SEA-GOING 'COVERED WAGC" The odd-looking craft, above, is the newest thing in wooden life- rafts, made fire-resistant by a new process developed by American Lumber and Treating Co., engineers at Pasadena, Calif. Built of unsinkable balsa wood, encased in chemically-treated plywood, the boat is equipped with compass, oars, signaling devices and enough food and v/ater to last 20 men a reasonable length of time. DO YOl^ . FROM ANY OF THESE PAINFUL, ANNOYING AF FLICTIONS ? CHECK THIS LIST NOW I ic DRY, CLOGGED NOSTRILS ir CHEST COLD CONGESTION • STIFF, SORE MUSCLES â- k ACHING, TIRED FEET â- k CHAPPED SKIN, WINDBURN •k RHEUMATIC OR NEURALGIC PAINS :Ar ECZEMA, PIMPLES •k LUMBAGO -k HEMORRHOIDS If you do â€" cheer up. Thousands have found that BUCKLEY'S STAINLESS WHITE RUB, mode by the makers oF BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE, brings fast, comforting relief from any or all of them. In Fact it must bring relief faster than anything you have ever used or money back. Sold everywhere. If your dealer is sold out send .50c For large jar direct to W. K. Buckley Limited, Toronto. BUCKLEY C STAINLESS i^ WHITE RUB The carat, used for centuries to •xprcss the weight of gems, is now Standardized at two-fifths of a gram. I DECORATED BY U.S. An Instantine tablet brings QUICK RiUtFI For quick relief from headache pain, just take an Instantine tablet with a glass of water. Chances are you'll dis- cover as thousands have done, that prescription-type Instantine is a modem way to fast reliej from head- ache pain. Instantine works in three ways to bring prompt relief: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild, stimulating "lift." Instantine never pampers pain. It's specially compounded to give quick relief. Try it to relieve muscular ache or pain, and for the discomfort you feel when a cold gets vou down. All drug- tloreshave Instantine. 12 tablets 25^. Mantine o prpduct of The Bayer Co., ltd. Aches and Pains of RHEUMATISM Your money will be relumed by any drug store If one bottle of Ru-Mu docs not sliow you tlia quick, easy way to yet relief from the cruel, stubliorn aclies and pains of rheumnticm. Ru-Mn miiBi plense you or money baclt. One bolile will convince you. Major-General A. E. Walford, C.B.E., M.M., E.D., Adjutant General of the Canadian Army, who has received the United States Legion of Merit, First Class. Major-General Walford served in the ranks in the last war and was commissioned in 1916. He went overseas in the present conflict in 1939. He later was appointed as Assistant Adjutant and Quarter- master General of the Canadian Corps and returned to Canada in 1944 as Adjutant General in Ot- tawa. Cliill fruit â€" never freeze it. And never ^)Ut bananas in your refrigerator. RHEUMATIC 7t^ ALLENRI v/ifh Lemon Juice IVten and women who sutler nagjjing aches and pain> caused by Kheumatism, Neuritis, ui Lumbago warn to reheve such syinptums pruinpily To get such reliel . . iry ALLtNRU! IVlix 2 table- spuons ut this fine medicine with one lablespuon ol lemon juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands ol iolks use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU iod«> . ., •ic at any druy siurc. Write fcji' iiiformntlvB ii(iiil<let "HerCs (iood Health to Vou" to Stafford-Miller (of Caniida) Ltd., Depf. 9, 172 John St., Toronto, Ont. >iii^'''^ EAT- SLEEP -LOOK a«i^ * â- "^^ ^.PSeC BBTTeRf BETAMIN IINB-COMPLEX Mguld & Tnblet diPArAU DKUO STOKES. .WILLIAMS i^\\ CI CAMPHORATED |ft^f MUSTARD CREAM U \ Quickly REUEVIS muicular PAINS In legt and body, driving away possible com|illcations from exposure to cold and dampness. Try II at once for relief. suuii! cufinmi mrnin chu ui i h. k mi â- â- » VOICE OF THE PBESS QUESTIONABLE With the post-war walkie-talkie, t man strolling along the street might be tailed by his wife at home. Is this progress? â€" Strat- ford Beacon-Herald. ADOLF INCLUDED "We must all keep our heads," Goebliels advises. And Adolf, list- ening in, gives his old bean a feel to see if it's srtill there. â€" Ottawa Citizen. WORK HARDER Sinners work harder at sinning than saints do at being good â€" Brandon Sun. Lost Children Find Refuge In Britain Although in most countries in Europe, outside of Germany itself, it is no longer necessary to leave to escape the Gestapo, Britain li still receiving refugees. Five hundred refugees have just arrived in Coventry. They are the first of some 20,000 lost children