-!, Cuolph, (>nt:i rio. UVRINCi AND OI.F.AMNR HAVE VOU ANYTHING IMEEIJS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your Questions. liepart- ment H. Parker'a Dye Works Limited. '/HI Vonge Slieei. To- ronto. â- ''AIIKI MAt'lIIM^ItV l'-|>lt SAI.B 16-30 INTKRNAl'IONAI. TKACTOIt on steel. Price $350.00. B. Bell. R.n. 8, London, Ontario. SKID KNUINi; P300 McCORMICK. in ^uod condition. Varialilc Speeii Govenor.s for McCoriniek Trac- tors (only). New and used Trac- tor parts. London l*','wm Equip- ment Co., 3:15 Klim .Stiept, l-on- don. Out. I'OK .SAI.K HARlilON' SI'KAIN 1, K (i H O It N rullft.s, I) weeks aiui up. Hu.shok X l'.:ilred Itock pullets. G to 10 woekM. Hurrcd Uoek I'ullcts, 6 to 10 wet'IiM, Johnson llatehery, Fcrmi.s, Oiil. VAI.UAliMO COUNTKV S'liOUK |)ropert.\', suitable also for tourist bu.siness; Parry Sound dl.strict. â- Ill Wislmoiint Ave., Toronto, I.O. 4101. KI.IOCTItIC MOTORS, Ni;W, USWI) bouglit, .sold, robulll; liulta. pul- leys. lirualiK.s. Allen Kleetric Com- pany I,td., 232li Uiifferlu St., To- rmito. lti;iilSTKRKn KEMAl.K ('OCKI'!!! puppiRN, 14 weeks old. Heal heaullps. 715 Indian Rond, Wlnd- HOI, Out. m.ACK (ilMNlOA I'KJS, Vl 110 pair, othf-r.s $'J..'ill pair. Ken. Hriist. 6.^1 Mill .SIreol, Kltchciipr, Onliirlo. TIII.S'I'I.KIIOW.V ANCORAS. ONH of Canad.-i'H oiil.slnndiiiK strains. Writp for fine fiildt>r. Ilruwn's AnKiiiii Ranch, 27S Courtland St.. Kilcheiipi, Unlarhi. I'lOnililtlOKO ANtiOUA RAMBITK. l''iiipst wool prodtipliit? stock, hynwood .ViiBorns. Itox HO, OshawH. ACOILSTICON IIKARINd Alll FXMI Hiilo at lialf price, new. four new lialtprips iniod for . h\irch or liiinic. Apply Frank Walsnii, Rliud Rivpi, Ontario. G()l,mi:-MeCti|.l.()ll<iII 100 HonSK- power Uleain I'^nRlne, perfect con- dition. Olio Warrpii Sleatu Pump sl«c 10 X 12 X 12. One Warren Steam Piimp slie 12 x 12 .x 12 Olio .Sni.Trl-Turnpr Piiplpx Steam Pump aljie TVi x 4H x 10. All li pcrfpct crMidillnii CROWN IRON & METAI CO., HAMILTON. ONT. I'OR SALE! JOHN tor. JlJdO Out. DKKRK oft sieel, .00. .S. Oli MODEL D TRAC- sood runnlnff order, .â- =, R.R. 2, Brantforfl, FOR in >. orie- SALEâ€" RANIC i>od condition, half nietul. lini;'. M()orefie BARN side an «800. Id. Ont. 40x60. d roof E. J. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids yiiu totain Slender Flsure, lurn.s your foiul into energy Instead GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs, no exer- ci.spd or drastic dipt. Month's suppl.c Jl-"" (.o.-ip-'id Dominion Herb Distributors H'.;.'i .St.<rcnpc Hlvd., MoDlrrnl KAU.tIS I'-On SALE 1,-AltM â€" VERY UNUSUAL SET- tiiiK, 50 acres, with modern home. Hydro and natural facilities for lirisp trout hatchery with auto- niatio rams. etc. (Jr.'ivelly loatn Soil. Naturally sheltered and vcr.\" itleal lurke.v ranK:e with lat- est model turkey equipment for .1.000 fl.jrk. Complete with turke.»s. includnm: 1042 Interna- tional H4 tun truck. WhalinK Turkey Ranch. Mooretield, Ont. WE. CAN SELL YOU ANY SIZE OF firm .vou wish to buy â€" with or without stock and machinery. For particulars apply at Mono- luic's GaraKe, Renfrew, Ont. 53 ACRES, 25 FARMING, 4.500 FT. Iiordering bay of French river. 