r IN HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE 1. Should a stenographer rise when vistiors to the office approach lier desk? 2. Should bridesmaids' dresses •II be the tame color? 3. When a couple leaves the •treet tar, should the woman or man go first? 4. Is it proper to drink consomme horn a cup or to use a spoon? 6. Upon which finger does a man wear a wedding ring, when the double ring ceremony is used? 9. Is it proper to smoke in the room of a convalescent? Answers 1. Not necessarily. She would do lo for a stranger or an important â- *i»tior, but not to greet one who comes to the office constantly. •. Sometimes the bridesmaids wear Ihe same color, but in graduated tones. 3. The man should precede the woman, in order to assist her down the car steps. 4. It i5 proper lo use a spoon for the first few mouthfuls of consomme. One may continue to use a spoon or may lift fhe cup and sip its contents. 6. A man wears a wedding ring, as a wo- man does, on the finger next to the little finger of the left hand. 6. No, unless the convalescent himself it â- moking. King Mihai of Romania reviews troops in Bucharest after amazing coup d'etat which won youthful king acclaim of his people and the world. After bringing about destruction of 38 German divisions he placed country on AlKed side. With aid of faithful subjects King Mihai arrested Marshal Ian Antonescu on August 23 and brought about end of Nazi reign in Romania. U. S. Soldiers Can. Buy Jeeps After War The United States House of re- presentatives recognizing the fight- ing forces' love for the jeep, wrote into the surplus war property dis- posal bill an amendment that would permit service men and wo- men, and veterans, to buy this Iron-clad midget after the war at "wholesale" prices. Canadians . . Wake Up! Recent surveys show that not one Canadian in ten knows what State Socialism really is. These surveys also show that the more misinformed the people are, the more they are in favor of what they think State Socialism is. Every Canadian should get posted on this subject at once, because you will be called upon to vote for or against it in the comin?; general election. Your verdict on this issue will decide the destiny of Canada. That's no small matter. The Society for Individual Freedom has been organized for the purpose of acquainting the people of Canada with the true significance and ultimate consequences of State Socialism. State Socialism would take from you every last vestige of your liberty. State Socialism Spells 'Dictatorsliip' 'ihe Society has absolutely no connectien with any political party, nor is it sponsored by any one group or class. It represents private citizens from every walk of life. Post Yourself On This Vital Issue Send the coupon below for free literature and full details. The Society for Individual Freedom (Opposing State Socialism) M KING ST. E., TORONTO 1 WAverley 8786 B. A. TRESTRAIL, Chairman, Campaign Committee WILFRED C. JAMES, Executive Secretary MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY • J. I am interested. Send me literature and more infor- mation. • •• I am prepared to devote some tims assisting in the educational program of the Society. Mr. Nam* Mrs. Mill RMidcncc Address BosinaM Address • Town or City Date Occupation (W) WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Mineral Oil IniTcasid use of mineral oil dur- ing the war may have serious nu- tritional consequences, warns the United States Department of Ag- riculture. Mineral oil is said to rob the body of at least two of the fat- soluble vitamins and of calcium and phosphorus. Mineral oil, which has been plen- tiful and relatively cheap, and does not become rancid, has been used in increasing amounts in salad dressings and in salted nuts, po- tato chips and doughnuts. Its pro- longed use may lead to deficiency ills because it prevents the body from making full use of some of the most important essentials in food. I^ecent studies at the Arizona Station showed that mineral oil not only cheated the user of Vita- min A, but also of Vitamin D, the "sunshine vitamin," and calcium and phosphorus. Rats taking min- eral oil needed three times as much cod liver oil to supply Vitamin D as those not getting the oil. Pup- pies fed mineral oil could not use the calcium and phosphorus