who will be given homes in Eng- land for the duration. This first SOO came from all parts of Holland and many were picked up from the hedges, cellars and' bombed build- ings; others were found in army camps scavenging among the re- fuse. Red Cross camps in Holland and Belgium had to care for them for two months before they were strong enough to stand the short sea trip to England. How India Meets Demand For Goats A novel scheme of goat multipli- cation has been adopted by the Government of Bengal, in India, with a view to meeting the in- creased demand for goats. It is ex- pected 50,000 goats will be pro- duced in the first year of the scheme, says The Brandon Sun. Nanny and • billy goats will be loaned out by the Government to villagers on the condition that for every goat loaned the borrower must return, within 18 months, two goats at least six months old out of the progeny of the borrowed animals. When this is done, the mother goat taken on loan will be- come tlie v.'llige- 's property. wHh Hs waok, find InHhs? If functional periodic disturbances make ?ou feel nervous, tirefl, restless â€" at such imes â€" try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pinkham's Compound is one of the most effective merficine3 for this puipose. Follow label directions. Buy lodayl ACCOUNTANTS A AL'DiTUKS income: TAX KEi';,::i'iI coiT piete Doolckeeping Services. Small or Lnrge Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Bro>t & Co., g VVplllnston St. E.. Toronto. Ont BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERI-OOKING LAKE O.NTARIO. Tou miiy win this $10,000 model home for $1.00. Write for your .shares today. ($1.00 each) to Beaches Uusines.s Men's As.socla- tion. Toronto 8. Your receipt will be mailed promptly. Draw to be made Mny 24th. Proceeds for war ("^h.irltles IIT'SIM:sS OlM'OHTIMTIKS FAMILEX AGENCY OPEN T(J .MIO.N' on WO.MIJ.N' WIIJ,- inff to canvass from door to door. No experience necessary. Low prices, hiffh quallt.v help you pet and hold trade. Your available time is sufficient. Bis: profits daily. DetalKs FHRE. Famllex, IfiOO Delorimier, Montreal. BABY CniCKS si.oo nooKs rouR ukurr ORDER YOUR 1941) CHICKS NOW. and not be disappoioted. All chicks are from (guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Kocks mixed 112.00 per 100. White LeRhorn.i mixed $11.00 per lOl) Barred Rock Pullets $ll«.00 per lOU. white Leghorn Pullets J22.U0 per 100. white Rocks mixed Si.'i.lili per 100 white Rock Pullets »24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. 6000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bied Sussex. Largo Type Leghorns. Sussex X New Hamps., Sussex .X Leghorns, Rock X Leghorn.". Rock X New Hamps., Barred Rock.^ Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm. VVein [Irtip.. Kxeter. Ont. ORUioit vouu govi:rnmkxt AI'I'HOVEH CHICKS NOW â€" Kvery breeder Government inspected, banded, and hlood-tosted. Immediate delivery on I'remiiiin eniilr day old chicks. ]^eKli*iriiH Pullci.'i aOCi gu;uiint(>ed â€" $:!i;.00 per hundred. Iliisu-^ed chicks $14. (JO per hundred. Cockerel.'! $ 2.00 prr tiundied. Unrrcd Huvk.s, Now lliiiiipMliircn, SuHKcx, llylirldn â€" Siinhcx .\ llninp, Ilork .\ lliiiiiii, llnniji \ lieKtiiirii PuIlclH nO',. gu.'iriinteed â€" $24. .lu per nunilii'd. Unsexed chicks $14.50 per hundred. Cookcrul.s $ 9.(10 per hundred. Save time, order from advertise- ment. .Satisfaction guaranteed. Free catalogue on request, containing the proper brooding of chicks, and methods used in r.'ii.iiing poultry for profit. MONIvTON POlIl.TltV I'ARMS, Monkton, Oiiturlo. ItllOAII IIUIIASTKD SCS.SE.V COX TH()US.\NUS AV.AILABLE WEEK- ly, If you ordi.r at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market. White skinned, long rounded breasts. Also New Hamp. cox with fast growth and feathering. Sussex X Leghorns and liock ,\ Leghorns maUo good roasters and grow fast up to 4-S lbs. You can buy these for $4.00 per 100. Also mix- ed neavy cox $(>.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, healthy, blood tested breeders. 5000 Breed- ers on ONE plant. l^akevlew Poultry Farm. Weln Bros.. Exeter, Ontario. MAKE NO MISTAKE. U.N'KNOWN chicks are an unknown Quantity. Your safest course in buying chicks is to buy the producer's mime. And the name Top Notch stands high with successful poultrymen. Because Top Notch Chicks are Government Approved from carefully chosen blood- tested breeders of known llvahil- Ity and productively. Top Notch polic.v has always been to en- deavour to give a little better chick. Watch this paper for week- ly harg.'iins. Next Week's special â- White Leghorn cockerels at 95c per hundred. Barred Rock X White Leghorn cockerels $2.95. Top Notch Chlckeries, Ouelph, Ontario. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORuEH CI' 100 PUL- let chicks, we give 1110 f:ee chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100. barred Rock pul- lets $19 95 per 100. White Rock Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. CHIOK.S. MOST BREEDS PROMPT shipment. Buy cockerels' now, heavy breeds available now, some started. T^ater meat shortages will make these profitable as broiler.'* and roasters. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N„ Hamilton, Ont. •ixt I'-rub chicks OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed bird*. Nothing better In Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 111.00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leghorni. $13.00. Pullet prices: Barred. Rocks, $19.00; White Lerhorni, $22.00; White Rocks, M4.00; Rrown Leghorns, $24.00. 15 fret chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 26 free chicks tor each 100 day old pullets ordered. Ooddard Chlok Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights. Ontario. BIX)OD TESTED HYBRID C»CK- erels, Rock-Hampcross, So each during March. 100% live delivery fuaranteed. Phone BOI, Stormont Poultrr. Farm, Finch, Ont. IIAIIY CHICKS A-l BABY CHICKS FROM BLiOOD- T->:.ted flocks. Barred Rocks, large type White Leghorns, Burred Kock .X White Leghorns, Sussex X .New Hampshire, Red X Rocks. Write for price list to A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND POULTS, Barred Rock and White Leghorns from Government approved and bloodtested stock, all eggs set from our own stock. Also White Holland and Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults. Send for price list. The Wright Farm. Brockville, Ont. HERIO'S A NICE "EGG" ORDER fur you â€" it is yours because every esK you can .supply is needed to fill this order for fifteen million dozen. This export order is for Britain. September to December delivery. Tweddle Hatcheries have been supplying profitable chicks for 20 years. Let Tweddle help you supply these extra eggs. Snd for catalogue and pricelist to-day. Our special for next week White Leghorn cockerels $1.00 per hundred and Barred Rock X White Lcf^-horn cockerels $2.95 per hundred. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES, LIMITED, FER- GUS, O.N'TARIO. "OXFORD' BI-IOOD-T ESTED chicks, live, lay and pay. They are the results of nineteen years of careful selection and breeding in O.B.S. They have to be good because we want the very best kind of chicks for our own flocks. Improved breeding. Big. vigorous ami early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Write for our free folder. Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, un-sexed Chicks, Pullets and Cockerels. The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Produce Co.. Ltd.. 4.14 Main St.. Woodstock, ,Ont. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you w.ant them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100. white leg- horns mixed $11.00 per 100. Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100. white leghorn pullets $22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. $6.00 per 100, Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham, Ontario. SEVKNACRES POULTRY F.\RM Sussex X Hampshire Chicks. Seven other varieties. Write for price list. .7. R. Harvey & Son, R.H. 2. Guclph. Ontario. DVEINn AND CLRANING H.WK YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer .vour fjuestions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. ILVIRURESSING L K A R N HAIRDRF.SSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Roi^if rtson's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferln St., To- ronto. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. ASPAR- agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Slmcoe, Ontario. ORDER YOUR PACKAGE BEES, OR nuclei, now tor May delivery. Rosevlew .Apiaries. Hawkestons, Ontai<lo. F'lli SALE Flags POLES AND STANDARDS Silk Flags to Order Society Flags to Order GEO. H. WILKINSON LTD. 3.13-5 OUELUSTTE AVE., WINDSOR $0,500 â€" BEAUTIFULLY LAND- scnpod 60 acres, new brick, square plan house, large barn, gnrages, electricity, spring water. W. Overland, Cataract, (Snlario. REGISTERED CARTIER OATS SI. 23 per bus. No. 1 Byng Barley, germination 98%, a heavy ylelder and smooth awn. $1.35 per bus. Bugs free. J. Morley Atkinson, Homings Mills. Ont. SMALL FRUIT FARM. FIRE-WOOD lot sm.