Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Feb 1945, p. 2

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# GOOD OLD FlUPINO CUSTOM Looks like a bad cigarct shortage on Luzon when you see the g-tU puffing away on huge, back cigars. But stogie-smoking by th« ladies is a long-establislied Filipino custom. In photo, a soldier gives a light to one of the native laundresses who keep Yanks looking spruce. VOICE OF THE PRESS TO HOLD THE WATER Drawing water for live stock is a losing game. It would be far easier' to plant trees, retain some •wamps and cultivate across the •lopes in order to hold the water â- where we live and raist live stock. â€" Farmers' Advocate. OUR 1 MPIRE What is the British Empire BOW? For one thing it is a com- monwealth cf free peoples that has luffered one million casualties in this war. â€" Vancouver Province. â€" oâ€" BUT WE DID In our youth everything moved •lower and it took lots longer to get into trouble. â€" The Brandon Sun. RHEUMATIC PAINS? ,ffl-r 7^ ALLENRI with Lemon Juice Men and women who suRcr nagging aches and paint caused by Rheumitiim, Neurim, oi LumbaKu warn to relieve •uch symptoms promptly. To gel such relief ... try ALLENRU! Mix 3 lable- •poont ul (hit fine medicine with one Mblcsponn ol lemon juice in i glast of .waier. Uniuld thousands o( (ollu uM 'ALLF.NRU. Get ALI.ENRU today . . . fl9c ai any drug store. Relieve ^ foclie Pdffl Aspirin Eases Headache Almoit Immediafely Genuine Aspirin's new prices now make it caaier than ever for you to get fast, effective relief from liendnchc iiiiacry. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST See with your own eyes why Aspirin takes hold of piiin a few minutes after taking. Drop an Aspirin Tablet into a gla a of water. Alniunt inntantly it begins to dissolve. And that some fast acaon takes place in your Stomach That's why Aspirin rclievei you so f| ickly :T()r years Canadians have tiled ^n ivspirin lor fast relief, for effective reli-f -aNive all â€" for dependable clicf. Get Aspirin at your drugglsfa to<liiy I Niw RiDuciD mas Pocliol Bon ^t 12 now !•• Economy •otti* f 24 now 39« Family ill* ci 100 now 7«a (S) Aspirin Ths Bayoi ciutt an sach labial It yur auaniiil** that H's Aspirin Many Fine Cattle Saved In Holland Farmers will be delighted to know that many of the fine herds of cattle in Holland were rescued from drowning, when the dikes were opened and the land flood- ed. Allied troops risked their ow^ lives to get some of the prize cattle out of the danger zones. There are some magnificent cattle in Holland and Denmark. The dairy farmers over there hava srpecializcd in raising only the best' herds. Tliey have found that qual- ity products gain the best markets and they have insisted on having only the finest cows. BURMA CHIEF ^â- ^'^''^^1 BH Wj^ s ^H^ ^ ^.•^^MltfHI^^^H^^^^ m HIBrj^'- IIH ^^BWi^ 1 ^H ila^^t0i^ ^k.yJ^i <^ /^ p'^^^ ,^zi fei-^iJE^ 1 Lt.-Gen. Sir William J. Slim, above, commands the British 14th Army, fighting toward the road t'> Mandalay, chief Jap stronghold in central Burma. Canadian Farmer Is His Own Boss One of the biggest compensations In farming is that the operator is his own boss, says the Farmer's Advocate. That is one reason col- lective farming will not be very popular here. Being one's own boss is a priceless privilege. Farmers have found this out when they have accepted employment elsewhere and found that they could not get off to attend a funeral or an auc- ton sale. The London xoo was damaged by IS Cerman robot bombs but no serious harm done to the animals. CHECKED •or Mone/ Sack For quick rrliff from llrhlnccnii«c<l by rrirma. ntlilrlenfddi, iinil>li-». pliniilMBcid other llihlni D. 0. D. PRESCRirriON. i;ip,i»flâ„¢ and iilalnlcM howiliM, toiiilnrn and uuickly olnn InfenMltrliliiK. 