<*' FUNNY BUSINESS ^The hired hand finally found a way to keep his hat frona being switched off all the time!" SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith 'How comforting! They go to sleep at ball games, too!" THIS CURIOUS WORLD WISCONSIN 15 KNOWN AS THE BA/>G£f? 5TATE, NOT BECAUSE OF THE ANIMAL'S PREVALENCE J THERE, BUT BECAUSE OF THE WAY AAEN WHO WENT THERE TO WORK IN EARLY TIMES SURVIVED THE FIRST WINTER. IM DUGOUTS... I' BURROWED INTO THE eROUNO LIKE •^'^A COPR. 1M2 BV N£A SERVICE. IKC. T. M. BEO. U. 9. PAT. OFF, CAMELS HAVE TONGUES SO TOU6H THAT THEY CAN EAT , Pff/C^lV PBAR. CACTUS/ 1019 PRIVATE BATH WHEN YDURa A SERGEANT?;' /<.*.*? FLORENCE J, BARNASKEY} LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher CROSSTOWN By Roland Cof (RftMsid b> OeuolldUcd Na«a TmUtmI "He's been grounded for two days." "Remember how you fellows laughed when I used to ask for a shave a couple of years ago? I brought this all the way from China ao you could see it!" HERE'S YOUR AUTOMARKET, MADAM . . . the gift of men who think of tomorrow MEAL PLANNING AND MEAL BUYING will be a cheer instead of a chore when groceries on wheels rush fresh foods to the housewife's door I Spotless, glass-roofed giant trailers, stopping in every block, will open up one side, creating platform and steps . . . and madam's grocery and meat market is ready for business. Housekeeping win become a high and thrilling adventure when the time comes for turning airplanes back into refrigerators and kitchen sinks. You'll see food-mixers that almost "think", air conditioners that keep a house dust-free, and rugs cleaned in a jiffy by electronic "sweepers'. These and a score of other household "miracles" are being planned for you by men who think of tomorrow! • But only if we perform our appointed ^asks today wU) tjjere be a tomoricw U\ 'ook for- ward to. There is a war to win first! . . . • At no time in history have the people of a nation had so great a responsibility for the victory of their armies. It is everyone's war . . . everyone's job to keep up production, to cooperate in salvage and conservation pro- grams, and above all, to help finance the war with their dollars by buying and keeping Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. <> Tomorrow is for us all! Let's work for itf Let us all be men who think of tomorrow I THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM All Seivgram plants in Canada and the United Statts are engaged iu the production of high-i)roo£ alcohol. High-proof Alcohol for War is used in the manufacture of Smokeless Powder, SJ^lthetic Rubier, Navigation Instruments and many other wartime products. HOLD EVERYTHING "Here's the mail, dearâ€" an of£«r of a aweH job from Blott ft Co., and your draft notice!" REG'LAR FELLERSâ€" From Pup Tent toâ€" By GENE BYRNES -ia^ OKAY, OLE BOy. BEAT rr.' 1 GOT A SCHEME AS IS A SCHEME.' D B»« I!* Psi O.H • S-J â- 4h« w< • s