-ill house, couple alone; near station, within town com- muting distance, daily. Oscar de Bouver. Newcastle Bridge, New Brunswick. , 50-ACRE FARM FIRST CLASS, up-to-date. Write for particulars. Bert Ilagndorn, Burgessvllle, Ont. Amateur Theatricals SEE our character costumes. Hays'.. 500 costumes to choose from. Make- up dickeys, minstrel collars, gloves, etc. Costume Dept. -r- Second Floor GEO. H. WILKINSON LTD. 333 OUELLETTE AVE.. WINDSOR NEW POULTRY PICKING MA- chlne, electric motor, 60 cycles. Picks chickens, turkeys, complete, $260. Bleury Bird Farm. Iberville, Que. BEAUTIFUL COMFORTERS MADE from your materials. Quilting $1.86. Tour wool carded 26c lb., washing 8c lb. Quick service. Vir- gin wool batts $1.16 lb. Wool Carding Machines $14.96. Spinning Wheels $13.96. Ask (or catalogue. SIfton Wool Products, Box HI, SIfton. Manitoba. HEROOTT THRESHER. 12 x 46 ON rubber, shredder, fully equipped. Threshed only fifteen barns. F^llx Straue, St. Agatha, Ontario. SHOVEL One yd. (-ipacity, Bucyrus Erie gnsoline. WELDER On.< V-8 Lincoln Electric welder, 4 5(1 ;ini]>s. ENGINES Dodge Diesel 80 H.P. at 1800 R.P.M. with trans, clutch, etc.| Leylnnd Diesel 57 H.p. with clutch, govern- or, r.idiator. etc. ROAD PATROLS Adams Tandem .lOl Rome Tandem 301, Wehr on single differential. TRACTORS Model K. Allis-Chalmers, with Gar- wood Hvdraulic Angle dozer. Model KO Allis-Chalmers. with Baker Hydraulic. Angle, dozer, plow, Wilms, and cab. COMPRESSOR Ingersoll Rand 105 cu. ft. capacity mounted on pneum. tires. Ingersoll Rand ICO cu. ft. capacity mounted on pneum. tires. Worthington 210 cu. ft. capacity monnted on rineum. tires. AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS COMPANY .1282 Wellingtnn St. W., Montreal, P.Q. . THOROWYRE KENNELS REGD. Wire hair fox terrier pups, 6 males, 2 females. Excellent blood- lines. Pedigree. Information. Ap- ply 1645 Marentette Ave.. Wind- sor, Ont. SILO BUILDING EQUIPMENT. AD- Justable steel forms, will build from 8 ft. to 14 ft. Also Concrete Mixer forms new. Apply Glen Tuffin Wheatley, Ont. F-ARMS FOR SAI-E FARM FOR SALE IN DISTRICT of Algoma, 158 acres. 115 under cultivation, clay loam. Balance pasture and wood. Buildings In good repair. Excellent water In house and barn. George McKay, Plnmmer. Ont. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this ts your trouble* InterestTng par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists Toronto 3. IT'.'J PROVEN â€" EVERY' SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Paln.s or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store. SS.'i Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. CON.STIPATION. B I L I O U SNESS, liver trouble, depressed headac'ne, quickly relieved with Fig-Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig- Lax, 25c at Druggists. EAI'MREKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offen.-sive odor Instantly. 4'5c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. S.VTISFY YOURSELF â€" EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- d.v. Sold only Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- p;ilil $1.00. MrsICAIi INSTRUIHENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. Ill Church. Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIF.S FOR WOMON BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great (Opportunity, Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS S6S BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OFFEIR TO IWVENTOnS AN OFFBR TO EVERY INVENTOR List of ^Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street Ottawa. Canada, PIANOS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE new small Pianos? If so write us for latest descriptive circular, Factory Mason & RIsch Limited, 642 King St. West. Toronto. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Establishd li90; 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. f IIOTOGUAPHY TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer In Cape Breton says, "I have been sending films to you for 4 or 6 years. Would not send them anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New .Style .