1 )on't «iif(er. A«k your <liusiilit today for D. D. O. nmCRIPTION. >*']l!i^''-^ EAT-BLBEP -LOOK ««i^ ' BETAMIN m|{^\VITAMIN B-COMPLBX I '* ' ^ \ l.t'iiili) * 'rulilrl i'liria s6u>ArAU oRva srones Penicillin Saves Prize Guernsey The suspense which has been hanging over Dell Farm at Hard- wick, Mass., is now almost ended, it is reported, and sighs, moos and even bellows of relief can be fanc- ied as resounding through that frozen segment of New England where young Caumsett Spitfire, prize Guernsey bull, had been gasping under an oxygen tent for eleven days, the victim of pneu- monia, says The New York Her- ald Tribune. Although but a weak shadow of his former self â€" his proud figure attenuated because his daily diet has been restricted to half a dozen raw eggs and three quarts of hot oatmeal â€" Caumsett Spitfire is regarded by his attend- ant physician as being "vastly improved," Thi.? magnificent recov- ery is believed to be the result of large shots of penicillin â€" for Spitfire was granted 18,500,000 units lenrous,lestle$s Ol "CERTAIN DAYS" Of Thi Month? If funotlonnt pertodio cllnturtianoM make you foot ncrvoua, cniiiky, hlgti- Btrune, tired, weivk and "driiKKMl out" â€" »t such thuca â€" Bt»rt at awe, try I.Tdls K. riiikltsirv's Vi-Kctnt)l*i Oom- poimcl to rellmo sueti syroptoma. Here's n pro(l\i('t that iicLPa nature. FuUow Inbnl dlrei'tloiiH. I'lnkham'H Couipohnit la uiorf/i (rj/liitf/ Miidu In Cnnndn. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S ^%V;SKS Canadians Best Fed In The World Canadians are the best-fed people in the world and in peace- time cat more butter per capita than any other country, according to Walter F. Mantle of the Prices Board. He said increased demand fo- milk by the armed services and cheese exports to Great Britain necessitated butter rationing In Canada. of this potent drug by special dis- pensation of a kindly War Produc- . tion Board. Caumsett Spitfire's case is not- able because he is said to be the first animal to be treated with pen- cillin. The drug is reported to be in such sufficient supply tiiat the abundant treatment given the 900.- pound sufferer need cause no ad- vers-e comment from those who might believe our battlefronts must endure shortages because of a bovine invalid. University Courses For Ex-Servicemen Universitiei in Canada are plan- ning courses to meet almost every need of ex-servicemen who plan to take advantage of the educational grants provided for them after the war, according to Dr. W. J. Dun- lop, director of extension studies at the University of Toronto. The all-over Canadian program plans to insert a third term into the usual two-term year so that veterans may begin their studies in early spring, studying through the usual vacation period and tlius fit themselves to continue their next year when the fall term opens, ht said. Thus ex-servicemen will have the equivalent of the full four-year course before degrees .ire granted, with a saving of one year in time. ACCOUNTANTS A AUDITORS INCOME TAX liBPOIITS COM- plete Bookkeeping: Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., 8 Wellington St. E., Toronto. Ont. ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX Service. Will po to any town. No account too small. Walter G. Boyd, 31 S.-iIem Avenue, Toronto. LXim- b.-ird C861. BEACHES MODEL HOME" OVERLOOKIXf; LAKE O.VTARIO. You mny win this JlO.Onn model home for $1.00. Write for your shares tod.T.v. ($1.00 cnoh) to Tie.Tches Business Men'.s As.cooln- tlon. Toronto 8. Your receipt will be m.iiled promptly. Tirnw to be made May 2-lth. Proceeds for wnr <"'haritles. IIAItV CHUNKS tl.OO HOOKS VOVR URUKIt ORnER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from euaranieed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. esga or better. Barred Rocks mixed $12.00 per 100. White LeBhorna mixed $11.00 per lOli Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100. white LeKhorn Pullets $22.00 per 100. white Rocka mixed $15.00 per 100. white Rock Pullets $24.00 pel 100. Brown leghorns mixed $13.00 per 100. Brown leK- horn puHets $24.00 pei lUO. W* Buarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Chatham Ontario. UAIIY CHICKS WR CAN GIVK PROMPT SHIP- ment of .chicks In many breeds, also cockerels and pullets. Writs for prices and Information. Poul- trykeepers .ire advised that Feb- ruary and March chicks are need- ed for