in their food to build normal bones. Blackouts Lifted The blackout has been lifted completely along the whole coastal belt of South Africa. The duties of Ihe civilian coastal defence corps have been suspended. Malta, once thf most-bombed spot, on earth, ended its blackout last week on the annivrsary of the great siege l)y the Turks in 1565. New Mexico has lived under five rulesâ€" Indian. Spanish, Mexi- can, Confederacy, and United States. THERE IS ONLY ONE KILLS FILTHY FLIES AND ALL OTHER INSECT PESTS i:^jtrjgrj0rj0r^j0-^jrjfi^j0^^^ HEYI SARGE WHERE'S YOUR MINARD SOLDIERS. RUB OUT TIRED ACHES HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mbppii Piln Itrinfdy No. 1 la fnr rrotnidinc Hlewliiig PIIm, ami U (old In Tulm, with pipe, lor iiitrrnni ikpnUratliin. )*tioo 7.V-. Mcrra PIte Raiiwly No. 2 ig (or Htt«rniil Itrhint Film. Hold in Jar, and is (or uttrual um> only, Ptic* SOo. v)rd«r by numbar from your Drusilit. MACDONALD'S British Cob CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE TOBACCOy \ Canada Sending Clothing To France Twenty tons of Canadian made clothing will be tent for relief of French children in the liberated areas of< France, it was learned at Red Cross headquarters in Toronto bit week. The shipment is van- guard of 110 tons of clothing, me- dical supplies and food being shipped to Normandy by various organizations and is a gift of the Canadian Red Cross. Maj. Gen. C. B. Price, overseas commissioner of the Canadian Red Cross Society, reported in a cable to the Red Cross that the shipment includes 1,000 layettes, 500 boys' kits, and 500 girls' kits. The layettes contain everj'thing from blankets to diapers. ACCOUNTANTS * ACDITORS COMPLETE MONTHLY SERVICE, •mall businesses our specialty. All Government reports prepared. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington East, Toronto. ALUMINUM GRANITE UTENSILS quickly and smoothly cement. Mend-Holes fireproof or money Price 25c postpaid, •pare time egrent'a Address Mend-Holes, Dame East, Montreal. REPAIRED with plastic guaranteed refunded. Interesting proposition. 462 Notre FOR SALE BABY CHICKS 400 BARRED ROCKS PULLETS, â- ome Legrhorns, three months old, aell or exchangre for other poul- try. Zammit Bros., 6 Kane Ave., Toronto. ' I PULLETS BARRED ROCKS, NEW Hampshlres. White Leghorns. Hybrids and other breeds IS irceks and older. Not too soon to order your day old chicks for 1946. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickerics, Guelph. Ontario. 160 SEILl.XG HATCHK)D BARRED Rock Pullets, over 3 months old, cheap. 60 Hampshire laying. Apply Lester M'ettlaufer, Lot 32. Con. 13. Tiivlstook. FREE R A N li E PULLETS 18 woeks to layintr. Barred Rocks, White Leghorns. New Hamp- â- hires. Hybrids. Free Catalogue. Send for 1945 Chick price list today. Last year we were unnble to supply the demand for April and May Chicks. Tweddle Chick Halrheiics Limited. Fcrgu.s. Ont. BRAY FALL SERVICE BULLETIN now ready. Don't delay in getting your copy, containing valuable Information. Order October and November chicks now â€" 5 to 6 weeks notice necessary. A few dayold and started chicks avail- able for Immediate shipment â€" mainly heavy breeds. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John St. North, Harail- ton. Ont. DYEING A CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. "FAIRWAY" , IT CLEANS!â€" AS IT WAXES!â€" AS IT POLISHES! Quick Efficient Floor Tool! Cana- dian Patent. No kneeling No hard work!! Keeps your floors aa you like them, using your favourite wax, liquid or paste. Efficient tools make hard work easy. "Fairway" saves your knees. Material, work- manship, guaranteed. Full direc- tions with each "Fairway." only Jt.75 express paid. FAIRWAY' 463 Gcrnird Street, Toronto. FOIl SALK ELECTRIC MOTORS. NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belt*, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2.126 Diiffcrln St. Toronto ANGORA RABBITS FOR S.\l,i: I'KlilCUEKD STOCK. Will sell in trios or singly. Also new .spinning wheel and scales and liutohes. 