\lbum With Prints •sizes 16-20-127 If 29c (4c extra) Is sent with film roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FR.\MING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. 69c each If enlargement colored. 79c ench. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders, Argument Settled So far as humans are concern- ed, the wolf is a coward, though he can, as .nany an Mgoma farm- er can testify, do a terrific lot of damage among a flock of sheep. The Star stands by (he dictum of 0'<\ Sam Martin, which it has go often quoted: ".â- \ny man that says he's been et by a wolf is a liar." fHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION your films pruoerl.v developed and printed â- 6 on 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 tor 25o FINEST ENl^RGING SERVICE Tou may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMI'nnlAI. PHOTO SERVICE .<?tatlon J Toronto SEEDS THORUGHLY RECLEANED Gov- ernment graded clover seeds, Tim- othy and Cossack alfalfa. Write for prices. J. E. Mulr. Ceylon. Ontario. BAXTER'S SEEDS. BETTER QUAL- Ity and value. Send for Catalogue "We sell everything that grows." 3359 Yonge Street. Toronto. PEBI, SEEDS ALFALFA. ALSIKE. RED CLOVER, Sweet Clover, Mixed seeds, Tim- othy and grasses. Wholesale and retail. Write for prices. Peel Seed Growers Co-Operative Limited, Box 1100, Brampton. Ont. STAMPS OLD CANADIAN STAMPS BOUGHT for cash. Search trunks and at- tics for old envelopes or wrap- pers. Mall stamps for appraisal. Approvals mailed to collectors. Stamp Market. 240 Alfred St, Kingston. Ont. WANTED Cash Register Wanted 1 Cent Up. Must Be Cheap. 333 Ouellette Ave., Windsor SPEEDY CASH FOR 100-200 ACRES, good medium loam, h.vdro avail- able. Write right now! Box 14, 173 Adelaide W., Toronto. SADDLES WANTED RIDING BOOTS AND GEAR WE PAY CASH GEORGE H. WILKINSON 333 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR WILL PAY $700 CASH FOR BLOCK Planer Machine. It is used for planing sole leather blocks. Dox 15. 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. Invalid Ciiairs Wanted WILL pay cash or swap for wliat we have. Swap Dept. Geo. H. Willcinson Ltd. i33 Ouellette Ave. Windsor WANTED- â€" GUINEA PIGS. ANY sizt^ or quantity. G. Ch.itcr. 1159 Will.ird Ave., LY. 2794, Toronto. Portable Phonographs. WANTED! Will pay Cash or Swnp for new shoes or new clothes or what we have. GEO. H. WILKINSON S33-5 OUELLETTE AVE.. WINDSOR FARM MACHINERY "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair p.Trts are alwiiys available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre- Dame West, Montreal S Que. HE:I.P WANTEn 195.00 REG. NURSE, GENERAL duty, live In. Room and Bonrd, duties to commence at once. When applying give full partlculnrs nnd experience. Watertord Maternity Hospital. Box 402. Waterford. f>nt. HOUSEKEEPER WITH FARM experience. Modern Farm. bv April 15th. 2 adults, Brampton District. References required. J. M. Dolson. Brampton 2. Ont. CYLINDER PRES.<?MAN WANTED, one with some experience on make-ready. Steady poaltinn for steady reliable man. (44-hoHr week). Apply nearest Employ- ment & Selective Servioe Office. FILEâ€" C.R. 2519. EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE ORER- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady position. (44-hour week). Apply nearest Emplovment and Selective Servlcfe Office. FIT,Eâ€" C.R. 2520. FARM HELP WANTED FARMER, SINGLE, TtKtilART.R steady man, for 'general I'.irm work on dairy farm. Experience milking machine, tractor, prefer- red, 70 dollars monthlv plus board, laundry, .^nplv F. Von Pills, Rnknrfarm. TTiirhwav No. 2, Whitby , Ont. Phone Whitby, 950. MARRIED CHORE MAN FOR dairy farm, sep.uate house. State wages and privileges expected In first letter. R. H., Strcets- ville R.R. 3. \ MARRIED MAN FOR UP-TO-DATE fruit farm on Niagara River Boulevard. yearly emplovment, good separate house, free Hvdro, summer wood, garden spot," etc. I lease state natlonalltv. nge, farming experience, size of fam- ily nnd wages expected. C. How- ard Flshrr & ,!tons, Quecnston, Ont. MR. WOOL GROWER ^f, OPF^ItATR A GOVERNMENT I.icen.ied Wool Warehouse and nre prepared to purchase this season's wool clip according to Government Grading Stand.irds and at eafab- llshrrt Government prire.«. You can JPPly vour wool credit against hlnnUet purchases. We do not hsndlc . used woollens. THE f-TIIATHROV WOOLLEN MILL9 I.TIi.. STKATHROV. Ont. 1 f •4 1 i 4 ^' 3, ISSUE 13â€"1945