production of egss when Britain needs them. Order now. Bray Htni'hery, ISO John N.. Ham- ilton, Ont. UAIIY CHICKS 6000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks whDn you want them. Orders are pouring in. Breeder Hatcheries are always â- old out early. Don't take chancca on ordinary chlcka. Place your order NOW. Pure Bicd Sussex, Large Type Leghorns. Sussex X New Ilamps., Sussex X Leifhorna, RoL'k X Leghorns, Rock X New Hamps.. Barred Rocks. Send for large lllu.strated Catalogue and Price List. Lakevlew Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exet^^r, Onl. MOMCTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS FOR SUCCKSSâ€" When buying chicks for success you must buy chicks with breeding, llvablllty, and with proper care you will bo certain of production for profit. Monkton Poultry Farm Breeders are all Oovernment In- Bpocted, banded, and blood-testnd. Write for 194D prices and (Mt- aloguo. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, Monkton, Ontario. B R A S S A R IJ'.S BIX)On-TKSTED chicks. Wft specialize In one breed. Hollywood Strain WIUH Leghorns, large bird.-) and chalk while eggs. Pullets $30.00 per 100. Mixed $10.00 per 100. $1.00 booka order. Brassard's Hatchery. Aults- vllle, Ont. KKHHUARV BARGAINS IN COfK- orels while they last. Whlto Leg. horns !i6c per hundred: New Hamp.HhlrcH 3.90; I,lKht Sussex, liiirred Rocks 4. 96; VVhlt.i Itocka R.ilfi. Order at once. We are mail- ing our 1946 cutaloguea now. If you haven't received ytuir copy coiid for It at once. Order your non-aexod and pullet chicks be- fore Feb. 28th. Y'^ou can savi money by ordering oarly. Listen to our radio programmo over CKNX WIngliam every Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. and every Wednesday ovenlnK at 8.45 p.m. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed. Fergus, Ont. IIIIOAO IIRKASTKU S|ISNIi}.\ COX THOUSANDS AVAn.,ABLR WEIOK- ly. If you order at once. Our Driiad Breasted Suasex cox brIiiK top prices on the market. White .skinned, long rounded breasts. Also Now Hamp. cox with fast fc'rowth and fontherlnK. Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X liOgliorna make good roasters and grow •fast up to 4-5 lbs. Vou can buy those for $4.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100. All from our well-brod, heiilthy, blood teated broodora. 6000 llreed- •rs on ONK plant. Lakevlew I'oultry Farm, Weln Bros., I'ixeter, Ontario. OltDIOIJ YOUR S,-C. WHITK LK«- honi duv-old chicks from a breed- er hatiliory. Stock l>lood tested and banded by O. B. 8. Wllf A. <!ln/.ler, Cllnl"n, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH lOVKRY UUUISH CI' 1110 PUI, let chlcka, we give 100 fre« chlcka (our choice). l,«Khorn pullets $22.96 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19 115 iier 100. White Rock Pullets $24.05 per IOC. Brown leg- horn i>ullets $24.96 per IflO. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance t: O.D. Gunraiileed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery. Chatham. Ontario. an i<-iiicn ciiuiks OUn rOUNDATlON SFOi K 18 registered and pedigreed birds. .Nolliing better In Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and femnlea- Bar- red Rocks, $lli uO per hundred: White Leghorns. $11.00; Whilt Rocks. $1500: llrown Ltghorna $1J.00, Pullet prlcei: Barred Rocka. $liiOO; White l.eghoin.". $22.00; White Rocka, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00 25 fret chicks, our choice, will bn given for each 200 mixed rhlckn order- eil and 26 frea chlcka for each too day old pullets crdered Oaddard Chick Hatchery. Hrl- tannta Halghti, Ontario. HAIIV CHICKS WRITE FOR OUR NEW 1945 PRICE list on Barred Rock, Redrock, Leghorn and Legrock chicks. Liberal discount on early ordera. C. S. Deebank. Moullnette. Ont. BETTER ORDER YOUR LI.NCOLN Government Approved Chicks now. New Hampshire. Barred Rocks, and New Hampshire X Barred Rock Hybrids. Bookings heavy. Write for our catalogua and price list. Lincoln Chick Hatch, try, 2 Race Street. St. Cathar- ines, Ont. Post Office Box 304. R.O.P. SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Pmiltry Farm. Altnna Rd., R.R. 2. PICKERING, ONT. DOXT \sPRE.