WHO'S A SUPERMAN NOW? Two erstwhile Nazi "supermen" look anything but awesome, under the outspread arras of the six-foot Marine guarding them and other German prisoners. Captured in the Normandy fighting, the prison- ers, are pictured aboard a Coast Guard-manned troop transport on their way to prison camps in America. YOUNG AMERICA FIGHTS WITH PENNIES Representing 30,000,000 American school children, 13-year-old Donald Beck, of Washington, presents to President Roosevelt a bul- let-scarred propeller tip from a Jap plane, engraved with the record of $510,000,000 in War Savings by fellow pupils in the last year. GHOST TOWN IN PATH OF WAR IT BEGAN ON D-DAY Only signs of life in above photo of deserted Montebourg, bitterly contested French town finally won by Allies, are two goats who wander through the littered streets after Allied shelling and Ger- man demolition squads reduced town to skeleton buildings and charred rubble. GOODâ€" OR ELSE It had better be goodâ€" or else, warned Sgt. E. K. Rutta, of Chi- cago, holding gun on his pal, Cpl. James Pierman, of Ma maroneck, N. Y., as latter experi- mented on him with German razor found when Yanks marched into St. Saveur, France. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO Evcry'llooiii nitli Until* Show- er nnil 'I'eleplione. 9 midbIc, v::,no upâ€" Iluiilile, $3.ri0 up. 9 (iood Food, DInInK and Danc- Intr NiKlitl)'. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. K\ 4136 HAY FEVER Attack ineczing, wheezing, sore nose â- ymptoma right at their source. Smeac â- little NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Relief ia instant. Sneezing stops. Breathing's easy. NOSTROLINB •oothes, lubricates, disinfects, pro- tects. Also relieves eye irritation; For adults and children. 50c at all druggists. •^ T ^% tfi aa* B^ j% â- a^ipat ClIffON. SRISTOl, iNOlANB Phonograph Records Thousands of slightly used popu- lar dance selections to choose from. Also Automatic Phonographs available for Rent. Write for rarllculnra VIGNEUX BROS. Autonintlc rhnnoKriiiilix D0« MAY ST., TOIKINTO .^i^iSiiil^ D-Day meant no shave for Pte. C. L. Jewell, New Glasgow, N. S. and he hasn't shaved since. He has a regular F^nchman's beard b^ now and seems happy about it as he totes a can of petrol for_ his Jeep. Jewell is serving with a unit of the Third Canadian Division In Normandy. THERE'S MANY A HITCH TO THIS ,JRCK UP ST^ Instead of fcrlornly standing by the roadside, waving his thumb, a soldier sits comfortably in front of one of the stations erected near Statesville, N. C, for use of hitch-hiking G. I.'s. He'll not have long to wait for Tarheel motorists have learned to keep eyes peeled for these stations. MORIE YELLOWKNIFE GOLD MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) An Outstanding Yellowknife Opportunity at IBc per Share i L. JENSEN YELLOWKNIFE All tntpt u* diiwn bom wlonDiBoa b«U««*d lo b« bul tsdindual omaraKip uid met locaba^ «• not c*r%ll«d â€" W. LMqHilq*. |r. OFFICERS and DIRECTORS President Sec.-Treas. Director Director E. A. R. NEWSON, Barrister. ROSS H. FAWCETT EARL S. MURPHY, Fhm.b V. P. McMULLEN CAPITAUZATION Authorized 3,000,000 siiares Issued 1,000,005 Treasury 1,999,995 * Transfer Agents: GUARANTY TRUST CO. OF CANADA, 70 Riciimond St. VV., Toronio. Prpperty and Development OUR MINE MANAGER, J. W. BRISSON, REPORTS BY WIRE, AS FOLLOWS: The properly consists of six claims known as the Dora Group, numbered Doia One, Two, Three, Four Five ind , Six, adjoining the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company on the east. There is a strong vein ruiniiu" n'um the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company claim, going through on wesi boundary of Nowita One and Uoia Twelve. 1 understand that Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company have received Grab Sample Values ot sSuOO from that particular section. ' * Development work will proceed immediately. Armstrong, Forsyth & Co Telephone Adelaide 8538 156 Yonge St. TORONTO ONT. USE THIS COUPON TO BUY DIRECT np ORDER THROUGH YOUR BANK OR BRbKEi ARMSTRONG, FORSYTH & CO. Il56 YONGE ST. â€" TORONTO, ONT. Please purchase for me shares iMorie Yellowknife Gold Mines Limited at'lHc per share. I NAME ... ADDRESS