^qp" â- ft THE FLBSHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, February 7, 1945 > / ^ ^ * r 4- 4. iL ^ ^ * M ^ ^ * r * * i A '<» Â¥ » >t r I â- a _A > ^ ^ ^ * ROCK MILLS (ilnitended for Last Week) The heavy snowfall on Monday made many oif the roads heavy ai;ain. We extend our sincere spmpathy to Mrs. A. Caoneron and family in their siadi bereavement by the passing of their dear huaband and father. Miss Ruby Dobson of Durham spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard re- turned to their home in Toronto on 43a;tur<iay. The Russell family T|eeived word on Friday at the ai^ at their brother-in-law, Jamea iSnton of Vic- toria Comera, the funeral tooik place Monday afternoon. Much syirnpathy la extended to Mrs. Linton and fam- ily in their sad bereavement. MED â€" At his. home on the Col- lingwood gravel, on Wednesday eve- Bdng, January 24th, 1946, Alfred^ Partridige, 77 years of aige. Thte late Mr. Piartridge had resided in this cojnmnnity most of his life and was well known and highly res'i>ected and was a good and helpful neighbor. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon with service in Plesherton Baptist Church conducted by Mr. F. B. Key^ Interment was made in Flesherton Cemetery Chapel. A ho&t of friends join in extending sym- pathy to the bereaved family in the loas of a kind and loving father. VICTORIA CORNERS Olmission in »the obituary of the late James A. Linton were the nv^tte Mr. Edwin Purvis, Torowto, t^ a fkuwer-bearer and intermentv ^^ivas nade in the Mortuary Chapel, Pfesh- »rton. Mr. and Mrs. John r^uncan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duncan and Mr. Walter Acheson, the latter who ac- xnnpanied Mr. George Duncan, Dun- 3alk, attended the funeral in Shel- aume on Tuesday afternoon of Mr. Howell, father of Mrs. CShristie lohnston. On Tuesday, Mrs.' W. G. Talljot returned to her home here following aer operation in the Toronto General Jospital, and ten days, convalescence it the home of her nephew, Mr. Herb Akin® and' family. We are glad to learn Mrs. Talbot's condition is making favorable progress. Mrs. Walter Acjheson. visited' on Tuesday with Mrs. George Duncan iphile the men attended the funera'i 4t Shelbume. Miss Viola Comett, Dundalk was a week end guest of her sister, Mr®. Gordon Batchelor. Their mother, Mrs. Sam Cornett spent Sunday in the Batchelor home and was accom- panied on her return with Viola. Mrs. Wilfred Gallagiher enjoyed a .'ery pleasant motor trip this week and when Miss Raye Smiili, Neu- atadt, picked her up on Friday ev- ening and took her to Toronto. From Torontto, aocompaniedi by the form- er's son, Kingsley, and the latter's sister, Miss Lorraine Smith, the party miotored to Hunbsville, home disitriot of the girlis, and attended the sports events' there. The farm may not be a place where a man can make a lot of dioiU!g<h but it might be a swell place to live if all he, wanted was food shelter and safety. GRATITUDE I A widow- has recently writ- ten US: "I owe youi a lebt of gratitude for the way in which you have handled ray accounts" The same service is available to youj. Simply send in your list to-day and watch the pleasing results follow. No collection, no commission. KELLY & AIKEN Collection Specialists Orangeville, Ontario I t t t X I X X X X in VANOELEUR Mrs. Jaa. Cargoe spent a few days Toronto. Word was received that .Pte. John Boland has arrived, overseas. Sympathy of the oommainity is ex- tended to Mr. Joe. Buchanan and family in the sudden death of their daughter and sister, Miss Lillian Buchanan. "Is Co-operative Marketing Ef- ficient? was the subject for disioue- sion at the weeky meeting of the Farm Forum, which was. held in the Community Hall on Monday even- ing, Feb. 5th with Mrs. Burrell and Miss Myrtle Fawcett in charge. Two groups, were formed with Miss Con- neia and' Myrtle Fawcett .as secre- taries and a good discussion followed. The Forum felt that all farm pro- duct* should be mariketedi through co-operative marketing agencies, al- so, that the processing of ai'l farm products sihould be the ultimate ob- jective and that the practices and principles of the Rockdale Pioneers 'hould be applied to all our co-op- arative endeavour. Following the recreation period, lunch was served by all menibers. The next meet- ing will be at the home of Mr. and Trs." Jim Cargo. The profpcKia wfll have skWTie Valentine features and ^Trs'. Fitzsinunons and Mrs,. Andy Fawcett wiM have charge. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fawcett enter- tained the Farm Forum for their yeeikly meeting on Monday evening, lanuary 29th. Mrs. W. G. Bowles icted. as. chairman. It was "Review Might" and following the broadcast a good discussion took place on the work of the Federation of Agricul- hire, and -on action projects. A list of projects being carried out by For- ims across Canada, was read by the Secretary. He also read the rules ind regulations of school dental clin- ics, and it isi expected that one will !>e started in the local school in the near future. The recreational pro- rram was in charge of the secretary, H. I. Grrham who read an outline if the life of Bibbie Burns. A num- ber of his poems were also read. Crokinole, checkers, etc. followed. Lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be in the com- munity Hall with prpgressive cro-- kinole and other games for the re- creational program. Miss. Myrtle Fawcett and Mrs. Burrell will be in charge. All members bring lunch al- so crokinole and checker boards, etc. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. Wm. Davies of Toronto visit- id with her aunts, Mrs. Jas. Morri- son and Mrs. Fred Brown last week. Mr. Wm. Love and Mrs. W. Scott )f Markdale were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. T. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrave of Rock Mills visited with the latter's nother. Mrs. J. Humiphrey. Mrs. Minnie Lever is spending mime time with relatives' in Toronto. A number of this line attended a ,Tokinole party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed LoucfkS. East Back Line, recently. A Montana newspaper has solved its office-boy problem by engaging a lad of 82 years. It is expected that he will escape the draft. Policeman (to a gentleman stagger- ing home at 3 a.m.) â€" "Where are you going at this time of night?" "To a lecture.'' A backwoodswoman, the soles of whose feet had been toughened by a lifetime of shoelessness, was stand- ing in front of her cabin, fireplace one day when her husband addressed her: "You'd better move your foot a mite, maw, you're standing on a live coal." &nd she, nonchalantly: "Which foot, paw?" 8TH LINE OSPREY The Farm Forum group met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cy Crawford last Monday evening with quite a large attendance. "A crockinole was nuch enjoyed after which a delicious unch was served by the hoartieee. The neeting this week ie at the Hawlkens lome, Mrs. Jas. Oittewell is assisting at ;he home of Mrs. Alex Cameron. Mrs. 3ameron is suffering from a severe ittaidk of pleuresy. We hope she will ioon be well again. Miss Lois Williams of Owen Sound pent the week end at her parental lome here. The euchre party this week was leld at the home of Mr. and Mrsv W. Ljawler. A very enjoyable time was lad by all. It was decided to hold a iuohreand dance this Friday even- ng, Feibruary the 9th in the Orange Hall, Fevorsiham. A charge will be nade and the proceeds given to the Red Cross or some other War Work- .ng Funds. Mrs. Ed Graham and son, Victor of ClaTkislburg spent Sunday with Mrs. Alex Cameron and Don. Miss Dorothy Jamieson of Toronto spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler received \vord the other day that their grand- son had the misfortune to have his jollar bone broken, while he and his father were working in the bush. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Marilyn of Mt. Forest spent Sunday with Mr. md Mrs. Arthur Lawler and family. (Intended for last week) The Farm Forum met at the home yt Mr. and Mrs. John Haley last Monday evening with 38 in atten- lance. After a short discussion an interesting program was presented oy Mrs. Arthur Lawler, after which euchre and dancing was enjoyed. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Cy Crawford, at which a •rockinole party will be in progress. Mr. Peter Somers spent last week with his wife at Mildmay. Mr. James Ottewell spent Sunday afternon with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ot- tewell 10th Line. Miss Jean Ottewell has gone to Duntroon where she has secured a oosition. Mr. Gerald Magee spent a couple y{ days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens and Helen Marie spent S\inday last ^vith Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson at ,^ock Mills. j A number of folks were entertain- id to a euchre party t the Murphey lome Friday evening, at which a /ery enjoyable time was spent. Sincere sympathy of the commun- ty is extended to the bereaved of the ate Alex Cameron and the late Al- 'red Pai-tridge. SPECIAL 1 :: <> :; FRONT QUARTERS OF BEEF | 18 Cents, cut ready to wrap X HIND QUARTERS OF BEEF | 24 cents, cut ready to wrap t Bailey's Buldier Shop I Phone 47 FLESHERTON, Ont. I I FEVERSHAM We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Davidson ill in CoUingwood where he had' gone to visit friends for a few days. A week ago Monday he .uiffered a partial stroke and till remains much, the same. His wife md sister, Mrs. Fred Hale, are at (lis bedside at the home of Mrs. Sproule. His many friends here lope he will soon be well again. ,Mrs. Blakely of the 3rd Line is as- fisting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Parker, who has been ill, Dut is. improving. Mrs. Gordon Dixon, North Bay ar- nved Monday to spend a few days Arith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Park- jr. Mrs. Elwood Dobson and little son, Dennis, Town Line are visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long. Mr G. Eby, Marion, Mrs Donald- son and Mrs. H. McKee spent Sun- day with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. Eby, who had been in Owen rJo'und since Friday returned home vith them. Mrs. Harry Hannon and daughter. \da, Bad'jeros. vi«ited Saturday with ler sister, Mrs. Wm. Heitraan. Mrs. Geoi-ge Gould and daughter. Sheila, Ravenna, spent a week at the home of ' erdausrhter, Mrs. Bur- on H'udao.n.. A Valentine Social will be held !i. he Orange Hall on Wednesday, February 14th at 8 p.m. under the uispiees of the Ladies Aid of the Presibyterian Church. Proceeds to >e used for sioldiers' boxes. There .vill be a short programme, games contests, etc. Lunch will be served. JiJjver collection taken at the door. Jome, brimg the children and help iheer the boys in uniform. A Hanovjr sage says: "The post- war prospect of going back to eamin' what they're worth bothers a lot of folks." EUGENIA We extend our sdncere sympathy M Mrs. Alex Cameron and sons, and relaitives in their sad bereavement -aused by ,the recent death of her nusband. We hope that Mrs. Cam- eron, who ha been quite Ul with an itjtack of pleunisy will soon be well again. We are glad to report Don ible to be out again after his ilbiese. Mrs. Jim Ottewell, 8th Line, is as- sisting in the Cameron borne at pre- sent. Mrs. Wiil Graham, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Neil MacDonald, iit present. lOpl. Ruth Grummell visited re- cently with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ^m Paul, prior to her re- turn to Regina, Saak., wheie she ex- oects to get her discharge from the (W.D.) of the R.C.A.F. Cpl. Grum- neW (nee Mi^ Ruth Nixon) was. in training at Dunnivilile, while Opl. Arg:yle Mai/tin was an instructor at ,he RX!.A.P. training school there. Miss Lillian M'agee of Toronto was' a week end visitor with her par- >nts. Ml, and Mrs. Bert Magee and ore there. We were very sorry to hear that Mis. Jbe PorteouB (nee Rowena ila- ?ee) of Maxwell had to undergo an >peration for appendicitis in Col- lingwood Hospital on Thursday of ast week. Our best wishes are ex- ..ended to her for a complete and speedy recovery. The Misses Mary and Isabel Ma- ?ee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto ypent the week end at the former's parental home. They enjoyed ski-ing m the hills while here. Miss Selena Duckett has gone to Toronto where -she has' accepted a x)sition. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Magee re- ;eived the news that their skin, Del- oert who was with the Medical Corps s'omewhere in England has leen transferred, to the Ordanance Jorps. We wish him success. Messrs. Gordon Stewart and Ron- nie Dinsmore of the Northern Transport Co. visited at the "orm- ir's. home over the week end. Mrs. Stanley Campbell and Jac- luelinc visited with her daughter, Mrs. Rowe, in Flesherton recently. Mrs. Ed Graham and son, Victor )f Thornbury visited with Mrs. A. 3a.meron and Don on Sunday. Miss Dorothy .Tamieson and broth- er. Wesley, were home from Toronto wer the week end. Miss Dorothy Genoe, accompanied ,-)y Miss Dorothy Ottewell of Tor- o'nto. spent the \veek end with the .ormer's father. Mr. D. Genoe, Eu- Te.nia North. Mrs. Alex MacDonald of Weston jisitpd over the week end with Mrs. J. Cairns and Shirley and with Mr. md Mrs. Frank (3aims. Billie Magee. elder »n of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee, has been ill .vith tonsilitis the past week or sw. We hope he will soon be well again. Mr Nerval Betts took a sleigh ,oad to Kimberley last Thursday lighf to isee the show. On Friday evening, Feb. 16, the «-holars of the Sunday School en- ,,oyed a sleigh ride around by Rock Mills and back to the church again ivhere a hot supper awaited them. Borland Campbell used his team and deigh for the trip and a vote of ,hanks .is tendered him for giving lis services free. On Tuesday evening of last weeR he Y.P.U. enjoyed a social evening n the church basement. Games were dayed followed by a program of •ommunity singing, readnigs, and .-ontests after which a lunch of sandwiches' and cookies, and cocoa were served. Miss Lois William® of Owen Sr-und was a week end visitor with her parents. Mr. and Mr , Albert WiWiams. 8th Line. Congratulations to Mr. Garfield Case who won the election in North Gi-ey. Srimnnthy is extended to the Par- t'-idge family. Rock Mills, in their â- •'â- '•"nt "'ifl bereavement. :; ♦»»<»»»«»<>»»>««»«»»4^;»»«><"KK>»><'<'<^><K'<'4"fr<fr«>»*<'«»>»<' EGGS This year a heavy production of eggs is again expected and will be far greater than our home market can absorb. No doubt you all know that enormous quantities of eggs were exported to Great Britain last year in powder form to con- serve shipping space Now, the people of the British Isles would sooner have eggs in shell. Since this is our only available export market it is up to the producer and the shipper of eggs to give them the best possible product. Since it takes considerable time for transit, the duty of the producer is to use every means to keep the eggs clean and to market as frequently as possible. Our duty is to put the eggs in the best possible coHtainers to assure clean and safe arrival. Every egg has to be stamped by us with the word "CANADA" in order that its source will be known. In this way a future market, and we hope a permanent one, will be estabHshed for a good product. Till further notice the Creamery will be closed Saturday nights Flesherton Creamery & Produce Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager | PRICEVILLE On Friday night a party was held dt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I'Hsher when a very enjoyable time .vas spent in dancing. Good music .vas supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Fadden. Proeeds for watch fund. On Tuesday night Mrs. Dan Camp- oell was hostess to the Y.P.S. when i igood time was spent. Several contests were enjoyed. Bingo A'as ilso one of the games played. Ken ind Laurie McKeehnie, Shirley liineks, Mrs. John Nichol Sr., Pte. Willis Sayers and Nellie McLean won uhe prizes. Messrs. Eldon & J. C. McLachlan, Jrillia. visited their uncle, Mr. John McLachlan, who is not very well. The Y.P.S. is to be held this week at the home of Mrs. Sims. Mrs. Percy Sims returned home ifter spending a few days at Guelph. All present enjoyed the dance ait che home of Mr. .4rt Idle, recently. Pte. Willis Sayers returned to Camp Borden, after two weeks spent it his home. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Whyte and family in their time jf sorrow. VICTORIA CORNERS I It is highly advi««ble that you j face realities. If you turn your back to them you almost invariaBly get kicked in the pants. Wars are won by action and not by talking and s.