\n YOUR CHICK dollars too thin. Quality chicks moan mui'h to your success as a poultryman. Good chicks from Govei'iiment Approved bloodtested .stock have a better chance to liveâ€" buy quality Instead of quan- tity In chicks you start. Send for catalogue and early booking prlce- today. We have some genuine bargains on heavy breed cocker- el.i for February delivery. Prices as low as 3.75 per hundred. Top Notch Chickeries. Guelph. Ont. ORDKIl VOIR CHICKS NOW AND VOU ARE GUARANTEED yotir chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100. white leg- horn.« mixed $11.00 per 100. Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white leghorn pullets $22.00 per IfHi. Heavy Breed Ckls. $6.00 par inn, Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 o«. eiTf.-.'! or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. DYEING AND CLBANINO H.VVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for information. Wa ara gla^ to answer your question!. Depart- ment H. Parker'a Dye Worka I-lmlted, 701 Y'onsa Street, To- ronto. III'SINESS OPPOHTUNITIES SMALL COUNTRY STORE, PRK- ferably with Post Offica or Gaa Station but not essential. Full partlculiir.'f first letter. Box 10, 7.'! Ailelnlde St. W., Toronto. Ont. HAIRDRIOSSINa LEARN HAIR11RESSIN0 THE Itobertaon method. Information on request regarding classea. Robertson's Halrdresslng Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FOR SALB PUPPIES INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION SlItEP rEDICUEEU - REGISTERED AT \vesti:rn ont.\rio's largest registered cocker kennels CEE HAZE KENNELS (REGISTERED) 209 Praedo Place, Riverside ICIJOCTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., To- ronto. DURNFORU KENNEliS, COCKER spaiiiel puppies, red and black. Choice clianipion registered stock. 7f.3 GIlcH KH.><t. Windsor, Ont. AT STl'D: SPRINGER SPANIEU IniiHii'ted England, Beagle hound. Field Trial Winner. Registered, Trent Valley Ki-nnels. U. 3, Pcter- boiti. Ontario. TWO BLUE TU'K MALE HOUND Puiis, 8 months old. J. Button- ehaw, Bowmanvllle, Ont. IlEREFORH P.IIL1,S, REGISTEU- od. conUng two, good type, low act, priced right. Apply A. E. Nokcs. iMnnlllu, Ont. I REGISTEREK llEREFt)RD Bulls, 12 to 14 numths. Shod by our American Herd Sire, W.ll.R. Ideal Domino, I25li30, who h«» sired ninny show wlnnara. Prices reasonable. Clifford Black, Cale- don. Otit. ON'l'AliU) (HtOWN 2 PURITY I TIniotliy Seed. Germination 95%. lOWc lb. PlnkeTlon. Bags free. Sold In tiiibrokcii 120 lb. bags only. Cash with order. Roy Cruniin, Seed Merchant. I'inkerton. ALLOW AY LODGE OFFERS CHOU)E ANGUS lUll.lJJ of service- able agi-. Bred llclfora for Herd foundation. D. E. McEwen, R.R. 4, London, Ontario HAUNK.S.S. S.-Vli|i|,K.S, RKPAIUKO, decoriited ctiwboy bridles. all alzes. Mauley's Harnusa Shop, Hrlgden, Ont. STRAU'lli'.RltY PLANTS, ASPAR- agus, ra.spticrrle.i. peach trees, apples, pears. plums, cherries, Krapes. currants, shniba, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery. SImcoe. Ontario. CO.MPRESSOR FOR SAIJO, WITH \\t H.P. motor and tank com- plete. 7 cubic feet air capacity. As good as new. Craft Wartime indu.stries. 42S Cannon St. K., namllton. Ont. tiRliFI! YOUR PACKAGK REK-f. OR nuclei, now for May delivery, lloa nuclei. MOW for May delivery. l;o«evle« .Vplarles, llawkestona. tiiitarlo. FOR S.\I.E REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND Commercial Grain and Grass Seed. Price List now ready. Write, phone or wire for copy New field Seed and Nursery Farms, Nipawin, Saskatchewan. BROODER STOVES â€" USE FUEL oil or keroseneâ€" =jio wicks J S. Rea ding. 650 Dougrall Ave., VV nd- Bor. Ont. ONE NO. 3 MONITOR CLOVER .A.ND Timothy Seed Cleaning Machine In good condition, complete with 60 Sections of Screens. R. Cramm, Pinkerlon, Ont. LUMP.EltMEN â€" LOG SCALES, handy calculator, 25 cents post- paid. The Outlook, Middleton. Nova Scotia. REGI.STKIIED NO. 1 KING GOLD SEAL HYURID SEEU CORN 86 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES, VAR- letles suitable for both ensilage and grain, also a full line of Seed Oats. Write for prlca Hat. The King Grain & Seed Co., Pain Court. Ont. ( REGISTERED SHORTHORN dual purpose Bulls, halt brothers to Champion and Grand Champion, Gait Fair. Two ready for service, accredited herd. For full particu- lars. E. Bagshaw. 