Wednesday, March 14, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wanted ALFALFA HAY Highett Prices Paid Trent Dehydrated Products, Ltd. Phone 17 Markdalc PROTON STATION Mr. 1). McNichol, Toranto, spent the week end with her father, Mr. Chas. Lyons. Mr. ,Wm. Nichol spent Friday at the home of Mr. Thos. Wyvill. The Pilgrim Holiness Church has been holding their Worker's Conven- tion the past few days. We are sorry to report Lona Hod- (fins hivd the misfortune on Satur- day to fall and break a finger on her right hand, we hope she will soon be able to t>e back at her studies at s<;hool. Mr. and Mr.s. Doug. Clark enter- tained a number of their friends Wednesday night and a good time was enjoyed by all. Pte. Ken Bates, Capip Borden vis- t I Your Spring Needs 'i MASSEY-HARRIS CREAM SEPARATORS Low in price â€" high in quality â€" one of the closest skimmers, and it is good economy to get the cream out of the milk. We have these in stock 600 lb. capacity $70.75; 850 lb. $82.75 MASSEY-HARRIS BINDERS Massey-Harris Binders are noted for dependability today, have enclosed- gears â€" roller bearings â€" modern hydraulic lubrica- tion. To those needing a binder for harvest time, we suggest you call on us now while we have some available to those who qualify; also some mowers and spring tooth Harrows along with some other lines of new and used farm machinery available ELECTRIC BROODERS 3 New Warner Electric Brooders: $42.95. We believe once you have used one of these brooders you wouldn't use anything else- They are economical to operate, reliable, and are constructed to heat colony house as well as just under the canopy. HARNESS and COLLARS We have a good stock of Harness and harness parts, long straw and short straw collars; all sizes. ROOFING â€" Rol Brik Siding and Insul Brick Siding on hand. STOVES â€" New and used. X J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Farm Machinery, Sales and Service Hardware Roofing Cement Feed Phone 4 r 22 Feversham, Ont. I y y y J y y y X •I- y y y y y y y X ^• y •:••:♦♦:♦•:♦•:••: ited over the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roibt. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgins, Owen Sound visited friends in this local- ity over the week end. Miss Margaret Mill.>^, Toronto, is home at present assisting her mother who- has been in poor health lately. Miss Minard, Owen Sound, visited Saturday with Mrs. John Lockhart. KIMBERLEY Mr. E. Heitman spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Heitman. Pte. Shilvolock of Camp Borden, is spending his leave with his wife and children here. Miss Betty Graham and Miss Ruth Ellis of Toronto are having a week end holidav with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Graham. 'Mrs. C. Thompson spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Bur- ritt.' Mi'^" Thelma Ellis of Collingwood spen* " week end with her parents here. Mr. Fred Wickenis and Ireâ€" havp moved to Clarksburg and Mr. and Mrs. Cli<'f Ward to '' ' farm. T1-- W.A. mp* at the home of Mrs. R. Chard' with a good attendance. It was decided to make more plans for the redecoration of *^- church. Syrup making has made a - good start as many have tapped. When your boy comes back from victory abroad will he find victory at home? 3 WEEKS SALE OF CanadaPaint THE RELIABLE PAINT Beginning .Saturday, March 10, take advantage of our money- saving offer of 10% OFF ON ALL COLORS EXCEPT WHITE We will also have our Spring shipment of the popular Luxor paints, Luxor Varnish, and have you tried our Sun Wax? It i? good- Flesherton Planing Mill Telephone 24 CEYLON The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. James L. M-Mullen Sr. and family. Mr. McMullen pass- ed away the first of the week. 'Mrs. Alex Richardson, Markdale, was a recent visitor with Mrs. CampibeJl and Mrs. J. Knox. Miss Mary Jane McTavish and Miss Margot Goessell of Flesherton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stefwart. Messrs. Joe Stauble and Fred Chislett are entertaining their friends to a euchre this Thursday evening, March 16 in the Cevlon Public School. Kindly keep this date in mind and be present. Miss Catherine Stewart, R.N., o(f Owen Sound, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. T. Hogarth and Mr. Ho- garth. iMr. and Mrs. Clarence Bartley, Markdale, were lecent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hant. A very enjoyable time was spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart when 54 jolly folk assembled in spite of the bad road condition, wlych was very nicely solved by the co-operation of J p Stauble's motor-car, and two sleighs and teams driven by W. Ir- win and K. Stewart. There were 12 tables of euchre in play and the high scores were held by Elnva Hamilton and Stan Teeter, with Wm. Shaw getting the lucky prize. The prizes of the evening were donated by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell and the pro- ceeds of the evening were $13.00 Several of our village folk have been out to see the aeroplane which made a forced land''"- at Wm. Hinck's last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tebbutt and Catherine, Elgin, and Donald. Mark- dale, were recent visitors with '"'r. and Mrs. Will Stoddart. P.O. Eric Oliver, Carroll, Man., was a week end visitor with his grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Oliver and R. C. Oliver. Mrs. Drunelle and Miss Jean Copeland Victoria Comers, and Pte. Ivan Copeland, Camp Borden, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Ration coupons now valid are but- ter 90 to 99, preserves 33 to 44, su- gar 46 to 55. Two preserves coupons are now valid each for the purchase of one- half pound of canning sugar. This year the allowance of canning sugar is 10 pounds per consumer. H N A D I N WAY O F LIFE A Chance to Go Fishin' . . . ! YES, and the right to go fishin* . . . the right to enjoy the simple, pleasant things of life! Picnics by the river â€" week-end trips in the old family jalopy â€" these are some of the things that your boy is fighting for today! And he won't be able to enjoy those things, unless we at home 6ght Jorfoim against inflation â€" unless we make su.'-e when he gets back his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protect his dollar, we must realize NOW the dangers of careless, unr. jcessary buying! We must buy only what we need â€" tjever buy two where one will do! We must not evade rationing or price control, or deal with black markets. If we break tne rules, our coiiniry â€" the country he'.s figl'ting for â€"will start on that .spiral of prices known as inflation! Remember! Every time ONE of us breaks ONE of these rules, we're lowering the value of our soldier's dollar. We're helping to shoot prices sky-high . . . and sky-high prices memn inflation. The value of every dollar in Canada goes down, and when the men overseas come back their dollar might buy only a quarter's worth of goods! We can prevent inflation! We can give our fighting man his "right to go fishin' ", if we make sure his dollar will be worth a dollar, when he comes home. We can't giv« back to him his lost years, or his lost youth. But if we keep up the fight against inflation, he can look 'forward to pleasant, satisfying living â€" the Canadian wav of life! Make this Pledge Today! I pledge myself to do my port in fighting inflation: By olM*rvin9 rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By ratpacling prlc* tantrelt and other anti-inflation measures, and -ts- fraining from careless and unneces- sary buying. I will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By bvying Victory Bonds and W:it Sovlaga Stamps, supporting uk- ation, and abidin3 by all .such measures which will loweri!;e cost of living and help keep prices ni ,\ normal level. PitHi>/j*,/ by mu ItKtVkING INIMISTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation. Local and Persooal Miss Jean McCracken qA Toronto was home on Sunday. • ^ Stag Sergt. B. Hass of Toronto was home over the week end. Mr. Norman Craig of BurlioiTton spent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Black. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson were in Toronto for a couple of days last week. Mr. E. D. Bentham of Toronto spent Monday with his mother, Mrs. R. Bentham, Misses Laura Boyd and Jean Mc- Tavish of Toronto spent the week end at their homes here. Mrs. Ed. Fisher returned home last week after spending sefveral weeks with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Brown, in Toronto. Mrsi. Alex. McDonald and little son, Stewart, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Misses Ellen and Alice Turney of Toronto spent several days the. past week with her brother, Mr. Wm. Turney and Mrs. Turney. Mrs. Ida Alexander attended the golden wedding anniversary held on Tuesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. ED- Alexander of Feversham. Dr. T. D. Park expects to have the decorating completed on his oflfice in time to open for consulta- tions on Friday. INVEST IN BEAUTY Dear Neighbor: Flesiherton-Artemesia iH'orticultur- al Society has already proven its value in this district where natural rivals that of any town between Tor. onto and Owen Sound. As a com- munity-minded Canadian you are ur- edi to become a member of this or- ganization. Certainly your interest and influence will greatly contribute to the success of this movement. Whether you are just a flower lover or victory garden enthusiast or both, whether interested in trees for de- coration or production "ou cannot afford to miss the , opportunity of attending meetings such as the So- ciety plans for the coming months. Outstanding speakers, biBautifully colored illustrated addresses, inter- esting discussion groups will be pre- sented. Savings up to twenty-five per cent on purchases from nurser- ies will be yours as a member. This year's premium, a book by the well l(nown horticulturist Henry J. Moore, "The Culture of Flowers'' is listed at $1.25 and will be presented to every one who joins this year. The membership fee is only one dol- lar. Perhaps you are one who will not FARM FOR SALE 75 acre farm, 1 mile south of Van- duleur, on Meaford Road, . 