71 Holbrooke Ave., lOtobii-oke. C>M1. DUNCANNON PET SHOP 471 EOLI.N'TOM AVE. W. Riibhits, nil kinds: guimvi pigs: tame mii-e iind rats: tropiciil fish and miiniriums: guarantot-d singing ciuiiirit's: lagi-s nnd supplie.". FIVE r.MltS CANADA WILD gopsp for sale, A. II. Tcllicr, Belle lilviT, dnturio. »i;i(iO CENlin.M. STORE. I'HIEFLY groceries, In good f:uniing dls- trii't near .Sarnia. Last year sales 111,000. rriii'. inrludpH good fix- lures and frame building, stock at invoire. Also old established dry goods nnd grocery business near Urusscls. Bert Wolr *i Son. 711 Dundnfl .'Jt., London. Ontario. Hifer lo Waltir Fonfcy. ' MANITOB.V HEREFORD BREED- ers' Association Sale of 100 reg* Islered polled nnd horned Here- fords nt auction, October 17th. Provincial Exhibition Fair Grounds. Brnndon. Mnnitotm. For oalalo)i;uo write J. R. Bell. Live Stock i'ommissloncr. Legislative nuildlng.M. Winnipeg, Mnnlloba. FOK SAl.i;â€" IMiKMI.lNK HOUNDS thoroughbred, seven only. Ouar- nnteed to hunt. Order iM'omptly. I). W. Fromlln, Bar River. DUTnOAltD BOAT. WITH CAll.LE motor, also 32 volt Deli'O water pump, with motor and tower, large tank, i-xccllcnt condition Trice reasonable. Wllllnm Uauer, Tortland. Ont. RRGl.STERRD .1 V. i; S R V IIIM.I with paper." Hl'hteen m.-iilb-^ old. Well bred \t>i>'- 'n IT<-ih •rt Whalls, r ngnl. (>|>|. FOR SALE REGISTERED OXFORD Down Rams, one two years, one yearling, also Ram Lambs, reas- onable price. Carl Glllanders, R.R. No. 2. Harrow. SUPIT HARNESS DRESSING â€" FINEST leather and harness preservative. Sllpit also has many household uses 25c up at most grocery, hard- ware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Laboratories, Toronto. THRESHER BELTING GOOD USED, ANY LE.NGTH. -A.NY width. Butt Joint or endless. De- livery from stock. Write- us for prices. Joseph Robb & Co., Ltd.. 123 St. Paul St. West, Montreal. JilACHINERY FOIl SALE -VnCING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or , direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited. 720 Notre Dame West, Montreal, Que. MODEL C CASE TRACTOR ON ateel. Also 12-20 Massey-Harris on steel, both ready for work. James Finlay. Grand Valley, Ont. LARGE LONDO.V CEMENT MIXER for sale or trade for a smaller one In good running order. John Stark. 270 Shoemaker Ave.. R.R. 4, Kitchener. GUR.NEV STEAM ROLLER. NO. 1265, suitable for greenhouse or apartment. Apply to E. Bakody, 2ii5 Brant St.. Burlington. Ont. KOEHRI.NG PAVER J1500. PARK- er Air Compressor with tank and t H.P. motor $150. 1000 Gal. Tank $260. The Peterborough Metal Co.. Peterborough, Ont. FAR.M PRODUCE EASTERN LIVESTOCK FEEDERS can obtain carload lots of barley and oats f«r feed purposes under Plan C. of the Wheat Board. Can Introduce you to Western ven- dors of feed grains. Present prices, barley 6Sc. oats lie de- livered Fort William. Also pos- sibly few cars O.A.C. II Matting barley. Established over 10 years, ikddress Fredrick Ind, Lloyd- mlnster, Eask. FARM FOR BALB lit ACRES. 1 MILE WEST OF Kitchener limits, Kltchenef- Stratford highway. Charles W. Moser, R.R. 4, Kitchener. 100 ACRES FOR SALE, ALL WORK- able, clay loam, near Cooks- town, In eholc* farming district; (ood buildings, land and water: priced to sell. Box 124, Cooks- town. 160 ACRES SANDY"^ LOAM, TILED, Just off No. i Highway at Eagle Ontario, 100 miles from Wind- sor â€" 6 room l)rlck house, water and hydro In, large bank barn, irlndmlll, silo, 12 acres of bush. Price $7800.00 Terms. U B. Tay- lor, 469 Ouellctfe Ave., Windsor. Ontario. Phone 4-6777. List your farm with us for sale. HAIRDRBSSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn halrdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Writs or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Halrdressing Schools. 868 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street. Hamilton, and T4 Rldeau Street. Ottawa. LEARN HAIRDRESSINQ THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. MEDICAL TRY IT! EVERY SIFFEKEH OF Itheumatlic I'ains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. S35 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 8T0MACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! •'by not find out If this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 46c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. FOR CONSTIPATION! FOR EfI fectlve, gentle action, take Fer- mol Laxative Tablets. Relieve constipation safely. Non-habit forming. At your druggist's or send $1.00 for 2 mouth's supply, postpaid. Fermol Distributors. Box 712, Irf)ndon, Ont. GOOD RESULTS â€" EVERY SUF- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro'a Drug Store, tS6 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MI'SICAI. INSTRUMENTS KUKP A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sella, exchanges musical Instru- ments. Ill Church, Toronto I. Allied Planes Save Wounded Partisan* Allied planes evacuated 10,000 wounded Partisans of Marshal Ti- to's Yugoslav Army, it was »n- nounccd. Yugoslav ground force* trained at R.