427 Avenua Roud, Toronto. ATTENTION FARMERS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of new and used Pipe and Fit- tings. Steel Stable Poats, Boiler Tubes. Ralls, Plates, Structural Steel Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Belting. Machinery, Boilers. Tanks etc. We can aava you money. Samual Bierstock & Sons. 165 Palmer Ava., Kitchener, Ont. FARMS FOB SALE 18500 BRIMLEY RD. SCARBOR- ougrh Township, 6 milea from To- ronto, 24 acraa, good garden land, modern stable, frame house with â- Ix large rooma, hardwood floora. running water In houa* and stable, heavy wiring In both, about 1 acre of good orchard. TORONTO CITY REALTY. 2330 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. 100 ACRES, IM MILES BAST OF Dundalk. on county road. 185 acres under cultivation, over 60 acres ready for crop, good build- ings, cement atabling, water In barn, good housa with furnace, farm well fenced, possession any time. WILBERT GREEN DUN- DALK, R. 4. or Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk. 110 ACRES HALF MILH SOUTH OF Kenllworth, 7 miles north of Arthur on paved highway. Six- roomed brick house, large bank barn, $3,600. APPLY McMaater and McMaster, 2859 Dundaa St. West. Toronto. SMALL FARM CONTAINING TWEN- ty acres, buildings, for sale or would trade for small farm near large factory work. Frank Dewey. Qoodcrham, Ont. 130 Ai'iti:;; mop.i: ok !j:fi," with or without stock and farm Im- plements, dwelling house, etc. Township of Longueuil Prcscott County â€" 1 mile from Town. School. Church, electricity, running water. Apply John B. Woods, Solicitor, Hgwkcshury, Ont. MEDICAL, STOMACH AND rHRl';All WtlU.MS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans, all ugcs. .No one Im- mune! Why not find lut '* this la your troubler par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Muiveney'a Remedies. Specialists Toronto ,1 GOOD RESOLUTION â€" EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Nouritis should try I'lxon's Rem- edy. Muiiro's Drug Store. 335 F.lgin. Ottawa. I'ostpaid $1.00. BAUMKEKA FOOT RAIJVI DE- stroys oTtenslvo odor Instantly. 46c bottle, Ottawa agent, Dennuin Drug Store. Ottawa. NATliRKS HEIJ^â€" DIXON'S REM- ed.v for Uhoumatlo Pains. Neur- itis. Thuuannds pralsInK It. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid Jl.UO. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRIOK A. BODDlNG'l'ON liUVS. sells, exchanges mu-iical Instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. MACIIINI'.'R^ SI''.l'All.iTOII REPAIRS WORN DIKCS ARK ISUAIJ.Y THE first Cream Separator trouble. We ro-space and retin them, whfn not too badly worn, to give the •uual of new Disc service, for one third to one quarter the cost Bowl reliiilanclng also, as well as retlnnlng • and refitting of aII parts. .Symons' Metalworkers. UOCANVILLE, Saskatchewan. OITOiniXITlKS FOR WOMEN â€" - BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CAN.VDA'S UnADlN'O SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn llttlrdrcsslng Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands succc.isful. Marvel graduatc.H. Ameilcii's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalottu* free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINQ SCH(.X>LS 868 BLOOlt W.. TORONTO Branches: 44 King St.. Hamilton. A 74 likleau Street. Ottawa. »>l'PORTUNITIES MEIN * WOMEN ABC SIldUTHANU I'PUCniASI the books and train yourself In 10 weeks. Frea folder Illustrates this aaay ayitam. Cassan Systems, ToroQtok *No Children' Canada isn't the only country where the "no children" sign ii hung out by landlords. The other day a Spokane couple placed this want-ad in a Spokane paper: "House Wanted, also cage, garage, shed or wherever two animals called children may live." It' got results, as thos.e little want-ads so often do. Before a day was out they had heen offered a five-room furnished bungalow. â€" Lethhridge Herald. WIN PRAISE for your coffee . . . serve Maxwell Hou!