Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1945, p. 2

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^ -•<* GROWING STRONG ON SPECIAL DIET Colour makes no difference at the Hospital for Sick Children it^. Toronto, where any child is accepted regardless of race, creed or financial circumstances. Little Laurien is of the same belief for she and her black dolly are inseparable companions. Because of an unusual stomach ailment, Laurien can only digest a few foods. The Hospital has worked out a special diet for Laurien that is gradually rebuilding her strength. It is to take care of more babies like Laurien (there are 200 children on the waiting list) that the Hospital for Sick Children is appealing to everyone in Ontario for $6,000,000 for a new building. OTTAWA REPORTS That Two Empire Statesmen Praised Canada's Part at San Francisco Conference BELGIAN TARGET Once Implacable enemy of the Briii.sli Empire, now oue of Us greatest and most tru.sted leaders, Field Marshal Jau Christian Smuts was greeted by thousands when he visited Ottawa. In the Ted-tabbed iinlfuini of a British Field Marshal, he laid a â- wreath for the Union of South Africa at the National War Me- morial, inspected servicemen, in- cUiilIng a group of South African War veterans, and decorated nine returned Canadian nursing sisters representing a group of 300 who responded to the call of the South African government In 1941 to serve with the forces of that coun- try. Later he spoke vlgourously and hopefully of the events of San Francisco from which he had just returned. • * * Ue.spite his 75 years General Smuts steps alons with the brisk- ness of an athlete. His physical fitness Is attributed to a frugal life on his farm near Pretoria •where he spends most of his time. His mother was of Krench Hugue- not descent, his father a Dutch farmer and minor politician. Once destined for the ministry, General Smuts became a lawyer,â€" later soldier and statesman. * • • I.,ord Cranborne, British secret- ary of state for the IX)inliiions, will) also came to Ottawa from San Kranclsco, said In an Inter- view that the conference and Lon- don talks which |)ro(eded It, were good examples of how the relation- ship between the ComnionweaUU countries works under the Statute of Westminster. "There Is no question of the coercion of one member by the others. We are all arbiters of our own fate, but, by constant consultation with each other, we are able very often to reach common view. By maintain- ing that view we can exert great Influence In the affairs of the world." Lord C'ranbourne said of the Canadian delegation to San Francisco, "The amendinentu Which they put forth were always constructive and helpful, and the Oontrlbutlon which they tjiade left Its mark upon the charter." HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION SAFES Prolrt'l rour ilUUKtt Had CA.SII rram PIRK aad TIIIKVIiiii. Wa have a «U« aad I7P« of Safe, or Cablaet. for aar purpoac. VUII â- â€¢, or vrrlto for prlcra, .etc. to Orpl. W. ^,6r J.TAYLDR limitco TORONTO SAFE WORKS 11,% Kronf St. f*'. inroiiti- Bafabllakcd I8S5 Horror Pictures Sober Prisoners German war prisoners confined at I'ort I'ustcr, Mich., were taken on a brief movie tour of German horror camps and cincrRcd a far more seriou.s, sober lot than enter- ed the theater. It was the first slunviiig of a scries ol ncwsrcel.s of Nazi prison camps whicli the War Department has ordered all (icrinati prisoners to see. As pictures ot gaunt, emaciated German captives were flashed on the screen, many ol tlie prisoners shifted uneasily in their scats. ,\s they filed out, many ot the Germans were svvallowiiiK; hard, their lips in ti^'it thiji lines. There was no joking, laiiahing or talking anionR themselves a.s when they were gnins ""to the tlic.itcr. Dark-haired Princess of Rethy, above, commoner wife of King Leopold III