\F schools in North Africa already are operating oa their native soil, service squadrons of Yugoslav planes. r-HOTOCIIArrtT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour films properly developed arid printed 6 OH 8 EXPnsiJRE ROLLS JSc REPRINTS 8 for 25c ,,^ FINE.'JT ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desira by sending your films to IMrKltlAI. PHOTO SERVICE .Sfntion .1 Toronto. DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY C.A.N'T 3K TAKEN AGAIN Get finer "snaps" at lower cost â€" Prompt Mail Service. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Scrv!c« to be developed and printed. This Is Canada's largest finishing stu- dio serving customers all over Canada. You'll like our work. too. Any Size Rollâ€" 6 or S Expos'jres. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 'Zoc Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor. Ont.. wr^ies: "I suppose It's hard to give your usual quick service with helf' so hard to get. but as long as yon turn out such fine pictures. I'll wait â€" if I have to wait." 3 MOUNTED ENI.AR< ;K.\IE.N'T5 25c Size 4x6" in Beautiful E.iael Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" In Gold. Silver. Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. 69c each. If enlarge- ment colored. 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal .V. Torcr.to Print Vour .Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMP.VNT Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toron-.o. Booklet of Information on re- quest. r SHEEP (00 YEARLING EWES (Rambouillst Merino an* Corredale cross) for Immediate delivery. 10.000 6 and ( year old breeding ewes and 40,000 Feeder Lambs for delivery, after September 1st Southern Saskatchewan Woolgrowcrs As- sociation, Maple Creek, Saskatch- ewan. G. e. Hcrrlnger, Secretary. ST.UHPS BBAU'nFUL BRITISH COLONEa Set of three 25 cents. S. Breadner, 1002 Somerset St., Ottawa. AUCTION SALID. LISTING B.N.A., Br. Colonials, Foreign, etc. 8.25() lots: wholesale, retail; catalogue ttt* BOW. N. Begin, Box 125, Sta- tion B, Quebec. IV ANTED WANTED TO BUY, BUSH L-INDS or Farms containing bush land% suitable to cut furniture lumber. Write BogdOD & Gross, Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. WANTED. RELIABLE FARMERS, who have feed and facilities to fatten young cattle for market* for fixed price per pound of gala In weights. Owner will supply, meal, or part grain. If necessary, on account contract. Nearer To- ronto the better. Write fully. W. Post Office, Box 676, Toronto. WANTED TO BUY: ALL KINDS OF hard wood and soft wood logs, also small quantity bolts. Write Bogdon & Gross, Furniture Co. Ltd.. Walkerton. Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE HAY' IN C.\RLO.\D LOTS FOR prompt or scattered shipment. Write Hugh M. Scott & Co. Har and Grain Dealers, 455 McO.lU St.. Montreal 1, P.Q. WANTED STAND OF TIMBER either Hardwood, Softwood or Mixed. Apply giving full partiou- lats to P.O. Box 1014, Peter- borough. 1 HOTELS W.VNTKD DO YOU W.V.N'T TO SELL YOUR hotel'." We specialize in the sale of hotels and have many custom- ers desirous of purchasing. It you will write or phone 1 will arrange to inspect your hotel. Bert Weir & Son, ISfiH Dundaa Street, London. Ont. IIKI.P WANTED COOK GENERAL $50.00 TO $6« monthly, references. Appiv to Mrs. W. H. Comstock, 189 "King St. E.. Brookville, Ontario. AIJK.XTS W.\NTED OAS SAVER, PATENTED. PROV.. en, guaranteed. Fits all motor*. If you have other full time em- ployment, write for proof, agencs) proposition. Victory Mfg. Com- pany, Cornwall, Ontario. AN OLD ESTABLISHED HATCH- ery wants agents In certain localities In Canada to sell chickf In your spare time. The commis- sion is goodâ€" nnd the chicks ar« well and favourably knowa» Write for full dotails Box 17k TI Adelaide W., Toronto. f t r » t t 1 \ 'â- -ii i • r \ «v- I