45 acres workable, balance pasture and bush, some cedar. Good barn 36 by 50, ce- ment stables, drive shed and hen house, new windmill, comfortable dwelling covered with asphalt, hard- wood floors, close to church and shonl, 4 miles from Flesherton. Priced right for quick sale. Terms; Apply Howard McGee, Flesherton R. R. 2, phone 73rl5. NOTICE TO^CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Augusta Victoria Nicholson of the Village of Flesherton, deceased. All persons Laving claims against the estate of Victoria Augusta Ni- cholson, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of January, 1945, are hereiby notified to send in to I. B. Lucas, Solicitor for the Executors of the estate of the said deceased, on or before 19th day of March, 1946, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date 'â- ^a Ex- ecutors of this estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased, hav- ing regard only to' the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this a3rd day of February, 1945. â€" I. B. Lucas, Markdale, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TC. CR EDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Thomas Robert Betts of the Township of Artemesia, deceased. AH persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Robert Betts, late of the Tovyrnship of Artemesia, in tho County of Grey, deceased, who died' on or about the 15th day of February, 1946, are hereby notified bo send in to W. E. Harrisi, Solicitor for the Executors of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the 24th day of March, 1945, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediate- ly after the said date th« Executors of this estate will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased', having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclu- sion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they .'^hall not then have notice of for the assets so disitributed' or any "art thpr«>of. Pitod at Markdale this 2nd day â- if March. 1946. - W. E. Harris, Markdale, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exeoutors. personally benefit greatly by your membersihip, however, many aacb t»ve stated that for toe sake of the eonununity they wish to support such a worthwhile enterprise. Any of the Directors will be willinj; to accept your membership fee or yoa may mail or give it to the Secretary, Mr. C. J. Bellamy. Yours for home bejiutification. Sincerely â€" F. B. Keys, President. Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Ajax No. 1 seed oata, Allan A McLean, Priceville, phone Flesherton 49 r3. S&pZ FOR SALE â€" Jersey Cow, 8 year» old, due this week. â€" Thos. Taylor^ Flesherton. 40pl FOUND â€" Sum of money in Bailey butcher shop. Owner prove pro- perty and pay for adfvt. WANTED â€" An«i«tls iraitable tat mink and fox feed. â€" ^Bert Mclntoeli Eugenia, photM Fev«raiir"i 6i25 WANTED â€" Immediately, man to grade eg'gs and other general work. Apply to John McWilliam, 0. & A. Co-operative, Flesherton. FOR SAIiE â€" Rennies* graded and tested No. 1 seeds, quantity of seed oats, chick starteno and chik-r-tabs. Phone 8, K. G. Bctta^ LOST â€" In Fesherton on Saturday, Feb. 24th, two flO bills and one five dollar bill. Finder please no- tify The Advance office. Reward. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire brood sow, due March 20, $85- ^aded ELatah- dans: 2c per lb.; several youngr Rook roosters at S1.50 each. â€" Jos. P^dley, RJB.3, Flesherton. 39p» MEN AND WOMEN Watkins Dealers are making more money today than ever before. Enjoy the security and benfits of affiliation with the OLDEST and LARGEST COMPANY of its kind in the world- All sales records were smashed in 1944 â€" generous bcnuses were paid to all Watkins Dealers. Get into bus- iness for yourself on our capital in your home or adjacent locality. Suit- able travel outfit required. Write now for further information to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-F-l, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal. BUSINESS CAr DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Gvaduace of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton : Saturday afternoon. C. J. BELLAMY Commissioner for TaUns AffidaTlta Clerk of the Village of Flesherton Issuer of Marriage Lisansea Convey andrng Wills, MortKages and Deeds FLESHERTON. (MTTARIO WM. KAnriNG LICENSED AUCTIONEBB for the Gotinty of Grey Farm and Stock sales our ip-^-'alty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction Is guarantee. Dates arranged at 11m Advance office or phone 4w< â- * â- ^ FOR SALE â€" O.A.C. No. 21 barley, also quantity of No-il)arb barley; Oats, Cartier and Alaska, all gov- ernment grade No. 1. â€" A. S. Muir, R.R. 1 Ceylon, phone 49 r 14. FOR SALE â€" Ajax Oats "-rown from reg. seed, also Vanruard Oats; Sebago potatoes grown from cert- ified seed. â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Station, phone 32r31. 39c2 FOR SALE â€" New Improved Knitt- ing Machine, valuable to R- C. or other clubs for men's socks, as it is in good' condition; also set of books "Poultry Farming Cotirse", from Washington, U.S.A., which takes all the guess-work out of poultry ra/eing in every detail. â€" Mrs. Henry Coulthard, Box No. 2, Feversham. S7p3 FARM FOR SALE 125 acres on Third Line of Arte- mesia, half mile east of Portlaw. Barn 50 by 5B stone foundation and cement stables, water in barn. House with stone basement, also cistern. Large drive shed, hen house about 20 by 40, drilled well at door, about 12 acres of hardwood bush, mostly maple. Saugeen River runs across back corner of property. Will sac- rifice for quick sale. Apply to W. J. Jamieson, 131 Perth Ave., Toronto 9, Ontario. 41 4 I