of the Belgians, is target for attacks of Communist â- wing seeking abdication of the King, now in Austria. A featured article in the Communist news- paper challenged payment of a . pension to her father. Britain To Build 200,000 New Cars A Britisii automobile industry proposal to manufacture 2011,000 private cars during the next 18 months has been approved by the Britisii Board of Trade and the Supply Ministry. It was miderstood that most of the cars will be of small types and half of them will be for overseas export under the agreement by Government agencies. The manufacturers expect to complete 40,000 of the carsi by the end of this year. Floating^ Docks l''li)ating docks for use by the Royal Navy in the Pacific war are being built in South .Africa. The 'first dock, built here and completed within 1.1 months, aheadv has been towed to il.s destination. â€" that • lOo packaae of WILSON'S aV PADS will IdU more lUea than $5.00 worth of any other fly killerll! Grocery, Drue, Hardware and Oeneral Store* aell and recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS. of/ftseet Bitesâ€" HeatRask Srop^'lTCH Ouickt Slop itrliing of Insert biles, heat rajli, eciema, liJvM. piniplu, scales, st allies. Btlilclci loot and oilier eiternally caused skin tioiititcs. â- â- S«-'l:'iloli«'»li!Jif""""''"'""'''''"'e •*â-  •*. D. PRESCRIPTION, (.leaselcsa. stainless Ilrti •lopa III yciir ijHiney Ikitk. Ynur drugjist •tacks D. D O PRESCRIPTION. Do KM suffer from MONTHLY NEIWOIIS TENSION i «rillilt*«VMk,HrMit«««Rgt? ** If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, restless â€" at such times â€" try Lydia E. Pnikham's Vege- table Comimnnd to relieve such syinp- toms. Pinkliain's Compound is one of tha mos.t effective medicines for this purixwe. Follow label directions. Buy toaavl China Plans 100,000 Miles Of Railways DiniiiK the war China lias lost mo.'-t of her railroads. However, she plans to liiiild a railroad sys- tem with 101). ODD miles or rails, 20,- 000 of which is to be built within ten year.'* after the war. The f'hinesc railroad engineers ami personnel have been the last to retreat from places taken by the enemy and they are now the first to enter regained areas. They have moved rails by hand over long (li>taiKCs. Tlicy iiave liuilt bridges where it was thought bridges conk; not be built. They have improvised with Pqnipment never before thought of in rail- road building. Hut in .spile of all this, China is left with less than a tenth of the railroad lines she had before the war, which was approximately 13.000 miles or railroad. Lack of railroad equiiiment has been the biggest of China's proli- lenis since the war began. Kittens Never Did Like Juicy Worms A Leghorn heii has adoiited three orpliamyl kittens and owner Herman Offonbachcr of Mcdford, Ore,, says already trouble has developed. The kittens battle, paws against wing as their eager foster motlrer tries unsuccessfully to get them to eat the food she works fK) hard to provideâ€" fat, juicy worms .vcratriietl from the garden. II.\IIY CHICKS Bi-; i"ui':f.\ni:L> â€" amgusii I'ur.,- l"'l.'<, (Iiicks. i'orlterftl.4 shoald bo iinlcred n<iw. We may have some «v.'til»I>lrt for delivery this month. Itriiy Ilalrliory, l.tO John N., Hiim- lllon. Out. iM.MKDiA'i'i.; i)ii;i.,ivi':itv' two- wi>fl<-ol(l .started chicks In many popular tieavy breedH in non- .s.»\«'d, pullets or coctterels'. Also «'l«ht-weelt-old up to laying free i;tiiii6 pullets. Takini? o^delâ- .'^ now for AUKUft mid .September hatch- ed day-old i-hii'kH. Kree catnlosue. 