^metimes. we fear that pe-ice may have to be won the â- same way. If Churchill has a hand full of kings he can't be accused of l)luffing, and he may win the pot unless his opponents can show a hand full of aces. * An old Scottish woman was wand- ering around the local museum with her grandson. Then they came to the usual statue of Venus de Milo, with half an arm missing on one side •nd the whole arm cut away on the other. "There ye are, my lad," said the old grandmother, wagging her fing- er at the youngster. "That's what comes o' biting your fingernailsu" A very eaijoyable evening was spent Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright when chey entertained their friends to a euchie party. There were eight lalbles in play and high score prizes Afent to Mr. Wibert Fisher amd' Mra. J oil.; Louj-heed. ProceeAs of the ev- ,mng amounited' to $6.66 which goes to the W*r Wtorkers fund. We extend our deepest sympathy o Mi's. Alex Cameron and sons of Eugenia in the eath of a dear hus- oamd and father. Mr. Cameron was prominent in business affairs and flras widely known and highly re- garded by all. Mrs. John Lougheed, Elaine and Mac vi&ifced recently \vith friends ill T4:'ronito an Claremont. Conigratulations to ERA Frank Mills. a.nd Mi-s. Mills who were mar- ried recently. Mi-s. Joe Portcous underwent a mccesfiful opera.tion for appendicitis m Coilingwood ITospital on Thursday ,f last week and at time of writing ; making favorable progres's. Congratulations' to Mr. and Mrs. Frank HaiYi.mill (nee Laui-een Ped- lar) on the birth of a son on Feb. 1. 'What can I do for my country?' is the spirit which brings victory. Wonder whether state medicine will taste as bitter as some of the private stuff we have had? AUCTION SALE HORSES, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. will be held at DR. J. E. MILNE'S BARN FLESHERTON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, 1946 the following, namely: Horses â€" 1 black registered mare, 7 years, (papers to be produced at sale); 1 chestnut driving mare, 7 years; 1 brown gelding, 8 years. Implements, etc. â€" 1 show buggy; 1 buggy; 1 road-cart; 1 cutter with doors; 3 liorse blankets; 1 set double driving harness; 1 set single driving harness; 1 double set show bridles; 4 horse collai^; fork and shovels; quantity of hay; quantity of lumber; 2 cutter jjoles; buggy pole; lanterns; 4 steel wheels with axles; pair boat runners with steel shoing; 1 import- ed English saddle; 1 watering- trO'Ugh. Furniture, etc. â€" 1 office desk; box stove and pipes; 1 set of heS springs; 1 hand sleigh; couoh; 3 piano boxes; Hogshead. Barn will be offered for sale sub- ject to reserve bid. (Good well in barn). SALE AT 2 0'6L0CK P.M. TERMS: CASH â€"GEO. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. KIMBERLEV Quilting is. the order of the day. Red Cross and private. Wednesday afternoon the C\C.F. •andidate and Miss A. McPhail lield . meeting the CM. Hall. The turn lut was not so large on account of the stormy day. Those attending re- )ort a very good meetin'fl. On Friday night the Pro.-Conserva- ive held their meeting. Mr. Car- liff of North Huron spoke. Mr. Case irrived later, oming from the meet- ng at Heathcote. AM She speechfcs were well received. I Have you ever known a doctor »«y to a patient, "You would have a far better chance of recovery if you had been a beer drinker." CREDIT AUCTION SAU STOCK, I.MPLEMENTS, ETC. FRED WICKENS will sell by public auction at LOT 2, CON. 5, EUPHRASIA m miles south of Kimberley on' Valley Road THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1945 the following, namely: HORSES â€" Wtell-matohed chest- .nut Team, 7 and 8 years old; Colt, rising 2 years old; Colt, rising 1. CATTLEâ€" IHereford Cow, 10 years >ld, fresh; Durham Cow, 7 years old; Hereford Cow, 7 years old; Durham Cow, ,5 years old; Durham Heifer, 3 years old; Durham Heifer, 2 years uld; Holstoin Heifer, 2 years old; Blue Cow, 8 years old (Due dates for ibovo cows and heifers give at time >f sale); " Steers rising 2 years old, fat; Heifer, rising 2. fat; Steer, ris- nv: 2 years old: 3 Cattle,! year old. SHEEP â€" 11 (ifood young breed- ing Ewes. SWINE â€" Yorkshire Broo<l Sow, due March 25th. IMPLEMENTS â€" Set r2-plate Disc Harrows; Good Farm Wagon; Set Sleighs; Ma.<vsey-Harris Mo'wer, 5 foot cut; McCormick-'Deering Rid- ,ng Plow; Flat Hay Rack: Wood Rack; Wheelbarrow; Set Team Har- ness: Set Singfie Driving Harness, lew; Ui"ual amount of small articles. SALE AT 1 P.M. D.S.T. TERMS â€" Hay, fat cattle and all <um» of $10.00 and unider, cash; bvar Jhat aimount 8 month*' credit will b* ^iven on furnishing bankable notM with interest at fl per cent p«r inniim. â€" WM. F. McKAT, Auction*«r