2,500 ft. frontase on main road to Ruttcr RlBwood and famous Ruiiijnlow camp: new home; oth- er ImildinBS. Mr. A. (Jaiidettc. Riitter, Ont. l''OR SALE HASTINGS COl'NTY. Ont.. 200 acres. 80 cultivated, bal- aiii'rt timber. Good huildinss, with or without crop. Price and pnr- tlcular.s from Michael Prentice, lloulter. Ont. 250 ACRESâ€" $32,000. INCLUDING Kood herd of Holsteln cattle. Impletnents. crops, river, timber. Hydro. Also 100 acres $20,000. Nvith herd of mixed dairy cattle, some piircbrcds. sellin^r as a po- itiK' itmcern. Hydro, modei'n brick honip. Inri^e bank barn. Reason- ablp teiins. ("has. E. Porter. 45 Richmond Stvpct W.'st. Toronto Dniarlo. IIAIIIUnKSSING I, E A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on rouuest recrardlnK classes Robertson's Hairdresaini; Acad- emy. 137 Aveniio Road. Toronto MI':UU'AI. liOOn APVICE! EVERY .SUP- ft»ror of Rlu'iiniFitlc Pains or Neuritis should try nixon's Rem- Pdv .Munro's nrutf Store. JS5 ElKln, Ottawa. Postpaid |1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In huninns. all nRea. No one Im niune! Why not find out If thif is your trouble? tntercstinu par- tlcular.s â€" Free! Write Mulvency'!" Remedies. Speelallsla. Toronto S i:AI MEEKA FOOT BALM DE fltroya offensive odor Instuntly 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. Dennisn Drug Store. Ottawa. ri'S IMPOR'l'ANTâ€" EVERY Sl'K- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Ni'Uiills should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Miiiiro's Drii^c Store. S3& I'MKin, ot(!iwa. Pastpaia tt-00. MCJSICAl. INSTUUMEIVTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. HI Church. Toronto 2. oi'i'«iiiTi,\i'rii;>* i-oii w)>mk:« BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdresslng Pleasant dlgrnified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue tree Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W.. TORO.NTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton * 74 RIdeau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established IS90: 14 King West. Toronto Booklet of InrorniatioD on re- quest IMIOTO(;UAIMIV CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures Snaps can't be taken over again Send your film rolls to Canada'' largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Rollâ€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e "I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes u customer In Nova Seotia, who adds that she has tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER Now Style Album With Prints sizes 10-20-127 If 20c (4c extra) is sent with film roll ENLARGEMENTS- COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargements 4 x fi" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed, on ivory tinted mats. 7 x 9" in Gold Silver, Circassian Walnut or Rlack Ebony finish frames, 5:ie each If enlargement colored, 79c each OLD PICTURES RESTORED W« can restore any old photomanh or .snapshot . . and make^ anv number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but Ihe cost Is reasonable. Send us vour picture and tell us what vou want done and we will tell you the cost oefore doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTIO^ Tour filma 'oroiierly developed «no printed « OR g EXPOSURE HULLS SSc REPK1NT8 8 tor 2Jc FINEST ENt^RcJING SERVILE YOU may not get all tha filma you want thia yaar, but you can set al' tha quality and service you deaht by aending yout filma to imPRItlAI, I'lltrlo .HEIMK-B Station 1 Toronto TEACHEUS W.ANTBD STISTED TO WNSHIP AREA requires three Protestant teachers for three one-room schools nar HuntsviUe. Salary, 1,200. Please state qualificationa, experience and last inspector. Duties to commence September 4lh. Apply to George Tait, HuntsviUe. NORTH MARYSBCKGH TOWM- ship School Board. Prince Ed- ward County. requires teacher for school. Apply, atatingr qualifications, experience anS sal.iry expected. Duties to com- mence Sept. 4. 1945. Arthur Mc- Cornock. Sec.-Treas., Picton, Onta R.R. No. 5. LARt-HWOOD â€" 1> It O 1' E S T A N T teacher wanted for S.S. No. S Bal- four and Dowling. Larchwood, Ont.. duties to commence Sept. i. Salary $1,200.00 per annum. Apply stating qualificationa to Mrs. Jean Jennings, Sec.-Treaa., Karchwood. Ont. HELP WANTED TWO WO.MEN TO WASH DISHES and prepare vegetables In North- ern Ontario summer resort for July and August. Exceptionally, good wages. Apply by letter to Pow-Wow Point Lodge. Hunta- ville. Ont. GIRL OR VOUNG WOMAN FOR housekeeper on a farm, good home, wages. Apply LawrencO Browe, Box 4 2, Dalkeith. Ont. FARM MANAGER. MARRIED, 109- Acre Mixed Farm, good wagea^ house and privileges. J. Keaw Inglewood. P R I NI'E Uâ€" LI NOT Y P E OPERATOR EemHle â€" Steady position, 42% hours weekly. Extra good wages. Also Mcihle press operator. McCa.^key Systems Limited. Gait. Ontario. WAIVTEU PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALL AGES AND BREEDS t months to laying age. Our price* are worthwhile. Box 40, 7J Ado- 'â- "ue West. Toronto. WANTED 1MMEDI.\TELY Lic- ensed garage mechanic as part- ner. Fredl Chak. Burks Fails. Ont. Box 254. WANl'ED, BUFFALO POWER â- 1n,V''â- '^'^'' stuffer. complete, 7B- lOO-Ui, eapacity: 1 5-h.p. 25-cyele, 3-1 base motor: pie molds and (Utter for small pork plea. Write, Morns I'ood Market. Port Col- borne. Out. ;!^v'Pi^i ?J>^'"^' WITH GOOD mixed clo hlng stoclt: will par .},'!' •/'^"f'dentlal- Llghtmao and Company. 3270 Danforth Ave.. Toronto, Ont. ^^let','^"'i;'ii J". rURCH.ASE PUlI ront^ Adelaide W., ^^^- 'rEACIIEIIM WAKTEIl .SCHOOL TEACHER for R.c SS No. II. Anderdon. State exper- ience and qualifications. Apply Leo R. Delmore. R.R. 4. burg. Out. TEACHER WAN-PED FOR SS S â- Woolwich, 8V4 miles from Elmira on main hlghw.iy. Protestant with evperlenre preferred, salirv 11.400.00 Emeisc.ii Dcssler Sei-'- Treas, K.R. 1, Ulmira. Ont' PORTAULE S.WMII.I. WANTED. Equipped with edges trimmer^ Iv w";'' n.'^- ''â- '"â- <>nt. 105 Brook- lyn Ave.. Toronto, o„|. WA\TEIv_(a-|j<^-y ,„ h_;.t;;hing. WiH pVv 2V?per do"« tr„ .iV'^""'*"'"''- Also Auto- '""'^"' "divery. -Windsor OPPORTUNITIES AWAITING YOU Sarnia neneral Ho.^pital School for. nursei. offers «„ excellent pourg. In Nursing Education. Class en- ters Sept. tth. 1945. At)pHc*Ho« forms fninishetl on request. R. M. Beamish. Superlnteudeut. i -♦ )

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