'I'lveddle Chick Unteheriea Limit- ed, N"erfi:us, Ontario. KM> Ol'" Ttll'! Sl'IASON" SAI,K L* week old pnlletH. cockerelH and iioii-.Keseil i-tiirlvH pure l»i-eeds and li> lirld.s. free ranKP pullets S weekn up to laytnR:. Free rat- aloMTue. Top Noteti fliickeries, • iuc'lph, OnlMrlo. IIVieiNU AND CLEANING HAVE rOO ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cteanlnR? Write to ui fdr Information. VVe are erlad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 701 Vonge St reel. To- rnnto KAKAl ItlACHIIVMKV KUII SAMO A WVA.U IStiJIVt' tJUClC IJAKE ON tieavy trueic rear wheels and Ituielc Motor feady for work. Model f) Cast; tractor In yood condition. James Finlay, (irand Valley, Unt. rj';ilIi'ECTION MIUCEHS AND SUP- plles. J. F. Dunaldaon, Joyceville, Unt. MASSEY HAIiitta 101 SUPEIt TWIN power Irnctor on rubber, prac- tically new, or Model C C' on Bleel In Al eniidltion. Alvln Clruer. Orniatown Station, Que. 16-:iO INTl'lItNATlONAL TUACTOIt on sleel. Price l.tfiO.OO. E. Bell. 1! R. 0. LiiMcliin. Ontario. Kuit sale: VAI.UAHM: COlINTllY .SIORE property, HUilalile also for tourist huxiness; I'arry Sound district. •It I Westmiiunt Ave., Toronto, 1,(). 4464. KliCI.STEiSEn EEMALK COCKER puppies, 14 weeks old. Heal beaulles. 74.'> Indian Road, Wind- sor. Ont. i;ill,l)IE-Mi:CtIIJ.Ol)UH lOU HUHSB- power triteiim IOii|;ine, perfect con- dition. One Warren Steam Pump size 10 X 12 X 12. One Warren .steam I'ump size 12 x 12 x It. One .Smart-Turner Duplex Steam I'ump size 7H X 4H x 10. All in perfei't eondition. CROWN IRON & METAL CO., HAMILTON, ONT. lil:(HS'|iEl{EI) HOHTON TEUHIER I'lipples for sale. W. B. Conton, U.K. 2. TIllsoiiliurB, Ont. REMNANTS 15 IH) 20 V A It lis, I.INK.M, MEA8- uie II.9S, consists !)H lbs. un- blenclied cotton, rushion covers, rniuiape material, flannelette, woollens. CO tJ., postaRe extra. Refund if unsatisfarlory. Piihles I'-ni! SALE VE.SSOT W lii-arins Rrinder dirnrt driven .10 H t^. motor first rlns." eondl- tion. Apply J. A. Eager. Keinpt- ville. Ont. EI.RCTniC MOTORS. NKW. USED bought, sold. relMiilt: hetta. pill leys, hruiitieii Allen Electric Com pany Ltd.. 2.158 Diifrerin St. T" rooto. GROWTH OF CANADA'S FOOD EXPORTS (1939-1944) I 1. I 'i . ^ ji-'i.i'«iji|j|E .^ •^ â- ' ^ â- '&•â- ' / 1933 1944 8EEF 3,873,200 IBS 103,203,800 LBS; BACON 187.825,000 LBS. 895,757,000 LBS. EGGS 1,274.327 DOZ. 58,403,410 00^. fmenrogM refer f* CHEESE 90.944,800 LBS. 131,429.200 LBS. 1944 Iflcrras. ,m RSH 185,806 TONS 215,180 TONS miVtgwn. WHEAT 4,887.137 TONS 8.750,391 TONS w. m tuMk Emergency Flat Kept In London For Royal Family The Kint; and Queen had a fash- ionable flat in Mayfair to use if they were hciiiheil out of Bucking- ham Palace. The emergency apartment was on the fourth floor of Curzon .Street House, used by the War De- partment as its prisoner-of-war of- fice. \cry few of the 1,600 men and women working in the build- iuK throu.^hout the war knew the secret of the fourth floor. The existence of the apartment was disclosed when it was learned that the Dowager Queen Mary would use the flat when she re- turns from her country home in another week or so if her own Marlhorough House is not ready for her. The King and Queen never used Easier To Move Dutch Than Rebuild "It would be muc.i easier to transport all of Holland's nine niillion people and re-establish them in America than to re- build the country", Prof. F. J. T. Ruttan, of Nijmegen Univccsity said recently. He said this was the tragic coinniciitary on the devastation in Holla-id as expressed to him by a .senior United States Army officer last nionth. Prof. Rntton is adviser of the Dutch Government and has just arrived in Canada on a special mission. their emergency palace, but the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and the Duchess of Kent used the apartment during the worst of the London blitz. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention â€" Consult your nearejit Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our groods only throng your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods •>» right, and so are our price*. We manufacture in our fac- tories â€" Harness. Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelline Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and jtou pet satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE I 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto Have You Heard? New Missionary: "Did you know Mr. Browns?',' Cannibal King: "Oh. yest He was the pride of our island" New Missionary: "Why did he leave .such a nice island." Cannibal King: "He didn't, sir, you see, times got so liard tint we had to swallow our [iride." oOo Commuter: "Well, I'U teU you, Jones, I wear the trousers in my home.'" Jones: "Yes, but I notice that right after dinner you wear an apron over them." oOo Naive Nellie: "1 think it's won- derful that our servicemen are such a happy lot." , Mother: "What makes you sajr" /'Why, whenever you pass tiliem they're always whistling." SUCCESSFUL PARTIES result when you serve Maxwell House. This de- licious coffee stimulates and cheers. It's a choice blend of rare, extra-flavor Latin-American coffees-^ the finest obtainable. roil GAINING WEIGHT 7 SLENDEX TEA alas ynu retain Slender l''lgure. turiia your food into energy instead HARMLESS, GUARANTEED composed pleasant tierbs, no exer- or drastic diet. Month's supply tl.OO postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors \\'ir\ St. I.iinront'e lllvd., Blonlrrol FAIlltlS KUR SAL.D lOil .M'RKS, 60 L'LEAnKD, CI.AY ioiim, t>alanLe pasture, .HUttar bUHh. 7-ioomed house: good Imrn. implement ahed. Hydro, ttlephone iiviillable. 10 miles north ot Uracebrldge, Musltoka District. E. Huise. Fatkenburg. FAKM I'"OR .SALE â€" 193 ACRES 1 mile west of Kitchener limits on Kitchener-Strnttord highway. Charles W. Moser, R.R. 4, Kitch- ener, Ont. 53 ACRES. 25 I''ARM1NG, 4,500 FT. bordering bay of French river. 2,500 ft. frontage on main road to Rutter Bigwood and famous Bungalow camp: new home; oth- iT buitdinKS. Mr. A. Oaudette, Itiiltnr. Ont. â€" HAIRDItlSSSlNa LEARN HAIUDRESSINU THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy. 1.17 Avenue Road. Toronto. ItlKUICAL. niXDNH REMEDYâ€" FOR NEHU- itis and Ilheunmtin I'ains. 'I'hous- und.s .sftti.sflpii. Munro'a Drug .Stole, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. I'ost- paid $1.U0. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111-heatth In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find ont It this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Itemedles. Specialists. Toronto S. RI^fAD THI.Sâ€" EVERY SttFI'MOllBiR of Rheumatic I'ains or Neuritis Hhould try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'a Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid |1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman DriiL' Mfore Ottnwn. OI-l-dll'I'UNITIIO K«>H WOMKN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue tree. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOLS S58 BLOOR W.. TtMtONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 RIdeini Street Ottawa. ItmSIOAI. INS'IKUMKNTS I'llUTUUUAI'HY t'^RED A. BODDTNOTOl^ 6UYS. sSlTa. exchanges musical Instru- ments III r'hnrch Toronto 2 I'ATKNTS H'KTHERSTO.VHADOH * COMRANT I'alPiil Solicitors Established IfiflM; 14 Kln« West. Toronto ncuiltlet nf Intctrmatlon on re- uucst TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Gel better pictures ut lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll â€" G or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e A customer In Cape Breton says, "I have been sending films to you for 4 or 6 years. Would not send them an.vwhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 1(1-20-127 if 29c (4c extra) Is sent with film roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c, Framed on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 69c each. If enlargement colored. 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED Wo can restore any old photograph or snapshot . . . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost Is reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you want don© and we will tell you the cost before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your rilma i)ruperi.v developed uno printed 6 OR « EXPOSUHh KOLL,S DSc REPRINTS i tor 25o FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all tha films you want this year, but you can gel all 'he quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMI'RRIAL PH4ITO SRIt^lCB Station J. Toronto 'I'blACHICRS WANTEO BRA.NT CO.; 6 MILES SOUTH OF llianlford. Experienced female Protestant teacher. S.S. No. 4, Branltord Twp. Salary $l,5U0.0u. . .Slate qualifications, also former inspector. Personal application preferred If possible. Gordon Keilam, Sec.-1'reas., R.R. No. 2, Braiitford, Ont. STI.STED I'OWNSHIP AREA requires three I'rotsstant teachers for three one-roora schools nar Huntsville. Salary 1,200. l^lease statu qualifications, experience and last inspector. Duties to commence September 4th. Apply lu George 'fait, Huntsville, DORSE!" â€" TEAf-flKR WANTED (Protestant prcfencd) to teach grade G to 10, inclusive (senior roiimi, and act a.s principal of a i[-!({vm school with modern con- venicnce.'i. term commencing Sip- temlier, 1945. salary Jl.SOO. Apply stating qualifications, to (Miss) Phyllis Clayton, Dorset, OnL KENT CO. TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 15. Dover Twsp. Sal- ar.v JIIOU.OO. Apply stating quali- flraiions and expected tn Adelard Tetreault, R.R, No. 2 Bear Line, Ont. HELP WANTED HOUSBIKEEPER FOR PROTESl«- ant motherless home in countrf. All conveniences. Two school ag» children. Box 39, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. Young VVumen to tr,ain as Nurse«^ Aides. Earn while learning. $7ii.5il monthly to start. $20.50 monthly deducted for maintenance. Uniforms supplied Progressive increase when coursa completed. Health .Supervision. Sick I.«ave. Permanent position. Pension Plan. Apply .Supt. of Nurses. Toronto Hospital, Weston. TWO WOMEN TO WASH DISHES and prepare vegetables In North- ern Ontario summer resort (or July and August. Exceptionally good wages. Apply bv letter to Pow-Wow Point Lodge. Hunts- ville, Ont. GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN FOR housekeeper on a farm, good home, wages. Apply Lawrencs Browe, Box 42, Dalkeith, Ont. STRONG, ABLE WOMEN FOR general housework, $60 - %M nionth. bed, board. Girls, younK women for summer resort, pajr according age, ability. Married couple, man. boy, garden farm. Mrs. Boyd, Carlsbad Springs, Ont AUTOMOBILE BUMPERS AND Painters, experienced on repair work. Highest rate of pav, 4S hour week, best working conditions. Apply nearest Selective Service Office. CR 2925. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON Farm 2 miles from Tillsonburg. All city conveniences. 2 children, 2 adults. Good wages. J. A. Mc- Cabe. Ttllsonburg, Ont. FARM MANAGER. MARRIED, 100- Acre Mixed Farm, good wages. house and privileges. J. Kce. Inglewood. WANTKD WANTED IMMEDIATELY Lic- ensed gar.'\ge mechanic as part- ner. Fredl Chak, Burks Palls, OnL Box 254. GENERAL STORE, WITH GOOD mixed clothing stock; will pay cash; confidential. LIghtman and Company, 3270 Danforth Ave., Toronto. Ont. SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: APPLICATIONS NOW BEING CON- sldered. Date of admission Sep- tember 4th, 1945. Educational re- quirements .lunior Matriculation. Remuneration after preliminary term, JIO.OO to $12.00 per month. WANTED fo MTIcHaSR PUL- k';. ill breeds from 8 weeks up to lajTng. Good prices paid. Appl^ to Bo? 38, 73 Adelaide W.. To- -A WE BUY numlrcH of Herbs i:>,„,s. Barks. â- * I.errie." !â-  Ir.wers Leaves etc PRICES HIGHER NOW Wriie tnt full ii..t Dominion Herb Distributors *'*-•'' "' •â- n«ri-n-r |1|»,|. Mvatrea* ISSUE 28â€"194* 1 A

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