>e â€" the stimulating blend of Latin^American coffees with deeply satis- fying flavor. Make Max- well House yoeu- regular coffee. •1 \ OFFER TO INVEXTOR9 AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co. Reeistered Pateni Attorneys, 27S' Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada, PERSON.\L NEW DISCOVERY, TESTED. SAVEH 45i^c gasoline, guaranteed. Send stamped envelope for information. 8. BrodJg. Vlina. Alta. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUOH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established Booklet of Information on re- que.'^t. PHOTOGRAPHY .« TIME TESTED QUAUTY ^ SERVICE ahd SATISFACTION 1 Tour films properly developed and printed « OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS Z&c REPRINTS t tor 2Sc FINEST ENLAROIWi; SERVICE You may not get all the films yoa want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desirt by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICB Station J. Toronto PHOTOGRAPHY FILM DEVELOPED. 6 PRINTS, one 5 X 7" enlargement. 35c. Re- prints, including 116, 3c each. Nelson Photo Service, Sault St» Marie. Ont. CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't rislc losing your pictures. Snaps can't be taken over ugaia Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Sise Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED J5c T Bet best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes u customer j^,_ Nova Scotia, who adds that she haa "" tried many places. SPECIAL ALB&M OFFER New Style Album With I'l-mts seizes lS-20-lL'7 if 2110 (4e e.xtra) is sent with trun roll. ENL.VRGEMENTS- COLOKED AND FR.\MED Knlargements 4 x 6" in btuutiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed, on Ivory tinted mats. 7 x ii" in Ciold, Silver. Circassian Walnut or Black Sbony finish frames, o'.'c each. It enhusement colored. T'.'c each. STAR SN|)|ttlOT SERVICE Box 123. PosT>''^^crmiual A. Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on â- * K A. â- t^v I'l. Orders. l'l.\NO!i IS YOi."R riANO I'UOIU.E.M SOLV- ed'; U not. write us. b'tictory Mason & Risch, 64:' Kmg St West, Tori.tnto. â- >EEl>!> A.-mta'-A, CLOVERS, TL\1UTH\. I'TrMUient I'ttsturo Uiasses, Hy' brid Corn, all No. 1. Best prices. Stewards Seed Store. Bovvman- viUe, (.ynt. y t râ€"â€" ^=r^==^ • WANTEU UNOTVl'E WANTEU, M). 5 OR 8 Model, give full p.nliculars to Wilson Publishing To.. 73 Ade- laide St. \V., Toronto. WANTED: PROTESTANT SCHOOL Teacher for Junior 11 races to cuiu- monce duties September llMi. jVp- ply stating uualificaiion.s and salary expected to Ii. V . Stcdman, Secretar>. Kewagamu. i."ounty AbltiOi, ijuebee. AH, KINPS i.)F POl'LTltV WANT- ed. live or dressed. Write M. P. MuUoii. 33 Jarvls, Toronto. UEI.P WA\Ti:i> 880 PER .MONTH FOK CENERAL Domestic or helper In kitchen of Hosplial'to live in. When apply- Ins givo full particulars. Water- ford Hospital, Box 4e:, Wiiier- ford, Ont. COOK CKSKKAU S.'UAI.l. FA.VIILI', ploasanl surrouiulings, Kood wages. IScterenees retiuued. Mrfc Stai^lcy Thomson, 401) Kus.scU HIU Road, I'oiest UUI Villiigc, Toronto. »SI6.tiU REC. NURSE, OENKRAL duty, live In. Room and Board. duties to conuuence at once. WlisB applying giw full particulars aM» experience. W«t«rford Maternity Ho.tpital. I'.Q x 402, VVaterford. Out, 150.00 MONTHLY, CAPABLE OIRU Sencral housawork, two chUdrsn. odor's home. Apply or writ* jttrs. N. Sole, 424 Main East. Ham- HKl.p WAKTKU <b. HXPKRIENCEO MAN. SINOLB Pf«t»''Cyd. for general farraloB ???'â- ,„"'â- *'"' Vallsy, no milking, 875.00 monthly. I.«\vrence U«»r, R.R. .No. 2. Orton. RKlJABia-: MIDUIJS-AOED MAN or strong lad for farm near To- ronto. Cood milker and teamstsr. Yearly cmploymsnt, Kood horn*. Statewagtv;. Box J. N,>«shviU». C.VPABLK SINOl.K M A N JXIR I'rult Farm. Comtonable honi*. Charles Pointing. HeiUMville, Ont A k » ISSUE Sâ€" t84S

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